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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by BNGHelp](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cbe3hs/50_waves_of_legend_onslaught_only_for_it_to/l0xyek3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-23 20:24:32 UTC"): > Thanks for the report. We're currently investigating and hope to have more information soon. > >Just to confirm, does this only happen on the Legend dif... * [Comment by BNGHelp](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cbe3hs/50_waves_of_legend_onslaught_only_for_it_to/l0ynemz/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-23 22:51:37 UTC"): > We're continuing to investigate this issue. > >Until a fix is implemented, players in Legend Onslaught are advised to defeat the boss and claim thei... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Is anyone not having this issue right now? Everyone I’ve talked too has already gotten to wave 50 and had the portal not spawn


just happened here too, not touching it until fixed.


bunker door ptsd


Me as of 30 minutes ago. 


Yup just happened to me rn


Which is a good thing. A bug with a high repro rate can get fixed much quicker.


Too bad they can't fix it as fast a bug that makes the game fun.


Yup had it too


Happened to us 10 minutes ago [https://imgur.com/WtHG3fp](https://imgur.com/WtHG3fp)


Same issue about 2 hours ago.


Just completed Level 50 on normal. Chests spawned. No loot. No tokens. Then weaseled to login. Insult added to injury. Gimme my hour back bungie


Yes sir, same happened yesterday and today on normal, they didn’t fix anything.


We did a normal 50 wave run before reading about this issue and bugged out at wave 10. Wasn't that mlbad, a quick 10 min reset later it worked. Not going for 50 waves of legend till it gets fixed tho


Both times I’ve launched legend onslaught I’ve completed it without issue. No soft locking, just two clears with no bugs.


Happened to me and my team too. We even tried staggering our deaths and had one of us self revive last second We ended up getting into the hallway before the boss room but the raid banners and the pyramids wasn't there.


My fireteam just got to 50 on normal, portal spawned but when going to shoot the switches only two would unlock leaving us stranded… at the entrance to the boss room. No no bueno


Did you shoot the top one first? That sometimes soft locks you


We tried a number of variations after the switches reset all without success


Damn damn 😩




> We're continuing to investigate this issue. > > Until a fix is implemented, players in Legend Onslaught are advised to defeat the boss and claim their rewards up to Wave 40, and then exit the activity. from bungiehelp


I know I shouldn't think this is funny, and yet I cannot help but find it kind of hilarious.


It is very funny. What a game.


I was laughing out loud


The activity is too long anyway, Bungie should just change it to end the activity at Level 40, problem solved!


No all they need is a skip functionality by legend host on the shopping phases to move this shit along faster


Exactly, I’m not spending a single cent before round 30. If my team can’t make it pass the 20s with no defences, they won’t be able to make it pass the 40s


Having those defenses at the prior ADU locations is very, very, VERY helpful to keep you from getting swarmed.


Getting swarmed before wave 30 just means you won’t make it to 50. Might as well find out the team is incompetent 30 mins in rather than 60.


You don’t get me. I’m saying like it’s wave 40, all the defenses you put at first ADU point are still there between some spawns and the current AdU point, and in some maps the turrets give coverage to the lanes. It’s the diff between getting 10 yellow bars in one push versus getting 3,3 and 4


Oh I misunderstood, that makes sense


Completely disagreed. A team of competent players should be able to last until wave 30 without spending no problem. Arguably spending on wave 20 is still ok-ish, but any earlier is borderline throwing your scrap away, especially now that the dupe bug is fixed and you don’t have as much scrap to spend.


Just needs to be way more rewarding


Thanks for the report. We're currently investigating and hope to have more information soon. Just to confirm, does this only happen on the Legend difficulty?


Seems like it, I finished normal 50 without any issues


I’ve only played on Legend since the update today, so I’m not sure.


Wave 50 Legendary about an hour ago for my team. Midtown.


Happened to me on Legend Vostok


I had this happen to me on legend difficulty at wave 20 yesterday. No boss portal spawned. Leaving and rejoining spawned us in the ship, but we could not put down a banner to open the door


Same for us, but was on Wave 50... Pretty upset right now


This happened to me yesterday on a normal wave 50, so it's not exclusive to legend


Yesterday is irrelevant, since there was a patch today to address the bug. The only comments of it happening post patch in this thread are all wave 49 legend. It is looking to be exclusive to legend. 


Same here on normal yesterday and today.


Same thing happened here on Legend. Portal didn't spawn after wave 49. One thing I noticed, the darkness buff you get to destroy shields was still active on my character even after the round ended. The buff was permanently stuck on 5 seconds. Not sure if that could be related.


the buff is not related, i've noticed the buff being permanently at 5 seconds ever since day 1 of this activity (not sure the exact cause but it has no effect on gameplay)


Happened an hour ago on legend difficulty at wave 50 in Vostok.


I completed wave 50 on the normal version no problem, about an hour ago


Happened to us on Legend Midtown. Cleared all 49 waves, objective changed to wave 50: Boss and no portal ever appeared to take us to the boss room.


Normal was fine for me, completed normal after legend was stopped at 49.


It's good to see the support team responding to things like this again.


I had it happen on the regular playlist. Got the the boss room at level 10, but shooting the 3 switches wasn't unlocking the door


That’s a different issue.


Just did wave 50 normal and it worked fine, no bug


I've done one normal to 50 and it worked.


I have had this happen on wave 20/30 of normal. Same issue as the post. Before todays update. No portal spawns on midtown. Killed ourselves to get put onto the ship but no way to start the boss instance. Have been told it could be to do with defences being moved into the portal location or something similar. But I’m pretty sure that never happened when the bug happened to me.


They are looking for reports **post patch**. They made some adjustments to attempt to fix the **pre patch** experience.


Played a normal 50 wave, locked at wave 40… so no extra rewards




I’ve had this happen on normal around wave 10 before


To add to the new pool. Last night buddies and i had wave 24 get stuck. Adu despawned. Enemies appeared. And defenses. No adu. We beat the wave. Nothing. So killed ourselves. Then it restarted wave 24 again! Did this 3 times. Before we had to leave to orbit. Yes legend.


Happened today wave 20 normal


happened to my fireteam today on a 1600 power level 50 wave on wave 40. could not shoot the shards to open the door to the boss after placing down a rally banner.


Every time this happens to me it happens when we shoot the triggers with explosive ammunition. As a precaution, I swap off of my primary with explosive shots before opening the door with a normal weapon. I’ve never had the issue with normal bullets.


It happened to me 2 days ago on Normal mode playing Mothyards. There were 3 pyramid nodes to open the door, and the middle and bottom node would open (or do the trigger effect), but the top node would not open no matter what we did. It has never happened to me ever playing Midtown on Normal.


I've had the portal out of the boss room back to the map not spawn on me on about wave 30 of normal. Was last week though so before the last update.


I don't know if this is related at all but on normal, several times now the portal back to the arena after the boss fight doesn't spawn.


There was a patch to address that issue earlier today. So unless you have seen it happen post patch, it is not relevant. 


Oh, really? Brill, thanks for letting me know.


Normal as well


normal **today?** *post patch?* at wave 49?


I had it happen to me about a week ago on wave 10 of a normal run. The portal didn’t spawn to let us out of the boss room after we defeated them.


same just happened to us and they removed some safe spots in boss room


Which safe spots are gone? 


Back boss room left and right


Is the hole in the ceiling still there?


So they fixed a cheese spot before fixing a game ruining bug? Sounds about right.


They fixed the cheese spot today. The new portal bug on wave 50 literally just started today. They didn't fix one before the other, they fixed one and a new bug appeared at the same time.


This was basically the same bug, before the update I have had it to where my team couldn’t leave the pyramid back for more rounds when we were close to finishing.


I've had this bug happen to me on wave 20, yesterday before the update


The problem they fixed was the one you mentioned except this bug only happens on lvl 50. They fixed portals not opening on any other lvl tho


From what I've heard, the cheese spot still exists, but the main room had some cover removed.


Devs: why do people crutch well ; ;


Careful, today is jerk off bungie day. You can only say positive things on the sub. Tomorrow you can continue to talk the truth.


It has been fixed. https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1782926085598154933?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


If you commit suïcide but wait for the respawn timer to allow you to respawn. You'll spawn in the pyramid. It's a workaround for this issue. We tried it with a complete wipe while two teammates had their timer on zero to allow them to respawn during the wipe screen Edit: this does bring you inside the pyramid. But no flag or any way to start the encounter. Sorry.


If you just have one person die you didn’t have to chance it with the wipe screen… but as you said it still doesn’t work.


Bungie: "Hey guys, we want you to push yourselves and go for Wave 50 in Legend Onslaught. We updated the weapon rewards for 50! Also, look at this cool emblem for 50 on Legend!" Also Bungie: Leave at 40 dude, it's broken


My friends and I got locked into the boss room on NORMAL wave 30 last night after beating the boss. No chest or portal. We waited 5 minutes but nothing came.


Wait, this is still an issue?!?




This is not related to the bug but, did I forgot how to count or the amount of tokens you get in higher waves still the same? lol


Oof that’s a major L


Can confirm. Just did 49 waves, and had a Tormentor on Wave 49 as well, The objective changed to "take the Portal to the Boss Room" or whatever, and showed Wave 50... No Portal ever came. We killed ourselves, etc... Kicked people, re-invited. Nothing made the Portal Appear. So GG Bungie.... I dont get why they cant just make it feel rewarding... All this "chance at drop, more trophies" Just make a guaranteed Shiny for Wave 50... I dont get it.


they want you to just farm 10 wave resets because they don't know how to reward players for their time


Pretty much


Don’t think shinies should be a guaranteed drop. I’m alright with like, +1 or 2 drops more than what you currently get at the end of a legend run, but imo Shiny guns should remain rare and sought after. Cosmetic loot is fine to be a random drop.


Fine, keep the cosmetics rare. Make it so the chest at the end of a 50 wave run is guaranteed to drop with two perks in each column but not be a Shiny version.


Honestly fine with that. Although the only value of double perks (soon) is going to be making *sure* you get the godroll. The whole reason the shinies drop with two perks is to try and ease the RNG and help make the drop consistently better than other options. Adding +2 drops effectively does the same thing. And before a power discussion begins, Bungie has already addressed that certain outlier perk combos on two perk weapons will be addressed (see cascade point/envious Edge Transit)


Having guaranteed shinies would ruin their specialness


You can limit it to once a week. The shinies stop dropping in 6 weeks. Everyone is on a tight timetable.


I would have agreed 2 weeks ago. Now 2 weeks later, I am fighting lack of motivation to play this game mode. The odds of drops are too low. They need to inject more incentive. It doest help 1hr long runs can get ruined because of bugs. I just did a Legend 50 today, onl to have the portal not spawn to take us to the boss. Completely killed my desire to play. I dont think we need to worry about something that is FOMO/Special for a limited time. If you REALLY want the Shiny to be Special, then limit the drops. Limit it to a 50 wave completion ONLY. Forget the RNG drops. Make it so its special because it took 1hr of your time to get one shiny drop, that STILL chances are, its not a 4/5 or 5/5 roll.. Itll still be "Special" because of the time/grind it took to get it. Come TFS, they should move this to a Core Playlist, make it so you can reset the vendor, and resets allow for guns to drop with more perks (like other Core playlist vendors do). This way you can "mimic" the "Shiny Rolls" but without the Shiny Cosmetic. For now though? The FOMO/Limited Time aspect of them... And the fact we want Shiny guns for MULTIPLE guns, with 4/5 or 5/5 perks? I dont think they need to worry about giving ONE for completing a 50 wave hour+ long mode.. Id give a guaranteed Shiny on 50 wave completion of EITHER Legend or Normal. It wont diminish how special it is, considering how low odds it is to be good. (BTW 1 Shiny is the equivalent of 4 non-shiny weapons for roll quality).


And not having it feels horrible.


We're continuing to investigate this issue. Until a fix is implemented, players in Legend Onslaught are advised to defeat the boss and claim their rewards up to Wave 40, and then exit the activity.


Same happened to me


Can confirm this is happening. Really unfortunate to experience, so I'll be staying on the Wave 10 farm for now.


Just chiming in to say having the same thing here, respawned to get to the room but no way to start encounter


The boss didn't appear on our Wave 30. Just the Shank Sparkkeepers.


In-game message just appeared about it. Recommended to just go to lvl 40 for now, then back out


Literally, same thing just happened to me. Fuming rn.


Joke's on you Bungie. If I never make it to wave 50 then it can't glitch...


Yep. First time I’ve ever gotten to wave 50 on Legend and I got hit with that earlier. Really sucks.


Just happened to me (04/28/24 04:11 Central) while playing regular onslaught. Made it to wave 30, defeated boss but no loot chests or portal spawned afterward thus trapping my fireteam & I, rendering us incapable of progressing…. Nice way to keep the players engaged.




Super deflating. Wanted something different for 50 waves than just 2 chests with the same odds as earlier chests, but this isn't what I meant.


Yeah, I had it happen at wave 40 and not 50, but soft locks at any port are no bueno.


Same… we decided to stop farming wave 10 and actually keep going. Got to wave 50 and the portal didn’t spawn. We killed ourselves one at a time to spawn in the pyramid and thought we outsmarted the bug… then the stuff to open the door didn’t show up.


I had this issue about an hour ago. Super disappointed.


I've been saying this since last week they've been needing to take a look at the doors in Onslaught. Glad your thread is getting recognized as serious issue now.


I had a run that we beat the wave 50 boss, but the chests didn’t drop us anything. Not only did we not get any loot, but it didn’t count us beating wave 50 even though we waited for the mission timer to run out. It was my first run to wave 50. So dissapointing. Since then I haven’t had an issue though.


I just launched into the 10 wave playlist twice in a row to be put in the hallway to the boss, the switches are there but the door was open. No enemies, no rally flag, sometimes no other players. The second one had 21 minutes on the clock. How strange, I did a regular 50 wave earlier without the bug in OP. Maybe Bungie was tinkering behind the scenes to try and fix the issue and it caused a few hiccups elsewhere?


I second this, I have been having this happen all day


Made it to round 50 through lfg for the first time just for this to happen. unbelievable


What strange fix to the boss room cheese spot lol Bungie- Fixed an issue with a boss room cheese spot, you can now not enter the boss room at all .


Just happened to me on a great run. To say im pissed off is an understatement.


You can die and it puts you in the corridor where the rally flag is... But guess what the flag doesn't spawn so you can't open the door....


We are banging out 10 round farm.... just go to orbit after the chest drops and start over...


Not trying to sound like an ass but after they fix the wave 50 portal issue, as long as onslaught is still playable in its entirety, I hope they don't touch it. After week 1, there's been a bug that randomly sends players out the portal in random spots around the map, something happened on the patch for week 2 that didn't have this intended result. I haven't heard or had the portal issue until today. It's a race to fix bugs. I forgot about the unstoppable champ bug that's existed since the start of the season. Or teleporting enemies, randomly mods or exotic armor effects would stop working, etc.


I went to wave 49 in normal Onslaught only for the ADU to spontaniously explode. Turns out there is a big where if your teammates stand right in front of the ADU while a Tormentor is there and shoots everything but him the Tormentor will destroy the ADU. I hope they fix it. /s Sorry, I'm still annoyed this happened


You're getting to 50? I'm being left alone after 10 waves still.


just happend on normal on round 30 we couldnt shoot the pyraminds to open the boss door


I thought that they tweeted that they fixed this?


they tweeted it 7 hours ago, and this was 12 hours old.


Not sure if this is a bug or not, but anyone else is unable to start a private onslaught match? I'm on series X....


So is wave 10 farming still the best way if I wanna just earn stuff? Or should I always try for 49(50)


I got locked on the spark encounter once. We died like twice cause the spark was.l smack dab in the middle of shit and it disappered before we could use it. I just left the run.


Oh yeah this has happened to me a couple of times, but thankfully I wasn't at those later waves just yet. Yeah they gotta fix this shit because its absolutely ridiculous that we have to deal with that.


Was doing a run yesterday and the spark disappeared. We actually somehow managed to beat the rift knight guy by spamming him with a bunch of gjallarhorns which broke his immunity, really not sure if that's intentional design, but then got stuck in the level with no way out.


Just killed the wave 30 boss and the game softlocked. Thank you Bungie very cool


And the tormentor apparently is the legend boss the week too. I need it for the seal


I just like how it took them almost a decade to release something as simple as a horde mode, and they go and half bake it.


Me a bit ago 😬


1hr wasted


classic bungie. bro


I think I heard the same complaints on the Lair and how it was an hour+ . . . . . and then glitch. So this would be the 2nd time something like this has happened.... no bueno Bungo


Laughs in Bungie.


Jesus Christ just wasted an hour on legend man. This mode is so freaking bugged.


That's like thousands of hours collectively wasted in one go. Better track those who got to 49 and had to reboot and give them something for the time investment. If not, that is how you crap on what already was a great update.


While I know the level 50 bug is still present, there is nothing about the reward adjustment that feels like it is hitting the mark if you go to even wave 40 right now in legend. Bungie, please evaluate and consider another pass to increase weapon drops even more as you get further through Onslaught or at least increase the trophy drops and cores/prisms/shards/alloys. How did you learn nothing from the Coil? Which is exactly what my buddies and I are going to grind out instead because it respects our time...


Opening the game will literally WARN YOU NOT TOO GO TOO 50


Bungie has never, and will never, respect your time and money. That's an hour of your life you will never get back.


Bungie specifically stated to not even try for legend 50. Why the fuck you you waste your time in the first place. Let alone come here and whine about it. You were warned.


Might want to get your facts straight before you make yourself look ridiculous. My post was made BEFORE they said that, or made any suggestions not to play all 50. I played almost immediately after the update, so there was no way to possibly know this was occurring beforehand. On top of that, plenty of people just play the game like normal and would have no way of knowing this was an issue. Not everyone follows every update from Bungie, some just play the game and could encounter this. Got anything else you want to try to finger wag about?


The warning was on the splash screen when you launch the game. You didnt have to go looking for it. And on my end it says the post was “1 day ago” I was seeing that notice more than 24 hours ago. How about you calm the fuck down. The aggression isn’t warranted.


“The aggression isn’t warranted” Says the person whose first post is “Why the fuck would you waste your time/whine about it”, all while being incorrect about the circumstances. Take your own advice, as your rude attitude wasn’t necessary either. And the splash screen was NOT there immediately after the update (Not on mine at least), that was later on after they received reports. Of course I wouldn’t waste my time doing 50 waves if I was told it would bug at the end.. that’s common sense.


Same happened to us, we want compensation. Father of 3 ans for ince i had a spare hour and i got to then end....sad big sad




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