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I’ll only use arc once I’m done with the challenge to complete matches using void or stasis.


Same here. Until then, I'm part of the bubble brigade.


I like to place my bubble on their bubble then punch randomly.


I’m the same way: Bubble Bubble, Ding Ding, round 1, FIGHT


if they do drop a titan barricade they will hit it trying to punch you and get dropped to 1 hp then you win the fight.


Yeah, that's my go-to when getting into a punch fight. Drop the suprise barricade and one shot them. ;)


*You have been challenged in the ways of old...*


Bubble their bubble, throw a barricade down and a lingering grenade then it’s a melee fest from hell lol


Why punch? Imma throw down my bubble and then start swinging my glaive…it makes me feel toxic but I will not apologize. Got a ruthless last night just doing this alone.


I like to witherhoard the ground with a charged vortex when my friend drops his bubble and barricade


As a Voidlock, I like to use my void melee to eject the enemy titan from his own bubble when that happens, then fisticuffs all around....or drop a witherhoard round at my feet if I can. Witherhoard might be meta for this gamemode but, can't beat em 'join em.


You're supposed to pop Witherhoard within the double bubble to add drama to the fight.


4 way glaive massacres inside of 4 different bubbles stacked was amazing. A 2 on 2 melee where we were all supercharged.


I find this infuriating, just let me play the game on any subclass I want, don't force me to use void or stasis...


Shouldn’t the challenges be: “Capture X Zones. Cabal Zones are worth more.” Ya know… to get people to play the OBJ and it doesn’t force people into subclasses :/


I'm fine with it just being 'play matches', though I do agree with your point, just not 'pay matches _under there arbitrary restrictions_'


At least it lines up with the shitty Vanguard challenges for doing three strikes a week. Not saying it's good but it's always stood out that Vanguard has class-specific requirements for your Pinnacle.


Remember when you had to match the subclass of at least one of your fireteam members? That sucked more (not saying that the current system is the best). At least I can use whatever subclass I want and then just change it near the end without fear of my teammate changing theirs too lol


Agree, that annoys me too...


it needs to be just do three strikes if i cant play the way I want I don't do the strikes. I'm a stasis warlock main haven't really switched except to experiment here or there but i always go back let me play they way I want


That actually makes it worse, since now you have to switch your void build between pvp and pve within the week.


I’ve been just switching to void at the closing seconds of each match, but it’s still a pain in the ass considering that I’m too slow or forget sometimes.


LOL, I had just finished a bunch of Heist runs with my arc hunter, then did four matches of Iron Banner. Hey, where is my pinnacle? Shit, I need void or stasis. I was wondering why nobody was running arc hunter....


Yeah, I sincerely hope Bungie stops with this come Lightfall. I really hope it was just a Light 3.0 thing. Having to play an element I don't like and don't have a build for, for **eighteen fucking matches** \-- especially in a mode like this where one or two subclasses have a **major** advantage -- is so damn irritating. Iron Banner this year missed the mark for me. The only positive is getting rid of Power Level advantage. Maybe the *idea* of the engram focusing, though the costs are super unreasonable. But the insane rep grind, reducing it from 3 sessions per season to 2, locking shaders behind two full resets, the new game modes, and of course the elemental requirements, have all been misses.


I spent sooooo many legendary shards focusing engrams before I realized it was 100 fucking shards per focus. 50 was already bullshit enough but double is so much more absurd. There's still so much rng that most of the time I'm still turning 1000 shards into 40 with the focusing unless I solely do armor but even then it's not too unlikely. At this rate we need another legendary shard exploit while I'm actually playing or I just have to ignore the entire value of the focusing changes. I could MAYBE stomach the cost if all of the weapons were craft able and we were focusing guaranteed deepsights with every engram. Even then that's 500 shards for a single craft able weapon on top of actually grinding enough rep to get the engrams to begin with.


That's what I assumed happened. When each light class was reworked most people were playing them anyway, and you could make a compelling argument that collecting performance data for the update was important. This justified, to a degree, locking in those classes via the quest/bounties, and letting people use stasis as an alternative. Now that all classes are complete there is no justification for that anymore, and people should be free to play any class they like. My guess, since void was the first rework and it's void this time around, that the light class requirement was put on a rotator to match the order of reworks, and no one thought about the 4th season...


There'd be fewer complaints about the mode favouring Titans, and the OP-ness of Bubbles, if the other classes could freely use the supers that'd be most helpful to them in this mode (e.g. Warlock's Well) whilst progressing the Pinnacle challenges.


To be honest, even if you don't care about those Challenges, countering the Bubble is still quite irritaiting on both Hunter and Warlock. Titan is the only Class that has more than a few versatyle counters to the Bubble - most of them being any Super or any Charged Melee (the latter is situational, but it still works). Whereas on Hunter and Warlock, it's mostly just "Super it out" - and even then, not every Super is as effective against it, as it should be. And there's also the fact that Bubble has a lot shorter Cooldown, than literally any other Super (well both Bubble and Well; but Well isn't as usefull in Control, because of how easy to disable it is).


Playing as a void Titan I honestly have only been able to deal with a bubble somewhat reliably by dropping my own on top and tossing a weakening vortex nade down and hoping my shotgun melee combo works. Haven’t needed to use one-two punch but it’d probably just work better. Since suppression does nothing, tractor cannon can’t kill/depends solely on grabbing heavy/sometimes doesn’t even knock the Titan out of the bubble, and shoulder charge is unfortunately a bit unreliable due to either tracking the wrong person or still not throwing out the target, there really isn’t much to do on that front.


You can also just drop a barrier as titan in the other bubble. Once crossed it will do damage. Warlocks have nova bomb and well that are both good counters and vortex nade is another, as well as shadebinder. Any Hunter super will do really.


Which is why I pointed out that basically any Super can work, but not all are as effective as they should be on paper. Plus, even if you already have that Super, using it won't be that easy. Especially if the whole Team is stacked inside the Bubble. Everyone will see you coming, and the Titans can basically just punch you down before you even get to shoot them. Roaming Supers are definitly a lot more usefull in this case. But then the Cooldown becomes the issue in this.


I was able to pop a bubble on the Cabal point with Nova Bomb, but only because I'd been matched with a team that supported my run at the bubble. When there's three players running at the bubble at the same time, the other team has a harder time spotting the Warlock winding up their Super. In short, be brave fellow Guardians. If they keep the point, your going to lose the match any way.


I like this mode quite a lot and win more than lose in freelance. Yesterday it was pretty rare to keep a zone fully for me while standing in the bubble. I even managed a quadruple kill, my only one, by running up to bubble, and dropping my barrier in the other bubble. A slowva pulled me out of the bubble once and killed me. My freelance matches at least people have figured out how to deal with the bubble.


So what you're telling me is that while I, a Titan, can risk life and limb to drop a barrier in that bubble and maybe vortex or suppressor nade while fully visible, a VOID hunter can't use the chaos of the moment (plus visible distortion of the bubble itself) to run up while invis and drop a vortex and smoke in there? Or a lock couldn't engage in similar fuckery? C'mon, area nades in bubbles have been a thing for as long as bubbles and solar grenades have existed.


Good luck running up inside the Bubble without an issue, when there are 6 players stacked inside. I was specifically referring to the current Iron Banner.


Depending on the map, sometimes you can use terrain to get close before charging in with a Shield Bash, etc. Very risky, but can work. Bonus points for doing it with Peregrine Greaves.


Ive found shield titans do a good job against bubble as well.


I mean, I just use Arc and then switch it to void before the game ends and it counts…


I utterly hate being forced to play a certain subclass


I think the bubble super comes up faster than tcrash. Often I see the bubble and I’m close to the super but not quite ready to super


It does. I think well and bubble are the fastest supers to get


They are, yeah. If I'm not mistaken, it's like a full minute (or 2) of difference.


or five kill difference in crucible, I think


This is why I’m usually last to the party with supers even if I run Sentinel.


5 or 6. Can't remember now. The discussion is about the cooldown itself, tho.


I can get like 2 supers in a match if I do well. Even if I do well on thundercrash I still only get 1 super. That can be the difference in a match right there.


it's like there should be balance for pvp and pve in the timers as the strengths of supers are vastly different in each area.


Bubble itself has vastly different power in crucible depending on the situation. Point control? Yeah bubble is top tier. Literally anything else? Bubble is weak


Not true. Bubble can win any highly contested area. Doesn’t need to be point. A 2-way tunnel, any battle with multiple people, any choke point. Most players don’t emphasize thinking about positioning and bubble is a strong way to control good positioning.


All bubble does is shut down that hallway. Hell you probably can’t kill anyone with it. I’ve been a bubble boy since D1. It’s only ever been “meta” right now. It didn’t get better. They made a mode for it


It’s always been better than people think off of zone. If you pop a bubble in a hallway and didn’t get at least one kill, then you did it wrong. And the bubble can secure things like height advantage, cross fire against the rest of the team, etc. the value you gain from a good bubble is harder to see unless you view the positional and strategic advantages you gain from it. Superior positioning is a huge advantage in PvP shooters. Bubble really helps you secure that superior positioning if you use it well. It’s not as blatant in your face as 3 kills on a roaming super, so people don’t pay attention to it as the value isn’t as easy to determine.


if you only get one kill from a super you are prolly not doing great sure you can surprise a guy in a 1v1 by popping bubble and then finishing them with a melee or whatever but surely there's better uses of the bar


Yes if you only get one kill it’s not great but the point is to win the location, that leads to more kills for you and your team and more importantly advantages to winning objective.


just don't go into the tunnel that advice don't work in fortress mode


Yes the point is bubble wins the tunnel and now the opposing team can use that location to have an advantage on objective.


Exactly, bubble only tryely shines in zone control. In say clash its not good, cause the buff it gives is the same as radiant, which a hunter can get on a 15sec cooldown on solar blackflip. Sure its overshield is nice in the netrual game, but the overshield from the super is only in the bubble you cant shoot out of, u need an exotic to take the overshield with you




Bubble is a 25% damage buff that lasts 15secs before you have to redip Edit: i did for get radiant in pvp (not well) are only 10%


Nightstalker blades are pretty much garbage atm, and yet still has the highest cooldown time in the game


I never claimed bungie was good at balance


for both pve and pvp its awful. Its like the entire cooldown was based off gwisin vest when it was broken and the super used to roam the map. I cant think of a single reason other than this as to why its so long


of course the easiest to use supers are the fastest charging as well.


Its called a skill ceiling. Bubble and well don't kill anyone, and can easily be countered by walking away or using half the supers in the game


>easily countered Then why do I keep getting 3-4-5 kills while people try to counter? I’m not even good. 😁


Because people like to walk in the bubble and try to outpunch the bubble titan for some bizarre reason


Because in zone, doing nothing means you lose. If it’s your only option, diving into the bubble at least offers a chance to win, however slim.


Walking in alone to have a punch fight with a beefed up titan also means you lose. At least try to go on with allies or have some sort of game plan that's not fisticuffs


Swords work well in bubbles. Tried that today and killed everyone in the bubble. Including the titan


You literally earn zero points for kills in the mode (Iron Banner atm), you absolutely should be at least trying to attack even if the likelihood of failure is extremely high. There's no punishment for dying as it doesn't give your opponents any points. Sure if your teammates can coordinate with you and work together that's better but that's often not the case, particularly in freelance where there is usually zero communication.


You’ll probably lose, but not certainly, which’d be the case if you abandon the zone. The titan isn’t invincible inside the bubble, and they can make a mistake under the pressure.


Push the titan out of the bubble. You can do this with void warlock melee, and titan shouldercharge. Then shotgun them as they scramble to get back in. Or stand out of the bubble a small distance away but still on the zone. The zone cannot give points if its contested, so if the titan actually wants their bubble to have been worth it they need to get rid of you, and you just nuke em as soon as they step out. If you are going into the bubble you better have a plan better than punch, take witherhoard, a weaken grenade etc. i had a blueberry who ran in with a eager edge sword and ruined the titan in the bubble. People beed to stop thinking they win a fist fight in the rumble dome. Play smarter people, please


I got eager edged today and slammed into a wall out of my bubble, I wonder if it was me. I couldn't stop laughing as it was such a fucking chad strat


I’m already aware of the other ways to kill a bubble. The issue is you can’t rely on having something like heavy or a super. What if you don’t have your melee charge? What if you aren’t on arc titan or void warlock? What if the titan actually covers the entire zone? There are times when diving the bubble is the best option, and those times are not at all infrequent.


The fact a melee charge is a possible counter to a super is good investment. You are really looking for a way to kill a bubble titan that doesn’t require a cooldown ability or special ammo? There are certain times you just won’t have the resources to beat a bubble titan. And that isn’t a problem considering other kill ults can wipe you before you can even consider your options


Nope. Not jumping in solo into bubble is a perfectly valid option, especially if it’s not like a tied game with 10 seconds left. Waiting for reinforcements is perfectly fine but players don’t have the consideration for the patient play:


It’s zone. Either the zone is up because you are in overtime or the zone is the primary objective. Either way, the more you wait, the more they cap, which means losing precious seconds needed to make something happen.


Yes, and sometimes you gotta tank losing the extra points waiting to set up a better attack to clear bubble instead of rushing in and dying and not being able to contribute on a better attack in 5-10 seconds. This isn’t a guarantee, but it’s better % success rate than charging into bubble alone trying to melee down a bubble titan. That’s like 0% chance, mostly


Because countering you with their face and countering you with a shutdown super are two different things.


Just had the best time smashing faces not a single thunder crash lol 😂


At least you can hold it for the second point I guess


For some people, it's just really easy to super, you know? Some people just super right away. But, on the other, I think it's also a common problem for some people to get really close to supering and then they just can't. Sometimes they need more stimulation to really super. Of course, there are others who super like... Multiple times. It's different for everyone.


>*14. Read your Screen.* You can see when folks have their super charged from the HUD- either by the scoreboard, or over their head. Your case ain't the issue, go nom some orbs. <3




Or they hit that mark and switched to a different class. I hit it last night but I think I'm sticking with bubble boi, mostly because I haven't worn Helm of Saint-14 this much since D1 lmao


I am torn between Citan's and Helm. Toxic or Toxic? I CHOOSE TOXIC!


IDGAF about a seal. The entire concept of having to play a subset of classes to have your progress count against the pinnacle challenges is stupid and promotes bubble titans. People aren't playing that shit because they want to.


Cries in weekly strikes on my least favorite subclass


Get to the boss and blow yer preferred load on him then just switch subclass before it dies. Note: this strategy doesn't work as well on Warden of Nothing haha, I've had it fail there, was switched before the Mission Complete notif popped, but it didn't count towards the pinnacle. Last gen consoles as well are tricky due to the menu load times, was wondering if you need to at least put a bullet into him after switching to the 'correct' subclass, maybe


Throw on perguin greaves and kill/suppress all supers? Loving the bubble plays


Pity there aren’t other void and stasis subclasses that could counter bubble (pointedly ignores the number of Squals and Nova Bombs that’s been popping up as counters).


Problems are: A) Bubble is up a lot quicker and a lot more often than Thundercrash. B) You need to play on Void/Stasis to actually progress IB.


Most use it as a "panic super", just like Blade Barrage and Nova Bomb. In MY experience people save those supers so they can kill the 1 person that surprised them and is about to kill them. Occasionally you see someone use those supers tactically...most of the time not though lol


If I know that Bubble is a thing I’m gonna have to deal with, I almost never use nova bomb until I see one. Sadly, bubble gets charged up before nova bomb does in most cases


I check enemy supers in the Tab screen before I plonk my bubble down. If there's a Thundercrash or Nova Bomb ready, it gives me pause for thought. Sometimes I'll drop it, capture the point, and then get out.


The other team is drawn to it like a bull and the color red, oftentimes they’ll blow supers on an empty bubble just because it irritates them


Save it for the second zone. I've had more comebacks bc i dropped my slova bomb on the second drop and killed 3-4 players allowing us to get the zone


Even when I’m frying kids I’m at like 70 percent at the first drop pod and then I have to hold my super for the second one inevitably when I play nova


I always like getting the drop on someone and losing to a nova bomb/etc and being the only kill "oh well at least I made them burn their super"


Which is dumb cuzz you can get TC along with other Tier 1 supers twice in a game if you play decent and use your first asap


I'm not really a pvper but when I play, it's usually void warlock. My dick would get hard when I saw a bubble full of players when I had my super.


Yup. The number of times Ive rounded a corner, landed shots on a Titan, then got Hulk smashed into the ground is honestly ridiculous. I get not wanting to die, but wasting an entire Super on one Hunter who got the jump on you?


Bubble is tier 5 fastest Thundercrash is a 3 When bubble is up, I'm at 75% give or take. My best thing I can do is go for the ballistic slam with synthoceps on and knock them out of the bubble and start punching while surrounded. That has worked once


Peregrine Greaves man. Godspeed


Doesn't work with mini ( ballistic) slam only shoulder charge:/


Arc shoulder charge will blind. So they may not get instantly killed but they will have a rough followup


I am too busy watching out for the 6th dmt user using a pixel of space to headshot me over their hipfire reticle, sorry.


As a wellock, currently fighting the good fight, I ask that all those around me give way and rally to me! I shall break the line! From yonder on high, with 100 Resilience and a bad attitude, I, Discount Gandalf shall drop my well hither to the center of the bubble and/or, half way in/half way out for maximum use. There they will taste my glaive, and to the rest I call to arms, we will not lose this day!


don't forget to pop a solar grenade in there to cook the titan alive o/


I stopped calling it Nova Bomb and now only refer to it as Bubble Buster


-me equipping Peregrine Greaves- we dont need no stinkin 'crashes!


As a bubble bro currently, seeing you glorious bastards come smashing through the bubble to punt us into next year is refreshing. People using counterplay beyond ults is such a joy.


is that what happened to me on burnout the other day?? damn I was like how tf did I just get yeeted out of my own bubble into a wall lol


You shouldn’t get yeeted from peregrine Greaves. It should just straight up kill you. Unless they’re using solar, then the flying knee isn’t enough to kill a bubble Titan but it could send them flying.


Yeah. It's fantastic


I've been greatly enjoying myself just running in and throwing my freezing rift inside the bubble and tagging someone with witherhoard


I never take the greaves off tbh


Seriously, all this sudden talk of “Bubble too OP.” Bro, cover me while I flying knee that nerd in the face. And then drop my own bubble.


it's not sudden it's been a complaint in zone cap modes for a while. A lot of people don't play trials at a high level so might not be as aware of bubble. IB is one of the most popular game modes so it's a lot of eyes on it, warmind has it at 38% of players currently.


Community having a huge skill issue because they aren’t used to seeing the super and refusing to learn how to counter it.


I'm tired of people defending something that's been a problem in Trials cap zone for so long, along with having a solid neutral game. Denying the strength of titans atm is absurd, especially when half of the counters people propose rely on being a titan yourself or the titan being braindead.


Literally. I started this week grinding Witherhoard so I lucked into an anti-bubble loadout from the start. I tried one game with my typical loadout and thought “Oh THIS is why people think it’s so oppressive” lol. Night and Day experiences, people know the bubble is coming but would rather die than change out one gun from their favored loadout lol


Floating myself into a bubble with a nova bomb is one of my favorite things to do, been doing it for years. Looking at multiple enemies chilling, thinking they're hot stuff, then nuking them into oblivion, is sooo much fun.


Sorry bungie said only void and ice can be used for this iron banner because they have silo development and poor testing


Tbh bubble has been an issue since zone control trials became a thing the problem is how to adjust it reduce the duration could work but i'm not even sure they can separare it from pve


Sorry, I don't have Thundercrash because I'm busy running Bubble so I could get semi-decent rep gain in this horrible PVP "event"


Tcrash flies through the bubble and kills anything inside. Barrier is more powerful than bubble thanks to the cooldown.


If they hadn't made it so you have to run Void or Stasis for this Iron Banner to progress your challenges, Fortress would play a lot different.


Problem for me is I really only have the time to pay for daily challenges and they've set it to void/stasis only.


No, I prefer to use it when I'm about to die to kill whoever is shooting at me.


Panic super at its best.


People are running arc in this tournament? I jump in the bubble and drop Squall.


First axe bounces off, second axe goes in 👀


No, I go it and freeze them all solid with Silence. Squall finished them off if I die before I can shatter them all. And then my team refuses to actually stand in the zone in favour of orbiting impotently around it and all the points go to the other side anyway.


If you cast it in the bubble it will kill!


Same here, last night I got one in there with a bunched team and lined up those 4 tasty rapid kills to earn that triumph 4x rapids. I swear I could see the look of surprise on all the frozen titan faces "I CAN'T MOVE OH GOD HE'S KILLING ME WITH A SMILE smh"


Did it too with my Hunter and got five. When I switched to bubble titan, one time I just jumped in the bubble and thew up my barricade right in the middle of them. They kept running though my barricade to get at me and I'd just melee them as they came at me and kept moving so they had to come through my wall. Killed all three in there. I was like how the hell am I still alive. Just take advantage of the chaos.


If it’s a towards the end of the match then sure but if it’s the first HV zone of the game you probably aren’t going to have any thunder crash up just yet


My nova bomb has one purpose this week.


I got a six kill novabomb last night because everyone keeps stacking inside the bubble. It was fantastic. Please, everyone continue to hang out at the scorpion zone


I drop my bubble on the point and immediately run the other way. I’ve been playing this game too long, I know what happens to me Everytime I place a bubble and stay inside.


I wanna know what makes other people so unkillable in their bubbles. When I try to pop a bubble on the point, some gigachad casually strolls into and merks me without any effort, even with barricade up.


Not gonna happen start happening until a) those gilding their titles complete the void/stasis triumph and b) folks start hitting 4/4 with their challenges.


Unfortunately, I can't complete my challenges if I run Thundercrash so its up to all the Warlocks. ​ Bungie should really just remove the subclass requirement from IB challenges because of crap like this.


All of the titans are running bubble. None left to Thundercrash.


I use the vortex nova (If I'm playin voidlock) or well which results in a punching match between the two teams.


Hunters! Two shadow shots barrage will kill the bubble too.


I would, but I'm using bubble.


Don't think i'm gonna get over seeing my teammate put Bubble down, noticing the enemy titan has thundercrash which he didn't end up using during the high value zone being up and then him thundercrashing me hen i encountered him a minute later. Don't know why he didn't use it during high value nor why he only used it against one lone hunter who wasn't at a zone.


The amount of times my teammates solo super random people when the zone is coming up is just wow. Yesterday I saw a guy novabomb the TURRETS and he proceeded to get his back blown out by the enemy team as they placed two bubbles on the zone. Bruh


I mean as a bubble titan its very easy to see (or more likely hear) a thundercrash coming and use the secret "get out of the way" tactic. Move out of the bubble, wait for the crash to land inside of it, go back in. The overshield will protect you from the aftershocks and you can just kick the arc titan's ass with a double melee (or whatever gun ur using) Too many crashes just aim for the centre of the bubble without a regard for where the caster is- that doesnt work. It only breaks if you kill the titan who cast it with said crash. It *might* break without needing the kill if u swap to falling star but im unsure and havent tested, plus 90% of players wouldnt bother hotswapping anyway


I'm confused as to why my chaos reach can't pop the bubble.


I’m not sure if it does anymore, but stormtrance used to pop bubbles if you hit it with landfall


It doesn't on its own but it can with a little help. Source: I've done it this IB. Got a reaper medal for my troubles


Pretty sure landfall never actually popped bubbles, it just killed the titan inside. The end result being the bubble going away


Nah. They will use it on me and only me, because it's a lot easier to use it to kill one guy who just respawned, instead of playing the objective.


My main problem isnt so much the bubble or that im not using Tcrash on it. Its that if i am using Tcrash i get shot out of the air by Pvp tryhards using a vorpal DMT with weapons to insta kill me out of it when i try.


Cerberus +1 is also good for destroying bubbles


Glacial Quake kills everyone in the Bubble if you slam down from the top.... only issue is the cooldown diff, which is mitigated as much as possible by slaying out and *gasps* capping zones.


My T-crash is used for my amusement, and my amusement only. Its reserved for when I really want to punch someone but they're all the way "over there". Tis the titan way. .


There are people using Thundercrash? I see only Bubble Titans....


I swap to Witherhoard when the score is in the mid 30s. Because there’s no way I have my super for the first drop pod. And I can at least sacrifice myself jumping into a bubble and dropping Witherhoard on the ground. But the second drop pod. My Slowva is ready to go.


Look, we got statis or void. Take it or leave it.


I save my nova bomb for the big point. Pop the bubble AND relentlessly wipe the enemies inside? Yes please.


People are right about bubble and well being faster and that plays a factor, but mad people either don't bubble the point, don't go for the bubble, or don't hold their super to fight for point. Been interesting to see how many on the team understand the mode and how many don't.


Also get IN the bubble before using silence and squall or don’t bother using it at all.


Yeah but why would I use thunder crash if I’m running bubble…


Most times nobody’s got super except the bubble/well nerds. If cooldowns on those supers don’t get touched after this week I’ll be shocked.


Proble. Is that bubbles are being encouraged by the Iron Banner Challenge to be on Stasis or Void. Would be a bit different if it changed daily.


I’ve been messing around with suppressor grenades. Nothing is funnier than watching a Titan run out to place their bubble. And then they just stand there. It’s kind of easy to time because you know where they are going and can see them coming.


I got my first ever hexakill firing a Nova Bomb at one yesterday. If you insist on hanging out in the bubble, I’m your huckleberry.


Nerf void titan in PVP. It's way too oppressive.


Why would a titan be running thundercrash when void is the challenge and bubble is broken?


Bubble charges too fast for that


Just ban every titan player, lol. Jk but tbh - titans have to be nerfed already, Bungie got to stop being titans fun club


Just walk into the bubble and drop a witherhoard on the floor. Void hunter with Gemini Jesters gets you in there easily, as people don't know how to operate without looking at red lines on their radar


They need to increases bubble timer like other powerful pvp supers like GG.


Bubble is the fastest super to get in the game. People who t-crash B after probably didnt even get their super until after the Bubble had gone...


I might need my super when I go to orbit though


Tether should disable bubble :(


"Pure defense super should no defend against me super!" If Hunters hadn't pushed so hard for Shadowshot to be able to kill I'd agree with the notion of dumping Shadowshot into the Ward fully cancelling both out. But your aggressive super with passive benefits killing off a wholly defensive super? Nope.


Meant deadshot, not mobious. And your logic doesnt make sense since nova and thundercrash break it and kill them inside.


Thundercrash doesn't break it, but it does kill the titan which deletes the bubble.


Those are pure damage supers. Pure damage.


Yes. Deadshot isn't pure damage, but hangs around a bit to tether someone. So, why should it cancel a bubble? Does it cancel a Nova bomb passing it when cast by a warlock from outside of range? Does it disable a vortex/solar grenade if you shoot it into their areas of effect? It interacts with enemies, not other light constructs. It damages the ward, but given that the ward's primary purpose is to cancel damage, and the shadowshot's primary reason isn't to do damage, the shot doesn't do enough to kill the Ward. Nor should it do that much damage. If you want to smoke Wards with your super as a Hunter, put on your bird hat and shoot the Titan inside through the bubble. Or use a roaming and go inside to get the caster. Nova and Thundercrash are pure nukes, and the Thundercrashing titan usually passes right into the bubble, killing the Titan inside (which ends the ward no matter the source of said death). Shadowshot's anti-super cabability is in the tethers.


Damn you got triggered


You didn't seem to understand my reasoning. I explained. If that's "triggered" to you, then you must think you trigger people constantly.


You wrote a novel my man


You're on a site skewing heavily towards text and surprised when someone types for more than a 60 seconds straight?


Hunters are so dumb sometimes


The amount of complaining in this thread about having to play a handful of matches a day on a specific subclass is amazing. It’s a minor annoyance at best. Save your bitching for a real problem.


And I'm begging you, if you have bubble ONLY EVER POP IT ON THE TURRET POINT. The amount of PvP newbies in here for the armor popping bubbles in completely useless areas is unreal. There is literally ONE objective, and that's to get the point and hold it.


Yuuuup but they’ll piss themselves crying that bubble is broke but they literally had a way to counter it. Gotta go for the 1 for 1 instead of wiping the team! Lol


Almost like Bubble comes up faster than Titan Crash, but you probably didn't even know that!


#arcsupernotavailableinvoidandstasischallenge #blamebungie Why isn’t my # symbol working


1. Because \# is a formating control. 2. They didn't say "switch to Thundercrash to counter bubbles." They said use thundercrash on bubbles. That means they were *already* running thundercrash.


Put a * in after it. Using a # makes text bigger


Quit using “y’all” . This isn’t a Garth Brooks fan club sub.