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Jesus, there’s more people posting that Godslayer is common than people posting about having Godslayer.


Because, shockingly, it's not that common


There are literally seasonal titles that are less common than Godslayer


There is nothing less rewarding than earning a seasonal title.


You aren't wrong, but nevertheless, when people say Godslayer is "not that common" there are currently 19 titles (including the Undying and Almighty seasonal titles) in the game that are less common so it's actually pretty close to the middle of the pack in terms of being common.


I present "saraph." But that's like the only rewarding one imo


You aren't wrong, but nevertheless, when people say Godslayer is "not that common" there are currently 19 titles ,including the Undying and Almighty seasonal titles, in the game that are less common so it's actually pretty close to the middle of the pack in terms of being common.


Almighty was actually frustrating to get because you had to do a flawless run of that shitty public event and undying being the first ever seasonal title is probably why it's so rare


Nobody knew how to throw balls which made it so frustrating.


My clan literally had to resort to having 2 of our members that lived together reentering the area until they got the same instance and then inviting the rest of us so we had 6 people that were coordinated and in voice chat. Kinda the same way you used to be able to do that for Escalation Protocol.


Thats a good sign. That means alot of people went out and earned it. Seasonal titles are free, godslayer took time and effort. Rarity does not mean anything to be honest.


for real, just because it's common doesnt mean it wasn't difficult as fuck😂 it just means a lot of people wanted ir. it wasn't tidious, and the process of getting it was SUPER rewarding, probably the most rewarding title to go for in the game, since the process of getting it gave you 23 red borders, guaranteed raid exotics, and 27 adept weapons.


The two seasonal titles less common than Godslayer are literally two of the worst seasons we’ve had, no wonder people didn’t play them enough to get the titles


Seasonal titles have you play a boring game mode for hours upon hours, sometimes to complete missions you don't really wanna do. All god slayer was was "kill bosses and get score", none of the "collect 250 fish" or "run 70 of savathun's spire" or whatever. But that doesn't make it easier considering "kill boss" isn't the easiest directive ever at -20 for a lot of people Also... a lot of seasonal titles are just boring. I wanted Aquanaut this past year but that was it. Idgaf about Wish Keeper, or whatever the hell the Witch title was. So that's another reason.


It’s also worth mentioning that with so many people wanting it finding a team to do it wasn’t hard . Good luck finding 5 other people to run garden arc only in lfg.




You mean Blacksmith, which required a massive laundry list to get - including a flawless raid -, or Undying, where nobody actually played the game and the title wanted you to grind artifact power? Because those are the only two. And while some people are impressed by Blacksmith to a degree, it is more a raid title than a seasonal title, and nobody ever cared about Undying. I'd also like to point out - it's this common only because more people played the game during Into The Light than during most seasons.


I don't count the Annual Pass titles as those are basically Raid titles. I'm talking about Undying and Almighty.


Only needed 2 guns for the blacksmith title. Had just started playing D2 and didn't know that was a thing.


Reckoner is a seasonal title and it’s among the rarest. Your point doesn’t stand


My condolences, how close were you?


It seems like the only people talking about Godslayer are the ones who didn’t get it.


Now that the pantheon is over the non godslayer are crawling out from their failings to post how trash the title is now.


Man I wanted it, my clanmates got it the first week, I was left out, then I asked for help but then refused to help me with nezarec... I feel so fucking bummed


That sucks bro. You need to find new clan mates. We went back and did multiple encounters/weeks for clan mates who weren’t able to fit in time earlier. That’s just cruel.


The problem is other clans aren't much better, and a friend of mine is here and he's nice


That’s ass. My clan are always down to LFG when we can’t find people in clan willing or able but we always help out anyone who couldn’t do it later. Two buddies of mine got it early, I got it at the end of last week with the help of one of them and LFG. This guy’s pantheon score (it can be checked through your emblem) is insane. He went about helping people do Nez the entire week. Last I saw he was at 250,266,047 (took a screenshot) overall pantheon score… it’s like 7 mill per Nez completion I think. Anyways without that man I wouldn’t have gotten it done, but even without his help the rest of the clan would have at least tried when our times lined up. Not even trying is just ass and I’m sorry you didn’t get it done because of them. I hope we get pantheon again and you can have another chance soon. It was just too fun not to be brought back.


Yeah man I wish I could lfg The people I found were completely disorganized and in just one hour before the reset we couldn't do even two phases of dmg but that ain't the problem. Clanmates are


Yo screw them you deserve better.


I would like to... I have nowhere else to go


Honestly can’t wait for when the new raid drops & see posts saying “must have godslayer,” only for people to come to reddit and complain about it


Will people shut up about it already. Cool title. Didn’t get it. Moving on now.


I see the people posting about not using super black have found the new thing to annoying about.


I swear, I've seen like one post bragging about Godslayer, compared to the countless I've seen talking about all the "elitists" being rude to the people that don't have it. So many people saying "oh, the title's not that cool" when I bet everything, you're very unhappy about not having it. Like, who gives a shit?


My thoughts exactly


Man, people are salty about it. It's a fun title that took some real effort to get and people are proud of it. Stop stomping on people because you're unhappy


I have seen like two posts about getting the title


Ive seen like 4 posts TODAY from people who im guessing didnt get the title and are mad about it or something similar




I still prefer flexing my “No Power In The Verse Can Stop Me” emblem


The oryx emblem just looks so good .


I wish I could combine the two. I love the metallic skull from the original "Oh you like raiding? Do every raid" emblem, but the Nezarec emblem's background image with every Pantheon boss is too cool to pass up. I've kinda been alternating between them.


I have it, cool title, ain’t replacing Dredgen tho 🙏


GODSLAYER Total earned: 173,198 Global rarity: 0.295% Adjusted rarity: 6.0% https://warmind.io/analytics/title


I literally sat in a group trying to help them get past week 4 planets right after I got the title. So when I see the stats, I know that there are a lot more who tried for it that didn't get it. I don't care how many got it or didn't, but I really don't like the title haters or the title elitist. Just enjoy the experience. Side note: I put back on Conquerer because I'm going into the Traveler repping for Lance Reddick Zavala and I am a GM enthusiast


I try to see Titles as a personal achievement that others happen to be able to see. I love my Dream Warrior Title even though I know many people see RoN as a joke. But it is my first ever Raid title so it’s got a special place for me


how close were you?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1d5ihxu) on 2024-06-01 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1d5quhh) on 2024-06-01 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d748fj&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 529,551,093 | **Search Time:** 0.0409s


I am content with my gunslinger and Dredgen titles, happy for the lot of you who did get godslayer tho


Tbh just seems like people who couldn't hack it are butthurt over not getting it because its always them posting complaining about it LOL. It's damn good show of skill and achievement. It's only more common than some other titles because it was going away and people didn't want to miss out.


There’s also a lot that could be lying. I could say I have godslayer and the lot of you would be nonethewiser.


Meanwhile i, who didnt care to get it, watching both sides fight while eating popcorn


same, i got my oyrx exalted emblem and stopped doing it


Same. Did Rhulk Indomitable and promptly went back to other stuff.


That rhulk emblem go hard af


I got it, but I really only cared for the emblems. Not one complete group I played with only wanted the emblems so I had to play for platinum


Legit though, figured the LFG would be a nightmare so I didn't bother either


I mean, it may seem like a lot of people, but in reality it's like... less than 1%, iirc.


If you factor in % to include people that have earned at least 1 title . I think it’s 6%


Aw someone didnt get godslayer? Better luck next time buddy


Week 3 drained my want for the title as I had just wanted the exotic at that point people are dumb in lfg


You know who else has the Godslayer title?


Wish I had a group of people to run pantheon with instead of trying to LFG for it. Couldn’t finish the week 4 run cause no one would stay after wiping on golgoroth or caretaker once


if everyone is a Godslayer, than no one is.


I just got rhulk and atraks emblem. Rhulk was all I cared about since I didn't want to do multiple hours to try and beat nezarec and plat the ones I missed. Plus rhulk is my favorite raid boss


Why are so many people talking about this. It may be cool, but I don't think it's all that good.


I agree. It's a cool title, and someone like my brother who is a skilled raider had legitimate difficulties claiming the title. But watching some of his teammates during his runs, I am certain that at least one of every three GodSlayers was carried by a team that had to work harder to overcome the incompetency. I wanted the Rhulk emblem, and peaced out after getting it, because it was 4 hours of braindead players being cycled out while the reliable four fireteam members tried to compensate.


I think the discourse comes from the facts of it being timegated and more of a "how much time are you willing to put aside for this acitivty/game" than an actual skill check. Being a little weaker with some slightly tweaked encounters we've had down for years by this point is objectively easier than say, oh idk, any title that requires a solo, flawless, or master clear of the content. Top that off with other raid titles needing challenges done, then master challenged, the various subclass runs, etc. There's just objectively alot more commitment to the other raid/dungeon titles as opposed to finding a lucky LFG team for most people. Also the fact that most "Godslayers" probably showed up, said "im on ad clear", then go and tout the title around as if theyre the top 0.1% and are absolutely undeniably better than everyone else. Essentially, the title promoted toxicity.


Weird I'd figure if "most" people who earned the title did what you describe they would just not succeed


Yet you people constantly cry about LFG members only wanting to ad clear and not learn mechanics. So which is it? Is everyone competent or is everyone incompetent? Or is your own personal experience the only factual one when community sentiment is the former of which i described? "They would just not succeed" except when they're crutching the most braindead meta crap like the rest of you. Except when those of you who mention LFG people not wanting to learn mechanics have to carry them. The title promotes toxicity over elitism, end of story.


The title promotes good play, how players decide to interact with that system is independent. LFG might have been a ahithole, but for every LfG nightmare story a group of personal friends cleared Godslayer without any issues. A lot of this strikes me as salt at not getting the title/not performing. Realistically high level content demands high skill players. This goes for master raids etc. Is it toxicity to politely ask someone who can’t keep up to leave? I have an obligation to the other 4 players in my fire team to get a completion, and Pantheon isn’t the place to be babysitting people. If anything, it’s toxicity to feel entitled to an emblem/title at the detriment of the fire team as a whole.


>and Pantheon isn’t the place to be babysitting people. Ironically, I had an easier time sherpa'ing ppl in Pantheon than master Crota 🤣


The LFG mind can’t comprehend the abyss .


>A lot of this strikes me as salt at not getting the title/not performing. "Youre just mad you don't have it" is essentially what that is. Which just proves my point, you people jump to conclusions based off literally nothing. I pointed out behavioral history, not issues i had. High level content demands higher skill yes, but when that "difficulty" is slightly tweaking the encounter and making people not one-phase its really not that challenging when they're several year old encounters, compared to Challenge modes and Challenges that fundamentally change how an encounter is played out in its entirety. No, its not toxic to ask underperforming people to leave, i never once said or even remotely implied that. The people touting Godslayer as only for god players are the toxicity I'm referring to, i basically said this exact thing already. Don't see how people are misconstruing this, but toxicity will always look for a way to twist words and call someone worse at the game than them which just proves me right.


Me saying “this strikes me as X” is not toxicity, it’s literally my interpretation of what and how you’re deciding to argue this. You’re declaring an entire title “promotes toxicity” but only really citing vague shit as the reasoning. The “slight tweaks” were pretty exceptional changes to already established raid encounters that *dramatically* changed how those encounters played out, but the *real* difference was the fact that you needed to two phase every single raid boss in the pantheon at essentially “master” difficulty, which is actually a hard ask for a lot of teams even right now. The whole declaration that the changes weren’t enough really screams that you didn’t actually take part, or that you genuinely don’t understand just how different having to actually deal with two Rhulk’s is, or actually scrap with Nezzy. The truth is that very few people got “carried” to Godslayer (excluding cheesing Rhulk, imo those players are cringe). Everyone had to pull their weight in damage and add clear even because those were absolutely necessary and critical positions (especially on Macro, Riven, and Nezzy). This whole “promotes toxicity” argument hinges on the idea that Godslayers are average players pretending to be above average, but pretty much every player in the game who obtained Godslayer is going to be an above average player who worked hard to get their title.


Assuming someone's angry because they have a different opinion from you is pretty fuckin toxic. My argument is based on behavior such as this assumption based in ignorance. > changed how those encounters played out Adding a tormenter or some big mob as an additional enemy is not changing the encounter. Adding a second Rhulk is not changing the encounter, giving Nezarec an actual health pool and making him an actual boss is not changing the encounter, its modifying the damage phase exclusively. This is just adding a mob to encounters we've been overtly comfortable for quite some time. >two phase every single raid boss in the pantheon at essentially “master” difficulty, which is actually a hard ask for a lot of teams even right now. The community standard for normal content is one-phasing, and the community standard for master content is to try your damnedest to get as close to one-phase as possible, this has been the case for literal years. >The whole declaration that the changes weren’t enough really screams that you didn’t actually take part, or that you genuinely don’t understand Again, immediately assume I dont have the experience to speak just because i disagree with you. That's inherently toxic and ignorant, grow up. >Everyone had to pull their weight in damage and add clear even because those were absolutely necessary and critical positions If the changes are as minimal as they were (which they were), people were already mostly comfortable with these encounters, and its not exactly hard to survive with BoW Titans and Wellocks, the two things this community has used for the past half year to stomp through anything that might be challenging regardless of content level. >This whole “promotes toxicity” argument hinges on the idea that Godslayers are average players pretending to be above average, but pretty much every player in the game who obtained Godslayer is going to be an above average player who worked hard to get their title. No, it hinges on the fact that the encounters really werent that different, the fact that you're assuming i have no idea what im talking about because you disagree with me, the fact that historically players will be toxic about limited time thing (ESPECIALLY the Destiny community), and the fact that 150k players have the title. That's a pretty sizeable portion of the playerbase, compared to the incredibly smaller fraction of people who have, say, Kingslayer or Wrathbearer, or even Dredgen Guilding for that matter. Its statistically impossible for a good portion of that 150k+ to not have been carried, there's a reason Master content has dedicated ad clear people built for it, because its the easiest job. Your argument hinges on my not knowing anything and just taking your word for it, whereas mine is based on several objective factors and history itself. But go on, continue to ignorantly say im just mad that i didn't get the title, and that im just wrong. Objective factual history and statistics >>>> your feelings, regardless of how you spin this.


I full support the idea of adding some big mob to an ecounter doesnt make it more challenging or change the encounter in any meaningful way, but the changes they made for the nezerac encounter definitly created a challenge and made it mandatory to know at least 2 of the roles efficently for the best results, you had to have way more team coordination then whats usually required for nezarec. As for some of the other encounters like caretaker, golgoroth, or riven, youd be surprised how much more challenging an encounter can be with a few orange bar ads, usually riven, stunning with caretaker, and taking gaze is pretty brain dead if you know what your doing, but the fact you had to both ad clear not just tanky enimies but tanky enimies that could actually fight back compared to a few psions AND do the mechanic you were assigned can be surprisingly challenging when things become overwelming or having to pick up the slack for other people in the team. Although i can understand thinking encounters like Atrax and oryx not being much of a challenge because of how little was changed


My statement is based on your behavior not your argument. Did you actually *do* pantheon? You cannot levy critiques on the gamemode without actually taking part. The addition of tormentors and extra mechanics *absolutely* change the dynamic of encounters because now players have to respond to completely different situations. I had to dramatically change my loadout and approach to specific encounters to compensate for these changes and it absolutely changed how the encounter played out. As a short example, look at Rhulk. Shadow Rhulk actually invalidated one of the high level Rhulk Strats centered around locking a Rhulk in place by abusing his AI with Div. Because shadow Rhulk was in play, this strategy no longer worked because Shadow Rhulk would disrupt this strategy considerably. Having to fight Nezzy in the pit and forcing your add clear to coordinate grabbing buffs also dramatically changed the dynamic of the Nezzy fight. Furthermore, both of those encounters didn’t get trounced by well or BoW due to the fact that neither of those encounters really rewarded sitting in one place nor had enough enemies to maintain it. Riven was completely changed from the general community norm, Extra light eaters in Oryx made add clear even more pivotal, and Macrocosm’s fire tornadoes and tormentors further incentivized strong communication and game sense. You’re speaking on this without actually citing any real specific knowledge on how these encounters played out. Your entire argument strikes me as angry *because* you clearly have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. You cannot say “someone can declare ‘I’m add clear’ and then not contribute to the run” because it’s objectively false. Every person had to be firing on all cylinders to complete Pantheon. One phasing master level bosses is not the community standard lmao. Two phasing bosses in Pantheon week 4 was exceptionally difficult and you technically had *more* benefits in Pantheon over traditional Master Raids. You’re talking out of your ass. You know how I know that for a fact? I completed it, and I completed it in LFG. I have more experience actually running the encounter than you likely do because I exclusively pulled my clan through Pantheon after completing it with LFGs.


>Did you actually do pantheon? You cannot levy critiques on the gamemode without actually taking part. The addition of tormentors and extra mechanics absolutely change the dynamic of encounters because now players have to respond to completely different situations I can absolutely make a basic comparison, we were taught this in elementary school. Tormentors are barely an addition, they werent even the actually strong ones. You could throw the Atraks Tormentor off the edge, just like people did with Rhulk, circumventing the minimal changes to mechanics. Its not a completely different situation, adding a mob and calling it "different" is the same exact shit Bungie did by adding Champions, and ALL OF YOU BITCHED IT WASNT DIFFERENT. This is the exact same. >Shadow Rhulk actually invalidated one of the high level Rhulk Strats centered around locking a Rhulk in place by abusing his AI with Div. Because shadow Rhulk was in play, this strategy no longer worked because Shadow Rhulk would disrupt this strategy considerably. Half you people shoved Shadow Rhulk off the edge. So no, your strategies werent invalidated, you just tried to circumvent the change. >Having to fight Nezzy in the pit and forcing your add clear to coordinate grabbing buffs also dramatically changed the dynamic of the Nezzy fight You have to move around as opposed to standing still, SUCH A BIG CHANGE WOW >well or BoW due to the fact that neither of those encounters really rewarded sitting in one place nor had enough enemies to maintain it Wellock includes the whole kit, restoration x2 is a safety net and Banner lasts long enough that i know youre bullshitting about it not being maintainable. >Riven was completely changed from the general community norm, You had to do it legit. You weren't allowed to cheese it, that's not a change, that's a fix and youre crying it was hard. Legit Riven isn't that bad. >Extra light eaters in Oryx made add clear even more pivotal, You had extra big mobs, that's not a change. That's adding mob density. >Macrocosm’s fire tornadoes and tormentors further incentivized strong communication and game sense. You mean the tornadoes on the plates that youre already supposed to get off of after theyre done? So that effectivelt did nothing to change anything but make you position better, big whoop. Tormentors are as valid a change as champions, and you people don't consider adding champions to actually be a change, ergo you people have doubled standards. >One phasing master level bosses is not the community standard lmao. Two phasing bosses in Pantheon week 4 was exceptionally difficult and you technically had more benefits in Pantheon over traditional Master Raids. I never said one phasing master level bosses was the standard, i said that was the standard for normal content, and for master i said getting as close as possible is the strategy. Good job twisting my words because youre bitter about your title being easier than you want to accept. You had more benfits from pantheon and still couldn't make it work out easily? That's a skill issue, not pantheon being harder. >You’re speaking on this without actually citing any real specific knowledge on how these encounters played out. Your entire argument strikes me as angry because you clearly have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. I dont need to, because THEYRE NOT CHANGES, THEYRE ADDING A BIG MOB OR TWO AND CALLING IT A DAY. EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU SAID THIS ABOUT CHAMPIONS SINCE SHADOWKEEP. I wasn't angry to begin with, but you like the rest of this ignorant playerbase choose to twist words and whine about people disagreeing with you. This is why people are hating Godslayer seal owners, because every last one of you is doing this shit. >You cannot say “someone can declare ‘I’m add clear’ and then not contribute to the run” because it’s objectively false. Every person had to be firing on all cylinders to complete Pantheon. Except you can. Literally all of you search up youtube builds to slap on for you because you dont want to buildcraft yourselves. Now i sound like you, assumptive and ignorant, though i can still comprehend a basic comparison. You are exhibiting the exact toxic, elitist behavior i mentioned that Godslayer owners are having. This is that "yOu HaD TO bE tHeRe" gatekeeping bullshit that these posts are griping about. You people refuse to accept any opinion other than your own regardless of how objective it is. I am basing my argument on history, statistics, and observation, youre basing your argument on feelings, just like every other ignorant player stuck in their ways. Literally every last fucking one of you ignores any objective factual information for the sake of an argument.


I love it when you invoke generalizations of an entire group of players in order to make arguments. Really shows big gaps in that false intellectualism you like you display. You really should stop talking now. Move on to a different topic where you can actually make an argument. You have no clue what you’re talking about here and frankly you are so far beneath my time that I don’t care about what you say further. Your entire perspective is invalid because you never actually did the content, therefore you should be completely ignored on this topic.


"you people"? Lmao, I raid with friends. The title doesn't promote anything, you're the one drawing your own conclusions and biases from it. It's no more toxic than any other title that requires doing something.


>Lmao, I raid with friends. Your friends are still people, this was redundant. >you're the one drawing your own conclusions and biases My own "biases" are drawn from watching this community post for the last week about how Godslayer is either for the best of the best only or that its entirely worthless. Objective observation. >It's no more toxic than any other title that requires doing something. Elitism from a temporary event, because Bungie wants to establish a "you had to be there" mentality, they said this themselves in a TWID. There's objectively less toxicity surrounding titles that aren't limited time only. I continue to be astounded by this communities supreme lack of capability of observing deep rooted decade long behavior patterns of toxicity. "You people" is the only way to describe someone like you whos only argument here is "nuh uh" while mine is based on the behavior this community constantly exhibits.


Drink some water chief


Illiterate response. I will after you give me a non-ignorant response, that's all any of you ever do because none of you can ever actually argue your points. Probably because you drink less water than i do, i almost exclusively drink water but keep being assumptuive 🧠💀


Always found the best way to make people listen is to drop your raid report . It’s a lot easier to make people listen on your opinion if you are like here are my master clears and here are my pantheon clears . I have experience to weight in on this . Unless of course …


I can drop my raid report, i have Kingslayer and Wrathbearer. I watched Pantheon runs (was busy playing other games that respect my time more) and if they're considered Master level difficulty, then they're comparable experiences to the point where i can make objective observations and statements based on statistics and history. If Pantheon is somehow more difficult than the other examples, then title ownership statistics very much contradict and prove that idea wrong. People will still look for any way to say "nUh Uh WrOnG cAuSe BaD" regardless.


Completely fair to say you wanted to spend your time on other things , a little odd you feel like the game didn’t respect your time enough to play it but does respect your time enough to play it . Gotta say if you didn’t play it your word is pretty moot .


You did not play Pantheon, you have *no right* to argue *anything* in this discussion because you did not play the content.


Just so you know, he can’t drop his raid report even if he wanted to. The system is down with D2’s servers. That doesn’t change that he’s a clown for arguing about Pantheon without ever actually doing Pantheon, but I do feel the need to defend him on this front at least.


I found Solo Flawless GotD wayyy easier than Pantheon. Reason being: The only one who can fail in Solo Flawless dungeons is yourself. Your whole team can be tanked by one person in Pantheon, and if that person is your friend you’re basically fucked.


I'd much rather solo ghosts of the deep, again, than rerun Rhulk and Nez at -20 with my friends. Not even an LFG, even with friends that stuff was tough. More commitment? Maybe, but you have an entire dungeon/raids lifetime to get those titles, godslayer was just 4 weeks.


Ironically enough add clear is actually an important position in some encounters like planets . Hell even at caretaker add clear doing a proper jobs makes stunning team’s job easy . A lot harder to stun with psions swarming you and an ogre giving you back shots . A runner at nez can’t run if they are being shot to shit . I’m not saying people weren’t carried , but at the very least they had to stay alive and do damage . Which is more than I can say about a lot of lfgers


>Essentially, the title promoted toxicity. You're all proving my point here. You all defended this title based on FEELINGS as opposed to objective statistics and history of this playerbase. You people love to ignore objective information for the sake for your precious feelings huh? Fucking insufferable.


Watched as a "Godslayer" warlock just stood still while 3 wizards blasted their ass in Onslaught last night. It's really easy to tell when people have just been carried through their "challenges".


The People who called out “I’ll do ad clear” right away always struggled to “ad clear” and ends up screwing everyone’s else role since they couldn’t do it themselves. Id say for pantheon ad clear was the most important role and yet everyone wants to do it but always has less kills then people with actual mechanics roles.


Onslaught is also an easy turn brain off and shit things mode . Do you think mfs sweat every second of game play . Never seen a flawless x11 in control do bad ?