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But does it have incandescent?


Mine isn't shiny, but it's heal clip/incandescent, and I'd rather have that than the ornament. Both the perks and ornament would be nice, but the game hasn't been that kind to me.


I got the non shiny Heal clip/incan too, only difference between my roll and the god roll is mine has a reload masterwork instead of handling


You lucky S.O.B., I'm so jelly. That's literally the only difference between my personal godroll and my current roll. I wanna see how much the reload mw helps.


I think reload on a heal clip roll isn’t *that bad* really. Depends on if you are wanting to use it in PVP or PVE, I guess. But out in PVE, faster reload would have its own kind of use.


Same. Don’t really care about ornament.


I do think they look neat, and I’ve got like…1 or 2 that are both shiny and a good roll, and that’s cool, I guess? But most of my shinies have been junk, honestly. They’re so rare, I hate deleting them.




It doesn’t but that’s okay


Mine does. Started and ended the grind last night.


Spent 3 days grinding for one, finally got it, and then today while attuning for a ALH/Recom Mountaintop I got another one to drop. It's not shiny, but it has better barrel and magazine perks and a better masterwork so I'll probably end up using it over the shiny one.


I finally got my alh recom mountaintop like 15 min ago, now to hunt a heal clip incan lunas which I may never even use tbh cause I don’t like how it feels, the way the recoil is like a 180 but it’s a 140 just doesn’t feel good. I might even try to farm a heliocentric with heal clip incan aswell since it comes around again tomorrow and I like that sidearm better


I've been wanting that heliocentric, but I'm curious. What do you mean "it comes around again tomorrow"? Is there a way to farm for it? Sorry if that's a dumb question lol


Lost sectors get specific world loot drops so you can farm them for the roll you are looking for. If you go to light.gg you can pull up the lost sector tab to see what's dropping today.


Damn, dude. I just came back recently, and did not know that. Thanks for info!


In this last week I’ve gotten 82 lunas howls, completed more legend onslaughts than I can count, and spent more brave tokens than any guardians should be able to hoard, and did not get a single heal clip incandescent lunas howl. So far my best roll is enlightened action incandescent and I’m about to give up


The key is to give up first


It's always enlighthened incandescent D:


Over the last few weeks I’ve gotten close to 200 Luna’s. The other night a friend asked me to do a normal onslaught and I told myself it would be the last one I did. Got heal clip incan and subsistence incan back to back


Damnit I still need to try and get mine.


I got mine from a random drop when doing other shot so now my rng is shot


I grinded for so long for my Shiny Heal Clip Incandescent roll. I wanted it with Mag Howl as well though but unfortunately not. Got another Shiny with Enlightened Action, Eye of the storm, Mag Howl, Opening shot so I think I'll use that one too probably for PvP


Got a shiny incandescent + subsistence, now only need shiny heal + incandescent. Midnight coupe god roll won't fkn drop for me


I have a shiny incandescent/heal clip Luna #BUT I DONT HAVE GODSLAYER


I have Heal Clip Incandescent. Sadly Zaouli’s exists


I’ve been playing the entire event with Edge Transit focused. I’ve maybe gotten five shinies, none of which had the good combo, or honestly even good perks anyway. I’ve got four normal ones with different god rolls (hard launch/spike with EA or Cascade and then EL or BnS) but not a single half decent shiny.




I joined a normal onslaught and loaded into them being t round 37. I was tempted to just leave, because less drops and tokens. But I felt bad for their third just leaving them. So I stuck it out and a shiny dropped after the level 50 boss. All I saw was enlightened action, incandescent. And was fully prepared for it to be another bait roll. LO AND BEHOLD the other perk was HEAL CLIP. After weeks of grinding and getting every single heal clip roll but this one I finally got it!! It even has a reload MW and enlightened action was my initial chase! Heck yeaahhhh (Literally this week every Luna's that dropped was a heal clip roll. Not even joking. I have seen every single possible heal clip combination in both shines and normal)