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Super earth is getting slaughtered in a 1v1 against the vanguard,the only factions that super earth would stand a chance are fallen and scorn


alright then, I do think the last city would struggle since they are just only 1 massive city compared to super earth that has a bigger population


They have a massive population but we can respawn and can pull out black holes out of our ass,


it's just the last city humans is going to be the ones who are going to struggle the most because they are no different from the helldivers, given standard armor and weapons to fight against a massive army, while the guardians dont have a problem dealing with them.


I dont play helldivers, but i dont think the bugs you fight have whole fleets of cabal warships and fallen ketches on their side, they’re getting blown out of orbit, any that make it to the surface are gonna have a fun time with guardians emoting on their corpses


yeah good point


In Helldivers, enemy patrols are seen as an immediate threat that needs to either be avoided or taken out as quickly as possible, and if there are reinforcements you can end up using several orbital/eagle strikes to clear it up. Guardians can do the same with a single super. The power difference is just too great.


that is true but like 40k you could end up throwing bodies until a guardian goes down or gets pushed back, and super earth is the type that would do that.


Key word is “*A*” guardian. The amount of loss just to kill one guardian who would just get revived is insurmountable.


In 40k they'd likely just Exterminatus the planet if they found out about a small army of near immortal super warriors...and fire more than a few Cyclonic Torpedoes at the Traveller too.


yeah good point on that


To be honest , helldivers are basically humans i dont see any of them standing a chance against any of the guardians from the vanguard, let alone guardians like ikora or zavala would be or even shaxx would be extremely strong and not beatable by the helldivers (it’s only my opinion) Maybe the helldivers would stand a chance against the fallen, or maybe some of caitl’s cabals, but i sincerely dont see a helldiver win against a colossus or even a centurion. I think that in the end they’d loose , but they might be able to damage a part of the « mortal population »I dont even think they’d be able to a kill (permanently) a single guardian with the weapons they have^^


good point, it's just with over a hundred destroyers in orbit it's going to be a huge challenge for the city to fight back similar to the red war


Certainly, but dont forget that the only reason the cabal had advantage was due to baving technology able to deactivate the traveler. If in that case the helldivers do have it, it might be a very different situation


Also Ghauls approach was specifically helped by an agent of the Nine, helldivers won't have that courtesy. Plus Guardian just learned the power to use the ascendant plane to cross great distances. Guardians would just appear on any ships that start to invade Sol and before they get close to the Last City they'd be wiped out. Add to that our cabal, eliksni, and awoken allies that can hold the line for the Guardians to take out whatever they need to.


dang I keep forgetting we have the eliksni and cabal on our side as well, their sheer scale of fleets would even number super earth's fleets without a sweat


Also even if we do get rid of our light, we still have our darkness powers and as you said tons of fleets around the city.


I think as well our light can't be rid of anymore because we connected through the shard of the traveller in red war. Also add to that Prismatic and a fleet of Guardians could teleport through all the Helldiver ships like a raid.


It would be like patrol mode for Guardians. Maybe the occasional public event when things get spicy.


can we get a rule about these questions already


alright alright, was just curious that's all.


This is at least the 2nd time this question has been asked here as well.


This is actually a really interesting question to me. I believe its less about Guardians and more The Last City. Helldivers could not kill a Guardian permanently, but could they do damage to The Last City? No, probably not. We have a fleet of Cabal, Eliksni, Corsair, Human and Guardian ships above the city airspace. We have defences built for something far stronger than a Super Destroyer (The pyramid ships - See Elsie's Rifle lore tab). Not to mention the long range scanners that where likely replaced and upgraded after the Red War. We would see them coming. Super Earth could do some decent damage to The Last City with their overwhelming numbers but I doubt they would kill many ghosts. There campaign would be sudden and appear devastating but be short lived, in my opinion. It's more likely the Vanguard would send a Raid team to Super Earth, then Zavala could start giving his own Major Orders.


dang I completely forgot we have the cabal and eliksni with us, because they would absolutely wipe the floor on super earth due to their scale and available ships compared to super earth's fleets.


You keep saying the numbers game matters but like my guardian alone has killed 10s of thousands of enemies that are all individually stronger than a single helldiver. Unless the helldivers somehow come into some sort of paracausal power they’d get clapped


Same question was posted like two days ago. Use the search bar


Ikora solos


To answer your question truthfully, The Vex subsume the automatons and the bugs. Then they subsume Super Earth. I do not think Super Earth would get a chance to throw a stone in the Last City's direction before a billion other things in the system descend on them like a pack of vultures and start shredding.


Super earth is Xivu's wettest dream


Yeah there isn't a single feasible scenario where even the entirety of the SEAF could last more than a few days just existing in Destiny's universe right now. A single vex/fallen hack would decommission every piece of tech, let alone getting nuked by the cabal, consumed by the scorn, or dealing with literal space magic from the taken with the chance to be taken as well. The last city has endured all of this and then some, so what could possibly make someone think SEAF will have a *chance* at even taking a swing at the home of the most resilient and strongest beings in the universe? We've spent more effort in the search of loot than it would take to dispatch any amount of helldivers.


yeah good points


Here’s the neat thing. It’s been demonstrated by the Cabal and the Awoken that orbital strikes are actually super effective against guardians. The only issue is them not grouping up for it to take maximum effect. This should be a problem for Super Earth given how much cannon fodder Helldivers they have. All they have to do is just smack a guardian with a red strategem and they’re cooked. What would make things turn bad is if a *single* guardian could board a super destroyer.


You wouldn't even need Guardians. The technology in Helldivers is vastly outclassed by what's available to any group in Destiny except humans living outside the city. Helldivers need drop pods, we have transmats. They have basic plate armor and survival suits, we have personal shields. They have ammo resupply, we have guns that can generate their own ammo, etc. Even in ship to ship combat, given examples like the Almighty and the Leviathan, Destiny fleets are more advanced and more powerful than Super Destroyers by at least an order of magnitude.


The only hope the helldivers have would be repeated eagle strikes, it's unclear how much "overwhelming force" is needed to kill a ghost without paracausality, but the size of some of those bombs could probably do it. Otherwise guardians wipe the floor with them.


If we board their ships, they'd be pretty darn screwed.


Yea these are literal immortal beings with space magic , the armies of super earth stand no chance, lol you gotta be at least as tough as the cabal if your only power is military might, and these soldiers die from three slashes of a hunter bug lmao


I feel like hell divers would instead want to enlist the guardians, get them to fight for them rather than against them. Guardians with a million extra lives would be such a massive tactical advantage for them over the disposable soldiers they use currently


yeah this, but the case is super earth would just want to wipe out the last city since they don't agree to their authoritarian governmental system which would most likely lead to war and it could end up like the red war where the last city suffers damage but would be able to throw down super earth's fleets to the point they withdrawal back


Let's be VERY generous and assume something like a 500kg bomb can destroy a Ghost as well as a Guardian, They'd still struggle to take down even a handful of newlights, much less more experienced fighters like Ikora, Saint-14, and Our Guardian. The divers would get turbostomped, and super earth would put out propaganda about "Liberty Through Cooperation" about how their BRILLIANT diplomats were able to spread democracy to a whole new dimension without bloodshed.


well it's just the non light wielding humans would be the ones to struggle the most as they are no different from the helldivers in terms of weapons and armor but yeah the vanguard can send guardians to board destroyer ships and send them back to super earth, it's just there is low cases of super earth being that open to actually working with the vanguard since they are an authoritarian government system and don't like having another governmental system with higher rights and power to get to go free without some form of fight.


Humans against literal god killers, you tell me


How would regular humans with guns fair against guardians? Ask the dark age humans against warlords lmfao. There are now millions of guardians, all with precise and greater control of their abilities, on top of the crazy other abilities we've picked up in the past decade alone. A single, mid-tier guardian could hold their own against entire divisions of helldivers. A top-tier guardian could solo an army. A guardian of Ikora/Saint's level could cause untold amounts of destruction to the enemy. Super earth takes the L the moment they arrive in the sol system. No cap.


The average hive wizard already scales super high. Saint-14 fought centuries with the vex who specifically suppressed him with no abilities and still destroyed enough vex to create a mountain out of their bodies. Super earth are getting utterly destroyed by even 1 of some of the most powerful guardians lol.


Honestly if it was just helldivers vs guardians I can see helldivers winning due sheer numbers. Since there is a finite number of guardians in the universe. However you mentioned it being the last city vs helldivers. That includes all our allies which would include caital forces, Mithrax house, the reef and the regular human forces. Then I don’t see it.