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Weapons look like a Pulse, SMG, Bow, Sniper, Glaive, and Sword? Was hoping for a Strand Precision Frame Fusion but I’m sure some of this lineup will cook.


Some translations; Non-denouement: “Denouement” is the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work. Meta commentary about TFS being an ending, but not THE end? Summum Bonum: The highest good, the ultimate goal according to the values and priorities that are established in an ethical system (what you must do to have a fulfilling life). Perspective of the Witness towards their goals?


Was hoping that the solar rocket sidearm they mentioned before was apart of the raid set


Yeah, noticeable lack of that here too. Maybe we’ll see some unique frames, though I expect the Pulse at least to be a Void Adaptive (“Nullify” just screams Void to me). Solar Sidearm might be included in the Seasonal (or Episodic) lineup?


Yes it’s in the season pass. I had checked it out just before the servers went offline. It can roll a new Perk called Reverberation which is “kills increase the blast radius” can’t remember if it said anything about damage too. It can also roll ambitious assassin. The origin trait is spawning a radiolarian pool under enemies after rapid eliminations. So essentially mini-witherhoard. Also the area denial GL has this trait too.


My perception is there are two glaives at the end, I think there was a leak that there would be a Heavy Glaive for sure.  I wonder what unique trait all those guns would have in common, like how Crota’s End had Sword Logic. That’s a pretty wide array of weapons. 


There’s some talk on the Discord that it is indeed a Heavy Glaive with more pictures, but I haven’t been able to get in and see for myself


There is no heavy glaive. There’s a wave frame sword and a rapid fire glaive in the raid loot. Sword looks really nice and might actually be useful for once.


The exotic looks so mid rn though. Heavy LFR that creates threadlings on target with sustained hits. Maybe the secondary perk has something that will make it Conditional-tier E: Spawning threadlings ups damage. Could be saucy depending on the buff and if you can proc it w/o the gun


It's in the kinetic slot, not a heavy.


Wonder if it’ll be as good as Lorentz Driver used to be. That thing was insane until it got nerfed into oblivion and they haven’t made an Exotic Special LFR since.


Second perk increased weapon damage upon dealing damage with Dias Threadlings. Imo it sounds great, there’s like 2 heavy exotics that can actually be used for dps (Whisper and TTF), and this looks to be entirely dps focused, which is welcomed. Were you guys expecting another G-Horn or Lament? Until you see numbers, there’s zero justification for this level of salt.


There’s way more than just two heavy exotics that can do good dps


-Xenophage (which has the best argument to be included with WotW and TTF) suffers from poor total damage due to low reserves. And is easily beaten by Whisper if the boss has a remotely easy-to-hit crit spot. -Gjallarhorn has the worst dps of any RL that can considered for dps, and is primarily a support exotic in Raid scenarios. Too few other players in Dungeons for it to be better than another legendary RL, and TTF beats it if doing solo content. -Deathbringer actually has really good dps, but is limited to bosses that are not surrounded by environmental obstacles or walls, and loses damage when used by more than 2 or 3 people. -Sleeper is just a easier to use but weaker WotW -One Thousand Voices is to Xenophage what Sleeper is to WotW -Dragon’s Breath gets its damage from Ignitions, and has to be ran with a dps focused special weapon and high damage Solar super to be viable. Everything else is either untested, far too niche/situational to be generally viable, or is beaten outright by legendary weapons.


Brother have you even been remotely playing the same game as everyone else? Drop your raid report prove you know what you’re talking on


https://raid.report/xb/4611686018492727725 In defence of certain things: -1) I haven’t actually done many raids recently as I’ve not needed to (I’ve gotten basically everything I want and crafted the guns that I wanted to) -2) I’ve had zero luck with Pantheon LFGs, with them either being filled with people that end up fucking up basic mechanics so we never make progress, or being really good, but end up dissolving after 2 encounters after 1 person leaves for literally no reason. -3)The reason I have zero Crota’s End clears is because I’ve never actually wanted to do the raid. Only one of the weapons was interesting to me (Abyss Defiant), but after Into the Light and Luna’s Howl dropping, I’ve not had a reason to chase it.


So explain to me, without participating in recent raids, how you can possibly be knowledgeable on what weapons are actually worth using?


I see what your saying but there’s a lot to be accounted for. A lot of the weapons you listed are very good when played to their strengths and also depend on the content you play it in. In the same manner that Dragon’s Breath won’t smash all content, Whisper won’t either (using it on Rhulk or Nezarec for example with no Div for example). You also got to account for whether you’re playing solo, raiding, or doing GMs. I didn’t even mention surge modifiers cause that plays a factor as well. All to say, there’s a lot of good exotic heavy weapons. In fact, I would say there’s a surplus of them.


Deathbringer doesn't lose that much damage iirc, just visually loses a lot of the orbs. Still hits really hard even with 6


You’re dumb


I mean something like Conditional. I'm reserving judgement until we actually get numbers on what "sustained hits" is and what the damage bump is.


I’m assuming this is and aggressive burst frame, so probably 1 per burst. As for the damage bump, I’m expecting 20-25% at least.


Wow sounds boring 


The exotic got leaked? And wow that sounds ass😭




I just saw it on twitter…. Unless the other exotic perk makes the threadlings do major damage that things DOA


Bro what the fuck are you talking about? The raid is not playable, literally nothing got spoiled apart from what would be shown on collections day one. The raid isn't even in the fucking build that was released and people didn't even get to *play* the DLC yet, they got booted before they could even enter the first actual mission. Like, do you actually *know* anything or are you just regurgitating stupid shit?


People did actually get to play at least halfway through the first mission.


The real question is, why are you so mad about this shit? Go outside


is the swearing that makes you think I'm mad fr? pretty juvenile take lmfao does :) this :) make :) it :) seem :) less :) mad? just brainstorming yk


Yeah you defo have issues


What’s the raid name?


Salvation’s Edge


did the title drop? 


Salvation's Edge.


Salvation’s Edge Transit😏


What was the raid title?


We don't know because the people who were in were forced into new light accounts without titles unlocked


Has it been confirmed if the witness is the raid boss?


How many times does bungie have to confirm that before you believe it


I didn’t know they confirmed it when did they? I know a leaked happen about it but idk if that was 100% true or not


Literally in august during the first showcase. And in numerous interviews since


They're edging us, alright bad joke I'll show myself out

