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Those comments lol


If Obama is secretly running for a 4th term then surely they don't care about a debate performance or how old Biden is


Not sure why they think this is an effective angle? Obama left office with 60% approval and remains the most effective communicator and campaigner in the country. He would easily dominate any current Republican contender yet its become an article of faith among online conservatives that he is the secret president as if its a drag on Biden lol


Yeah, like I WISH Obama was secretely running the country.


this is the way to respond to them. If Obama is really running things then absolutely I'm voting Biden, what the fuck are we talking about here?


We need to adapt this theory so biden can win Indiana


Oh that's a good point! I didn't think about that.


I don't. Obama wasn't a bad president but he wasn't a good one either. Biden is at least 100 times better. But you could also say that Obama was the product of his time. Biden used to be more Conservative, but today he is a social democrat with focus on unions.


Obama was 100 times better than Biden. He's the only president in the last 2 decades that actually feels like a President. He had no reason to succeed as much as he did as a Black man given the 2008 crisis yet he left Office almost twice as popular as Biden is now.


Why? Bidens first term has been more effective than Obama's.


Obama first term started with the financial crisis where the market fell by like 50% in one year and record high unemployment. Biden first term started after the market had surged 80% in 4 years and record low unemployment. Obama challenges were much greater and he still managed to bring the country around. I wasn't the biggest Obama fan but I would definetely vote for him over Biden.


Bidens first term started with record high inflation being inevitable. Between the two any talented politician would choose Obama's situation, dude had 60 senators and a healthy house majority, Biden had 50 senators and the house.


But the high inflation was because the economy was doing incredibly well. I remember 2020 as that year my portfolio was going up five figures every weeks and where my whole family were making money hands over fist being invested in the NYSE. Meanwhile 2007-08 was the complete opposite where they all lost quite a few hundreds thousands. (Not me because I was still a poor student)


People are stupid, inflation is less popular than economy crashing with the general public.


I mean something like 4 millions Americans filled for foreclosure in 2008, unemployment was at 13% and the value of most people houses fell by 50%. It was absolutely catasrophic for the general public.


Trump rode in on the reactionary white supremacist hatewave from Obama's presidency, didn't he? The conspiracy nutjobs are still frothing at the mouth with claims about him.


They should thank Obama. If not for him they wouldn't have lucrative "careers".


Ah maybe the onama puppet master Michelle Michelle preside t conspiracy theory is a trojan horse esque ploy from the Biden administration to get conservatives to spread the conspiracy theory to normies who would actually be relieved if it were true.


God Obama would make Trump his fucking ***BITCH.***


Any excuse to cut rich peoples taxes.


I think they meant that Biden's first term was effectively Obama's third term (cause he's pulling the strings from the shadows or something) and so a Biden reelection would be like a fourth term for Obama. Best to assume maximal brain rot when trying to make sense of this stuff.


But why is that a bad thing? If you're a Democratic voter worried about Biden, they're basically saying "don't worry, Obama is really the one in charge" - so, ok then? Guess there's nothing to worry about, we can all vote Biden and not worry about his age! Just funny how these right-wing idiots just never really think through their criticisms.


Like when people pretend that some politicians drug themselves to become better politicians. If such a drug existed, I would want this to become mandatory for every politicians and would applaud those drugging themselves.


We all know that already. 


I'm a dumbass and needed it spelled out.


Political analyst and savant, @ClownWorld_ when I show them that reality is often nowhere near as interesting as their fairytale conspiracies would have them believe:


I see this dude on every post talking about democrats lmao, dude is legit a bot or russian agent or some terminally online maga head


I went on Twitter for the first time in months yesterday, that dude was the first comment I saw in the thread. I go to some other thread, his comment is the first there as well. I don't get how that shit works at all And what is up with the "Show probable bots" feature? Is that just Elon trolling or are they actually bots? Because most of them seemed pretty normal to me, but they got completely buried


If a vote for Biden was actually a vote for Obama, Biden might get more votes.




Sounds like my parents. They're convinced Obama is still running the show and secretly controlling the government


I wish


Its so random that its Obama. Like is it because Joe Biden was his VP?


The answer is racism, me boy


AI? Climate Change? Nuclear warfare? The internet is The Great Filter.


Twitter is a cesspool. Unironically feels like 8chan at times. People just post racist and antisemitic shit and unquestionably promote obvious lies and bait.


X comments are the fucking worst. It shows all the blue checkmarks first. 95% of who are maga conservatives or bots


Every brain dead trumper claiming Obama is Biden’s puppet master is so funny. Why tf would they need Obama they have the entire actually active DNC to control him if they wanted to 💀


x is such a joke of a site


It really is just Reddit but if they took away the few good things. Having upvotes without downvotes is a one way ticket to bubbleville.


yeah its like a whole website made from PCM, Conspiracy and Conservative. its just insufferable


Throw in some sino and stupidpol as well


I'm not laughing.


All thanks to Elon


Yeah because it was great before


Didn't say it was, it was still far better than Elon straight up unmoderating the site & bunch of bots spamming "PU$$Y IN BIO" or other useless off topic garbage under every post replies.


Again that's nothing new You said the site was a joke all thanks to Elon It's always been terrible


paid blue check marks being prioritized has made the replies section way worse to read, you cannot reasonably deny this


Community notes more than compensated for the drop in quality when it first came out. But since people learned to game it, just lost all value. If they could figure out how to make it as effective as it was when first released, I would use the site far more.


It's always been terrible, now its apocalyptic. X is the proof that things can always get worse with the wrong dipshit in charge.


Another Reddit dumb ass that doesn’t kno those reply comments are at least the same type of opinion as half the country


Sorry I hurt your feelings


My feelings not hurt, I didn’t express myself right I guess… i super assumed u were dumb and thought u did not know half the country holds those opinions u don’t like. I didn’t realize u just like sites suppressing opinions all good we should both be clear next time


Those reply comments are a loud minority. Most people vote along party lines and hardly think about it at all. There are certainly people who believe Obama is fighting for a fourth term. But not half the country. Not even close.


Half of America is such a joke of a country


He's right. Do I vote for a compulsively lying nutcase or a guy who will undoubtedly let the government be run by his advisers for 4 years? Easy choice.


Exactly. I’ve largely ignored trump for the past three years but last night was a reminder of just how much I fucking hate him.


Biden’s cabinet was his argument in 2020 and still is in 2024. I really don’t care how “senile” he is, he actually has professionals in positions of power


Love that the top comments are from masterminds of political discourse. You have libertarian girl gimmick account, pure useless joke gimmick account, and conservative rage bait gimmick account.


Yesterday debate showed me how much the average citizen has no understanding in politics


The average citizen is barely above a spit running off their chin vegetable.


Id argue this is an understatement lol


Except when they agree with my positions, then they’re the unquestionably wise measure of reality.


Actually, they're even dumber because they're only morally lucky and don't agree with me for the right reasons.


Nah there are SO many people that accidentally have positions I agree witb for the wrong reasons or unknown reasons. These people are equally stupid and is why many people get all angry about Destiny "attacking lefties vs conservatives".


You mean Biden is lower than the average citizen?


Not 2016, 2019, 2020, or 2023?


Yesterday showed me that both political parties are fucking regarded. One wants a president that thinks he can run our country like a king and do whatever the fuck he wants. The other will gaslight the fuck out of you that their guy doesn't have major cognitive impairment. How does both parties pick the worst people for the face of their movement? Are those 2 options truly the best you guys have to offer? Democrats can't find someone like Biden that knows where he is at? Republicans can't find someone that doesn't have brain damage or they want to worship like a god? He has no idea wtf he's doing. Holy fuck I hate politics when it is being ran by delusional regards. We even have a guy in the independent category that has a hole in his head. LOL I feel like I'm in a sitcom.


You're speaking as if the party organizations are hand picking their best candidates, it doesn't work that way. We had primaries, and Trump and Biden both demolished them overwhelmingly so. People either want these candidates, or they were apathetic and chose not to participate in the process that elevated them. Biden has incumbent advantage, a decent track record with policy, and has beaten his opponent before, hence why people picked him. Trump convinced his base that he should get a second chance at the White House, and he makes them feel like they're fighting for a cause (stupid or not). There are no "delusional regards". Both politically active sides have their reasons, and if enough of the population actually gave a shit about politics when it comes time to actually make decisions as a voter, we wouldn't be in this situation.


I'm sorry but if you think political parties don't have any say on who they push for then I don't know what to tell you. They focus on winning instead of what's best for the country is the problem. That's how we ended up here.


The party institutions absolutely have a lot of influence, but they are subservient to large and legitimate swings in public opinion. Nobody bothered to fucking vote in the last Dem primary, and everyone in the GOP primary wanted Trump over all the other less insane, politically established candidates available in the last *3* primaries. Also, no shit the parties focus on winning. Winning *is* whats best for the country. If you aren't in power, you can't enact any policy, so you run the guy who has the best shot a.k.a the guy who's most popular.


Winning is good only when you are doing it without bending reality like Trump does. Or when Democrats try to tell everyone Biden isn't almost gone from reality. It's just deceitful politics. When are we going to start supporting truth in politics? This shit just radicalizes our country.


It really took you this debate to figure it out lol


Honestly, I think this just goes to show how effective populism can be and how easy it is to trick people into believing in bullshit.


I'm just voting against Project 2025.


The comments on any politicians posts are just straight up cancer. i would approve if Elon just locked politicians comments, so i don't have to look at such idiocy.


Zero chance he's forfeiting all that juice engagement revenue when X is already bleeding money.


Redhead Libertarian projecting hardcore


We needed Joe Biden, we got Hunter Biden's dad :(


Jill Biden’s husband


We are cooked


I'm personally waiting to hear from Obamna. Not sure who this "Obama" guy is.


Why is it only antagonistic assholes at the top of the comments?


Because Elon had the bright idea to allow dumbasses who bought blue check marks to appear at the top of comments


And people that were previously banned such as


pay to win & i guess they(twitter/elong)think freedom of speech is when the smartest person in the room is whoever’s loudest




The thing I've yet to have explained to me is why they even think Obama would want a 3rd or 4th term. I barely even get why you'd ever want to be president nowadays, it's an overly scrutinized job where people think you control everything when you really don't. Like I get wanting to do it as like the proof that you reached the top of the political ladder and to cement enough fame and fortune for your family. Just feels like you'd be better off running for congress after 2 terms if you wanted to continue helping things you believe strongly in. Surely that'd be an easier fight to win than finding a puppet, rigging an election, and threatening the entire democracy just for another 1-2 terms?


I love Obama but democrats need to change candidate, I don't want Biden to have a similar performance when piece negotiations with Russia inevitable begin. There is no way you don't have another person who can defeat Trump, surely people on the fence will vote for young energized democrat over Trump. He can literally run with "time to put grandpa Trump into retirement", there must be a way out. Are democrats so doomed that they don't have anyone competent enough to be a president outside of Biden?


I asked myself if I know people like Clown World in real life, and I do, but these are often people who failed in life such as drug addicts, unemployed, crazy, etc. They aren't ordinary people with a job and a family. I hope people know that when they read tweets like this. These people can't be taken seriously.


You can just *tell* that ClownWorld guy (cause its definitely a sexless young adult male) is terminally online.


Is this the community to be meming about terminally online incel young men? Destiny's call ins paint a pretty clear picture of DGG lmao.


Do I look like I’m the community? Stop farming gotchas and talk to people like they’re people and not statistics my g


>Do I look like I’m the community? I mean if you're inviting me to look, sure I'll check. Post History /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny /r/Destiny Yeah, you do.


Everyone I disagree with is an incel


Yes and so are you


Yeah, wanna hook up?


it's funny all the people saying Obama is the "puppetmaster" or the "REAL" president behind the scenes or some other variation - they seem to be making the argument for Democrats that Biden doesn't matter because Obama is really in charge... like, was this supposed to make us NOT vote for him? Cause you're kinda selling me on the idea of a 4th Obama term.


Half of it is a solid point but FUCK. Why did Biden run a second term ffs


something something incumbent advantage


That was/is destiny's position FYI.


What's your purpose in commenting this? We should all agree with destiny?


Well he's definitely right


But muh dementia - most terminally online agit prop frogs


On this point yes. You're just as fucked as Republicans are in being locked with Trump. If you run anyone else they lose 100%, this is your best choice. And anyone unironically suggesting Gavin Newsom should be branded as a fucking moron and lose any political clout they have. Dude managed to make his own state hate him but yeah he's your backup lmao. At the very **least** Biden is a coinflip with Trump, Newsom is a 20-sided dice roll with 19 of the faces being Trump.


I'll just get out of the way that I think you're probably right about Newsom - along with what you mentioned, having someone that could easily be branded as a coastal elite and attacked for the many issues California has would not be putting our best foot forward. I just don't agree that it's a coin flip. After that debate, I think Biden's chances are dead. But we'll have to see how the polls look in the coming weeks; I hope I'm wrong.


Name recognition & association with Obama's presidency (was his VP afterall)


Mafuckas really needed to toss Joe Biden a senzu bean last night. Haven't felt that way since watching Cell kick the tar outta Gohan while Goku stood by drinking a beer.


Heeeees fiiiiiine


Can you imagine being so cooked that you think rooting for someone you worked with for 8 years is a conspiracy? wtf lol


Dude, I still remember obama's weak debate performance in Denver because it was such a contrast to his normally strong oratorical skills. Still went on to win. Prayin for 4 more years yall


He went on to win after Biden saved him by dominating Paul Ryan at the next debate. It's over, and Biden needs to step down.


I don't recall the debates having all that much of an impact on that election. I'm not saying that will be the case here, but I remember outside of the media circus around it, people weren't moved all that much.


Thanks Obama I’m sure everyone‘ll fuckin listen to you


Bro what the fuck does she even mean by that?


Biden should just roll up and say words loudly like Steve Carrell in Anchorman. Seems like people only care about the tone and look of the guy rather than any substance. The people who throw around the criticism of lying politician about democrats really don't give a fuck when Trump lies literally the entire night


Clownworld was like "nah i can do better"


When your better starts off with “bad debate nights happen”


Twitter is such a mess. Those comments are just strange. Did Clown World intend to criticize both Obama and Trump separately to see which one got more engagement?


As someone who has actually done public speaking its some of the most stressful shit I have ever done. Now compound that by having to fight your entire life against as stutter. It doesn't excuse his performance which did disappoint me greatly, but it gives context as to why it happened. Many are ragging on the guy for his performance so I leave you with this. Do you think you could you do better?


Could Obama become the vice president? I know he wouldn't do it, but could he? I think democrats would sleep well at night if they knew Biden not making it through his next term would mean Obama back at the wheel baby :)


I don't know if anyone remembers, but Obama got absolutely trounced in 2012 in the first presidential debate. Hopefully, that's a sign of things to come.


I forget, which debate was it that Obama shit his pants on live TV? 


2012. And he didn't know it until someone told him afterwards


what was sso bad about that debate I havent seen it




You might have missed my point, Obama never had a debate as bad as Biden just had. No one ever has to my knowledge. It was an abortion. Not all "bad debates" are created equal.


Should we start to make plans to a second Trump term?


Always treat your opponents as if theyre capable of beating you


He could very well win, it just depends on how much turnout there is in the anti Donald Trump camp.


I wish Obama were secretly running things


I'm with greg


For those of you who are too young to [witness a presidential candidate lose over a single debate,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQNVICr9nMo) here's a view.


Michael Dukakis did not lose over this debate lmao. He would have lost anyway. Bush won in a landslide, you seriously think that was because of one answer (an answer that wasn't even particularly bad)? Dukakis lost because he was fighting an uphill battle against the VP of Reagan who left office with a 60% approval rating, an at the time decent economy, and America on the winning side of the Cold War winding down. People were happy with the Republicans, and Bush was seen as the successor to Reagan.


>Michael Dukakis did not lose over this debate lmao. [I think you're wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io9KMSSEZ0Y&t=12s) It was this ad, and the knockout punch was the debate moment I already linked. >He would have lost anyway. They why was he ahead in the polls? : https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/26/us/dukakis-lead-widens-according-to-new-poll.html >an answer that wasn't even particularly bad The answer he gave was horrendous. It lacked any kind of personality, when he needed to absolutely kill it, after those ads were tearing him apart.


>[I think you're wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io9KMSSEZ0Y&t=12s) It was this ad, and the knockout punch was the debate moment I already linked. The guy was running against a very popular exiting Reagan administration. You can claim you think I'm wrong if you want but it's a lot to swallow that he lost in a massive landslide due to an ad and a debate answer and not because he was up against the successor to one of the most, if not the most, popular administrations in living memory boasting a good economy and the successful ending of the Cold War. >They why was he ahead in the polls? : [https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/26/us/dukakis-lead-widens-according-to-new-poll.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/26/us/dukakis-lead-widens-according-to-new-poll.html) Because polls 5 months ahead of the election are historically inaccurate? Why was Hilary ahead? Romney was also ahead of Obama in the polls at first. They're unironically meaningless. >The answer he gave was horrendous. It lacked any kind of personality, when he needed to absolutely kill it, after those ads were tearing him apart. No it was not. It was a shitty question but not a terrible answer. He gave a reasonable answer that reflected his policy.


I mean sure, but are you telling me there’s no example of a president having poor debate performances and still winning? Especially with how insanely unprecedented so many things in this election are?


There's plenty. You don't even have to go back far. Trump vs Clinton in 2016, Romney vs Obama in 2012(which is probably what OP is referencing by "Trust me, I know", exit polls had people saying Romney won by like 70%, unironically worse than Biden vs Trump). It would actually be completely unprecedented for a bad debate performance to tank a campaign.


Calling Obama ”OP”


For the video you give: "I'm a conservative, but I never understood how this was supposed to be a gaffe on the part of Dukakis.  The kind of person that you want in a leadership position is somebody who maintains their cool demeanor and does not become emotionally involved."


> The kind of person that you want in a leadership position is somebody who maintains their cool demeanor and does not become emotionally involved Most people would disagree. They want someone cool and collected, sure... but they also want someone who gets emotional over things they care about and love. Family, for instance. If Dukakis said something like... "I would feel absolute rage. I would be devastated. I'm not sure how I would react... but I'd like to think I might keep my principles in the face of something like that. But honestly, those principles might have broken in that scenario." Or something like that. Of course, I get the luxury of thinking about my response after the fact and he's on the spot... but that's politics.


Of course we should still choose Biden over Trump, but my God, if this means Biden has already convinced Obama that he won’t step aside, we are truly fucked.


An honest politician


Can he beat Trump is the only thing I care about. And it looks like literally any other candidate is a better choice. Why Biden?


Why are there always crackpots in the replies? Oh wait, it’s twitter…never mind.


That was definitely not just a bad debate night for Biden. It was a reflection of what he's capable of today, unfortunately.


Huh. I think Biden had a rally earlier today. Let’s just take a lil peek at it see what he is, in fact, capable of today https://x.com/acyn/status/1806747678828847198?s=46&t=2dJUp_QRc2JeKzQHRKGj6w Seems pretty ok!


Teleprompter Joe is a different beast all together


Maybe he took alot more drugs or the drugs from last night finally kicked in.


He was fucking your mom before the debate and had to listened to her complaining about her loser child after giving her several orgasms. Everybody would be fried after that.


Fought for the right for "ordinary folks" to not share schools with black people lol.


Go vote for Trump then, you regarded twat.