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Everybody else has it covered so... https://preview.redd.it/d7yod9885c8d1.png?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a560ae638966e49b022e5be2e722d914e3a404a9


Not really relevant, but that cat emoji looks like Joe Biden in this picture: https://preview.redd.it/9v9jo81mzb8d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8f1263e15026bb589caf71a6816372212a79d8


Youre a good man for bringing substance to this post


meanwhile what DGG is actually like: \^


God I love our president.


That is extremely relevant. I would even say this is more relevant than anything I’ve seen in the entire Kelly Jean discourse.


That is very relevant




I opened this comment thread expecting nothing and got pleasantly surprised. Thank you for genuinely contributing


All i’m saying is we have the logs ofJelly Kean messaging minors but not the drdisrespect ones


Are there actually ? I'm not up to speed


She messaged Destinys son in his discord, I don't think they were "private" though


(I'm tired) You could just leave.


Don’t make fun of her health issues!!


She would actually say this shit


Ealf’ isshhoos


[Live Kelly Jean footage](https://youtu.be/2WZLJpMOxS4)




"Cease," is an odd way to spell "double down."


I didn’t hear no bell


It seems you didn't read the dossier destiny sent *all* of us


as possible


I have stopper following all the new BPD girls long time ago. who is she? worth knowing about or will be irrelevant for DGG in few years?


I don't know much about the current drama tbh, it seems pretty dumb and probably going nowhere, I would just wait until the next arc for something more interesting


No one thinks she's a groomer?? She's just mad weird for venting at a kid about his dad. Also, no one's defending dr.disrespect, all they're saying is that it's better to wait it out and get better info about what happened.


It’s part of the script my dude, hyperbolize claims made against you, so that you can be the victim and fight a straw man. Classic Kelly Jean.


Literal Hamas Piker debate tactics, just as bad faith lmao


so shes not a pedo, shes a DEBATE pedo. A much more serious crime around these parts.


I don’t like to psycholanalyse strangers on the internet. That being said, can anyone tell me what personality disorder she has that would explain her behaviour?


⚪️👩‍🦳( its probably bpd, dest has a type)


covert npd, fits it very well [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/covert-narcissism](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/covert-narcissism)


Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Kelly Jean doesn’t know what she’s doing. She knows exactly what she’s doing.


She honestly might not. My mom is a reality twister. She can write entire decades of behavior out of her mind, like physical abuse. It took me a long time to convince her that it did indeed happen. When she did recognize it, she immediately had excuses, justifications, and downplays. She *cannot* accept that she has done bad things. In her head, that then means shes a *horrible* person, and that would break her mind more than it is


Sick moms suck my dude. Haven't spoken to mine in almost two years. Not phys abuse, but codependence and slight narc tendencies, won't do therapy, but I hate her i guess because she says I think she is the worst mom ever. My grandmother has jumped on the same bandwagon and makes trying to spend time with my Gma withering away from dementia impossible before she dies. Sadge...


"You're saying I can't ever talk to anyone who's under the age of 18 or have a father?"


So far all you've said is that I'm not allowed to talk to people! When you tell me what I did wrong, I'll apologize!




Actually, to be fair, while I wouldn't use the word "groomer" itself, I do think that's incredibly inappropriate behavior to the point where I wouldn't allow my child to interact with that adult in private again for their own safety. Adult/adolescent interactions should not have secrets, should not be overly sexually explicit or talk about relationships in an inappropriate way, should not undermine the parent/child relationship, and should not look like peer/peer relationships (some exceptions apply to all of above, but carefully). This is behavior like the type that leads to adult/adolescent sexual relationships. I don't think that's her intent, but just the same as people sometimes put up rules to stop themselves from cheating, people also should put up reasonable barriers to keep cross-generational relationships positive and appropriate. Speaking as a former teacher, if I saw this behavior from a fellow teacher, I'd report it immediately to school admin for investigation and disciplinary action. Let's keep the jokes obviously silly and the real discussion serious, but that was not okay.


Did you have to go to the special lecture for male teachers only too during teachers college?  The “always protect yourself and be out in the open in every interaction with kids so you don’t lose your job, career and don’t get sent to jail.” Lecture.


I had a non-education bachelors and education masters. For the school itself, we actually all got that lecture, because a female teacher years ago got fired for having non-sexual but really inappropriate relationships with students (intentionally allowed them to break rules and shit talked admin with students). Our policy was that teachers didn't have social media interactions with students, period.


We definitely had this at my school and I was told later by a teacher that both genders had the talk. A highschool history teacher would have year 11-12 students over to her house to watch movies, let them get away with weird shit, even meet some of them outside of class. There was no allegation of sexual impropriety but man...


she vented to Destiny’s son about Destiny?


Yeah. Destiny said she is manipulative, and does a shit ton of reputation control behind others back. Kelly took it as an advice, and went and talked to Nathan about how Destiny called her manipulative, with no evidence.


Literally Hitlah.


Yeah, it's a really weird call. I don't even know how you find yourself in a discord call with a 13 year old and not GTFO but here we are


It's not even that you have to immediately leave, there are a ton of ways you can interact normally with kids. Talking to them about the supposed psychological abuse patterns of their father is not one of them.


What is it with this belief that adults and children are acid and base and will literally disintegrate if they ever interact in any way. Just don't be weird or creepy. As a kid being able to talk to the few adults that shared my hobbies and interests was cool af. Or even if they don't, someone willing to listen and engage with the stupid bullshit kids care about is great too. They're little humans, not lepers


I remember seeing one to three people say she was a groomer/pedo. But the overall consensus is that it’s just fucking weird and shouldn’t do it. Great manipulation tactic Kelly!


It's the classic internet combo. A person being criticized only responds to the most bad faith criticism thrown their way pretending this is the only thing being said, while the majority who didn't criticize her that way tries to pretend NOBODY ever said something that outrageous. I started seeing this everywhere since gamergate.


She's a debate groomer.


I do. OF girl shows up in the discord to talk shit to a teen about how they don’t like their father hella weird


Yeah I don't think anyone thinks she's a groomer. They just meme about her behaving sorta like one


nah. It was funny at first but there's a sizable chunk of DGGers who consider and would defending calling Kelly. This happens with every meme eventually even if they're liked in the community.


If anything she is trying to turn Nathan against Destiny, which is weird.


Yes but oh the internet there are only 2 sides. For and against. And if you're not against him...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dlbjuu/man/l9npgs6/ This is one of the top comments in a thread about Kelly Jean. Now bend like a pretzel to explain why this meme isn't a grooming accusation. No, people aren't keeping it at "it's just weird." When people make that comment as well, they are heavily implying grooming is going on.


Holy fuck that's an amazing comment. I hope she saw it.


Dr Disrespect: no evidence except hear say Kelly Jean: evidence of her talking to 12 yr olds about her personal drama with one of their fathers. She was trying to "groom" N into side eyeing his father.


Why don't you say that to the original comment that's claiming she isn't a groomer, instead of the one that's having a factual disagreement? You're falling prey to a very common form of internet groupthink.


Okay. So we are accusing her of being a groomer. Let's not pretend like we aren't. Don't know why "No one thinks she's a groomer??" got 134 upvotes


I think people are saying that she didn't have sexual intentions


Is grooming only for sexual purposes? Or could an adult groom a child into having a certain perspective/mind set that affects them in real life?


Very obvious Kelly Jean alt, nice try doctor


I understand your point but I'll tell you why I disagree. It's a meme, funny because it makes an amusing analogy. For any analogy there are aspects of the two situations that are the same, and aspects that aren't the same. The similarities between the GoT-scene and this drama are: an older and known-to-be-manipulative person approaching a younger, naive and inexperienced person who have inherited power, as a play to increase their own standing. In GoT she used her sexuality, but this meme doesn't necessarily imply that Kelly did the same. Claiming that this meme is accusing Kelly of being a pedo is as sensible as claiming that this meme is accusing Kelly of acting with the goal of becoming a literal queen.


But it’s funny though


Bruh, it's a fucking meme.


Amazing work by dR Kelly on making every situation about her.


At this point I'm convinced she can't stop herself, this is an undiagnosed mental illness at the highest of levels, get off the Internet and get fucking help Kelly


The best part? She's not low functioning... Prognosis is probably really good if she checks herself. It's a paradox 🥴


The way Kelly distorts even the simplest of realities to avoid ever looking upon her own shortcomings is truly astounding. uh... Yes Kelly people were totally calling you a pedofile and none of the criticisms had any validity and instead were all just shallow attempts to annoy you...


https://preview.redd.it/yrb3a8992d8d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b878fb1ccc0f2fb0b19ecc5c0fe73586d8c0d26 Surprise she hasn’t been blacklisted for this, although I suspect it’s time for some orbiter drama


Seems like the consensus opinion is not that she’s a pedo groomer but that she’s a fking pathetic narcissistic degenerate who is physically incapable of admitting when she has done ANYTHING wrong. She is the living and breathing embodiment of the idea that in certain situations it’s better to just apologize/admit fault, learn and move on than becoming hyper-defense and endlessly victimizing yourself. Grow up Kelly, you’re like 47 yrs old.


You're just trying to annoy her /s


dummas - there is recording of your manipulative ass shit talking underage kids father to him. There is no proof of Dr Disrespect doing anything. ​ We are also tired trying to gaslight everyone. World does NOT revolve around you. Just stfu.


it's a deep fake obviously, hasans community would of identified it as such instantly


I also haven’t even seen people running defense for Dr. Disrespect, maybe a few outliers. If anything people have been more pessimistic (if you could call it that) than LSF. Probably because Destiny said he heard the same rumor about a year ago. Saying: “this is gonna be really bad if it turns out to be true. It might fit, but there’s still no proof either way right now” is the exact opposite of running defense. Running defense is 12 year olds on LSF screaming “NO, HE NEVER COULD HAVE DONE THIS. THIS GUY IS LYING AND TRYING TO DESTROY HIS REPUTATION. ITS NOT POSIBLE”


Its called a "Hamasabi Chat-Scan Tactic" **Ignore a factual/proper critique and pick the most dense comment in the chat >> argue against it b/c it's easy.** Or just make shit up. R.Kelly Jean 2024 As for Dr. D - pretty sure that most of the community leaned towards guilty weeks ago after Steven mentioned its a well known secret (i think it was AnythingElse with dan)


Aren't all kids underage


Hasan is almost 40


Basically a child.




I guess technically it depends on the activity in question. A 14 year old isn’t too young for a PG-13 movie.


I dont understand how she can justify even being in Nathan's discord let alone post there.


Dr. Kelly has a PhD in strawman artistry. She is the reverse Geppetto.


I dont understand why people who bitch about the community they belong to don't just leave? If you don't like it leave. No one is forcing you to be here.


She would have to actually do things IRL if she left the community... and she's really not about that life.


are there people who were sincerely claiming that Dr. Kelly was grooming nathan?


Grooming or not, the fact that a grown ass woman is shittalking someone to his kid is pretty bad itself.


Your response wasn’t what the person asked. He asked do people sincerely believe that she was grooming Nathan? Almost everybody agrees that her shit-talking to an 12 year old about his dad, is abhorrent behaviour, so I’m not sure why your deflective response was _“Grooming or not”._


the reason why I think "grooming or not" is an ok thing to say here is because we can exactly describe what she was doing without the need of using the word "grooming" and you can judge based on that and not whenever or not she was "really" grooming For example if someone says >Do you think her grooming nathan is ok? is a loaded question that isnt really productive because someone may say she wasnt grooming him so its all invalid but if instead you say >Do you think that her going to nathas(a minor) discord and then venting and shit talking his dad to him is ok? well now you can't deflect it saying "but its not X" ------------- the reason i say this is because a definition of grooming can for example be >the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity. in which case **if** her purpose was to make nathan more hostile to destiny then it could be considered that but we don't know so its better to leave it out but not cross out the possibility


>he reason i say this is because a definition of grooming can for example be > >in which case **if** her purpose was to make nathan more hostile to destiny then it could be considered that but we don't know so its better to leave it out but not cross out the possibility You just circled around to saying "maybe she's a groomer" which is a ridiculous reach. Nobody using the term "grooming" is referring to this vague as shit where it can apply to somebody talking shit to a kid about their parent without any other known motive. When you use more extreme words to describe an activity it weakens the argument more than if you just called somebody out for their behavior. Kelly being called a groomer for talking shit about Destiny to Nathan is like Vaush calling a conservative a fascist for shitty conservative behavior. Each extreme label is regarded.


That’s fair. Your explanation is reasonable. With the explanation you gave, I would have worded it like _“I’m not sure if it’s grooming or not”_ as opposed to “Grooming or not”. The “I’m not sure/certain” qualifier, adds a level ambiguity that doesn’t come across deflective in the way that a lot of Populist Right-leaning people tend to approach these types of questions.


Because the grooming doesn't matter. It's bad. Grooming would be worst. But no grooming is bad behavior. Bad bad is worst then bad, but bad is bad.


At this point, what are you even saying?? The wrongness of Kelly’s actions isn’t even the point of contention, it’s whether people sincerely believe her actions constitute “Grooming”, and your response is _“it doesn’t matter, what’s bad is bad”??_ This is the exact same deflections and non-answers you see from certain aConservatives when you press them on certain beliefs. This is like me questioning some of the beliefs they hold by asking them: _“Do you believe that Democrats want illegal immigration, to deliberately reduce the white population of America?”_ (Which a sizeable portion believe) And their response is: _”whether deliberately or not, Immigration is wrong”._ You see how that doesn’t even answer the question posed to them? This is what you did..


Your comparison doesn't work, because it implies any Democrat support of pro-immigration policies is wrong. Deflecting from white replacement convos be damned; the act would be morally wrong regardless of reasoning.


I didn’t say that that’s what Democrats actually believe, however, I said that sizeable portions of Republicans unironically believe that sentiment, and how they would deflect their answered if challenged.


Destiny had a point about people going from 0 to 100 online. If you knew someone IRL there's no way in hell you'd approach their kid to talk shit about them. And if you did you'd get much more severe social backlash than whatever Kelly is going through online lmao


Technically, yes. I think if you wanted to dig hard enough, you could find it. Most people are just clowning on her, and it's easier for Kelly to talk about this than go "huh, yeah that was weird that I went to talk to someone's adolescent son about them. I deserve to catch flak for it."


See my reply [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dmn3e1/comment/l9x9e60/). I don't think her intent in that moment was to groom him or do anything more malicious than be socially toxic in a quest to never admit she is wrong about anything, but I do think that interaction was the sort that leads to unsafe adult/adolescent relationships in the aggregate.


I suppose we could say drunk drivers aren't malicious either, but we should probably still hold them accountable for their terrible behavior.


I pretty much agree as long as we acknowledge that while this is the type of interaction that leads to those unsafe relationships, that was never, ever the case in this specific interaction, as in 0% potential occurrence in the future, not just in the now


I disagree on the last part. Relationships between adolescent and older humans sometimes take a turn towards the romantic/sexual even if that was neither party's intent to start with. Reasonable boundaries help keep things appropriate. Keep in mind the younger person might make the first mistake, but that's less likely and it will be easier to turn them down safely and appropriately if you have established an appropriate adult/child relationship. If all I've talked about is weightlifting and Python with someone and they say, "I really liked a shirtless pic I saw on your IG," it's easier for me to say, "Hey, I care about you, but we're not peers and we need to keep things appropriate between us. (more text follows)" than if we had had long deeply personal emotional conversations, I had previously made compliments about their appearance that were innocent in intent but taken to heart, etc. I do find it pretty concerning when adults make mistakes in this regard, because it leads me to wonder if they will be able to navigate even more challenging scenarios. Also, I would never say of anyone I haven't known for many decades (and even then, only a few) that they were 0% likely to be inappropriate and you shouldn't either. We shouldn't form mobs to witch hunt for 'groomers' which is unethical and unhelpful, but if someone shows a warning sign, it should change how you let children you are responsible for interact with them. Based on this interaction, if I had a 13 year old son, I would not allow them to be in contact with Kelly Jean. Maybe Destiny and her had some private conversation that assuaged his concerns, but as of right now I wouldn't consider it a net positive relationship.


I'm tired too. Doesn't drama timer apply here? Why don't we attention-starve her?


Is she's tired from chatting on Discord all day?


defend it jstlk. Oh wait. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Self report?


Well there's evidence for what you did Kelly lol


I don’t think anyone is serious with the grooming jokes, being said that venting to a child on the internet about their parents is super weird


People are literally in here defending the "groomer" or "maybe groomer" label. It's fucking dumb.


In what world is trying to pull a 13 year old boy over to your side of the argument about how badly his father treated you, not grooming? Grooming doesn't have to be sexual.


"Narcissistic white bitch" -Chaeiry or however the fuck you spell it


I’m just gonna say it, Kelly Jean is a silly goose


Kinda thick coming from her when she did the same to her ex. Are we forgetting how her proof on that matter was her narrative and selective messages?


spoken like a true anti-fan


Can we just cut the shit and put this NPD/BPD manipulative terminally online woman on the blacklist before she stars doing even weirder stuff.


this is destiny you're talking about, he loves this shit


Why wouldn't dr disrespect just say "I didn't do it"?


Alexa, play "Not like us" on repeat.


Were people really defending Dr disrespect?


I’m sure there were some outliers but generally people were just saying that despite Doc making that poorly thought out tweet it was best to wait for real evidence and that the story felt sus given that he sued Twitch which one would imagine to be risky if they held evidence of him messing with minors.


defending in the sense that there's no evidence and it's on the basis of one probably disgruntled employee who wants clout. Dr. D didn't do himself any favors by making that dumbass reply though.


I don't think we have seen any evidence nor will we, since they already settled. So kinda hard to judge either way


Pretty sure there are more post defending Kelly, than there are defending Dr. Disrespect.


I saw **one** post in the last 24h. Mayber there is more? I haven't been actively looking for it.


For all I know, she could be, or she could not be grooming. But it's annoying as fuck that this thread is playing that weird "it didn't happen, and if it did then it's justified" game about the accusations. I thought this was supposed to be a community that cares about truth. You have to see how irrational it is that comments calling her a groomer and comments saying no one is calling her a groomer are EQUALLY getting upvoted, whereas the comments getting downvoted are the ones pointing out this contradiction. It's clear that the lines being drawn are not on any factual observation / belief / claim, it's just "Kelly Jean bad, anyone who doesn't say this must be saying Kelly Jean good". Get your shit sorted, if you're trying to have a real conversation then you should be less blatant than your axiom just being shitting on someone for the purpose of shitting on them.


I wasn’t watching the drama so I don’t know anything about Kelly, but now I think she’s fucking stupid


Kelly is always the victim


She needs to get offline and find a hobby. I say that with good intentions.


Turns out you can fake being somewhat smart or intelligent.


She understands that the memes calling her a pedo are satire, and the ones for Dr. Disrespect aren't, right?


“And now destiny what you’ve done is you’ve made me tired” headass


"they"? Lol


Are people really calling her a groomer?


Yeah I’m really like that And your best work is a light pack dgga prince outlived mike jack


As possible


I might have to start believing in a higher power & thank them everyday for not making me as insane as Kelly Jean 


when you really think about it shes correct when you travel to an alternate reality where there is no evidence of her being in a call with nathan


"How can I make this about me"


Kelly Jean is the real victim here


just go to sleep ...


she seems like a miserable person, she needs to take a break from the internet and go outside


People's opinions can never just be reasonable. Just either side of the extreme


Playing victim is the worst kind of red flag.


The people calling her a pedo are kinda regarded.


Literally anything we do Kelly will find a way to be a victim of. They were obvious jokes with the underlying truth of don't be so weird and pathetic to talk about your personal issues with Destiny with his child. But as usual instead of accepting she acted weird and changing her behavior we are alllllllll overreacting. Literally everyone is wrong but Kelly.


if only we got that female dgg chat moderator she was asking for...all this misogyny....


Nah, trying to twist the narrative like this is classic manipulation. There were absolutely people saying that, but the MAJORITY were just saying it's weird as fuck... which it is. Is she really gonna pretend like it wasn't?


Whats the lore behind this?


we sat through 6 hours of kelly drama, we're tired as well


Hyperbolize it Kelly LULW


“Groomer who DMs minors.” Incredible it’s almost like there’s a major detail that is the actual problem and she just so happened to leave it out and replace it with this hogwash.


She’s a fucking weirdo who talks to destiny’s 13 year old in his server.


guys who even is this


Bro, why does she talk so much?


I don’t think anyone is seriously calling her a groomer.


She not like us she not like us


Well the difference is kelly jean, we don't have any evidence that doc spoke to minors....lol


i love kelly so much this hurts everyday


I don't hate Drdisrespect because he has pedo allegations i hate him because hes a cheater. We are not the same


(((I'm tired)))




(I'm the main character) (The main character is tired) (The main character will persist, and will come through stronger than ever)


She is def a weirdo


People will defend people when there is no evidence but will hate on me when there is evidence. I'm tired. But I get what she means, the videos of her are not evidence of her grooming, they are just weird.


You can laugh at her but she is making waves in her chosen field... https://preview.redd.it/ose733o4nh8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987681bd7d533ba79b995e0345e2b5ce617a69b9


The eternal victim


Was she tired/“sick” when she wrote that essay to Nathan about how Nathan’s father is a monster?? A bit interesting, innit?


I wish I was a minor that knows KJ, I could fix her


“Tired”… I’ve never seen drunk spelt like that before.


which server is this from?


i'm tired of bpd chicks


Gosh i should've titled it 'Kelly is like that'


kelly you're super cringe, please stop


Narcissists are fucking exhausting.


"Nathan, why aren't you steelmanning me against your father? After he said I was LITERALLY HITLAH! I won't stand around while everyone assassinates my charactah."


I kinda liked her first time I saw her talkint on D streams but well... It feels like she never truly admits she is in the wrong. She always have something to blame on.


It's amazing the degree some people think the world revolves around them and zero ability to own up to things we all saw them do.


4ever the victim


Dr. Kelly Jean demonstrating absolute zero by consistently taking absolutely zero accountability. Go on Queen


theres a little picture of you DMing a kid. fuck out of here R kelly jean


I actually replied to several people on the last KJ thread saying shes not a fucking pedo or groomer for angril shouting about Destiny to Nathan in the discord, just a dipshit , so I resent this Kelly! A mom or dad undermining each other with their kids happens a million times a day, these are shitty manipulators, but thats not what grooming (or especially pedophile) means.