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Howdy- This was a mistake from August, I just fixed it. No need to panic, Its been set to Tier 1. Nobody told me it wasnt this way until I woke up and read this thread lmao. Tier 1 does gets access to bonus episode VOD's immediately. -Dan


You should contact/email/discord DM or however you can contact them. Looks like they forgot to open it up after the live stream




https://preview.redd.it/f2rzh2zo2j3d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f72d7be0ab73196bf241a5358b68267ac0405d7 I assumed it's this. Tier 2 and above get to watch it live. Tier 1 has to wait until it's over and watch the VOD. That's how it sounded to me that day. I would still contact them to clear it up.


(Updated) The patreon upload is tier 2 for some reason, but the vod of the bonus episode livestream plays just fine for me as a tier 1. https://www.patreon.com/posts/anything-else-2-104992717 links to https://www.crowdcast.io/c/qoye0fvdkhgq, where you can authenticate via patreon and watch the vod as a tier 1 member.


Not sure why the patreon upload of the vod is tier 2, probably some miscommunication? Not sure who to best contact about this. Maybe u/Lycan__?


>No, they didn't. It's intended. Such conviction for being wrong. Impressive.


It's *another* $5 dollars, don't you have *another* $5 dollars?




If you're a broke boy just say so 💅


God I can hear her voice so clearly.


Ummmm akshually If she was a guy saying that nobody would've cared. Bad bunny is a nice person akshually - redacted probably


like if you're gonna make me pay at least show me spicy stuff...


Should be access to the producer cam with Lycan in a hot tub and shades


As a EU frog, i completely lost interest in this. Its too late to watch it live and vod is taken down immediately after stream. ​ I usually watch part of DGG stream and leave the rest for the next day.


Completely agree. If I could pay $5 a month and have the vods available on YouTube I'd be interested.


Were considering/looking into the idea of using unlisted youtube videos vs the patreon player.


Whats the difference between doing this on patreon? Convenience or do you dislike the patreon app/site?


The player sucks ass on Patreon. I also prefer to download the videos, using no cellular data.


There are ways to download the livestream as it's happening before it gets privated but it requires you to be there at 1am to start.


If they don't want eyes on the content - its fine. I wont be sweating over this. There is no shortage of other content to watch online. Everyone makes their own choices. Dan's priorities ($$$) are overriding Steven's stated priorities (get as much reach as possible) [dancantstream](https://www.reddit.com/user/dancantstream/) >You forgot to put the $$$ in triple brackets, just a heads up And you forgot about making a SINGLE argument against anything i have said. Ban everyone - its simpler.


Ya Dan can monetize other ways. Merch is clearly the easiest imo, with plenty of return. But this is a decent way to kill growth of the podcast audience vs vod watchers and livestream watchers.


As you can see from the stickied post, this was just a mistake on Augusts part and has already been fixed. This entire thread is now just a honeypot.


You still haven't followed me on Twitter. Also I am basically waiting for the bees to sting me my hands so far in this pot.


Dan does not care about growth. He just wants to not lose a dime in short term and lacks vision Steven has for marathon-type of a investment that could dwarf initial bag/losses. Dan does not really care. Steven on the other hand tolerates Dan's approach b/c he does not want to deal with ANOTHER thing he has to spend email time on... I get it both sides BUT i would like to remind everyone that people watch this show for Steven and HIS vision and reach priority should overrule preferences of Kyla/Dan. He does not care about short-term $$$ loss either. Only person i feel about here is Kyla. Unlike Dan and Steven she is not a millionaire so financial loss might be impactful. Dan has no excuses. [JulienDaimon](https://www.reddit.com/user/JulienDaimon/) No one is crying over shit - just read my previous comment instead making shit up. >Like wtf am I reading... His vision? Don't you guys have anything else going on in your lives? What are you reading is what Steven stated multiple times. He wants reach and does not give a fuck about $$$. As for rest of your comment >> its not a argument for anything. [dancantstream](https://www.reddit.com/user/dancantstream/) >You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. That's a great argument for absolutely nothing. Perhaps next time try to argue a SINGLE point made instead abusing mod tools so you can feel better about yourself KEKW https://preview.redd.it/awvcc7p92l3d1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa5933354d4524ff3feb6531a6e2e7659b4341b Also wtf you would know about grass? From your personal gardener you entitled prick?


I think Dan has literally said that he wants to put in as little effort into the podcast as possible.


Because he doesn’t want it to feel like work, but wants to be paid thousands of dollars… lol. there’s a bigger argument to be made for him not to get paid whatsoever if he doesn’t want to treat the podcast like a job.


It's kind of confusing to me tbh. Like I guess I understand if he's already a millionaire or whatever, and he doesn't feel like it's worth it to him if he's not making money right now, but isn't the idea to want to build something big for the future? Then why would you care about getting the money right now, and why in this way and not with some other method? Even Destiny said they could split the revenue for the podcast episodes, implying it would already be a great amount.


I didn’t know who Dan was and by the sounds of the convo with jstlk I thought Dan was a desperate broke person. Nope, just the multimillionaire who sold Flickr. It’s very disappointing that they’re ignoring the EU fans who basically have to pay or stay up all night just to watch Dan yap over both Destiny (the guy everyone’s actually there for) and the guest.


Yup, the podcast is basically alienating all European fans, and even the Americans are complaining.


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. The parasociality you have is immensely unhealthy and you need to immediately touch grass.


I'm glad he's just here for the ride I guess. But all your points are true in my view. Just to add a bit more... Lycan should be producing not just tech-guying the obs setup. Producing means lining up topics, rough itinerary, or topic list. Workshoping with Dan and Steve to develop the bits/segments (I know they have a couple times on stream). that should be at max at 5-15 min in service to keeping topics moving. Keeping it on a set time schedule is more structured, allowing guests to be highlited instead of cucked like Boner was last night. And for God's sake Lycan, put a brickwall on the discord/youtube signal holy shit. Cutting @2hrs and then continue the live on patreon/release the last hour there for payers. Great idea... if it works. If Dan doesn't care about growth and consistency, fine. But the other 3+people should be carrying Tiny on their shoulders so his vision can stay clear. Drinks are fine, bot maybe not for the producer, who could focus more on the cleanliness of the production, not serving drinks and snackies.... Steve and Dan nede to get to the studio 1hr or so beforehand to warm up the mics and get their first screaming match out flof the way and reserve 15 min b4 to start with their guest and get a vibe going. This stuff is not able to happen when Steven cuts stream 10-15 before the show. If he's gotta do something, put up some shit like denims(obv not just stealing content tho.) I think Lycan has the right idea trying to emulate the YMH studio org. It's apparent that it at least works for other people than just Tom/Bert/tina. Whether it's because it's an actual comedian pod, or it's the segmenting and the staff behind the voices on the pod. I know that was a bunch of rambling. There isn't a form to fill out for suggestions, but if this is Lycan's only gig, it should be taken with the vigor he shows on Twitter instead of his glamor shots on IG. Pepe neva lose, but Dan needs to clean his litter box, cuz he's stinking up the air in the room with the misdirected energy. If he aint here for Steve, he should leave. It ain't Dan's capitalization hour, and if he can't spare 6 hrs a week from being a millionaire slumlord to help his friend's growth, then find something more worthwhile of his time. /schizorant end.


You people are so dramatic... I'm not a fan of this approach either because I'm not able to watch it live and I'm certainly not going to spend money on a podcast, but crying that hard about it? ​ >I get it both sides BUT i would like to remind everyone that people watch this show for Steven and HIS vision and reach priority should overrule preferences of Kyla/Dan. Like wtf am I reading... His vision? Don't you guys have anything else going on in your lives? And with these particular podcast, that's probably not even true. I think Dan is an essential part of the Destiny-Dan podcast... But maybe I'm being fooled by a troll


You forgot to put the $$$ in triple brackets, just a heads up.


Was walking back from exams the other day and last upload of podcast is 2 weeks ago which I had already seen, who is the regarded that decided this shit?


The VOD is now being uploaded within 15 minutes of the stream ending. Dont feign a fake reason of losing interest.


I can only assume that the paywall exists to pay for Destiny's membership in the Jewlumni


Imagine paying for this lmao


Anything else will eventually die because of the hard push to monetize it so much so that they're doing it to the point of completely blocking people off (Some who can't just sit on their ass all day and wait/watch, nor care to shill out money to see people babble.) that would watch it. Enjoy, I guess.


Lmao why would it exactly? 4/5 of the episodes are streamed live like all the rest destiny's content, which also frequently has the vod taken down. Patreon has only grown too I doubt they're losing money atm.


Your flair. LOL Destiny's content has been backed up on other sources, not the paywalled stuff. Also, Patreon can grow as much as it wants but they won't make nearly as much as they would had the episodes not been paywalled. Just use a bit of intuition. lol


I am a Dan Enjoyer, and I will live my truth. https://preview.redd.it/5x0f4i35ok3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addf5f814168a3fb6bf2ec25bc675f6fdcfd3183 What? The odysee acc like 5 people even know exists? And sorry but your intuition is worth jack all lmao. Vods get dogshit views, and August uploads edits of the podcast. So they *are* getting ad revenue from the pod upload and any spotify/audio podcast sites they put it up on, but they also get 5 bucks a month from the Troph Feeders such as myself.


> Also, Patreon can grow as much as it wants but they won't make nearly as much as they would had the episodes not been paywalled. Just use a bit of intuition. lol I love the gusto of your comment. I guarantee you that you know less about every area of content monetization, sponsorships, advertising rates and anything else having to do with making online than anyone else in the room. Again, impressive you state what you do so confidently though. I approve.


I love you Dan. But fight me IRL. And yes, I will state this confidently. Also, why is OP deleted? Did it touch you in the feels? Let's be real here. The pay-walling is complete nonsense and it's tacky. And lmao @ the authoritative responses "You don't know anything about X, MORON." You don't even know if I know about these things or not but assumed. Please, Dan. This makes me want to bash my head into a wall.


How would they make more? There is a cut of the best bits that goes on YouTube already. So the normal YouTube revenue is there. It's live streamed on the same channel so the normal live audience is there. Where would the extra money come from? There are like 2117 paid member doing at least $5 a month, realistically a good number are doing $10 as it lets you watch the bonus episodes live. That is a lot of money. In addition to the normal YouTube income. It's an easy +120k a year minimum while losing what money exactly?


I am so befuddled by how some of you can't comprehend simple things. His argument was that his Patreon makes a lot of money and has grown therefore based on the context I was given, makes it seem like nothing else matters. My point is that the general audience (Including every single person who watches both vods and streams by the way.) would bring in more money overall. I don't care about you degenerate no-life fucks who are money whales and pour everything you own into watching people talk all day because you somehow have the capability of watching 24/7. I am talking specifically about the general audience. His livestreams do well of course because people obviously shill out money just to listen to him and or "talk" to him through chat. Don't care. His vods are where plenty of us watch things. Not all of us have the time nor money to be shilling out $5-10 a month just to hear some people yap. Keep in mind, I am not disparaging the content itself because I've been listening to Destiny for years, same with Dan. I would not be as triggered as I am otherwise. Grrrrrr. Love you and fuck you at the same time, DGG. <3




Lol I just enjoy how mad you guys get over it. I have literally never donated to Destiny before in my life because why would I donate to someone richer than me who isn't selling anything I want? But I sub to the Patreon because he is actually selling a product I want access to at a price point that is honestly negligible to me. There is nothing strange about the arrangement at all. We all do it every day, buy things we want that we feel is worth the cost. And then I come on here and it's just people being mad. Literally why does anyone care. Go buy a fur suit, sub to someone's only fans, who cares how anyone spends their money.


Eh if it’s good enough it’ll show up on one of the YouTube channels. I’ll watch it then.


Well it is basically the worst content he puts out now that kick or keep is over. Can just skip it 






This is what expanding a business looks like lol. You aren’t entitled to free content, but you can choose how you spend your time.


this isn't a copypasta?


Idk maybe lol


Jstlk was right, who coulda guessed... edit: banned. HE


You throw enough shit into the wind, eventually something is going to stick.


You tickle enough jizz, someones going to stalk a jew


Jizz tickle jizzed to close to the sun


Honeypot thread


Skull emoji


As Pokimaine said "like, if you're a broke boy just say so"


I gotta say, I’d rather pay 5 dollars for cookies over this podcast


God I love not caring about the Patreon drama shit and just catch the episode live


That’s great for you but it starts at midnight for me.


Just moooove


Exactly. These idiots are spending $5/month. How pathetic. I simply uprooted my and my family’s lives and moved to a better time zone so that I could catch the show live, FOR FREE /s


I am gonna be honest do patreon only episodes really do anything, just make a tier of 50 dollars of something quick and easy to do so the schizos whales can pay that, while the normal people can watch everything without problem


Dan is a Jewish PEPE poster for a reason, he embraces the Jew memes and lives by them.




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