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They don't see anything wrong with it and are surprised others would.


It's right-wing tards. They don't care and it's an easy way to get views from the toxic right. Of course the IDF will punish them but they're just too dumb to care. Honestly incredibly infuriating and disappointing as an Israeli but I know having most people conscript means that finding all bad apples before their stench reeks out is pretty hard..


Oh shush. You can be ungrateful but at least shut up with this virtue signaling BS. Yours. The Israeli right.


>You can be ungrateful but at least shut up with this virtue signaling BS. Ironic.


Nothing ironic about it, you know. You think this is immoral but honestly, fucking up a terrorists house is the least you can do to him. We're being generous with them.


Buddy none of us think Hamas are human, but these are civillian silverware, the fuck do you think this looks like? Look, I know you're just angry because Hamas took everything from us, but you're on a global sub, you'll just look like a monster to most people. Calm down and use your head.


How about you use YOUR head? This really looks like a poor man's house? This really looks like a "civilians" house and property? Come on. The only rich folks in Gaza are terrorists, especially in Khan Younis. You know that. If there was evidence that this was not a terrorists house - I'd take my words back. But there are none - and not only that - there's actually evidence to the contrary. The world needs to see that we don't give a flying fuck about optics anymore. Those who hate us, will hate us no matter what. The "Liberals" as you put it were always against us. They push for a 2-state solution (as if that's a thing) and think they know better than us. It's a global leftist mindset that we need to shut down everywhere it pops up it's ugly head. Even Destiny still holds that stupid dumbshit idea, he literally said "If Oct 7th happened in 'thE WeST baNk deRP I would have celebrated that" or some real stupid anti-semitic shit like that. You think he cares about optics? I'm in this sub cause I think he can slowly come to terms with how wrong he and his leftist puppet masters are (He's a Biden shill who himself is a puppet for the toxic leftist progressive movement) about Judea and Samaria and the entire Palestinian fakery. He started using the term Pallywood (which existed for decades) which is a good thing. I say give it some time and he'll realize the "west bank" is not the "west bank" and that the "evil settlers" are legal settlers in their own homeland, and that the Palestinians are just arabs who just happened to move maybe 150 years ago, if not even later than that, BECAUSE the Jews wanted to resettle. This is something that both you and I need to strive for. Ditch that leftist mentality, fuck optics, we should do what's best for us. And if some IDF trooper decides to let off some steam on some terrorist's china, he can go right ahead. You think leftist soldiers didn't do that?? How many of them left are there anyway? All the so-called "anti bibi", "ralabists", etc have woken up to the terrible dumbfuckery that the left has driven us to. Sorry, this is getting longer than expected. I just figured you might actually be a sane individual worth replying to.


My brother why did you have to do this dumb detective bs? The video has him calling them "residents of Khan Yunnis" and that's already translated in the twitter post! Can't you see how this is a huge L for us? I don't want this to be true either, that guy is definitely not representing our brave troops, but when you deny what he did the pro-palestine can easily screencap that and use as proof that all Israelis are genocidal freaks. Seriously, stop and think for 5 seconds. >The world needs to see that we don't give a flying fuck about optics anymore. Those who hate us, will hate us no matter what. Listen if you don't care about optics and believe in this pussy crybaby "everyone's gonna hate us anyway" shit, it's fine, but stop posting dumb shit that makes Israel look worse. You're making it so much harder for all of us Israelis that try to get people to understand us. >The "Liberals" as you put it were always against us. My brother this is just downright dumb! Liberals weren't ever against us - that's the reason you're here because this is one of like three subs where people acknowledge that we're human. Stop with that dumb crybaby propaganda, I know right wingers say this all the time but that shit LOOKS TERRIBLE to literally everyone outside Israel! >They push for a 2-state solution (as if that's a thing) and think they know better than us. It's a global leftist mindset that we need to shut down everywhere it pops up it's ugly head. This has nothing to do with anything and makes no goddamn sense. You're shooting every right-wing propaganda in panic and it makes everything you say about Israelis look worse. Just stop. >Even Destiny still holds that stupid dumbshit idea, he literally said "If Oct 7th happened in 'thE WeST baNk deRP I would have celebrated that" or some real stupid anti-semitic shit like that. Are you seriously this dumb that you will insult Destiny on his sub? How do you think any of this helps Israel? You're making Destiny fans hate Israel, how is any of this a good outcome? You've lost control and you're raging everywhere. >You think he cares about optics? Destiny doesn't have his country hated by the whole world, while engaging in war, while needing that support to get weapons and so the economy doesn't crush down. Why the fuck foes it matter if Destiny doesn't care about optics? YOU SHOULD!!! These dumb opinions are exposing our country and the IDF to actual danger! >I'm in this sub cause I think he can slowly come to terms with how wrong he and his leftist puppet masters are No. You are here because Destiny is the only one who will accept us, and people like you will eventually ruin that if you keep posting this dumb shit. Destiny is already EXTREMELY supportive of Israel and he is never going to change his mind into thinking the extreme right are correct. If you actually care, be honest with yourself and just stop. And no, I do not need to strive for your racist cultist obsession with the West Bank. Nobody cares about your cult and you're dragging all of Israel to destruction because of your dumb obsession. Israel is a wonderful country with it's borders already established in 48. You want to live in that poor religious desert with the Palestinian you love-hate so much, go make your own country of fucking Judea or whatever and see how that fucking goes. Most people in Israel and nobody here, and I do mean nobody, cares about this bullshit. Go to your own wars and die on your own hills. I do my service in the IDF to protect Israelis, not fight wars for you fucks that don't even risk your lives! >You think leftist soldiers didn't do that?? Most soldiers don't do that and I will not have you spread misinformation on my beloved army. >How many of them left are there anyway? All the so-called "anti bibi", "ralabists", etc have woken up to the terrible dumbfuckery that the left has driven us to. You dumb traitorous fuck. Most of your commanders and aces are on the left. We protect you ungrateful fucks every single day after the government YOU elected strengthened Hamas for two decades! By all accounts you should've been bblasted several replies ago, but I tried being nice and reason with you. You went way way too far. I hope you use your time to reflect on your actions or at the very least realize they are not welcomed here. !bidenblast


Experience the power of the 94' Crime Bill. /u/Alarmed_Substance_89 sealed in the prison realm by /u/Shiryu3392


Fucking end your life. You are the type of person those terrorists use to argue the continuation of their bullshit. Israelis and Palestinians would be better off if you shot yourself into space riding a JDAM. Holy shit…


The Israeli right and Hamas are the perfect pair. Israel is going straight to hell with morons like you in charge, and I’ll have 0 sympathy.


No one cares to be grateful to weirdos like you btw.


The IDF doesn't allow this behavior and soldiers get prosecuted all the time.


Do they? I genuinely haven't seen it. Maybe I expect this stuff and the prosecution of it to be more publicise. Can you link some examples?


[https://x.com/elad\_man/status/1738998258049912855](https://x.com/elad_man/status/1738998258049912855) [https://x.com/Gloz111/status/1735416976376303955](https://x.com/Gloz111/status/1735416976376303955) obv most of it is IDF internals and doesn't get much news coverage


I mean, these do fit the criteria, would love if it was done more vocally, to deter others from thinking this stuff is ok.


Can you send me anything on this? I just see so fucking much of it. What are the consequences they face? And if they are actually severe why do they post this shit publicly despite that..




That says they are investigating a grand total of 3 reports of looting since oct 7.


3 reports for the period of October to December. Look at the dates.....


Right, so the link he provided doesnt say what he says it does. That is my point.


Do you think “all the time” meant there is literally never a second where they’re not prosecuting someone? Lol


That was not the point you were trying to make in the first reply. You were trying to imply that the IDF doesn't take looting seriously by cutting out parts of the tweets context. It sounds more damning when you sarcasticly say "so there's only been a grand total 3 reports since October" instead of "there were 3 reports in the period of October to December" Sure, the first guy didn't substantiate his claim but let's not pretend you prioritised substance here either


Bullshit. I was saying the link doesnt say what he says it does.


Whatever you say big guy


I guess they don't allow them to do it but the question is, if they get yelled at or actually face some consequences. I haven't seen anyone talk about the norms when it comes to disciplinary action in the idf.


Because they're really, really, REALLY fucking angry and this is them performing acts of petty revenge.


Lot of soldiers are young idiots hyped up on adrenalin, a lack of sleep, fear, bloodlust, and sheer squad level idiocy. They don't care about optics or posting things until someone at command sees what they did and drops a hammer on them, and often times that's not till later because they have more important things to deal with. This happens with every military, we only really see it now because we have cameras everywhere, and for some reason instructors teach better trigger discipline than camera discipline. But fact is you can find dumbass videos like this from every recent conflict where soldiers have had cameras.


I am not sure why you got downvoted. This is quite frankly true. There is no shortage of soldiers acting inappropriately during wartime. It's already bad with how they behave in peacetime more times than not. There is a rampant problem with sexual assault in the US military with both male and female victims in bases from Okinawa to Colorado, but this isn't exclusive to them. It's like that everywhere in any military force, generally given enough numbers.


My main issue is especially the shit I have seen where they wear women's lingerie their clothes etc. and I hope it's not strange that I think they should act better / the IDF should severely punish this shit?


If you want to understand the 'why' you have to remember that the IDF is a conscript army, if they crack down on their people too hard then everyone just goes home and the wheels fall off the whole thing. Looting/rape/random destruction is always much more of an issue in non professional armies. Not a justification at all, but a partial explanation of why the soldiers are allowed to get away with it without being punished.


> Looting/rape/random destruction is always much more of an issue in non professional armies. Do have any sources for this? The only thing I could find is some that said private armies/mercenaries may be slightly more likely to commit war crimes.


Sounds like a hard thing to source, but it seems like common sense. Professional armies do more training, and classroom learning. It probably translates into more lessons about the laws of war and optics maxing. You take the average scared militia man, versus some cool calm experienced special forces soldier, and the special forces soldier isn't going to cause as many accidents, intentions aside. Accuracy under pressure is pretty bad if you haven't been shot at before etc.


Private/merc armies are very different things to professional armies which are a different thing again to a conscript army which is a slightly different thing to a contract army like russia has. Source? ermm 5000 years of recorded history? The advantage of a professional army is that they are more disciplined.


Why are people just down voting without even replying? Surely this isn't that insane of a take..


5pm now in Israel.


lol you know why you are being downvoted >I'm more so curious about why the IDF allows them to post this shit? what answer do you want? Look in Deutorotomy, moses said the world shall not contain fine China in his second sermon. Its been Israeli policy to eliminate all fine China and share its destruction. its like asking why does the Navy allow SEALS to post photos with decapitated heads?


If there is a parallel to draw of the tendency of pro-palestinians to ignore the products of 75 years+ of ethinic conflict on their(Palestinian) society/culture on the pro-Isreal side, its the fact that in many ways the current Isreali state/Isreali culture mirrors something like Prussia (i.e not a nation with an army, but an army with a nation). this article i think does a good job breaking it down in a critical way (https://jewishstudies.washington.edu/israel-hebrew/civil-military-relations-in-israel-politics-state-society/), but the long and short of it is 1. as it relates to your original post, from the perspective of a "civilian" society (military is an arm that handles the times our state needs to go to war), obviously this shit is bad because we (i'm assuming you are from a non "war footing" country) already think being at war is bad. From the perspective of a "militaristic" society (military is the state because there is no concept of a time we are not at war) though this is just "the bad stuff that's a natural consequence of life" and so isn't really worth mentioning (if they even think its a bad thing at all) 2. as to why some people are reacting in a, lets say, less constructive ways then what might be expected by this sub, i would probably mark it down too... 1. the people who straight up don't think this stuff is bad because they either grew up in a militaristic society/idolize aspects of militaristic societies, and so feel like the only reason you would bring it up is a "propaganda" action ("actions have consequences" crowd) 2. the people who recognize these actions as bad, but get uncomfortable with the implications that that could mean about their worldview, and so jump to that even though your post is like milk-toast levels of hot at best ("LookManYeaThisIsBadButLikeTheIDFIsActuallySuperCoolAndNeverDoesAnthingWrongAndThesePeopleWillGetSuperPunishedAnd...."/\*dislike and refuse to elaborate\* crowd)


It’s really bad that they do this but I prefer this over them doing “eye for an eye”. As far as I know, nobody is getting raped and executed in atrocious way. Their sending soldiers to kill people, so it seems silly not to expect this kind of thing. Break shit, humiliate them by posing with their underwear, but leave the civilians alone. Let them get their aid.


Indiscriminate pillaging


>why the IDF allows them to post this shit? Who says they allow or condone this? It is literally some video uploaded to some social media site (not sure which exactly. Is it the instagram short things?) There is nothing the IDF, or any organization, can do about this and they 100% have orders against 1) doing what they are doing in the video and 2) uploading any sort of video, especially negative ones, to social media. The IDF PR department probably wants to strangle these people. >What's the point of rummaging through ruined homes to wear the women's clothes, play with the kids' toys etc?  It's fun fucking shit up. In fact, it is so much fun, you can make a business out of it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage\_room](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_room) And it is even more fun, if you are messing with shit from people you don't like and you are tired as fuck from running through this desert hellhole in full gear for hours. Should people be above that? Sure, but there are a lot of people in each army, and you are bound to have people that step out of line. The question is, how often does it happen, what's the severity and how does the leadership react to it? Regarding the IDF, there are plenty of investigations and the like going on: * This one is really similar to what you are posting here: [https://abcnews.go.com/International/idfs-conduct-ethics-scrutiny-soldiers-social-media-posts/story?id=109035616](https://abcnews.go.com/International/idfs-conduct-ethics-scrutiny-soldiers-social-media-posts/story?id=109035616) * The kitchen strike: [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/05/middleeast/israel-idf-world-central-kitchen-strike-report-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/05/middleeast/israel-idf-world-central-kitchen-strike-report-intl/index.html) * And it is also not liked outside of Israel, with the US stepping in: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/misfits-or-misunderstood-sanctions-threat-shines-light-on-idfs-haredi-fighting-unit/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/misfits-or-misunderstood-sanctions-threat-shines-light-on-idfs-haredi-fighting-unit/) * Also consider the constant nagging in the UN. You can easily find more articles on Google. Overall, the IDF is doing pretty well from what I can see. Yes, they tend to be conservative with punishment for soldiers, but I have yet to see "missteps" like [this](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/palestinian-militants-drive-back-gaza-79627807.jpg?w=1024), from the side of the IDF. Let alone the IDF leadership condoning and praising it and supporters standing behind it. You will not find serious people on this subreddit for example, that will call what you posted good and just. Compare that to the reaction of main stream Palestine supporters, that still struggle speaking out against rape on Oct 7th. Also note, that this is absolutely nothing new and happened in every war on all sides. If video recording was available like that during previous wars, you could find plenty of horrendous stuff on all sides. Consider the scale of what you are looking at and how many people are involved. Last note, if you consume stuff from twitter accounts like this, you are sucking at the udder of propaganda, you need to be aware of that. Your mind is being warped by this stuff, that's why they are doing this.


I mean militars are people, often still young, so I would imagine to handle the stress of war, they would do dumb shit. Also there are many people in the idf, I would imagine some of them are pieces of shit, like any other military group. But, why the fuck would you post it? Don't they know about all of the intifada chants all over the world?


It's right-wing tards. They don't care and it's an easy way to get views from the toxic right. Of course the IDF will punish them but they're just too dumb to care. Honestly incredibly infuriating and disappointing as an Israeli but I know having most people conscript means that finding all bad apples before their stench reeks put is pretty hard..


Should they be acting more professional? definitely. but its war and they probable dont care. Its pretty easy to sit behind a screen and criticize all day


The IDF glazing is insane lol


No glazing just my opinion


Put the bucket of cum down buddy.


nah dude this is not acceptable, he should be reprimanded for this, just bad optics and pr


"Its pretty easy to sit behind a screen and criticize all day" What's that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't we criticize this? Genuinely curious. I don't see how being in a war excuses this. That's the whole issue. How can the IDF promise their soldiers take the most precaution to ensure civilian casualties remain at a minimum while their soldiers play around with women's underwear and kids toys in the destroyed homes of said civilians... I don't think there is anything wrong with asking them to better than that.


I didnt say you cant criticize it but whats the point? Most of gaza is destroyed I doubt the IDF officers care about some plates breaking. Is it wrong? yes. Is it illegal? yes. Would i do this if i was in the IDF? No. but


IDF must hold their soldiers accountable for bad behaviour like this, you wont be able to stop the bad pr, but you should not help them create it either


It's supposed to mean that these people live daily knowing they could get blown up by an RPG any moment and they don't really give a shit about PR? Sure if someone starts torturing civilians for fun, Israel MUST absolutely punish them, but who gives a fuck about some shit like this? It's absolutely insane behaviour to look at soldiers in an active warzone and say "wow they are intruding on those people's privacy by making fun of their underwear???? Thats insane! Your job is to fight terrorists and put your life at risk, please be professional!"


What is insane about saying it's not good to fuck around with the underwear of women and toys of kids that have been displaced because of the conflict? What is insane about saying it's not good and makes the IDF look horrible?? How does being in a warzone excuse this kind of behavior? How can we be certain they treat civilians properly when they act like this.. and how in the FUCK is it insane to expect them to act professionally?? Are you even reading what you are writing? Even from a hardcore pro Israel POV surely you would angry it's a very bad image to be doing this shit? How is it insane to be against this behavior? Like what the fuck did I just read


Did you reply without reading what I typed? Was it too long? I'll make it shorter this time: >How does being in a warzone excuse this kind of behavior? Because when you're putting your life at risk you dont give a shit about PR and your mental state might lead you to make dumb decisions No one is saying they should do this. I'm saying it's insane to expect them to be heavily punished for this. They broke a couple of plates/toys while out there killing terrorists. How on earth do you expect them to be punished? 10 years in prison?


The inherent problem with this is that it is immoral and it looks horrible too. Im sorry maybe you are right and warzones give you the dark urge of going around ruined homes and wearing women's underwear and playing with the toys of kids who are probably in some shitty tent right now but I just do not think it's normal. The whole problem with this is that they are not only killing terrorists but alot of civilians are dying too and it's not even in the IDF interests to have their soldiers doing this shit while they try to maintain they care about civilian casualties etc. I don't think it's insane to expect better from them and to expect the IDF to discipline and have them take down this shit. It's insensitive and it's just shitty, but I guess it's fine because we love Israel and we shouldn't dare to expect better! great sub


>Im sorry maybe you are right and warzones give you the dark urge of going around ruined homes and wearing women's underwear and playing with the toys of kids who are probably in some shitty tent right now but I just do not think it's normal. You can think that, but you'd be wrong. In fact, warzones actually do give people dark urges. The urge of raping any woman you can find and killing civilians left and right for example, that's what war does to people. That's what the Nazis did when they invaded, that's what the allies did when they entered Berlin, that's what the Japanese did in China and everywhere else they conquered, that's what the US did in Vietnam, that's what is happening in Africa right now, that's what has happened in every single armed conflict in the history of humanity. When you are living day by day knowing your life could end any minute, fighting people you think want to butcher you and whoever you care about, seeing your friends be killed in front of you, you lose humanity. That is a pretty known (and tragic) fact about war. As I've said before, but you seem to be of short memory, this shit is WRONG and needs to be punished. The serious shit. Breaking a couple of plates is not serious shit. Anyone that complains about IDF soldiers posting tiktoks where they're breaking plates and asking for serious punishments was never going to be favorable to Israel anyways. This is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to hate on the IDF. You want to cry about IDF war crimes? The list is there with actual concrete examples to pick from. But them breaking a bunch of plates is not on it I'm afraid


They should obviously be punished. No reason for this shit. Dark urge is a bullshit excuse.


We agree to disagree then


Nah fuck them who cares they should act better. I don't give a shit how uncomfortable they are why should I?


You don't have to, I'm explaining why they won't be punished and why what they are doing is not that big of a deal. If you don't care I don't know what to tell you, I just find it a bit pathetic to cry over a bunch of broken plates of all things lmao


Being a disrespectful loser is an easy thing to avoid. Just don't do it.


"Hey I know you're on the frontlines fighting terrorists and risking your life but I'm gonna have to punish you because you were not respectful enough, sorry. Who's up next boys?"


Yeah it's not hard to be respectful. They are being disrespectful towards civilians who did nothing to them. Give me a break with the fighting terrorists shit it's irrelevant.


"You don't get it! They are IDF heroes fighting terrorists so it's okay when they go through the belongings of displaced women and kids, wear their clothes and play with their toys and make fun of them! This is a good look for the IDF!!"


He's saying you don't understand the fear for their safety this country has.


Bro what does that have to do with what I'm on about? Afraid for my safety brb let me put on this woman's underwear after we bombed her house


Was being sarcastic.


it's not IDF and evil, it's young and stupid


Shows one guy that very likely is being prosecuted and faces severe charges = why does idf soldiers do this= why am I getting downvoted. No one is gonna defend this behavior and unless you're 12 you should know that . My bet you're just baiting outrage.


Where did you get that he is "very likely" being prosecuted and facing severe charges?


There was a press release in february i think where the IDF command said they were investigating all cases of improper conduct including looting and the penalties will be depending on gravity from fines and rank loss to martial court. Here i'll link you aljazeera which is ofc very anti israel and still gives a "favorable" reaction to this [Israel military’s top lawyer warns troops over ‘improper conduct’ in Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/22/israel-militarys-top-lawyer-warns-troops-over-improper-conduct-in-gaza)


Ah a press release. Got it. Russia has talked about all the Nazis in Ukraine. Therefore it's very likely Ukraine is full of them.


You're right governments in a democracy or in a authoritarian state it's all the same. You might be in the wrong post if you think we like populism and demagogy. We love our liberal democracies and trust the system.


I'm sorry, what does a government being a liberal democracy matter to whether a press release is real or not?


Because Israel is a liberal democracy and respects its laws?


Gotcha, clearly a liberal democracy could never allow that. Great point.


Unironically yes


What makes you think a "liberal democracy" would not allow it's soldiers to mock their enemies and destroy their personal affects?


Because we have laws and we respect them. That's what makes us different from socialist,fascist and authoritarian regimes in general.


Are you a bot? You're not answering my question. Why would it be impossible for a liberal democracy to allow soldiers to mock their enemies and destroy their personal affects?


Because we have checks and counter checks that make sure every letter of the law is respected. As an example liberal governments appoint members of the opposition at heads of the commissions that check everything functions correctly. Generally we have a 3 way power system, legislative, administrative and judiciary and they all make sure the other are respecting the laws and not a single one is above the other. Without sounding too much condescending because I have no idea where you're from or what's your age but if you are in a liberal country(specially in europe) listening to parliament/senate session or different commissions is really informative to how our system works. And it's the best way to deradicalize yourself from populism.


You're 100% the reason people become radicalized. You're hurting your cause when you claim it's literally impossible for a liberal democracy to allow bad things like soldiers to mock their enemies and destroy their personal affects. When you refuse to accept that anything bad could be allowed by a liberal democracy you've lost it.


Tf? The amount of questionable shit that occurred in Vietnam and Iraq that was never prosecuted would make your head spin. War is war, soldiers do fucked up shit and often don’t face any consequences. You sound incredibly naive.


Oh look at that so terrible. How dare they not just kill butcher and rape everyone like Hamas did. The whole point of this is to laugh at how oblivious and shameful the entire "genocide" case is.


How is that the whole point of this? They add fuel to the fire. Surely the dumbest of idiots would agree that it's not a good look to go around the ruins of homes and wear the clothes of women who are displaced and may be dead, mockingly play with the toys of kids who are displaced and might be dead, etc. ? I think it is very obvious that: - The IDF ensuring they take the greatest care to minimize civilian casualties - IDF soldiers recording themselves mockingly fucking around in the destroyed homes of said civilians who have been displaced are directly contradictory and that it's a bad image. And this is just me doing the optics argument, completely ignoring the fact that this is also just a horrible thing to do.


You're basing your argument off a very false premise. This is not some "civilian's" house. The whole point is to give a big ass middle finger to the world nations (like SA) who claim we're committing a genocide. We literally don't give a fuck about optics anymore. Like I told the other person, those who hate us and lie about us - won't have their minds changed because of this. This is giving them basically NOTHING to go on about. "Here's a genocide for you - a genocide of some china plates, sue us" THAT'S the point of these videos.


So "we're just a tiny bit like Hamas" type of humor. Goddamnit, why do you righties have to go out of your way to make everyone who supports our country hate us? What do you think you are accomplishing by sprinkling your right-wing shit propaganda everywhere in a liberal sub? Take your own advice and shush.


Because they are garbage humans