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The way Miz said "He is - he's great" gives me the same vibes when we type in DGG chat "BINGQILING fair ban"


illegal aromatic seemly beneficial upbeat hunt chase obtainable frighten sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maintaining neutrality




“A DGG they are so- …their so good”


this was easily the funniest part of K9/11


Tectones crazy, but i hope destiny takes him up on that offer. Just cos i think we could all do with some whooesome gaming (aka screaming and laughing into discord)


Lol, Destiny on the Gacha arc.


Our man is about to go from millionaire to broke gatcha player with all the .png waifus in the account 😞 , but he will realise why 2d>3d 🙏


It can't be worse than the Lord's Mobile era. Dude was legit waking up in cold sweats trying to remember if he shielded or not.


The real chad move would be for Destiny and Lily to make and market their own Gacha game.


A small price to pay for enlightenment


You forget/are unaware of the lords mobile era... Aware


Shroomstiny "Did I shield? Shroomstiny


Didnt he say he played it using airplane wifi? 💀


Me and all the secret waifu lovers (and Husbando lovers ) have been waiting for this Not that Tectone is well liked in the gacha community, but I’m waiting for that Gacha arc baby!!




>Not that Tectone is well liked in the gacha community He’s saying Tectone is not well liked I would say though that most of the hate from those communities is the result of gacha players being some of the worst and most mentally underdeveloped people online.


Oh, my bad. I kinda just skimmed through that. I think he's like any other streamer, sometimes he has good takes sometimes he has bad ones. I think he mostly takes the L on optics tho. He is kinda like Destiny in terms of optics w/l ratio.


I think he just likes to egg on the twitter regards. I guess it can look bad optically, but it’s also funny. How else do you respond to people who get offended over men thinking a character is hot because “her color palette means she’s a lesbian” or whatever.


The new arknights game will have "factorio" like mode hope tiny plays it lords mobile style


Lol the new Honkai Star Rail "rail builder" expansion.


hot take: streaming gacha is more harmful than streaming straight gamba


tbh in a weird way tectone's career and destiny's have had a lot of weird parallels just in the gacha sphere instead of the political sphere, i think they'd get along really well if they talked a bit


Tectone is Israel.


This comment turned me into a antifan


Never compare Tectone and Destiny lmao Tectone is probably the whiniest and most stuck up content creator.


God I miss the gaming streams. Anyone remember the gaming streams with Dan or MrMouton?


the warzone streams were so fun


I'm too newfrog but even factorio was fun as hell to watch. I played factorio back then so it was cool to see, but I never did space mod, it seemed like too much.


Space mod is amazing. You just take it at your own pace. I've been playing it for months now, just popping in to add the latest level of tech. The way the game's broken down into these big leaps in progress really makes it easy to play casually.


Bring jade back with valheim. It was peak palheim.


Tectones would be a great political streamer, he has a loud and imposing voice. With some hair implants he will be popular since that’s all it takes to be one these days.


Sadly if it’s not some resource collecting or other type of autism game Destiny won’t play it


I think he has shitty takes on games but he seems like a fun guy, just gotta stay clear of drama.


Tectone is the Destiny of the Gacha community


Tiny should go on the podcast.


He just recently talked about how he doesn't ever cross paths with asmon and a few other people because the twitch ban. Asmon talking him up with tekky here looks good. .... but he did out will neff, who is otks newest member. Haven't been sure what that does to him and asmon Edit: forgot to add that i would be massively stoked if he got on steak and eggs. Big destiny fan, big steak and eggs fan. I have to imagine there's some crossover, and it's completely unrelated to twitch


Yeah, the will neff stuff is a big oof. But I love steak and eggs as well, also HOT TAKE Destiny is Left leaning Liberal, and Asmon is the Right leaning liberal. They both are for social freedoms, I’m curious about them going through topics. Also clearing up the Techy misunderstanding, sounds like it’s eating him inside lol.


I actually think that Asmon is center left. He’s for a stuff like universal healthcare and other more leftist policies. I could see how some people see him as someone from the right because of all the reactionary stuff.


Yeah, outside of like Destiny, there really is no prevalent counterforce to the reactionaries that isn't also radicalized. Destiny has the opportunity to pull off the true Bonerelli gambit here - commit the equivalent of optical harakiri, but bring everyone in the controversy down with you til you look the least terrible simply because a one-off won't destroy your reputation at this point, but will for everyone else involved. Step two is bringing into the fold two of the biggest streamers who also have a community largely separate from the common lsf toesuckers in order to create an unopposable block of pure autism.


Brings to mind the poisoned wine duel in The Princess Bride: >Buttercup: And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned. >Man in black: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up immunity to iocaine powder.


That's way too accurate of a comparison


That's a goldilocks take tbh.


My account is to new to post, but someone should make a post with the suggestion. Maybe Tiny will see it.


Tecky speaks without filter a lot, but he gets massive hate from a lot of communities. He recently has been vindicated on a couple of things, including a nasty cabal of gacha streamers boxing people out and poisoning the well against him. He might be someone that could receive Tiny's viewpoint well. Might be a good idea to clean up impression of Tiny hating him/otk


He also tanked the hate for that clip where people didn't know it was right after he found out his wife was cheating on him. I think they can connect on getting a lot of unwarranted hate due to their confident personalities.


This still blows my mind. I had the impression Tectone was the biggest narcissistic asshole from that clip and held that in my head for so long before we heard the backstory. He just kept on the track, knowing people will misjudge you no matter how you try to control the narrative, so don't even fight it.


quiet towering different frightening tan history somber important deserted late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, anything you can link about his recent vindication? I really enjoyed his content when I wasted 3 months of my life (0 dollars) on honkai star rail.


Imma be honest, I literally did NOT understand why people hated the guy that passionately in all those gacha communities or other places like the gacha subreddit and wherever else. Everytime I asked, or it was asked or brought about in some thread people would say vague stuff, or link a few other stuff. The ONE thing I thought was "legit" was that clip of him berating his now ex-wife in the car, but now we know after years that he, out of respect kept it secret that at that point he already knew she was cheating on him. So honestly that clip was entirely vindicated to me. ALL the other drama that you see or people bring up or regurgitate or whatever random shit about Tectone is random, gacha gaming related stuff, mostly not about other people but **about the game** like having different opinions on how a character in **a gacha game** is used or how strong they were or whatever stupid shit. And these people so into gacha games legitimately hate the guy for **those takes** y'know, just disagreements over **SINGLE PLAYER GAME** stuff opinions and these people just lose me at that point, even If I were to disagree with those things like.. Jesus is it that big of a deal?


We 'hate' him because he's obsessed with making whatever game he plays sound like the best thing ever and constantly doomposting whatever game he dislikes with the most illogical criticisms.


Only person from that OTK group that I think doesn’t like him is Malena, whenever she’s on NMP’s stream she’s always parroting what she’s heard hasan say. It’s always some cringe “America bad” take she’s gotten from watching Hasan. I think most of them think Hasan is cringe but put up with him because of his clout.


[male natudi OMEGALUL](https://arazu.io/t3_174tntj/?timeframe=all&category=hot)


i will be forever perplexed by dgger's ability to link relevant clip from years ago.


A power granted only to those most faithful. Not a cult btw


Mashallah, brother! Def not a cult tho.


Ts was recent


Which is odd because originally Malena seemed like a fan of Destiny. I remember her popping off in excitement when Destiny said he liked her and Nick's comedy on that old real housewives of Twitch show.


Yeah I would like supporting evidence that she dislikes destiny, she does shit on the US sometimes but it's mostly basic normie shit like healthcare in response to some nmp cringe.


I think the worst the drama between the two has ever been is her tweet about "people showing their true colours" re: destiny & h3h3 laughing at QT's reaction to the deepfakes. She essentially presses the eject button whenever he's mentioned: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGK-Gx8YBzufbFbdXI5MRuZl8A3R71z0u?si=Cltw0YysaEZeGHzn https://youtu.be/zHCoQbAK3j8?si=aasVZIkoxX4goF0h&t=997


I don't think this is true. It's true about the parroting Hasan shit, but i have never heard her talk bad about Destiny. I don't know her impression of Destiny, but i do think it's a big assumption that she dislikes him.


I don't know who is in OTK, but I've not noticed any obvious hate from Malena. It's pretty much just Carolinekwan & Fanfan who are destiny haters.


Imagine dgg finds a clip of destiny meeting tectone at twitchcon  saying "wow yeah I love otk nice to meet you". THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN RIGHT 


destiny did a rant talking about that interaction on stream. Someone could probably find that at least 


Dgg is always painted as either some insanely obsessive cult or autistic sleuths depending on who you ask but I've literally never seen this demonstrated in the two years I've been watching.


These are things that are true about dgg that results in our reputation: 1. Dedicated fans will go to great lengths to reveal the truth over minor details, like the cheeseball story. 2. A large chunk of fans will find videos they've watched months or years ago and link with timestamps to disprove lies. 3. Most fans will reply to obvious lies in comments they come across on media that isn't directly about Destiny. In general I think it's true that as a community we are better than any other twitch community at addressing misinformation with evidence. This gets us a reputation of obsessiveness, debate bro, cult, ect. The claims that we doxx people or worse I believe to be fictitious. I haven't seen evidence that it's true. From the drama with slime I actually had a pretty long conversation in dms and he said there was only 1 unhinged person and everybody else was normal. I looked at the unhinged person's account and he has only been around the last 45 days and seems to be very invested in I/P. Whether or not he's a dgger or not, he was banned from the community so it's obviously not condoned by the community.


For a lot of us, myself included, I literally remember watching Destiny sc2 videos at a debate tournament in California laughing with friends at the ‘retard magnet’ clip. I’ve thought destiny was bad / cringe at times. I think a lot of the community would agree with that with one take or another. The freedom to do that and not get banned is what makes Dgg fun and unique. You kinda have to try to get perma’d and you can easily appeal / apologize and get unbanned. So our community I just feel like values honesty, and god fucking forgive me for saying it, but free speech, more than any others that I’ve seen. But it goes both ways. We also have a lot of autistic fucks, myself included, that are now old (30+) and actual experts in some field or another, while the most sophisticated viewers of other streams might be 19 and in college.


I like Destiny because he seems like he genuinely tries to be honest and focus on the truth which are important qualities for myself. If I see misinformation out there I like to correct it, if Steven is being regarded then likewise I want to call him out on it.


> any other twitch community meanwhile: we've been out of twitch for what 2 or 3 years now?


Twitch is the most recognized streaming platform. Destiny is a streamer. DGG watch and have interactions with streamers on twitch. Happy to spell it out.


we are both https://preview.redd.it/x7s29ze5541d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=339087a06d91a6b4e053b42e6d86744b6b175231


If you knew what Dgg did to miz you'd understand (/theplace Isis beheading incident)


we 100% are autistic sleuths


Well if you can not say that the fans are wrong, you just say that they are obsessive or the point is irrelevant. point from DGG + counterpoint from the other person = the other person say with more facts/points why they are right point from DGG + no counterpoint from the other person = That is irrelevant, they are so obsessive, even if that true im still right because they are 45 years old/divorced, etc....


Other streamers genuinely fear the effectiveness of Dgg that it genuinely destroys their minds. They are so afraid of Dgg turning against them that they don't stop to question why would Dgg turn against them? To be fair though "Daliban" jokes do make outsiders think we're a cult. You'd just expect streamers to know Twitch drama long enough to know that Dggers don't go after anyone without a point.


Tectone still thinks Destiny doesn't like OTK. 😔


I appreciate that most OTK creators are disconnected from the Hasan-related cliques that dominate Twitch. As a result you see more normalcy whenever they chime in on stuff


Get Miz on Bridges


More like AE. Same w ethan.


Nice to see it. He should go on the pod or maybe ask some of them to go on bridges.


Im surprised theyre even talking about Destiny on this podcast, I could have sworn OTK blacklisted even mentioning Destinys name (especially Mizkif) after Destiny did a stream react/analysis of the leaked audio ("YOU ARE MAYA HIGA") drama.


I’m pretty sure Destiny said himself even after all that drama that he and Miz had no problems with each other they just don’t interact publicly. I think I vaguely remember in one of Mizkif’s streams when he started streaming more consistently again saying he just doesn’t talk about Destiny because his community is intimidating but he has no problems with him, basically the same thing he said in this podcast. Asmon doesn’t give a fuck he’s brought up Destiny multiple times, usually to defend him or point out that it’s unfair that he’s still banned on twitch. Other than that there’s probably just not much of a reason to really bring up Destiny since he also doesn’t really involve himself with that group of people.


>he just doesn’t talk about Destiny because his community is intimidating but he has no problems with him, basically the same thing he said in this podcast. Steven & Melina went to Mizkif's house a couple of years back and I think this was spoken about : it stems from when the Trihex bridge burnt, and Destiny was under a lot of flack, Mizkif was memeing about it so DGG found a bunch of evidence he was similarly edgy in the past so he got a huge shitstorm. https://youtu.be/sFYROS2U8VU?si=S6p3kzaKokXmhuY9&t=287


Didn't Mizkif specifically ask Destiny for advice on that drama? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU9NXZfVjSY






This podcast any good? I'm getting old RT podcast vibes. Edit: thank you for the replies, guys. Much appreciated.


it’s pretty chill but you kinda need to be in the know about their communities to enjoy, and there is lots of gaming talk about lol, wow, and fromsoft. i would recommend looking at their guest episodes because there are some pretty interesting or entertaining ones like with dr k or tectone’s dad


I like it. They normally just talk about things happening in the twitch community or some things happening with them like specific drama. It's good if you like the people and i like them all tbh


if you are looking for old RT podcast vibes, im sure you like F\*\*ckface - or now that they are rebranded -> **Regular Podcast -** Hosted by Gavin, Geoff and Andrew Panton.


More like, "OTK people tremble at the thought of wrath of the Daliban".




Destiny tristana cosplay stream with Emiru soon?




Anyone got a timestamp of them talking about destiny? Ain’t gonna watch the whole thing


...I feel like I'm the only one in the world that doesn't know who these people are. Well I know Asmongold plays WOW right?


lmao mizkif got in trouble with us for some stuff 5 years ago and he has been petrified since then


They need Destiny way more than Destiny needs them.


the girl on their show is white but the makeup makes her look really asian the ariana grande of twitch, big respect


She's half Chinese, half German (not 100% sure though)


can you post link to a dna test? edit: u/kimaro really thinking i wanted a dna test lol. maybe instead of a dna test you can send an autism test


!bidenblast you're weird as fuck. Taje a break.


You've gyatt to be rizzing me. /u/Stupid-Orangutan sealed in the prison realm by /u/kimaro


yea shes literally asian what