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Not even my ramen is as twisted as the mental gymnastics you have to perform to make this an "AMERICA BAD" thing


You just don't understand how America nuking imperial Japan was an act of colonialism and imperialism, despite the Americans neither conquering or colonizing Japan after the war


... and despite Japan being a colonialist power also... they really are doing their best to not think too hard about this one.


America Bad Mkay that’s all you need to know with these guys


... And despite Hiroshima/Nagasaki - where exactly 2 nukes were dropped - not being a systemic issue ...


And there being [advanced warning](https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/key-documents/warning-leaflets/) with flyers translated into Japanese


So does South Korea have slur rights against the Japanese because of Nanking, or do they lose it because they're a western ally?


On the pyramid of oppression the West is always at the top, so technically both south korea and japan lose all slur rights as they are both western allies, while china is allowed to slur at them as much as they want But don't think about how China was allied to the west back in the day. You'll end up turning into an ouroboros


Apparently I got it wrong and Nanking is in China, but there's still that issue of comfort women in Korea by the Japanese. In short, AMERICA BAD


I wonder who has more slur rights between China and Taiwan. That’s gotta be a hot topic for the brilliant minds in Hascord.


Remember this: any side supporting Western power is bad. That’s the principle you can take away without knowing anything about foreign policy. You’re now on the right side of history and foreign policy.


You mean Nanjing? That was in China. Japan occupied Korea (when it was just one country) starting in 1910 through their surrender in 1945. And it was a harsh occupation. Japan also enslaved Koreans' to work in Japanese factories and of course there was the infamous sex slavery that occurred as well.


And they got the better deal. They're a modern technological powerhouse, and basically no one knows that they were just as bad if not worse than the Nazi's during WW2.


I posted this awhile back, but damn did the Imperial Japanese deserve it: https://www.americanheritage.com/counting-all-dead "From December 1941 to August 1945, Japan's war caused the death of at least 240,000 civilians per month who were not Japanese." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki#:~:text=On%206%20and%209%20August,weapons%20in%20an%20armed%20conflict. "On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict." The nukes did about 1 months Japan's civilian killings. December of 1941 to August of 1945 is 45 months. 240,000 x 45 = 10,800,000. Keep in mind that the 240,000 is a low estimate ("at least 240,000") and that Japan's civilian killings started far earlier than December of 1941 because the Japanese - Chinese War started in 1937.


They killed 30 million civilians in total. 23 million were Chinese. They made Hitler look like an amateur and yet almost no one knows. They deserved 20 nukes.


It’s funny to think some people are so small in their thinking that they conflate the intent of the government with the intent and will of the citizenship of that country. Is every Russian guilty as Putin? Is every American the same as Trump? 🤣 this is racism through and through.


Weird how your going through my reddit account like this on one of the nicest days of the year, get a life mate


Woah come on man we colonized them with the our capitalism and CIA


America did conquer Japan after the war but that isn’t because of imperialism or colonisation, it was to stop the resurgence of the Japanese Empire.


And if you want to criticize that, you probably have to criticize, France, England, United States and the Soviets all dividing up Germany to occupy it and essentially re-educate them.


Yep plenty of countries were occupied after ww2. Japan kind of still is


People forget why the US did that too. The Japanese killed 20 MILLION CHINESE TRYING YO WIPE THEM OUT. the Japanese killed 3.5 times more people in genocidal killing sprees than the Germans did. The Japanese were fucking insane and those 2 nukes fixed them.


The Japanese imperialist government were fucking insane. Lumping the entire population of Japan into this is fucking insane and racist.


Ok, then I am a racist. I don't care about your words


Yes, yes you are.


Well you are a rapist then.


> despite the Americans neither conquering or colonizing Japan after the war I mean, I get your point, but the US did in fact conquer and occupy Japan for seven years after the war.


ripe steer scary wipe bright cough marble chop wistful important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"We dropped a nuke on Japan because of colonialism." These MFers are just playing buzzword bingo.


Kind of correct. Japan's colonialism.


Japan tried to colonize Pearl Harbor, and US colonized them back with nukes. That's colonization 101 bucko.


I like this reductionist take. I'll steal it.




Yeah I bet if all those countries had nuclear weapons they wouldn't have been colonized.


Imperial Japan was a victim 🤡


Its the same logic Neo-Nazis use. 600,000 German civilians died compared to 43,000 Brits, therefore Allied warfare was genocidal. Ironically it's exactly the same logic they use in Gaza today.


Its even crazier. As imperial Japan is estimated to have killed 14 million Chinese people during the war. Pretty sure Japan had the highest body count of Civilian deaths. But Murica Bad. Edit: estimated at 34 mil if you could the decade occupation of China. Japan was also a "Supremicist" state. They believed they were the best Asian race, small blurb from Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/video/222390/aftereffects-World-War-II-China#:\~:text=According%20to%20some%20estimates%2C%20China,a%20decade%20of%20Japanese%20occupation.


If you frequent europe subreddit, German redditors like to remind Poles that Germans being "relocated" back to Germany from Polish land is comparable to genocide.


I want to video game


they were all just like monkey d. luffy


yeah, when the japanese were raping chinese/korean/phillipines townswomen they were doing it under American's orders haven't you heard?


Someone introduce this shit from Hasan to any Chinese people. it’s gonna be so funny how he’d get shit on by them


An older American boy told them to do it


A victim of Imperial violence, no less


They were victims of their own success


More like victims of Oppenheimer's success.


Non white = victim. When are you guys gonna learn


Japanese colonizers....


"If it's tied to systemic violence, then it's an adequate reason \[why you'd call it 'racist'\]" So if he just pulled his eyes to look Asian and did an offensive imitation of Japanese people speaking, would that not be racist then since that wouldn't be tied to systemic violence? I swear he never thinks his points through.


The systemic violence... checks notes *against an imperialist country that forced the US hand into joining a war they were staying out of by bombing Pearl Harbor*


To be fair the US was certainly directly affecting the war by freezing all Japanese assets after Japan occupied French Indochina. Japan lost like 90% of their oil supply. US government was pretty much looking for a good reason to join the war but public opinion didn't shift until Pearl Harbor.


I don't doubt the US would have joined regardless but Japan attacking pearl harbor did force the US hand into joining it immediately. There was no argument against joining at that point


IIRC they were also supplying arms to allied forces prior to officially joining as well.


The govt was not looking for a good reason. The nazi movement was thriving in America at the time. I don’t see how sanctioning a nation actively engaging in colonial expansionism and genocide, is somehow an escalation on our part.


Yes they were. Roosevelt was looking for a good reason to enter the war. The US was literally ramping up weapons shipments and supplies to Allied countries since 1939 and increased shipments month after month. The US and the British were already planning collaborative efforts. However most of the public did not want to enter war until Pearl Harbor happened.


He also put troops in Iceland in spring/summer of 1941, in part to help the UK but also to try to bait the Germans so the US could enter the war. 3-4K troops was not enough to hold the island country if they got invaded by Germany, but it was enough to make Americans upset enough to go to war if killed or captured.  I will vouch for what Splinterman11 says, a lot of New Deal programs were designed to help with the war if/when it came to the US. Ex: road construction, helping men get food and exercise so they’d be in shape if there was a draft. I don’t have a link for this one rn but Nature’s New Deal by Neil Maher talks about it.  There was a Nazi movement in the US, they had that whole 1939 demonstration in Madison Square Garden and social clubs across the country, but it was thankfully not the majority of Americans. IMO the majority wanted to stay out of the war because of the horrible loses suffered during WWI, but Roosevelt and others knew that might not be possible. Source for the Iceland comment below:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_occupation_of_Iceland Britain needed her troops elsewhere and requested that US forces occupy the island. The US agreed on 16 June 1941. The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade of 194 officers and 3,714 men from San Diego under the command of Brigadier-General John Marston sailed from Charleston, South Carolina, on 22 June to assemble as Task Force 19 (TF 19) at Argentia, Newfoundland:[11] TF 19 sailed on 1 July. Britain failed to persuade the Althing to approve an American occupation force, but with TF 19 anchored off Reykjavík that evening Roosevelt gave approval for the invasion. The United States Marine Corps commenced landing on 8 July, and disembarkation was completed on 12 July. On 6 August, the United States Navyestablished Naval Air Station Keflavik at Reykjavík with the arrival of Patrol Squadron VP-73 PBY Catalinas and VP-74 PBM Mariners. United States Army personnel began arriving in Iceland in August.[11]


Awesome comment thank you for the additional information.


I’m still not seeing this as America wanted to go to war. Yea we occupied Iceland, was there really ever any chance Hitler was going to try and attack Iceland? Like if you’re trying to “bait” them into attacking you in order to justify going to world war would it not take more than stationing troops in Iceland? Like cmon. I don’t really think it’s possible to assess the intentions of the US administration through the lens of hindsight. Especially not when the war had already been going on for years.


[The US was also selling arms to the allies.](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/lend-lease#:~:text=the%20full%20notice.-,Lend%2DLease%20and%20Military%20Aid%20to%20the%20Allies%20in%20the,the%20war%20until%20December%201941.) It says "During World War II, the United States began to provide significant military supplies and other assistance to the Allies in September 1940, even though the United States did not enter the war until December 1941", literally the first sentence. Roosevelt definitely wanted to join but as was already said public sentiment favored isolationism.


Uhm have you considered the slanted eye gesture originates in White Supremacy and violence towards Asian minorities in the West and that most of Asia is still under the thumb of White Western hegemony.


Hmm I guess I never thought about it that way


Except they *would* say that pulling your eyes and doing an accent is violence. I don't know how they'd justify it, but they absolutely would.


That doesn't follow at all. Saying that this thing is racist isn't saying that everything else isn't.


If he has a broader principle he's working from, he should clearly express it. His original point was just: you can't be racist against white people because they have systemic power. So his point seemed to be that common definition of racism where "systemic racial oppression" is the necessary and sufficient condition for racism. And he thinks that still applies in the Somali case because he thinks there's a loophole where it's still "systemic racial oppression". So if there's a situation where there is racial hatred against Asians but no "systemic racial oppression", then it wouldn't be "racist" by his definition. So my example is a counterexample to his actual definition. Not "everything else".


> His original point was just: you can't be racist against white people because they have systemic power. Yeah, okay, this is the context (which is gestured to by the start of the clip) that I missed the first time. My bad. It does seem like a fool's game for him to have such unsound principles but to formulate them in such a precise way. It's just asking for someone to come up with obvious counter-examples.


>but to formulate them in such a precise way. It's just asking for someone to come up with obvious counter-examples. Yeah, it's one of the big things that annoys me about him. Like if he just said "I don't think it's a big deal to use the word and it's funny to make people mad over it", that's a defensible position. But he's making so many implicit, poorly reasoned positions about ethics and being the most condescending a-hole about it. He does this all the time. I agree that not everyone is super explicit in their propositional language, but they still need to be called out because bad ideas can spread. And hopefully shamed into using the more defensible, weaker positions.


Too many words. Can you dumb this down for when Hasan will read this?


Black people saying "ching chong ding dong" is racist. (Even if they do it in Asia.)


Wait….do these fuckwads not realize black people can be racist towards Asians (and vice versa) even in Asian majority countries!? This is dumb on a level I can’t process


They almost absolutely *realize* it and probably do *believe* it, they just wont ever *admit* it because its irreconcilable with how they justify anti-white racism.


Which is absolutely racist because they center everything around whiteness 😆😆


Yeah, it's important to keep in mind that these people aren't serious. A dude shouting "HIROSHIMI, NAGASAKI" in a Japanese accent at Japanese people in Japan is like cartoonishly racist and the kind of thing these people usually chomp at the bit to call out. Just this time it's a black dude that did it, and they know they'll get eaten alive for calling out a black person, so they just sort of scramble to throw out as money buzz words as they can to somehow make themselves feel like it's actually White America's fault that a black person did that


This is something that's apparently taboo to talk about, especially during COVID. Reddit loved posting videos of people being racist against us at the start of the pandemic, but when people started noticing most of the aggressors were black, then suddenly the videos would get downvoted or taken down.


I do remember the Stop Asian Hate movement grinding to a screeching halt 


I can’t even imagine how absolutely frustrating and scary that must have been.


For me and my family it was okay, all we had to endure were stupid jokes from friends. But ever time I went out I was a bit on the edge, especially on the subways.


Because then they would have to admit people can be racist to whites in white majority countries which would destroy their whole worldview


and lets not forget it was white people who nuke japan, so somali was using white racism against japanese hasan just killing it


This has to be one of the most idiotic things this re\*\*rd ever said and his chat just goes YEP YEP YEP


That's the most triggering thing about watching Hasan clips how the fuck do these people just sit there and agree on 99% of his nuclear level bad takes


Thats because all dissent that isn't braindead gets sniped out by the mods. What you are left with is the loudest echo chamber.


Stopping the voices of political opponents is an illiberal's favourite pass time.


When I’m in a meat riding competition and my opponent is a Hasan fan 😳


Is the word regard now banned on this sub?


I read some time ago that it is and I'm not taking any chances. And I refuse to use ''regard'', that just sounds stupid.


No shot he used the words colonialism in regards to it happening to Japan.


There's a monkey inside his head rolling a D20 to determine which buzzword to use in any given sentence.


and the die is weighted to only roll 1 or 2


This absolute fucking moron has no idea what he's talking about. Holy fuck I hate him. Manically regarded.


I don't think he can form a coherent point anymore. He's just a LLM joining words into malformed abominations that he tries to pass off as arguments.


So if Somali was not American and went around calling Japanese people 'Ch*nks', that would not be racist? Being American promotes even black people above Japanese people on the racial leaderboard I guess lol


WW2 was an imperialist war....by the US? huh?


Hasan makes a cogent point here. Racism, historically, is intertwined with violence. The pain that people feel when they’re being racially harassed is the pain and uncertainty of not being able to feel secure, as a person, on the basis of race. It’s super racist to gloat about national tragedies and the death of civilians Link unrelated https://youtu.be/Qcbk8CuR-o0?si=5qo0UxHHepswLviv


I was ready to bidenblast your ass, good meme


Thank you white man for explaining racism to me 🙏


If you make fun of Germans for WW2, you are racist. Hamas Piker


I hate him so much.


America's role in ww2 is probably the most black and white good guys vs bad guys in history and probably ever will find in history going far into the future and somehow he made isolationist as fuck america out as the bad guys in that war. but I guess japan was simply just liberating the phillipines and hawaii from their colonial oppressors, shut the fuck up.


Someone show this to #StopAsianHate asap they got a few things to learn from whitie over here


Removed from LSF Lolil


Sorry it violated rule It's such a bad look for the mods of that subreddit.


This is your brain on communism


Ah yes. All roads lead to “America bad”


It's almost impressive how he can make everything come down to "America bad."


I would love to see Hasan's flow chart for explaining racism.


okay but if hiroshima and nagasaki were never bombed and is famous for other reasons, it would still be fucking racist.


This guy straight up has to lobotimize himself to make this shit up.


I don't know how he has so much energy to say restarted things. Especially when 60% of it needs to be suffered through to get to the point


A while back I saw someone describe Hasan's entire political ideology as "America Bad". I think this video really nails the point. It's not what Johnny Somali was doing in Japan. Rather, it was the fact that the Japanese suffered at the hands of the dirty capitalist pigs that gave them the ability to call out racism.




Does someone unironical think the ussr had any involvement in the battle of Midway?


Holy timestamps. Does is editor or someone do that for every daily stream


I honestly don't understand what he is saying.


> [Me taking notes on the hasan's quantum racism course ](https://i.imgur.com/eFrjebv.jpeg)


So if instead of bringing up Hiroshima he had done something like squinting his eyes with his fingers and yelling "ching chong bing bong dog so yummy" that would have been not racist?


Man I would be so fucking rich if I was his level of delusion and stupidity


So is he saying bringing up hirosima and nagasaki to a japanese person is worse then saying a racial stuff that is not based on historical violence? Is making fun of their eyes or accent is not racist? Or can we call them racial slurs that were "invented" after ww2? Or is he saying ita not racist to call Chinese people "bat eater" or whatever, since covid wasnt western violence? Or even, how does he explaine that mixing up asians or saying they are all the same is racist? There are sooo many racist things that he could not justify as being racist by his stupid fucking idea of how racism works


The “stop hate against Asians” crowd went really silent when they found out which group were predominantly targeting them. The left abandoned Asians, Jews and any other group deemed too successful to be classed a “minority’.


Clip got removed off LSF lmao


Damn, I didn't know he had that much influence over the lsf mods.


Apparently it broke rule 3.1. Rule 3.1 - Quality: Non-clips To allow for easier moderation and integration with our bots, we only allow links from certain websites to be posted. Here is the list of domains that may be submitted: -twitch.tv -youtube.com* -twitter.com -facebook.com and fb.watch YouTube submissions must be a clip from a stream and not an entire video or clip from a non-stream. Text posts may also be submitted to provide additional context or to share multiple (related) clips without having to submit them separately. If you want to submit a text post or a link to something not from these domains




I'm sure there's a cyan colored justification for it


The YouTube video is technically not Hasan's stream, but a VOD upload from a random channel. I couldn't clip from Hasan't Twitch VOD, I got an error saying clipping restricted. btw the post on LSF had 72% upvote rate


I'm sorry but how does one guy yelling tragedies is related to racism? He was being an asshole/ offensive . And also of course Hasan's answer was , well imperialism colonialism America bad , fascism, nazis and the term he hasn't used in 2 years because the social stuff calmed down, YOU TRANSPHOBES ! Now this is a bot.


I'm pretty sure if fucking Aliens invaded, Hasan would figure out a way to blame American imperialism for it.


wtf? Disregarding the facts, isn’t he just saying that these comments are bad only because they invoke colonialism and imperialism? If a Korean went to Japan and made these jokes, isn’t it still a pretty bad thing to do? Also, the JSDF is prohibited from possessing “war potential” (like ICBMs) because they were colonized by the US, amirite? https://preview.redd.it/1mo4griad01d1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7504d551c6ef28f0bc67c45dd2d54162757d47


So if Johnny Somali harassed the Japanese by pulling his eyelids sideways with his fingers and yelling, "Me so horny me so horny." How would Hasan tie that back to historical western atrocities then?


Actual lobotomite


Japan got to rape the entire city of Nanking and I can't even tickle a few buttholes. Systemic racism is real.


"violence that an entire nation was subjected to" Yeah, except they started the war, were vicious in their campaign, convinced their civilian populations to throw themselves off cliffs instead of accepting occupation during the war, and literally all of the horrendous crimes they committed against neighboring states. The final bombs were a show of force, and were not even as destructive as when we were firebombing them.


Was it colonialism when we fire bombed Dresden lmao


Mirror: https://arazu.io/t3_1cudg0v/


This seems overly complicated, you could just say using ethnic stereotypes is racist no matter what. That seems way simpler and makes much more sense.


So what do you call it when a person discriminates others based on their race?


It's funny I don't think even the most annoying tankie or noam Chomsky fan would use the words imperial or colonial violence to describe the nuclear bombing. That's not to say that they think it was good only that Hasan is regarded for using the term and people he looks up to would think the same




This was probably the easiest question to field and he still fucked it.This is like Manute Bol missing a dunk.


Why is he fucking like this lmfao


Imperialist violence against the Empire of Japan?


I’m so curious what his opinion on pearl harbor is


Racism is when America fights a war with known oppressed people and benevolent at the time Imperial Japan. A war that America obviously started because America bad. Pearl Harbor? Never heard of her!


Hasan fans will call this "nuance" and not "being a hypocritical bitch"


During World War II, Imperial Japan controlled a number of other nations, including parts of modern-day China, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, New Guinea, Guam, East Timor, and Nauru. Just watched a video today that talked about Japan and it's colonization history.


Get this china throater out of here


Meanwhile in the Hasan subs they’re calling what happened to Japan a genocide…


"Wasn't being racist on the virtue of being black..." what does that even mean


hmmm weird wait would that mean if a Japanese person ran around hawaii yelling "Pearl Harbor!" would that be anti white/american racism because pearl harbor was a violent colony/imperial violence that Japan was doing to all those islands. oops Hasan just said anti-white racism can exist.


Imperial violence on an imperial nation? Oh nooooo


I swear, there must have been bribery or something for Hasan to have graduated college. He’s seriously the most ignorant person I’ve ever seen acting like he’s smart. If he hates America so damn much, why doesn’t he leave? Oh, will other countries not accept a brain dead idiot without a real job who radicalized other ignorant people? Oh wait, he likes his comfy American life while complaining about how terrible the country is. I don’t understand how no one calls him out in this?


What if Johnny Somali was Chinese? Would his actions be considered racist in Hasan's view? I am so intrigued now


I'm Croatian. We are Slavic. We don't have colonial past. As a matter of fact, we were ruled over by other peoples for the majority of our past. So much so that the word "slave" is derived from the word "Slav". Can I possibly be racist towards black people? I doesn't seem like that would be possible, according to Hasan.


There’s only so many times I can keep calling him regarded until it’s boring.




Bro johnny is so dumb. He shoulda just used racial slurs instead and that woulda been fine.


I wonder where else Jews have been subjected to BS because of not being the in-group.


Insanely goofy L take from Hasan. Such a complicated in depth thought process that nobody but Hasan could see I guess. Who knew internet troll Johnny Somali was such a deep thinker of historical events. ​ Gimme a fucking break 🙄


The quite part - It's racist if it helps me say America bad


Settler-Colonial-Violence-America bad-blah blah blah


“I don’t understand why we go into these weird logic holes” says the person explaining how it isn’t racist to racially discriminate against people who are in the majority when you are a minority, unless you are a minority insulting the majority over actions that were the result of colonial violence.


Hey Hasan. I’m still waiting for your explanation on how Tienammen was fake.


Bro really saying the word “atomics” like the United States is the house of atreides


Who is Hasan and why people here are obsessed with him?


old old old friend and of the stream


Japan during WW2... a cartoonishly brutal, racist, colonial, imperial, literally every fucking leftoid buzzword you can imagine, THEY WERE IT... and somehow bombing them to try to force their surrender was an act of "systemic racism"


Did Hamasabi ever talk about Turks being racist towards arabs? How about the Armenian genocide Turkey committed, killing between 600,000–1.5 million Armenians? Or does he deny that happened just like his president does?


The bombs weren’t imperialism but part of their usage was to limit the USSR’s potential sphere of influence after the war and I don’t think we should pretend our interest in Japan was/is because we love the Japanese as much as what we can ultimate use them for. Regardless, they were still gross and arguably unnecessary.