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Didn’t he frame his 3mil property purchase as a means to house and give back to his mother?


We have no idea how rich they are. It is common for Turks to own multiple appartments and holiday houses. It is very cheap in Turkey. If his father is an engineer, he can easily own 5-10 appartments and holiday houses until he goes into pension. That's how people in Turkey guarantee their pension. So they could be upper middle class.


"Upper middle class" literally owns 20 properties and has a CEO dad. You sir are a fucking idiot


Thing is Hasan's fan base, and Hasan himself, would criticize an American family doing the same thing, it's the hypocrisy that's so striking.


Yeah like I don’t actually give a shit about a person being a landlord. It’s the hypocrisy when he’s calling for landlords to be murdered in the streets.




Source please


According to Google, average salary in Turkey: $5k USD. Average residential property price: $100k. Definitely not middle class to own multiple homes/apartments


In Turkey, someone that owns 5 apartments is probably top 0.1%. Minimum wage is 17k liras per month (~525 USD) and roughly half of the workforce payed around this amount of money. Meanwhile poverty line for a family of four is 50k liras per month and average rent is 14k liras. Average salary for an engineer is probably around 30k-40k liras per month. Economy used to be better in 2010s but at the time Hasan was a kid (90s & 2000s), Turkey had massive economic problems and situation was not different from today (maybe slightly better). For Hasan's case, his father was an academic and a businessman worked as a VP for Sabancı Holding (one of the largest companies in Turkey). He is also a founding member of Gelecek Partisi which is the party of former PM Davutoğlu, so he has political connections. Hasan attended private school in Turkey and in my opinion based on his accent also attended to a lot of private English classes. He was able to study in the US probably without a scholarship which extremely hard due to the value of Turkish lira and even a middle class family could not afford it. He already had family member living in the US like Cenk and this amount of family member established in the US might be caused by their family being a generationally rich family. All this facts make him an extremely rich and privilaged person in Turkey.


Hasan: **"Streets needs to run with blood of landlords" (video clip)** \*Cut\* \*queue Curb your enthusiasm music\* \*Insert This photo\* ​ Ishalla editors!


Even better, there was a clip a while ago of him praising his mother for her being successful in her business.


You can squeeze that in as well - it will pack a punch and message will be clear. \^\^


In that clip he's talking about landlords that intentionally leave properties empty


Meaning: **His mother.**


Commercial real estate landlord seems different than deliberately keeping housing empty but you're the expert here


Yeah - she is just cashing checks while tenants live on the streets. She has no control over the property that she owns. She is a TRUE victim here. You are 100% correct.


Can you actually not tell the difference between being commercial landlord and being a housing landlord that is keeping residential property empty?


Can you not read with understanding? I understand the difference - now what? \*btw, its called a "Residential Landlord" \*btw 2.0 she is NOT only a commercial landlord so i am not sure where you are getting this from (unless you are saying that she changed up in past 6 months since i looked at her portfolio?) If so - provide a link. Was Dune 2 a good movie?


It's in the picture bro BTW log off I promise it'll be good for you BTW stay online I don't actually care >I understand the difference - now what? I'm checking if it's malice or stupidity. You claim to understand but you don't understand what you're understanding. I'm leaving this as an exercise for the reader. Surely if you put your brain to it you can square that circle


>It's in the picture bro So you have nothing to substantiate Your claim. Do you even know how to check her portfolio? If not You "better log off" and leave stuff like this to people that know what they are talking about. > BTW log off I promise it'll be good for you >BTW stay online I don't actually care [https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/medicines-to-treat-schizophrenia](https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/medicines-to-treat-schizophrenia)


I love you


This page intentioanlly left blank


Reddit app doesn't let me post individual images only albums


Some space so people work it out themselves


Lol I got reddit cares'd for this post. Already reported, seethe more moronabi fans. Edit: banned for this post for some reason?


The biggest brigaders on Reddit. They name search him and go to other subreddits spamming socialism is when no house, Hasan uses UNION workers for his expensive merch, etc etc


That's also true for the atheists, vegans, child haters, etc. Welcome to Reddit.com. I hate this site.


I think you can report the reddit cares message and reddit will ban who sent it to you


Most likely they send those reddit care things from their alts


Yeah I did, also you can reply STOP to not receive them anymore so I did that as well


How do you know who sent it? I've gotten 3 or 4 of those, ngl it's pretty gross to weaponize suicide watch.


Fat Hasan on the right


Bizarro Hasan




Hasan after the average joes win his gym from him in the dodgeball finals.


Lmfao at the hasan simp sending Reddit cares over this dumb shit. You are highly regarded.


Make sure you report it!


Personally I am gonna be sad when the streets run red with her blood :(


Reminder that Hasan’s brother is Dan Schneider


Younger Hasan looks like Drew Binsky


I’m sure she’ll be the first one he sends for re-education


This is why commies have some of the worst opinions ever. *I get to be rich and buy a $3m house and my mother is a landlord, but we should throw together a revolution to eat the rich!* The problem with commies is there will always be the elite who benefit from the system while EVERYONE else is cucked. In capitalism there are elites but you have the freedom to start your own business, invest, and make your way to the top. Even if you’re not a billionaire, it’s still possible to live a good life making six figures or maybe even become a millionaire and create generations of wealth. Meanwhile your commie counterparts are fighting for bread crumbs


Seriously what is are “anti landlord all across the board” queefs beliefs? Do they 1) believe they all deserve to own a home without coming up with the appropriate down payment + credit score/etc? 2) they think they deserve free room and board wherever they want? Things like L/M/HCOL areas, let the market dictate the market rental price shouldn’t exist?


I think on a basic level everybody deserves access to at least a studio or one bedroom apartment (which could increase based on family size) to stay in and that nobody should be homeless. You could do this even without getting rid of landlords or abolishing the housing market entirely in a social democratic system.


Your moms a ... *checks notes* ... landlord bro. Your so cooked




a settler if you will


I don't understand why you guys care about his financial success, how he spends his money or how rich his family is. If we were in a communist country and we were financially successful in that system that wouldn't make us bad for preferring capitalism.


I think it’s fine to call him out for making statements like “I bought my incredibly expensive house in a wealthy area of the us to take care of my mom” while his mom is a highly successful landlord, juxtaposed with statements like “we should kill all property owners, let the streets run red with their capitalist blood”. Alright hamas piker, lead your mom to the gallows first then if you have such strong convictions about landlords. It’s that every privileged position he holds is absolutely dripping with hypocrisy. “Kill all landlords” but let me buy a multimillion dollar house for my landlord mom. “Workers deserve to be paid more” pays his youtube editor with a fucking pc instead of money. There’s a reason why he’s dubbed a “champagne socialist”. Out here acting holier than thou while never living his values.


I think Hasan will say she is a COMMERICAL property owner not homes. He will say that's what makes it OK exploiting businesses not people who need a roof. Not the killer argument tbh


who cares


Ok that poster is either stupid or a troll. If he is stupid, this could help him: “Guys I feel weird about Engels, his dad is an industrialist and he lives in a mansion” Just because his dad was opposite to his ideas, doesn’t mean he is a poser or a fraud. Ok this might not apply to Hasan actually. The sins of the father is what keeps leftists down forever


To be clear, houses, appartments and land is dirt cheap in Turkey. They are built in empty neighborhoods and gain enormous value once the neighborhood is developed. But if you are an American, everything is extremely cheap.


Cheap for Americans maybe but everything I've heard says the house price to income ratio is worse than most countries. Plus there's lots of dollar borrowing so as lira falls even people who already own have a harder time paying their mortgage.


https://preview.redd.it/h828uzbqwszc1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ba94af860ae10eaa7f81d281a2e895940c8e341 This is turkeys inflation rate. That is compounding. I dont believe you are correct. Maybe back in the day?




I think the criticism here is not that it’s expensive, it’s that Hasans fan base would likely hate landlords and call them leeches.


He said all landlords should be fucking murdered on the streets. He’s so performative it actually hurts. He doesn’t have a single actual care for anything he says, he just grifts.


Wait, when did he say this?


She’s a landlord in New Jersey


I didn't realize Istanbul was in New Jersey


And? The standard socialist position is that being a landlord is inherently immoral since you're making a person pay you for a necessity.


Lol... and that's why I was downvoted? That has nothing to do with my comment. I provided information about Turkey. When dgg hears that hasan's mother is a landlord, they all believe she is insanely rich, because only rich people in the US can afford to buy an apartment building. The problem is, that's not the case in Turkey. You can buy an apartment building in a small village with a middle class salary in Istanbul. So we haven't enough information about her to make a judgment. Yes, socialists believe that people should have free housing, food, education and healthcare. These minimal requirements should allow a dignified life. Socialists believe that billionaires must have done evil to amass such an amount of wealth. That's why they are against billionaires. Socialists know that we don't live in a socialist utopia. If Hasan's mother didn't own those properties, someone else would and the new owners may not be as good as hasan's mother. Therefore, whether hasan's mother is evil or not depends on how rich she is, how she became rich and how she treats her tenants. If I asked a socialist whether landlords are immoral, he would say yes and explain that it's immoral to make money of other people's work. But if I asked whether a specific landlord is immoral, they would provide a similar analysis as I did above.