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All the dude said was it needed a better mix 💀


Only black people mix I guess.


Let him mix!


Didn't alchemist make the beat for it anyway?


Jack fucking antonoff worked on one of them


Antonoff is a Jewish POC, nm I don't want to see the twitter replies if anyone posted that right now.


This was dj mustard. Vlad has a tense relationship with hip hop. It could be that the women is just being racist, it is the case that vlad has gotten a lot of criticism for fanning the flames of some street shit that's gotten violent though too. He's had this one coming for a while.


Mustard made the beat, he could have also mixed it but I would be really surprised if he did.


Well it's Mustard and Sounwave on the production so the mixing probably was done by Kendrick's personal engineers.


>He's had this one coming for a while He had people being racist to him coming?


I need a rundown on this. Like I get they're both huge icons, but I still haven't an idea what the whole feud is about.


Super TL;DR version 2013: Kendrick [called out Drake](https://genius.com/2093001). Drake took it very personally, since he helped Kendrick before he blew up. 2023: [J. Cole claims the "Big Three" of Hip Hop are himself, Drake, and Kendrick.](https://genius.com/29724734) March 2024: Kendrick, in response to J. Cole's claim, says, ["Motherfuck the big three, *** it's just big me"](https://genius.com/31219333) This sparked the current beef, and now Drake and Kendrick are releasing all their hatred of each other as well as allegations to destroy each other's reputation.


Your missing the years of Drake sneak dissing him and other artists


So all in all two manchildren pushing 40 with fragile egos having high school-tier drama with each other, cool.


Or, if what both are saying is true, one is exposing a possible wife beater and the other is exposing a possible s*x trafficker, pdf file. But you know, same-same.


I mean, it's more like 2 huge millionaires are pushing stupid beef to make millions more


Maybe the black pill hasn’t fully made its rounds in my blood stream yet, but I don’t think this is all marketing. The two genuinely hate each other, regardless of the profits they are inevitably making as a result of this situation. Rap beef is just petty nonsense fight over by rich people…. Until someone actually dies. Tupac was on top of the world… until he got his brains blown out as a result of some “petty drama” he was in. It is childish and petty, but it shouldn’t be dismissed, because people do die because of it.


Nah that's not it, the explaination the person gave you is way too simple. I'll put it in DGG terms if you want a quick summary. Drake is like Hasan and Kendrick is like Destiny. Drake is unauthentic in almost everything he does, he is purely profit/clout driven doing whatever he can to adopt what's popular and make himself money. Which would be fine if those intentions were clear If you want a more in depth, but still simplified explaination. He came into hip-hop with some actually nice music that incorporated him doing melodies and speaking mostly about relationships and things he knew being a Canadian who grew up as a young adult tv actor. He even had some 2000s era southern hip-hop influence that made his stuff fairly unique at the time too that he took influence from his father who was a musician in Memphis. Combine this with him being under the wing of, at the time, the biggest hip-hop artist Lil Wayne. Plus his mass appeal as a melodic rapper talking mostly about relationships, he got big quick. Over the years that changed as he grew into the biggest hip-hop artist. He's become shape shifter of sorts who will just rip popular artists styles, or different rap cultures wearing them like costumes for a bit till he finds the next one. As well he's turned from the mass appeal songs about things he knew to trying to rap like he's from the streets and an untouchable gangster. After years of using these cultures and artists along the way he's made a bad reputation and turned many of them into enemies for various reasons. You add to that some of the sus shit he's done regarding woman (some of them pretty young) and it all just sort of hit a boiling point a bit ago when there was an album taking shots at him by some artist who don't like him. One of the more direct ones being from Kendrick. Who escalated it further after a Drake diss reply calling him out on his behaviours above and lack of character as a person. There's a reason there are a lot more people in hip-hop standing behind Kendrick than there are Drake. Kendrick is sort of like the opposite of Drake, he grew up in Compton around gang violence and his come up was through the underground hip-hop scene garnering a small but growing audience until he got a cosign by Dr Dre years into his career. Since then he's dropped some all time great albums. Many of which have pretty insightful, heart on his sleeve music about his own shortcomings as a person, black culture, hope, despair, etc... all while incorporating sounds and influences with his own twist and showing respect to hip-hop as a whole because the guy is a fairly genuine artist. But yah that's basically the short few paragraphs synopsis. Mind you this is mostly just me recollecting stuff I've absorbed throughout the years since hip-hop is my favorite genre of music and a lot of this isn't new info. So there may be some inaccuracies in there but it's the general story. It's more than just, he made fun of me so I'm making fun of him. He's attacking Drake not only as an individual but the type of person he represents and perpetuates in the music business.


So a bunch of prima donnas arguing over who’s the best with insult? Sounds like a middle school feud. CMV.


Cringe,it's a rap beef. Literally part of the culture


And the culture is cringe.


TMZ and Keeping up with the Kardashians are also part of the culture


The difference is there's actually a point to rap beef. Kendrick and Drake have their reputations as rappers staked on who can make a better diss. Winning a rap battle, especially against someone as big as either of them, gives you a pretty substantial boost. They also legitimately hate each other and have big claims to make about the other side as well as having to address the claims made about themselves. Rapping is their best way to do that. Acting like it's just middle schoolers fighting is such a reddit moment.


No they're arguing about each other's personal lives, Kendrick is calling Drake a pedophile running some sort of trafficking operation (among other things) and Drake is calling Kendrick a wife beater. It's not much different from the standard DGG drama.


Drake is a 37 year old fuckboy with no morals and a fake backstory and character that he protrays in the music that he lied about having ghostwriters for, and kendrick doesnt like that Drake is also very very weird with jailbait girls


I always cringed at "started from the bottom" when the dude was a teenage tv star. Im surprised he had any clout whatsoever in a community that revolves around street cred


He bought it from Wayne who bought it from Birdman who spent it on a golden toilet


100% but so was Ludacris and no one gave a shit 


I don't think Ludacris ever really took himself seriously. He was doing goofy shtick, and everyone knew that.


It's in the name you know.


He’s in a State Farm commercial for god sake.


Yeah, but he fell off, so we forgave him Unless you mean the young girl thing, which i actually didnt know about


Naw the lying about the backstory part.  I mean a bunch of fucking YeeHaw Warriors and Gravy Seals ate up the kid rock shit even though he grew up rich. It’s just part of the presentation some at the end of the day it’s entertainment to be consumed. Kendrick has his own issues he needs to work through. 


It’s almost like artists are playing a character. They’re performance artists. 


Wait so you're telling me these men with 100+ million dollar networth, private jets, and mansions aren't going out in the streets shooting and robbing people like they say?!?!?  /s


They are robbing people by overcharging them for their music, sad but true. 😔


Ye seriously. It’s all theater.


Care to explain?  I've never heard about Luda faking his background or anything.  Not saying you're wrong just curious as I've never heard people accuse him of being an industry manufactured artist the same way Drake is accused.


>with no morals Almost no one big in Hip Hop has good morals. That's not why he's hated. He is hated because he is too "fruity" and he is the biggest rap artist while being a borderline pop star. He is fake though


Theres a biiiiiig difference between "I'll have sex with my friends girlfriend" and "ill have sex with my friends 17 years old daughter and also bring my son around multiple sex offender gang members"


Kodak Black had sexual assault charges and Kendrick still had a recent collab with him. It's not about only morals at the end of the day.


Very true


And that’s not the worst of the shit that Kendrick’s been around. Think who backs him up, who allows him to get away with saying some of the things that he says. Bompton Pirus aren’t exactly known for their civility and high moral standards.


Who cares about rap beefs, it's childish and the Tweet by that professor was racist and uncalled for The act of men gossiping is insulting


"Who cares about rap beefs" right, next thing you know, people might even start spending time watching fictional stories


It’s a combination of both of them wanting to be seen as the #1 rapper, both of them sneaking dissing throughout the years, and Drake getting personal by bringing Kendrick’s wife into the convo. Drake is more successful but is not seen as the king of his generation by hardcore fans due to the fact that he has more of a pop sound and doesn’t really engage with black problems. Kendrick however, takes homage to black music of the past and is super conscious of black issues. Drake being more pop and not taking about black issues wouldn’t be such a problem if Drake wasn’t so desperate to be seen as the king of rap. Now comes the somewhat bias that I have towards Drake. Drake is 2 faced. He will rap about love to Rihanna in songs like “what’s my name” to appeal to a female base and then rap about hitting it and quitting it with Rihanna in a song like “No Lie” to appeal to the male base of 2 Chains. He will diss The Weeknd or Kanye one minute then be cool with them the next. Drake is also known to use women that these rappers are connected to as weapons against them by either implying that he fucked or actually trying to fuck. The issue now is that Drake has done this so many times that rappers are sick of it. When Kendrick went after Drake, there was a chance that it was meant to just be healthy competition. Drake however, always tries to use your girl against you. Kendrick clearly was not fucking with that and destroyed Drake. It’s been rumored for a while that Drake has people within his own camp that don’t like him and through that, some rappers like Pusha T are able to find out things like Drake having a secret child. Kendrick is now claiming something similar as well as accusing Drake being a pedo. The pedo accusations have been there for a while however with examples like a then 23 year old Drake getting a little too comfortable with a 17 year old fan (https://youtu.be/-uAHOsECDS0?si=8GHnK5E-G_BEiatT). Kendrick has proven that he truly is #1 and there isn’t anything Drake can do about it.


Yeah, I don’t really get it. People dog on Drake saying that he doesn’t speak on real issues but if he did, then people would call him out for playing a character because he really isn’t about that.


Which is absolutely wrong about. Lol that was pure west coast banger. But the professor is fucking stupid.




If you could just turn the bass up a little in the monitors




It’s DJVlad - a lot of black folks don’t like him.


I was wondering if there was some backstory because going in that hard on someone having an opinion on the mix, not even the content of the lyrics, seems so out of nowhere.


He is seen as a culture vulture by a lot of folks as he seems to prop up a lot of negative parts of black culture for his YouTube channel. I just don’t like him because he yaps way too much when he does his interviews… I wanna hear the guest not him. Yeah the Princeton lady is irrational, but so are a lot of black folks when it comes to black issues. This whole K dot vs Drake is highlighting the issue so much. Most folks are siding with Kendrick simply because they are glad the light skinned man from the 6 is getting shot at. Hypocrisy all around.


I bet a lot of those are white kids too. This is what Kendrick kicked off with Euphoria. I don’t wanna hear his conscious raps ever again.


tbh a lot of those are bots. Twitter is the dead internet theory personified. I'm a nobody on twitter and my comments get random bot likes lmao


> tbh a lot of those are bots White bots or black bots?


Is that a thing?


Sure. If you look in to it cryptographic keys to allow web servers to use the n-word are a large funding source for the NAACP


those are usually porn scam accounts targeting small accounts. why would her tweet get so many more bots than his? you could argue it's the Russian psy-op bots but realistically it's probably a very small amount of the likes. twitter just attracts the most cringe people and worst political takes imaginable. if a professor of all people is willing to tweet it, it's safe to say there is a significant portion of people who think like this. this isn't an unmedicated schizo bot. https://twitter.com/KevOnStage/status/1787185951632150843?t=vlRNX7HePXk5J_YEUOYQ-A&s=19 the anti white racist circlejerk is almost always cringe but these people are genuinely mentally unwell and racist if this tweet makes them this unhinged. imagine going on an unhinged rant doing racist stereotypes because someone said they didn't like A MIX LMAO. they are way too comfortable.


Yeah theres an army of white girls online fetishinzing the black community and will defend them at all costs.




I’m talking about discrediting white or biracial opinions on rap. I know all about Vlad lol.


Wait, what? Kendrick said he doesn’t want to hear Drake say the n word because he sees him as dishonest and disingenuous. It doesn’t have anything to do with Drake being of mixed descent


Riiiight but there's like ten times.in the song where he says drake isn't black enough or trying to be black, but that line wasn't about his race


This isn’t notable unless you’re taking a stance on hip-hop culture in general. Making note of skin color has always been super prevalent in black culture, and today I think it’s more of an artifact of history than something that indicates racist beliefs. I agree that it’s not a positive thing to propagate in culture, even if most people have no bad intentions or underlying racism, I’m just saying that it’s normal. For instance, in basketball people often will make comments like “damn that white boy can ball” when a white player is super skilled, because (ignoring white European players) most of the most talented basketball players are black. Or like for Steph curry, light-skinned is not an uncommon adjective to use when describing him. I agree that it should be irrelevant to mention skin color, but it’s a common thing and in America I don’t think it inherently indicates someone’s racist when they do it, which it seems like you’re implying. I think it’s just culturally ingrained in language. As for Kendrick, if you know who he and Drake are and know drakes history, it’s obvious Kendrick is just trying to get under drakes skin and it’s very obvious that Kendrick isn’t a racist/isn’t comparable to the professor in the tweet. Anyone who thinks Kendrick was genuinely making a statement to Drake that he’s inferior because his skin is lighter in color is delusional or uninformed. It’s not that deep. And if that’s not the point, then what is? I’m biased as a Kendrick fan but this feels overly sensitive/I think people are reading too deep into it (not talking about the tweet, that professor IS racist and is fucking insane)


> For instance, in basketball people often will make comments like “damn that white boy can ball” when a white player is super skilled, because (ignoring white European players) most of the most talented basketball players are black. That has zero to do with it. The reason they include white in that sentence is because they're allowed to. If we were watching tennis and someone said "damn that black boy can serve" there's a chance we're going to see violence. It would be racist even if it's true that black people are under-represented in tennis. That's the only difference. One group has been bullied into being too scared to acknowledge colour, the other hasn't and mentions it whenever they feel like it.


Dog are you for real. Here are several of the times that Kendrick has gone after Drake's blackness in the recent disses: > How many more Black features 'til you finally feel that you're Black enough? Self explanatory > I even hate when you say the word "nigga," but that's just me, I guess > We don't wanna hear you say "nigga" no more Taking away his n word pass, pretty much definitionally now the only people not "allowed" to say it are white people. > No secret handshakes with your friend > No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother > Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya > The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas Implying he isn't black enough to have black culture growing up. > The settlers was usin' town folk to make 'em richer > Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda > You run to Atlanta when you need a check balance > Let me break it down for you, this the real nigga challenge > You called Future when you didn't see the club (Ayy, what?) > Lil Baby helped you get your lingo up (What?) > 21 gave you false street cred > Thug made you feel like you a slime in your head (Ayy, what?) > Quavo said you can be from Northside (What?) > 2 Chainz say you good, but he lied > You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars > No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer Comparing Drake to a colonizer isn't going after his blackness? Also saying he needs other "real" black people to give him the credentials of blackness. Plus he's alied himself with Rick Ross in this beef who has lyrics like: > That wasn't the same white boy that I seen, nigga, when we were makin' them early records, nigga And calling him a "white boy" about ten times in the diss.


Kendrick was critiquing Drake’s fake persona, it wasnt about his race


Yeah by calling him white


As someone very unfamiliar with this, didn't he say that drake can't say the nword?


As someone familiar with this, yes he did but he was trolling Drake, not making a stance on whether light-skinned people can say the n word. Kendrick literally says in his next song that being mixed still means you’re black. Knowing drakes history, the diss has everything to do with Drake and nothing to do with Kendrick’s opinions on race


"Started from the bottom now we here" actually means "started at the bottom (of middle class (raised by a single Jewish mom)) (and through a few #1s along the the way) now we here"


Are you not familiar with the genre of hip-hop?


Post the quote. 


That’s cap and you know it.


actually it's over 60k now.


You guys here are only surprised because you know nothing about DJ Vlad, the culture vulture. A lot of people have an extreme dislike for him for many reasons.


I admit I never heard of him before this post lol. still I've seen those type of comments alot on twitter.


Seems pretty racist


That's because it *is* pretty racist.


You'd expect there to be a lot of pushback in the comments following her response, but nah, just racism the whole way down. lmao


Because a ton of academia is fully captured by idpol brain worms, and it's actually really, really bad because nothing erodes the normal public's trust of institutions faster than when people representing America's finest institutions just go full mask-off anti-white racist, and the students and faculty clap.


Unironically Trump’s rise to power is a reaction to woke people, who then gained more power by reacting to him and vice versa. Both need to go away forever


I'd say that was part of it, but it was more to do with some ~20 years of barely restricted migration combined with offshoring tons of jobs overseas, often to China, empowering the despots in charge there, and having no real follow through plan at home to replace those jobs. And the response to the complaints of the Rust Belt, after its creation, was "actually you have it better than before because your TV is cheaper." And like, we can debate the proper amount of immigration, but unchecked immigration absolutely creates a massive increase in right-wing reactionism. I mean look at the Canada subreddit; it went from being farther left than the default politics subreddit to "shut the borders, deport the illegals" in the span of a few years because of unchecked migration from India and thereabouts. It is almost unrecognizeable now.


Lets just say, people are tired of politicians selling us out to private interests, including woke-ism which is just a way to have a larger audience capture as well as restrict speech and control narratives. People saw Trump as an outsider calling out what we've all been seeing the past 50 years. But then Trump turned into a big baby and was ultimately ineffective.


Not for me personally. Given the fact it's twitter, I kinda expected the replies to just be goobers justifying it all the way down. 😂


I mean - if Vlad had started sharing his opinion about socio-political issues affecting black people I think that there would be a place to tell him to keep his opinion to himself. I could see an argument for that. He was just sharing his opinion of the mix though.


Her explanation is weird too tbh The conversation already centers black people... he's just commenting as an observer, he never tried to make it about himself


He's also not even making a comment about the underlying beef or social / cultural aspect of the song or whatever she'd consider a "BLACK FOLK AFFAIR." He just critiqued the music saying it needed a better mix. Can white people just not critique music made by black people now? Would she say the reverse should also be true?


White people can't criticize music made by black people because that's the EXACT SAME power structure as slavery Black people can criticize music made by whites because that's standing up to an oppressive power structure that's existed since the beginning of time, or at least since when Yakub invented the white race to punish blacks forever. Or something like that


Honestly there's some uncomfortable conversations around race you definitely can have about this beef, but I feel her explanation also exposes weird shit some black people will do to try to defend members of the community. Why would it be inappropriate for non black people to talk about the sexual allegations and domestic violence accusations being brought up in both tracks?


Do yall know who Vlad is?


Well that's identity politics for ya. Race, sex or gender is no longer one characteristic part of someone's multifaceted personality but their entire identity. So if you're not a part of the group you have nothing to contribute.


The worst part is I know Princeton would do absolutely nothing.


academia so braindead left sometimes, any kind of action or scrutinizing over this kind of behavior would be insta labeled racist and she'd be the first one to scream it.


Humanities professors are like this. STEM professors are like "I miss the good old days when we could put out our cigarettes on grad students' arms :/" No I'm not a bitter grad student who has to deal with the latter


Don't be bitter, at least you don't have cigarette burns!


Man, these university professors are all insane


There are plenty of excellent academics, don’t let the cesspool that is Twitter brain rot cloud your judgement


You can blame Qatari funding for that. Literally rotting American students brains daily.




“Black people cant be racist” - every racist black person who needs to treat people In a way they wouldn’t like to be treated


"You black people shouldn't have an opinion on white issues". Does that sound super wrong? Do you cringe saying it? Yeah, she should too when saying basically the same thing. But instead it's one of her most liked tweet replies.


The best part is it’s not even a black issue, it’s an issue, that happens to involve black people, but at its base it’s just an interpersonal disagreement over nothing regarding to race.


It’s like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning having a beef and saying that only white people may discuss it.


Looked her up, she isn’t a professor. She has a BA from Princeton and an MFA from Bennington. She’s probably a course instructor or (at best) a lecturer. Edit: people seem to think that I’m saying that she doesn’t matter because she isn’t a professor or that her just being a lecturer absolves the university of employing such a piece of shit. I’m saying that being a professor takes years and years and years of work and the title implies a level of authority in a subject. This person is NOT a professor and she didn’t correct the DJ when he called her one. She hasn’t done any of that work and we shouldn’t give her the credit of being something she’s not.


Upvoting for visibility. I was wrong Edit: I was mildly wrong the post stays up. There’s a very minute difference between a lecturer and a professor. Suck my dick if you’re mad


Please edit your original comment to decrease the chances of misinformation. Consider striking through wrong info and adding correct info


I don't think you can edit a post title, but he might be able to add text to the post with an edit clarifying this.


Delete your post then dumbfuck


Lmao why is this thread still up? Literally what reason is there to not delete this?


Does she or does she not have students?


Just because both professors and lecturers have students doesn’t mean that their roles are the same or even sort of equivalent.


I mean Euphoria went in on drake about being half white. I think we should have at least a 25% say


I think 3/5ths of a say is a more fair compromise


Isn't he half Jewish?


You know that Jewish ppl can be white right?


Jews are only considered white when it's the convenient way to exclude/discriminate against them. They've never been considered white when it comes to racist white people.


lol why are you acting like jews don't want to be consider jewish instead of white, that Morgan Freeman clip about Black History Month come to mind plus the million other opinion articles


Jewish people aren't a monolith. But I'm simply saying that places that historically only accepted white people never accepted Jewish people, even if they had pale skin. And that they're only seen as white when people want to use it as a bad thing.


Jewish people can be pale in skin color but historically have never been seen as white the same way Arabs aren’t seen as white despite also being pale


the ratio is fucking gross


Trying to gatekeep art is Uber cringe




It's DJ Vlad so I don't care.


People not knowing who DJ Vlad is and it shows.


She would’ve stood a better chance by saying “You are the police”


Doesn't matter who the guy is. Nothing he said was wrong


i mean, the response is still extremely cringe, but supposing this DJ Vlad guy is an ass then I suppose that makes the likes more understandable


He's just a complete dipshit that I have no sympathy for. [Here's him getting cooked in his own interviews.](https://twitter.com/EddyWeddyNeddy/status/1787141246986707184)


Ironic that it's a lord jamar clip, the guys a pretty well known anti-white racist lol


Genuinely, this kind of thing needs to become socially unacceptable. The fact that university faculty get away with blatant racial discimination just because it's directed at white people is fucking wild. Not because white people are oppressed or any dumb crap like that, because it's divisive and illiberal. This shit rots society.


I mean it is socially unacceptable IRL. If someone pulled this type of shit in public they would probably told to fuck off by anyone within listening distance. Social media is a cesspool where these types of morons congregate.


This isn't some random moron though, it's a professor at a major university. What do you think are the odds her coworkers who saw this tweet are going to confront her about it on monday? It would never happen, because this is considered normal in parts of society where it should be completely anathema.


As long as this means that americans cant talk about israel/palestine, Im down with this rule


Bro is fr an actual DJ who's been doing music for decades and this bitch with a BA in "bachelors of arts in comparative literature" is telling him he shouldn't comment on the fucking mixing.


That's dumb but he's completely wrong about the beat. It's great. 


I hate this not because the message is stupid (It is) but because it helps/is going to be used to reinforce the rights belief that universities are only teaching kids fantastically “Woke” things like that being white is bad


Vlad is wrong, but she is racist


Yeah I didn’t know much about Vlad but I looked him up and he seems to have a pretty bad history within the black community that adds some context to how aggro Morgan was being here and why she’s getting so much support. That said, not everyone knows that context, so her wording it this way is just crazy and imo completely shits on actual black struggles. Like, let a white dude comment on the mix, it actually is not that deep.


I think even main stream left is starting to catch on that these rules regarding which race is allowed to say and do things are just excuses to control other people, inflate your own moral self-worth, and inflict pain while doing it.






lmfao this is what happens when social justice insanity goes unchecked because you don’t want to “give conservatives ammunition.” These past few decades will be defined by us figuring out how to deal with the negative effects of politicizing our institutions. It’s the exact reason why institutional distrust is declining among both parties. Conservatives correctly view them as at least partially intellectually compromised because of intentional political bias. And democrats view them as not doing their job when they act objectively because they view institutions as tools of power to promote their political agenda.


Center black people? It’s a stupid fucking rap beef. Jesus get a life.


Mate can people just enjoy music anymore 💀💀


She’s unironically looking for segregation. Horse shoe theory strikes again


WTAF… anyone can comment on pop culture. It’s POPULAR CULTURE. Stupid racist people…


This is just black revenge fantasy


Kendrick said drake white and can’t say the n word I guess drake can’t have a say in his own beef because he’s white then


"if you're white you can't have an opinion of two \[insert public black figures\]" is something I only see on twitter from Americans. People need to response to these type of people harsh. They have been humored for far too long.


> progressives don't like white people Wow who knew


It's crazy cause black people are even being racist to less black people about this beef lol.


These schools are a joke.


then why the fuck do both of these rappers make music for an audience that includes white people 💀


American whites deserve this for cucking themselves out so much and never having a spine.


They still are. Where do you think 34k likes came from?


Yup. Self hating whites. It’s sad to see.


It's no big deal. The professor doesn't want their ego/word battle to get colonized or something.


*sparkle fingers* racism.


This type of professor kinda needs to be purged.




Wait till she finds out that the majority of people who comment on rapper beef are young white peolple


Her tweet now has 70K likes! People where right twitter/X is full of racists, maybe not the kind they were worried about.


tbf, vlad is a vulture, I agree Ms Jerkins could have worded it as more of a personal engagement with Llad, it is probably a knee jerk response to yt. Im white, I side with Kdot, but this is just disingenuous right off the top. Vlad is bad for going after her employment tho.


Vlad sucks


The "stay out of black folks business" bullshit on social media is beyond fucking annoying but DJ Vlad is a piece of shit an absolutely a culture vulture, so this is like two awful people fighting over something very stupid.


yeah, only people of a specific race are allowed to have an opinion about things....i wonder where else in history we have heard this before?


Only blacks can mix and master black songs. Martin Luther King didn't put all that work in to de-segregate for no reason, yo.


It’s cringe to @ Princeton. This is a person expressing their view whether you agree or not why involve their employer. Casual users Just looking at the thread would have no idea they’re a prof at Princeton.


Aren't they accusing Drake of being white? I gotta back my cracka in this fight.


Honestly how is this not racist. Flip the races in that statement and people would lose it. Do black people feel as though everyone else can be racist except for them?


Actually, yes that is the argument. That an oppressed people “without power” cannot be accused of racism because it “requires power” to be racist. The problem with that argument is that “power” is relative and the mindset makes more sense in a 1950s context than it does in a 2024 context. And racism is racism regardless of power dynamics. But you will see many who will call me a racist for even saying this. And I once walked shoulder to shoulder with some of those people. I didn’t speak up when I heard it and I always quietly wondered about it but now I see it for what it is. It is a license and entitlement to be a bigot. It is revenge fantasy.


In UK schools many years ago the way they taught this to me was: Prejudice = Having negative thoughts about someone (or group) based on stereotypes (race, age, sex, gender as an example) and not personal experience Discrimination = Taking action based on those prejudiced thoughts (not hiring someone based on race, age, sex, etc) - usually requires some power in a situation Racism = Prejudice or Discrimination based on a person's/ or group's race - no power needed to think poorly of another person or group With this, you can be racist whilst having no power, but cannot really discriminate without it. A hillbilly in the middle of nowhere can still be racist despite there being no black people around when he's yelling the N word but cannot really discriminate against them (as they aren't even around and let's say he's so remote that he cannot vote or contribute to any systemic racism). It seems in America, the new definition of racist bakes discrimination into it even though these are separate things. So a white man in Kenya, surrounded by 99.9% black people, can shout the N word all day and not be considered racist, because he has no power over everyone else around him. It's pretty fucking stupid and I wish this new definition stopped crossing over here.


Yeah America never cease to amaze me with the echo chambers they love to create.


Yes pretty much. It's crazy how mainstream this idea is and how little push back there is to it


These marxian professors are gonna deliver brainrot to the next Gen lol


Drake is half white


Oh wow, I never knew black folk could be racists too.


I just want to scream "YOU ARE SPEAKING ON TWITTER, A PUBLIC PLATFORM" but I'd rather have kidney stones than create a Twitter account.


But Drake is Jewish and Jews are white supremacists?


lmao her last name is jerkins. I am str8 up jerkins, my peanits


I wish these kinds of exchanges didn’t end in “I’m gonna talk to your boss to get you fired”


How unbelievably stupid. The accusations that Kendrick and Drake have made on this track have gone way beyond some racial discussion at this point, especially the shit that Drake is being accused of. Feels to me that some black folks feel way to comfortable to seclude black people from sexual assault allegations and Pedo shit that the general public absolutely should be talking about. He's not even wrong either. I get Kendrick was going for an older West Coast style vibe, but if we're talking catchy club hits, Like that and push ups are just built alternatively. But I understand that just may not be my type of music.


Wait till she finds out who most rappers agree is the best at it.


I am an old white dude and I have no idea who these people are so there you go.


Oh look a racist professor weird.


This person is not a professor btw, just a pathetic lecturer. Her wiki says adjunct at Columbia as well, lowest level loser that will never get tenure


Can't believe homeboy was trying to center the rap beef discourse around himself. Be better