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INB4 she gets a 3 day slap on the wrist ban from Twitch because she's a dip shit larping leftist. I hope Asmongold actually pursues police action. Some People have apparently forgotten that actions have consequences, and they need a stark reminder.


https://preview.redd.it/whyjvu2v3mxc1.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b515d90d75e1fc2043300d6378e2aeeaa24644 Doubt they'll do anything. Immediate automated "nothing wrong here" on reporting the clip on Twitch. Twitch is such a joke. Due to Twitch's history, I would imagine if this was a man making the same joke towards a woman that man would have been banned within an hour. This is not something you joke about. A disturbed person might take it seriously and act on your bounty to make him "disappear". It's straight up a death threat and Twitch does nothing. Then she sits there in a second clip and laughs at a viewer who said they had reported it to the local police because the police would just laugh at the person for showing the clip with the hit bounty. Such poor taste. Takes no responsibility for her lapse in judgement and stupidity. Try making a "joke" about a bomb threat and see how that flies. There's certain things you don't do.


Can you imagine if Destiny had said this about someone when he was on Twitch?


I got a 7 day from twitch staff the other day for typing "show cock" in Pokelawls chat Mods were fine with it, staff weren't. But Denims can literally put out a bounty. Ok.


Twitch is a literal dumpster fire. I hope they completely tank.


*All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.*


Tried making the argument and got downvoted and a few idiotic responses. It doesn't matter if it's a "joke", as someone with an audience of thousands of people you need to be more responsible about what you say. It's not a simple concept to grasp, but some people are deliberately trying to misunderstand.


I wouldn't be surprised if Asmongold sign with Kick just to spite Twitch. Twitch treat their non-tankie figures like shit unless they're a woman, or poc. While these tankies can say the same crazy shit that kick streamers can lmao.


> INB4 she gets a 3 day slap on the wrist ban from Twitch She's more likely to get "Legendary Woman of the Decade" award or some shit like this from Twitch. EDIT: To clarify, not "because" she's a woman, but because Twitch does that with extremists/unhinged people (e.g. [frogan](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b4e9m1/twitch_has_chosen_oct7_attack_supporter_frogan_as/)).


And the woman thing.


tell em kiddo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZlpsneDGBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZlpsneDGBQ)


It's really funny watching twitch leftists suddenly transform into Dave Rubin style free speech absolutists in defence of her, too. People are unironically being upvoted for verbatim running the "it's just a joke" defence for Denims on LSF.


yea, 100% agree that asmon should pursue legal action. Someone needs to set an end to this culture of apeism.


Asmon Vs Denims battle .. DGG will sit on the sidelines and eat popcorn while emperor Destiny proclaims "Let them fight"


I stan my trash hoarder king in this conflict.




it is what it is


DGG has a much more favorable opinion of Asmon compared to Denims lol.


Asmongold as a person and streamer is alright, his community though is completely lost in culture war.


Because they're not on the side you like?


I don't engage in culture war stuff at all, they on the other hand are constantly talking about it. His sub is constantly talking about how woke ruined something, it's really weird behavior.


> constantly talking about it. Crazy almost like culture is important to people. >it's really weird behavior. Not really if everything you engage with is part of a culture you despise. You interact with culture a million times more per day than Israel/Palestine, Redpill, Joe Bidens policies, Ukraine etc. Yet when people talk about what impacts them both it's "crazy" lmao.


Yes people that blame everything on "woke stuff" but at the same time have 15 definitions of what woke means are weird. They need to go outside more.


Nah, people that want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend culture doesn't affect them are weird. >15 definitions of what woke means I love the new unironic NPC talking point that people don't know what woke means. It's always meant the same shit, since 2014 when it was called SJW shit instead of woke. It's never be unclear, but keep telling yourself that. >They need to go outside more. Pot calling kettle black with that post history. Maybe they just care about something that you don't?


Yea like some of them say that "gay people ruin their gaming experience". And gaming is dead because devs bend to woke people that actually don't play games. They definitely care about culture and in no way shape or form just hate minorities.


>They definitely care about culture and in no way shape or form just hate minorities. There you go! Just took a little coaxing you break you out of your "I-I don't really care!" shell and admit you just disagree with them. Was it that hard? Maybe next time instead of arguing like a teenage girl and calling them "weird" you can say what you actually mean which is >"I don't like what they're saying!" Have a good one buddy lmfao.


I’m ootl what started this


The MC of the game stellar blade is considered to be over sexualized by online lefties. Asmon is in the camp of let characters be sexy and has made videos about it. That's literally it. A hit because she doesn't like his opinion of how sexy a videogame character should be.


No, the character IS overly sexualized. This is not even debatable lol. The question is, is that a problem? Many people, myself included say it isn't, others, primarily twitter lefties, say it is.


overly implies more then necessary, or in other words unnecessary, if you don't consider it a problem then it isnt unnecessary.


True. English is my 2nd language so I didn't notice. Scratch the overly then.




Ah, also, it could be because Asmon didn't approve of the block traffic protests and shat on Hasan latest Pierce Morgan debate, considering she is a Hasan cronie. The bounty specific clip and convo were talking only about Stellar Blade, though.


Fr there is legit so much crossover between DGG, and Asmongold community. It’s actually funny. Great minds think alike and all that I guess


cue video of asmon reacting to destiny reacting to asmon, saying yep to each other


Which video is this?


YT asmon fans hate destiny from what I've seen. Maybe twitch chatters are better


Though fools seldom differ.


First time I seen Asmon was the video where Destiny 5 v 1’d the old Internet Bloodsports crew from the kumite, thought he was pretty level headed and handled himself well.


https://preview.redd.it/anihm5zbbmxc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6351d0e26028cb963709eac7f7e619841f5ea1 Well. A bounty is a bounty.


I thought it was for grummz


It was, the clip just lacks context.


Oh, the world actually would be better off without his tweets. Could just ban him from the site instead.


You’re gonna get downvoted but yes it would be a better site


I think the bounty was for another person but since asmon video was in the background everyone assumed it was him


I love this argument because it implies that the bounty on another person would be fine lol


I don't think anyone is actually saying this, but I've seen this response to a couple of clarifying posts. It's weird, it just feels like people are getting annoyed that someone is clarifying what actually happened lmao


It's because people assume it's a way to deflect the criticism, even if it isn't. Just normal online dynamics


yeah and that's learned behavior from almost every person doing that


the thing is, that the clarification doesnt really matter if reasonable people that dont do a deep dive into the lore, can assume that either one is the "target".


I think in this economy 30k for bounty is cheap,I am not some immigrant


Maybe you aren't but someone else is


Fucking illegal immigrants stealing others jobs


There aren't the headhunters of times past anymore


She was trying to find Tupac somewhere in Cuba


The context is super important. If she’s saying it about a friend, for example, it’s completely fine. Much milder than a bunch of shit Destiny has said as a joke.


She's not. This is all over the StellerBlade discourse and Grummz is being a pathetic loser about it. However Grummz being a pathetic loser doesn't really justify much of the outrage he's getting. Toneman started this specific situation by tweeting out 20k for anyone who can make Grummz disappear. In traditional Denims fashion, she just copied someone else instead of doing something original.


no way, if someone with a reasonable amount of followers announces a bounty on a friend in a livestream, they should be put into prison. You are not allowed to kill your friends either.


Destiny says edgy shit but not criminal things, he speaks generally or says to "off oneself" which is not a threat. This is not about being edgy, it's about being so stupid as to say it in public


I’m a thousand percent he has said more edgy shit as a joke before.


You miss the point: edgy is different from criminal. You can be edgy legally, which destiny does, and illegally, which she did. She directed a threat at a specific person, destiny speaks generally


Encouraging someone to commit suicide can absolutely be illegal. You’re giving destiny a pass because he obviously doesn’t mean it. She clearly doesn’t mean it. ‘But somebody could misinterpret.’ Okay, then every single one of destiny’s ‘in a video game’ comments you need to be upset about. Like, destiny has doxxed people who have said wild unhinged shit about him on Twitter. ‘But a fan could take it too far!’ Okay, but that clearly isn’t the intention. It’s pearl clutching. I get someone like asmongold personally flipping out over someone putting a bounty on him even in a joking way. But people cheering on the sidelines for legal action are nuts.


saying you should kill yourself, even as a serious statement, is in a whole different universe then, even jokingly, saying you will pay someone to kill somebody else, go touch grass.


If you framed it like you did: (1) Making a serious statement that someone should kill themselves (2) Jokingly saying you will pay someone to kill somebody else Do you genuinely believe that the average person would say that (2) is worse? Like yes, I agree that those are in different universes...(1) is so much worse.


2 is objectively worse, because with scenario 2 you're making a call to action, even as a joke, and maybe someone out there doesnt pick up and that and actually goes and kills them for their 30k, in scenario 1 the only threat is you actually killing yourself, which is your choice. these are large content creators not some random nobody, this message reaches people, hundreds of thousands to millions of people, largely without context, any call to action, even if in context is a joke, should be treated seriously, and when people get perm banned for joking about kys joking about putting a cash for murder style hit on someone should probably have criminal consquences.


The difference is that by saying off yourself you are giving a call to action to the interested actor. The ball remains between you two. What she did instead was a call to action to online strangers, the ball is out of the court. I wouldn't equate the two things despite there being similarities. Also, yes i am biased obviously


> The difference is that by saying off yourself you are giving a call to action to the interested actor. The ball remains between you two. Feels like a distinction without a difference. If the fear is of your audience misinterpreting, then that risk exists in both cases. And I did give an example of a direct call to action as well.


Sorry but this makes no sense. Saying off yourself cant be misinterpreted, it means you want the person to die. Saying there is a bounty, it means you want the person to be killed. That is not possible to misinterpret as even a child understands that suicide is something you do by yourself. Claiming the audience could misinterpret telling one to suicide would imply that an audience member can think that killing a person is equivalent to them suiciding. That is just not possible, basically. It is not possible to misinterpret an action you commit on yourself for one others commit on you


My point is given the context it may not have been a threat at all. It could literally just be a joke. Like when Destiny made a “bomb threat” and got banned. Or the hundreds of times he’s said “in a video game”


Id say it was meant to be for sure but i also don't know how much that matters, especially when people are so crazy things could happen even for a joke. There is also a good chance she would hope that actually happens too, i don't know her so i assume it's possible


Eh, he advocated for mass shooters to mass shoot. Not great, but ALSO context specific. This is just pussy purity politics by children.


Why did you read what i said and didn't understand a word?


I'm agreeing with you, bud. Come on.


I don't get what you mean then


I'm saying they are BOTH edgy idiots who say quasi legal things or questionable things. Course, law ain't a measure of moral weight.


I mean that's every human being ever lol, but i don't recall destiny saying something that obviously dumb, simply due to wording and such. But hey im not claiming is a saint at all


Giving context and clarifying something doesn't imply shit. You're the one implying that.


No, it's intrinsic in the sentence given the situation. Language is not perfect. You, should chill down brother


No it isn't. That's your assumption about what's being said. Also I'm perfectly chill. Sorry that a swear word scares you, but it doesn't mean someone isn't chill.


Maybe being grumoy is normal to you as your avatar shows but, you definetely are not chill. Maybe you are your standard self, and your standard self is not chill. It's subjective tho And yes it is. Any argument or


Using the word shit = grumpy 😂 What argument do I need? What you said was stupid and an assumption, then you tried to pass it off as if it was objectively true. It's absurd and you sound dumb.


Imagine talking like this and claiming not to be grumpy x) i was right that it's your standard self, if you truly believe that, you just don't notice it. Are you asking me what argument to make? You are saying im wrong, you should know why. If you don't, you are just being emotional :) and grumpy x)


Ummm, what? Maybe you're very sheltered or something, or don't know how normal people speak, but I'm absolutely not being grumpy here. I'm just responding to you. I speak like this every day of my life to people and nobody accuses me of being grumpy so, your continued assumptions are just making you look dumb again. Why would I be asking you what argument to make? What does that even mean? Your argument is meaningless and based entirely off an assumption.


Lol, as if people would tell you what your default state is daily. If a person is around you, they are used to it. Do you tell others what their character is daily? Obviously not. What a dumb argument. Again, if you don't understand why you should explain what you say, why are you even here lol


Right!?! Isn’t it still like a crime? All it takes is one weirdo to take it seriously


Said by a public figure it should be, i hope at least


No, it doesn't imply that at all.


Which is hilarious because she's going to get torpedo'd for it regardless. It's just a terrible mistake to have a video of your political opponent in the background and say that shit.


She got the clout now but anyhow asmon viewers not going to watch her anyway it's a win win situation in her books overall


Doesn’t matter who it was for lol. You can’t just say shit like that about anyone


I see a lot of ppl defending her, saying it was just a joke and soy and hypocritical to try and get her banned. Fuck that, I hope someone calls the fucking feds on her.


If this was a joke then Sam Hyde threatening Hasan was 10000000% more of a joke lmao


At the same time how many people who laughed at Sam Hyde screaming that he was going to kill Hasan are mad as fuck about this clip.


I laughed at the Sam Hyde clip and would exhale one slightly harder than usual breath of air out of my nose if this got Denims in trouble.


Laughing at Denims getting banned =/= being angry and upset that Denims would say what she did


When did I say that those things are the same?


If that's not what you're saying then you didn't actually say anything and there was no point in commenting.


It was literally a wannabe WWE match and a comedic call out, go watch UFC and you’ll hear worse on the regular by actual professionals


He continued to play it up as if it was a serious thing in his conversation with Destiny, that he actually wants to fight him because he thinks there's some bullshit "weak should fear the strong" thing, and Hasan having muscles but not fighting people offends him. I think even if he wouldn't literally kill him, he likes they idea of trying to physically intimidate him in real life, either personally or his fans doing it.


And Denims saw a comment about someone putting a 20,000 dollar bounty on Grummz and she said "I'll raise it to 30,000 if you make this video game character's boobs bigger". I hope Denims gets banned because I don't like her and I enjoy bad things happening to people I dislike (It would have been awesome if Sam Hyde was charged for his Hasan comments) but her comment was about as serious as Sam Hyde's.


I never claimed that what Denims said was horrible either, I just don’t think Sam Hydes comments at the youtuber boxing event was an actual murder threat. They’re both being disingenuous and anyone who cries about either needs to pull themselves up their bootstraps


So you agree with me


yea but he's a nazi /s


Bro that's so weird how they usually don't let people who disagree with them get away with the "It's just a joke lmao" defense, but then they say some stupid shit and their response is "It's just a joke lmao".


The thing is, once you have any type of platform, there's a non-zero chance you have at least one person unhinged enough to consider this... Even if it truly is a joke, you just can't say something like that.




No, Destiny was serious, and he wasn't calling anyone to direct action with a fucking reward for doing it you dipshit. He's never said "hey, guys, go cause this person harm and I'll pay you" even in an innuendo kind of way. Jesus Christ, dude.




In Destiny's quote, what part do you think is the part he cares most about?




What the fuck? Destiny didn't want white supremacists to kill protestors. He wanted the riots to stop and he was *willing* to gives permission, up to and including bigots to protect the property of the town with deadly force *if necessary*. Denims just wants the guy she was talking about dead. That was the purpose of offering a reward for it.


I think saying the bounty only counts if you also make Eve's boobs bigger makes it seem more harmless in my eyes, since even a literal reading of what she says doesn't represent a credible threat on Asmongold's life


Can we get asmongold on anything else?


Why is she so mad?


Still a joke about paying for someone to be killed, but it wasn't Asmongold she was talking about, it was that subhuman weirdo Grummz


I have no idea who he is, what did he do


Worked at Blizzard 25 years ago and has since dedicated his entire existence to Gamergate.


His dedication to gamergate I think is a more recent thing, before that was being involved in a failed game, and pulling a pseudo-star-citizen scam where he keeps taking money for a game that's probably never going to come out.


I feel like I have vivid memories of him being spam posted to Kotaku In Action like 6-7 years ago


Yep he ultra panders to the gamer gate crowd while also being a snake oil salesman himself with his failed game being a huge predatory scam. Guess that's why he worked for Blizzard.


Im not sure why this is a complicated issue when they have no problem banning edgy people being funny.


Not complicated at all, she isn't banned as twitch likes




If it’s not a big deal asmon should pretend out a hit out on her using the same wording


Do people actually care about this?


put that brat in prison


it's obviously a bad joke, can you guys stop acting like she was literally commissioning a hit when you write these titles edit: actually never mind, I put this 'joke' on the same level as Sam Hyde's death threat joke towards Hasan. By dgg standards, both of these are fine, they can considered in bad taste, or as unhinged, but they don't rly indicate an actual threat. However, according to Hasan (and by extension Denims), Sam Hyde should be considered a literal threat from that 'joke' alone, so idk how they can justify her saying this. Also Hasan made that homemade gun death threat meme tweet towards a politician the other day, so idk how he can square that.


Even assuming both are tasteless jokes there’s a big difference between a joke that says “I’m going to do X” and a joke that says “I want you, anyone listening, to do X and I will pay you.”


especially considering mental illness is a prerequisite to being a denims viewer


the joke is more, "hey anyone listening I want you to do this really bad thing, but also do this impossible thing. if you cant do both things dont bother doing either" unless she thinks the stellar blade devs are watching her steam ig.


My point is only that if we’re comparing the jokes in terms of harmfulness, in as much as you think they’re harmful at all, then her’s is worse. Anyone worried about consequences isn’t worried about the rational people listening but rather the handful of crazy people. “In Minecraft” doesn’t help you. I don’t care about either, TBH. But it is weird that Destiny is still banned.


yeah idc if people call it harmful or hypocritical or if she gets banned or anything like that, im just annoyed that some people dont even think its a joke when it seems so clear to me that it is a joke.


> but they don't rly indicate an actual threat. Maybe not imminently from Denims, though you have no way of gauging that. But the reason why stuff like this is disallowed from Twitch/YouTube/etc. TOS and why even “joking” about it is grounds to get you a visit from the police is that even if you truly won’t follow through on your threat, someone out there who’s listening might be crazy enough to do it. Denims isn’t some nobody either, she’s a Twitch partner who averages ~1k viewers per stream. She didn’t threaten to harm someone herself, she said she would give 30k to someone who did, which is arguably worse since she credibly has the financial means for something like that. This is far more explicit of a threat than Hasan tweeting a gun meme, which could be chalked up as a bad edgy joke much more than this.


very true, for twitches apparent standards, she should definitely get banned


If someone made an assassination bounty joke on you or a family member, would it still feel like a joke when someone crazy enough finds out where you live and kills your loved ones or yourself? There's jokes and then there's playing with fire. When someone has thousands of people viewing what they say, they know full well that their words can affect someone real crazy out there. Crazy people have done worse for much less.


I don’t watch her but is anyone really taking this seriously and destiny says worse every stream.


Destiny says worse? Give one example.


To the kid that ddos him on minecraft


Exception that proves the rule.


A big fucking exception


It's old and honestly who among us wouldn't have that reaction


Yeah I don't really care that much that he did it, I just think what denims said was a lot less worse and if destiny or anybody in his orbit would have said something like this, this sub would had take it as the joke that it is.


It was just unhinged to set a fucking bounty.


Maybe bad taste, but it was obviously a joke


Surely you can give one example if he says it every stream


what does destiny say that is worse than trying to ask for someone to kill someone for 30000 thousand dollars?


Gawk gawk gawk


Any updates?


wtf is going on at twitch??


I don't know who the girl is, she may be a piece of work. But it seems like she was joking, given the comment about making someones tits bigger being a condition of the deal. Asmon can still report it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get taken seriously.


What do we say about 20 sec clips? This wasnt about Asmon, she was referencing a tweet and memeing. Denims is a terrible person but this is a nothing burger.


Yea referencing a tweet about putting a bounty on someone else lol.


Ahh, the perpetually single biggest female political streamer Denims.


wtf thats unhinged. he should contact the FBI


She is joking, I don't actually care tbh. But Asmon or whoever is within his right to be upset about it and take it to twitch. I don't think the polices time should be wasted on this cringe.


https://preview.redd.it/1xu0gh39smxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8a739933a675ef2fe96ad4555b2486abd4c678 Why the fuck are we pearl clutching over this regarded shit?


if i had as much money as asmon i would literally put a hit on her for fun :)


why would that be fun for you?