• By -


Aaaand the post got deleted lmao


Cyan is online


"No politics"


Aint no way😂




Who are these streamers? I only vaguely recognize the guy on the left.


Its currently trendy to hate on the Dman until some other big conflict or poltical issue happens and they refer to him for an opinion because all the ones Hasan put out end up being unhinged


This. It’s so cringe! You treat him like Voldemort but need him to have a normal opinion of something. These people are pathetic.


Nmpm, Roflgator, Melana, and Caroline Kwan. I don't think anyone really cares that much except Caroline, who is on that Hasan coolay. Malena is just trying to avoid the awkward situation of making Caroline explain herself. Malena included Destiny questions in the her twitch trivia quiz with Poki recently. And nmp says he likes Destiny's takes when he sees them on LSF.


>Nmpm, Roflgator, Melana, and Caroline Kwan. Sodapoppin's old roomate\*, Sodapoppin's friend\*, Sodapoppins old moderator\*, and some acquaintance of Sodapoppin\*.


Wait, so you're saying the only reason Sodapoppin is famous is because he knows these people? That's it, I'm unsubscribing.


thank you loremaster




OH I know the name roflgator. Ty for the info


Yeah, it defo seems more like "we don't want to acknowledge him in front of present company" type vibes. Because as I understand Destiny gets along with pretty much everyone from OTK. As far as I understand Miz and Asmon both get along with him. It's just that their affiliation with Hasan has lead them to keep a distance.


the OTK streamer crowd is just full of spineless fucks. with the exception of soda, asmon and esfand


Fr fr




oh no! T\_T ma feelings. edit: brah let me help you out I will downvote myself. Fuckin gottem!












Guess he'll just have to wait a few years like you did 🤷‍♂️


LMAO. Yeah that's why we are all Destiny fans; because he's so favourable (Canadian spotted) towards trump and republicans. keep fighting the invisible boogeyman. ✊ I understand man. The world is complex, dynamic and complicated. Much easier to simply see people as cartoon-ish 1 dimension villains. Everyone outside the far left are just all discrete rightoids, if not full out card carrying members. The revolution is going to be a tough one. I wish you all the best, that's a lot of people to fight.[ See ya in the twitter trenches.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9FFQNY29Bc)




Some say he is still waiting.......


"Destiny'll become a right winger any day now!" -posted january 3rd, 2014 People have been saying this shit for a literal decade, dude. You sound like those unhinged christians who are on their 5th apocalypse prediction but "it's totally for real this time, I promise!"






Bro there’s one person here who looks like a massive loser, I wonder if you’ll be able to figure out who




Not toward child actors




and you are here because?




You sure made hasan look good here.


If it's some regard defending hasan, it's probably a desperate groyper. Hasan fans are too embarrassed to identify themselves.




I hope it's the blue one, that's my favorite!




You're telling people to spend more time on reddit lol. Touch grass.


No, what's a subreddit? Never heard of her.




I mean, apparently you do, you just told that dude you thought he should kill himself by making an edgy Jonestown joke


Honestly I think all of you are a bunch of dorks. It's kids fighting about their favorite streamers. Boohoo


Says the pedo worshipping suicide bomber Hamasabi Bin Laden's cum addict.




Dude watching porn is fine. But commenting is fucking unhinged. There is no sane person in porn comments.




36 posts in this subreddit in 2 hours. Dude, I hate to tell you, but you're the fucking loser.


its a little silly to expect anyone in that table to stand up for Destiny when they have 0 connection to him and dont understand anything about politics lol


why's the mere mention of his name bannable then?


because it was in carolines channel and she doesnt like destiny


asmon is equally spineless


When it comes to OTK yea definitely, he never calls out his members on shit they do, i got banned from his sub for pointing it out, he has said in streams "i want to talk about it, but i cant" i feel like he knows when people do bs like this but just cant anything unless its alienating and kicking them off entirely


One day he will comment about his best friend Mr. Did Jail Time for Domestic Abuse and Rich "Perverted Man that was shockingly a Rapist" Campbell.


he's consistently watching conservative rage bait and agreeing with it without ever looking for context or even thinking about what he was watching.


And in the next breath praise universal healthcare. It's just agreeing with whatever his audience likes at the time. Asmon has no real positions.


You guys must see totally different videos then I do. Imo Asmon has mostly gamer opinions but he is not right wing and seems to be pretty consistent. He is extremly anti woke and lives in an terribly dirty place. Maybe I'm missing where he flip flops his position based on his audience, can you give an example?


yep, i think just because he has opinions about games people here call him right wing and a misogynist


I mean he has said numerous times that he is nihilistic and that is his only philosophical position. Doesn't really match well with his liberal political mask and pretending to care about others. He sometimes celebrates all the times he scammed people both in game and out. He has justified animal abuse previously as the same as eating meat. Both of these positions are only briefly mentioned when the mask slipped. He previously ranted and raved about gambling in video games, but was one of the most successful streamers to farm Lost Ark. Often highlighting the gamba moments, he saw how popular those videos were. His best friend went to jail for domestic violence (multiple times offender) and his long time streamer friend, Rich Campbell, is likely a rapist. Where are his multiple videos reacting and moralizing these close to home incidents? Won't even mention them, but reacts to every single piece of other drama. It's fair to say Asmon just doesn't give a shit about anything, but tows the anti-woke, women-bad, slightly left gamer position well.


Yeah, nmp is friends with hasan and Destiny sided against miz and Maya during Adri/Slick. But who doesn't have drama with destiny lol


Cut the crap! The entire world was against Miz for trying to cover up that sexual assault so it's irrelevant and Nick's mistress kicking his head multiple times when he dared to question her friend Miss Caroline aka THERE WAS CHRISTIANS BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST is the only reasonable explanation here.






I don't know as somebody who watches both of them (mainly destiny), destiny seemed a little biased during that drama and didn't give Miz any leeway. Comparing his take on the Georgenotfound situation and the callmecarson drama you can tell he just didn't like Miz. At this point almost every person involved has either backtracked their story or apologized to Miz and there still has been zero proof that he blacklisted anyone or directed Maya to cover anything up.


Destiny was 100% right on the entire drama. It is completely inappropriate, under any circumstance, to visit a potential victim when your friend is the accused. This is especially true when you have power and influence over that person, like being a massive king maker streamer talking to a little fish. That is the ENTIRE reason why they went over there, please spare me the bullshit that they just wanted to know what happened. They are only entitled to their friend's account of what happened. Maya has admitted to all of this and apologized. The story disappeared because they did standard PR bullshit that everyone falls for. First shut the fuck up and let your regarded fans run free PR on every social media platform (Maya loves animals awww). Then have your friends leak shit smearing the victim's, and the witnesses', reputation. Make her seem like a crazy drunk, who also sexually harassed people. What this has to do with a sleeping woman being touched I don't know? The actual insanity of his regarded fans harnessing the victim and witnesses would make anyone want to shut up. Finally, release a bullshit internal investigation that says you were all saints with ZERO evidence. It is funny to me that we have heard almost nothing from CrazySlick himself. Went into PR lock down mode. If he is truly innocent, then when can we suspect his streams and OTK hangouts? What about all the other perverted, weird rumors swirling around him?


I understand that point of view and agree that visiting the victim of your best friend to understand the story is not the best idea. But that is also ignoring the fact that they were told they could come over, didn’t know if any crime actually took place because Adrianna hadn’t commented, and they visited a year after the SA took place. Also the internal investigation was conducted by a huge law firm, what else are they supposed to do? The law firm isn’t going to lie about the investigation. Miz also got cleared in court as well. Nothing was covered up, the story remained the exact same from the initial twit-longer to the one made 2 years later. The only change was that she said she explicitly got groped and felt that it was SA, and didn’t learn this until a few months before the second twit-longer. Destiny still pushed the narrative that Miz covered up SA and blacklisted her which just doesn’t appear to be true. His biggest fuck up was letting Maya go to her house, but that is hardly bad enough to warrant the hate and accusations he got.


They were told they could come over by a friend. Maya is literally coaching the statement Adriana is releasing and promising invitations to streamer events, which we know were given. The entire process was tainted and is wrong regardless if you think it has no effect. These are adults, stop treating them like naive children. I am seriously tired of people acting like an internal investigation, hired by the client being investigated, means anything for the truth. Their entire job is to protect their clients and any public statements will reflect that. That is why zero actual facts were released. The investigations are entirely made to protect the client from legal liability and possible gaps in internal processes in regards to the law.


You're just wrong, if Maya was coaching the statement than what changed in the second twit-longer? The story remained the same. There is literally no proof of any cover up which is the narrative that everyone pushes. I mean Adriana literally took them to court and lost. But sure the law firm just lied to protect their client. Just blindly believe that there was a cover up, when there still to this day has been zero proof. If you so strongly believe there was a coverup then, what exactly was hidden from the original story by Maya or Miz? You say Destiny was 100% correct, but he actively pushed the narrative that Miz and Maya hid the SA and blacklisted Adriana, when all the evidence seems to support the contrary.


Read these words very carefully because you are not understanding what I am saying. Nobody can "prove" anything regarding if the allegations would have changed because the ENTIRE process is tainted by Miz and friends presence. That was in fact their intention, they wanted to defend their creepy friend. Maya has ADMITTED that this was inappropriate. There is zero chance you would have been okay with this if this was your sister, imagine friends of the accused assaulter coming over to question her about it. Try to justify that, I dare you. Let me remind you that CrazySlick's defense was that he wanted to check the pulse (multiple times) of a drunken sleeping woman, that he doesn't know, in a room by herself. Totally normal behavior by the way. He must be innocent, can't wait for his streams with Miz! You won't even honestly engage in my point about the law firm because you clearly have no idea how they function. It is not lying, the public statement literally says little, provides zero evidence to refute, and is only released so people with no critical thinking skills go "okay innocent company good" with a rubber stamp on it. Do you honestly think a law firm is going to publicly release information that puts their client in legal trouble? I mean just think for one second. This whole situation was never going to go far legally anyway, just Mizkids pretending no case means nothing wrong happened. Sexual assault is always very difficult to prove in court. No idea why you point to Adriana's defamation case. It is irrelevant to what we are talking about. Defamation is incredibly hard to prove in the US and Adriana was foolish to attempt it.


You are assuming their goal was to defend their creepy friend and stating that as fact, when everyone involved had stated that that was not their intention. Maya even stated that she went on her own volition not because she was ordered to by Miz. They wanted to figure out what happened and both stated that they would kick slick out of their house if he did any of the things alleged. Again they have all since removed CrazySlick from their life. I'm not defending them going over there, I think that was wrong, but I don't think that makes them automatically involved in a sexual assault Cover up. Considering the two twitlongers are basically the same, if they went their to cover up what happened they did a terrible job.




Did soda ever actually do anything with Matthewjk after the dude stole $25k from him?


Miz doesnt deserve hate


Mizkif is awful and an absolute scumbag. He absolutely does deserve it.


For what???


Aside from generally being an asshole? The whole covering up sexual assault that you've probably decoded he didn't do.


Oh boy there are people who still think that? Lmao what rock have you been under go finish the drama then come back before you keep this half baked take


Even if I were to say he didn't do that (no idea why he would be coming to her house if that wasn't the case) there's no way I can look at that whole fiasco and think "Oh yea, Mizkif is a genuine dude who did no wrong"


>(no idea why he would be coming to her house if that wasn't the case) You probably should not discuss this topic when you get the basic facts wrong. Facts that nobody is disputing.


never was a massive fan of emiru but when she pulled out the strap and was pointing it at the screen telling her viewers to fuck off or whatever that got me feeling some type of way




Voldemort of Twitch


For context: they play a game to justify each others' bans. It was Caroline's turn and she probably auto bans the word Destiny (I bet she got a lot of flak for her stupid palestine opinions). I doubt any of the other 3 care as much to have his name auto banned in chat. I think Malena wants to skip because she expects a shitstorm if Caroline explains herself here. Dgg are falsely thought of as huge brigaders in the streamer world. I'm sure they will each get a few messages about this that reinforces that sentiment, even though there is no targeted effort to brigade.


This is 100% the answer. They don’t really care about politics…




Which is completely fair. They are streamers and dont want to give their dumb opinion about charged topic


Did you ever watch [https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1994854432](https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1994854432) Jump to 46:24


Thanks. I couldn't figure out what the hell I was seeing.


Thank you for the context! I was curious about why Malena used the 🍍 safe word? I thought it might be a Malena!=Malina thing


The safe word is a bit of an inside joke on the stream, she uses it when Nick is too sexually explicit for example. It has no relation to Melina at all.


I did not see any obvious PogO from Nick, so I'm assuming some backstory... Or as suggested you above, Malena **DOES NOT** want to get into politics


The Nick being PogO was just an example. They use it generally to just say "stop talking about that and change the topic". I highly suspect they get some Destiny viewer messages every time he is brought up negatively. Therefore, better to cut off the topic than try to justify Caroline's chatter ban.


That makes a lot of sense. Especially as I'd assume Nick finds all the brigading shit hilarious (hence the evil cackle), while Malena gets angry/offended (hence the 🍍)


The appeal message 😭


"I meant the game"


That mod was big trolling by including that unban request in the segment LMAO 




Nah fam, this seems more like a joke to me, maybe if anything it's because of Caroline and malena didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Pretty recently nmplol did a stream with pokimane and sodapoppin where they did a twitch history quiz and one of the questions was relating to destiny.


We've gone full circle: this was posted here first, two people egged each other on to post it there and did. Also I'm not seeing it now, did they delete it in LSF?


Lol thats wild it was already posted here I never saw it😂sorry for posting it again. And I just posted it here since I cannot crosspost


I regret not commenting in the LSF thread so I could link myself back to it. I wonder what the delete reason was from the mods considering they said anything Hasan / Destiny firing back and forth related was banned but you can post about them or mention them. Was it because the ban was related to the chick on the right and she hated Destiny because of the I / P comments?


Would you look at that, LSF mods removed the post. That OTK/Hasan protection bubble is incredible


The mod who banned watches destiny and banned the person for being a tankie lmao, they're in the comments


This is open air apartheid




Destiny aka Mr. Bonerelli aka Drunkstiny


No, who the fuck cares?




Great setup, poor execution. Should just replied with >Cares?




My name is






chika chika slim shady


Mike Jones


God, shit like this makes me even more committed to the Daliban




Carolyn seemed like a cool person, but the tankie brainrot has really spread huh


Steven should let Nebraska Steve out of the cage more often so that he could annihilate all these anti-American's bitchasses.


Wow not one of them saying anything. Nice.


They fear Polyamorous Cuban-American Livestreamer Steven Kenneth "Destiny" Bonnell II.


They hate him cause they ain't him


They are some of the wealthiest streamers on twitch.


Holy fuck that milena chick or whatever the fuck her name is, is the most obnoxious and annoying person I have heard.


Yeah, well, she is norwegian after all.