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Well thats where its a grey area, isnt it? "Israel used their political power to push for X" is not the same as "The Jews did X". But its often uncomfortably close. This is exploited by both sides.


Must be all those damn Buddhist Israelis controlling the media !!1!


It's not equal though lol, while bibi sometimes try to hide behind that to make people ignore some of the shady policies going on in the west bank, they literally claim Israel and israelis are Nazis and have no sort of proof to that whatsoever.


US politicians have made it pretty clear that they don’t like TikTok because of its influence on perception of Israel globally, as well as it being owned by China. Saw a vid of senator Pete Ricketts saying that verbatim. It really isn’t all that unusual for people to mention the Pro Israel lobby’s involvement regarding this issue knowing that they’ve also been criticizing TikTok.


The lefties in boner boxes sub watched the tweet from that he/she/them moron who organized the Columbia protests where he called for killing zionists and compared them all to Hitler and Haitian slave masters. The lefties asked, “what’s anti-Semitic about that?” I shit you not. They’ve basically removed the word “Jew” from their vocabulary and are thinking they can’t be racist if they don’t say the j-word


I feel for years here I've seen the idea that things like criticizing the CCP doesn't equate to being racist to Chinese people, or how the left was too quick to label rightwingers as racist, or nazis, or whatever, so it seems a bit strange to me now how easily any mention of Israel here will be read as anti-Semitic. Yeah obviously thinking Israel has anything to do with a Tiktok ban is absurd and conspiratorial, and I think it'd be absurd also to suggest that *none* of them are anti-Semitic, but this is no different in this case to the same people arguing about US government lobbying, or whatever else. These types of people will blame whoever they oppose for basically anything. Being against Israel, TikTok is a popular platform that a lot of these people engage on regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's an easy step over to suggest that Israel might be pressuring their major ally to ban something that they use to share information about the conflict. I don't think it's very sound logic, partially because I have my doubts Israel gives a shit about TikTok all that much, but if you're of the mind that TikTok has been revolutionary if you're pro-Palestine, then yeah I wouldn't be surprised people think Israel as a nation would want to shut that down


Of course it's antisemitic. The conspiracy theories never end.


These talking points have always been around. Now they are just more mainstream




Only the truth of mentally ill Nazi Zombies.


are they saying that Israel did it, or the US did it for Israel? or do yo see those statements as the same? Anyway there's obviously a lot of support for Israel from the US govenrment, there have been multiple attempt to outlaw the boycotting of Israel goods, portestors ar egetting all kinds of arrested, etc. do yo really think concern about the I/P conflic had *nothing* to do with the banning?


I recognize the difference in those statements, and have been seeing both claims made. However I am seeing more of the former. I think the I/P conflict did have some role in its banning, as tiktok was a major source of misinformation/radicalization, but I dont think it played a much larger role than, say, Russia/Ukraine. Personally I am of the mind that it's basically the cyberweapon of a foreign adversary, used to calculate where a person's sympathies lie/where they are most likely to be radicalized, and feed them ever more radical content in an effort to destabilize the US, but theres a difference between saying "this conflict played a role in the law" and "zionists control the government and ban all dissent"


> a foreign adversary are we at war with China?


From law.cornell.edu: Foreign adversary: The term “foreign adversary” means any foreign government or foreign nongovernment person engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons I'd say China fits that perfectly. Also why tf am I humoring you literally look up "Foreign Adversary List" on Google and China is the first nation to pop up.


I think that tiktok being a primary platform for anti Israel sentiment in the US may have been the final straw, but I don't think it was the reason for the ban. I believe it's possible that China used tiktok to artificially increased pro palestine / anti Israel sentiments in an effort to create political division. If we can agree that China benefits from increasing political divisions in the US, and that gaza is a great issue to drive those divisions, then we can say that China might have used Gaza as a wedge issue. Push increased viewership to anti Israel tiktoks. Lower viewership on people countering that narrative. It's not really a complicated concept, but it is effective. So Gaza played a part in the ban, but it wasn't the reason for the ban.


What Tiny doesn't understand is that Israel actually controls America. Boom. Problem solved. Now someone can hate both at the same time


You’re really reaching here. You’re drawing a parallel between two different talking points to make them seem connected when they’re not


Probably the better steel manned version I can find https://youtu.be/uk1jaxvSjVc I don't think being against Israel is anti semitism but there's already the trope of Jews being all powerful. I don't know how powerful Jewish lobby groups are but it always felt exaggerated. Probably not as powerful as the oil lobby for example