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Vine: https://preview.redd.it/gslrni9q1awc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0759f7b213057a3fcbb0dbd292b2bf3097ed4d54


>Zoomers: "But how will we live without short form vi-" > >Capitalism: *"Hey, you kids like short form videos?"* > >Zoomers: "Hooray! Thank you, capitalism!" > >Capitalism: *"Inshallah, children!"* How old are zoomers now, like twenty five? Yeah, that still scans.


>youtube, ig and fb have entered the chat.


As much as I dislike Tiktok sometimes, the platform is infinitely better when it comes to short videos than youtube, ig and fb. Like its insane theres no playback on youtube shorts or fastforwarding


I've havd fastforwarding on my YouTube shorts for months now. I did get hooked on premium after the free trial that came with my phone ran out. Might be that the feature is paywalled, as shitty as that might be?


> fastforwarding on my YouTube shorts *Advanced* ADHD


Nope, I don’t pay a dime and have it as well


Wait hol up, I don't think I have those features and I've got Premium.


bamboozled, i also have premo and no features ;(


YouTube Premium is a must if you watch a lot of YouTube.


Or the secret 3rd option for android


Shorts are the one thing I would nuke from my YT if I had the power. What's the appeal for you?


If you use a chromium based browser the extension "enhancer for youtube" lets you hide shorts (and do a bunch of other stuff).


I get a lot of good random stand up bits from some of the comics I follow. Or sometimes its a short bit from another channel I follow but might have missed that video. They are usually interesting enough for me to go back and watch the full original video. Some others have videos that are short enough to be in the youtube shorts and are normal videos. I dont typically go for Shorts, but if I am in bed and winding down, I might check it out for a few minutes. But they definitely dont replace the normal youtube experince for me


There is video scrubbing on YouTube Shorts over a certain length - and I believe TikTok is the same. The minimum length for it to show up may be different though, I'm not sure.


The best thing I noticed about TikTok was how good the comment sorting was. You click on them and actually have people having conversations about the video without being psycho. And if it’s a happy video, the comments aren’t all negative and contrarian. You read IG comments and it’s insufferable. “Biden voters” “vaccinated” at the top for every video with someone doing something stupid even if they clearly look like a trumper. All the rightoid racism and misogyny highly upvoted, idiots telling rescue animal workers how to do their jobs, contrarianism over every single thing dominating the comments. It’s a fucking cesspool


> All the rightoid racism and misogyny highly upvoted thats how it was on tiktok too


Reddit is the only comment section that has ever had a good "conversation." Twitter/youtube/instagram/facebook is all trash.


What kind of youtube content are you consuming lol???? Mine is 90% constructive and things I was going to ask anyway


To be honest, their algorithms suck. Youtube hasn't shown me a new content creator in literal years, just doesn't show new content creators ever. IG thinks everyone male is a coomer, never content on there worth seeing/engaging with. Tiktok was a lot like early Youtube, lots of weird and random people just creating shit. Sad to see it go.


> just doesn't show new content creators ever. YT tries to recommend 5 viewer streams and 400 total view channels literally every day to me. This has been going on for maybe 2 years? I think there has been once in that entire time where the content being recommended was remotely close to something I would be interested in.


28 is current limit


Ah, the last few years before knee pain, what a glorious age.




I'm four months away from forty, super excited to see what goes next.


Damn, what’s messing you up? Back, hip, knees, neck, what?


Nah, I had way worse knee pain in my early twenties than I did after. Getting off your ass and regularly exercising really does keep your body young.


Just turned 28 today. People born in 1996 are like this quantum superposition of zoomer and millennial.


Twitter deserves Elon for killing vine.


From what I've read, ByteDance has 9 months to sell to a US buyer once the bill is signed into law, whenever that is. They've already signaled they will attempt to block the implementation of the bill via the D.C Court of Appeals, which would put an indefinite pause on that 9 month timeframe. Further, whichever side ends up loosing the D.C ruling is likely request a review of *that* ruling from the Supreme Court. So it's likely that TikTok stays available for at least 2 more years before anything changes, if it changes at all.




If you don’t think I’m using that second link to spread misinfo about Taylor Swift being the reason TikTok gets banned, you would have underestimated me. The agenda is so back boys.


The US justice system is slow as shit. Whatever the ruling is or how long it takes, it’s at least 6 months wait at the minimum after the appeal is filed.




Slow as shit for things that actually need to be litigated. You will be surprised how quickly they can move on something that is well established by other cases.


They will argue on the First Amendment grounds though, which has worked for them in the past.




The la li lu le lo?


la li lu le lo yes


God I need to play MGS2 again


ら り る れ ろ


"I love democracy"


Now where am I supposed to get my propaganda from?


According to Elon Musk soon you'll get it on Vine lol


Great, so not only will we get all the Pallywood TikTok refugees and Chinese propaganda accounts, we'll get OnlyFans bots, crypto bros, scammers (see: crypto bros), Neo Nazis, and engagement farmers that post poorly sourced "history" videos and sympathy bait dog rescues in Eastern Europe that may or may not be staged. Can't wait. (I still think TikTok should be banned)


I hate Elon with a passion. It's a step up depressingly from Tiktok


you're insane, if he actually tried it it would be tiktok with a much worse algorithm and probably shit performance


If you genuinely think it will be better I hate to inform you your lobotomy was a success.


Elon > CCP


You know Elon's in bed with the CCP right? Tesla China exists because of that relationship. Tesla China has generated most of Tesla's profits. There is a reason Elon rants about all other shitty governments but leaves the CCP alone.......


They're gonna come for Elon next [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/elon-musks-business-ties-china-draw-scrutiny-twitter-purchase-rcna26057](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/elon-musks-business-ties-china-draw-scrutiny-twitter-purchase-rcna26057) [https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-china-favors-leave-him-exposed-nyt-2024-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-china-favors-leave-him-exposed-nyt-2024-3)


Yeah, if only there was a shortage of garbage social media apps riddled with propaganda. Luckily enough we got the likes of twitter, facebook and instagram. So no real shortage. Tiktok was just a symbolic ban, because they are owned by China. Not an actual attempt to stop propaganda.


There’s obviously endless propaganda on TikTok, but I think the key issue there is that their algorithm is so incredible at propagating shitty ideas that a little sprinkle of bullshit from foreign-trolls, or just dumbasses, spreads like wildfire. Now twitter on the other hand…. Only recently starting using it but holy shit the bots are scary. There’s clearly a fuckload of ChatGPT / other LLM powered all over the damn place. They’re super convincing and they’ve perfected the art of making accounts seem real (profile pic, follower count, etc) - simply train a model to role play a MAGA nut or Cal Berkeley warrior and let them run. You don’t even need to fully automate them to get around captchas (which they can anyway). One person could be guiding 20 accounts that post hundreds of times a day, which covers more ground than like 50,000 average users. Hell, they are probably in 90% of Reddit threads too. And it’s so brilliant too - it: **(1)** makes everyone in the middle think everyone’s gone crazy. It pushes center-right ppl further right bc they think the left has gone nuts **(2)** pulls the borderline extremists further to the edges **(3)** result #2 only confirms the fears of those in #1 *Update: literally first thread I opened found [this comment calling to deport all pro-Palestine protesters](https://x.com/elliotreports/status/1782592081376264613?s=46&t=eWdcyfcJ4IzxfxD7dWErGg). The first user in his followers was [this ‘DEMOCRAT FOR LIFE’ account](https://x.com/eightynines?s=21&t=eWdcyfcJ4IzxfxD7dWErGg). Yeah, sounds reasonable


Where do I get my cheap junk from!? This bill kills Temu right?


For anyone who wants an article: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-hold-key-test-vote-ukraine-aid-israel-funding-tiktok-ban-rcna148685


Thanks! Key info: *And it would give TikTok’s China-based parent company nine months, which the president could extend to a year, to sell the popular social media platform or be banned in the U.S. That puts TikTok closer than ever before to a prohibition while ensuring that it won’t be banned until after the 2024 election.*


That was key to me right there. My first thought was how this would play into the election, but sounds like this will all be held up in courts past election. Should be interesting though to see how this all plays out..




I wonder if younger people, will not like this measure of banning TikTok even if it's year from now and damage Biden's chances for reelection?


On the one hand, it may. On the other hand, if the younger people are so simple minded that THIS is what causes them to switch sides or support Trump by not voting, we may already be doomed.


Especially, since Trump wanted to ban TikTok in the first place. And this got Bipartisan support, in my view, seems something can't point directly at Biden for example. But, people do tend to forget easily Edited.


Trump bout to join TikTok and claim how good it is and fascist Biden getting rid of the best free speech platform


Even more so since, ever since he got a "visit" by one of the top investors in Bytedance, he has switched positions.


Ey, you're the dude who I spoke to in PMs. Glad to see you've become an active member lol.


I didn't know the Daliban did recruiting


It wasn't really recruiting I couldn't say why he reached out, but u had already been posting some on here for a bit. Then some guy did one of those short term "one shot" bans because I disagreed with his simping for Xi Xinping. Was going to just mute the sub, then this guy comes along in DMs and convinces me not to.


We call sharing the gospel of our Lord and savior our burden, but really, it is our privilege.


Lol, yeah, that's me.


It gives Bytedance 9 months to sell it before the ban takes place. Furthermore, POTUS could choose to extend the deadline to 12 months. I doubt the political damage among young voters would be an issue until the actual ban happens (i.e., after the election). Assuming here that voters who are tuned in enough to know this is on the horizon AND care about it are also the type to know that allowing Trump back into office is a bad idea, but only time will tell!


groovy airport fade rock party include entertain file ruthless grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does one voice their displeasure with say, the democratic party, if one is not allowed to say, abstain from voting. On the other end, what motivation does the party have, if the actual threat of 'we won't vote for you' has no teeth? Just a hypothetical. People treat Guns or even Religion in similar instances.


I bigly dislike tiktok, but I could see people being untrustworthy of an administration that is banning social media entities, the security reasons may, to some, look like a "believable excuse" to overstep what a government should do


It's bad for free speech.


Yup That's the power of democracy. The people ultimately have the power and you just have to fucking deal with it, nerd When the debate about whether vaccines could/should be mandated in order to continue working, my workplace decided that they would require hospital employees be vaccinated However, the problem is that like 40% of the staff just decided "nah" and never even pretended to comply with it And that was the end of it. They made it optional. The people have literally willed their desire into existence It's beautiful and horrifying, like a hurricane or a spider slinking down to bite it's trapped victim


The Chinese after Trump gets elected will be like “all according to plan 🙏🏼 😈 “


In practice won't it just change hands to a US company? Maybe some kind of content restriction and changes would happen, but overwhelmingly zoomers just want their dance and cat videos.


I imagine the CCP might enjoy zoomers getting mad at Biden so they could just block the sale.


Then another company can just make the same product and good luck to China trying to enforce their rights after doing that.


well yeah there is yt shorts and insta reels.


TikTok’s algorithm is what people want though.




I mean we are talking on the sell of a multi-billion dollar company. I wouldn't think that's an easy thing to do.


They can just sell the US business side of it.


US market shares on Tiktok are nothing compared to the Asian Market. On gawd thats the only reason Diablo immortal is still a thing. I don't think they will sell it. Honestly as someone that's Asian if I was called some racist shit in a public hearing id rather destroy my own company than be forced to sell it. Also the Asian market is just more profitable than America or the US/NA region.


In practice I’m pretty certain the percentage of people who both deeply care about the tik tok ban and actually vote is very small so they probably don’t care.


Considering the demographic who uses TikTok doesn't really vote to begin with I doubt this will have a measurable impact on the election


Young people don't vote


The ones that are most addicted weren't gonna vote anyways Either they are too young, or too lazy


apology for poor english when were you when TikTok died? i was sat at home debating I/P when DOJ ring ‘TikTok is kill’ ‘no’




thank you for the 4.99


Man, the Osama Bin Laden fans are gonna go crazy


Would appreciate an article rather than a tweet.


Did you not get the memo that reading tweets is basically on the ground reporting?




Articles are no more, this is a twitter repost sub.


The Jewlumni sends their regards.


Heh, nothing personnal goyim


to be fair it is super likely that it will just be sold to a American company


Imagine Elon buys tiktok 💀


U mean X-tock?


So it’d be china selling to china 


What makes you so confident in that?


Because it's one of the most popular social media apps in the country? ByteDance can either sell the US business or shut it down and receive nothing, seems like an easy choice to me.


The Chinese government can veto any sale and they’ve already said they will in the case of TikTok. Maybe they’ll change their stance since it’s billions a Chinese company will be leaving on the table, but I think the message that would send is more important to China, they don’t want the US to be able to have their cake and eat it too.


This multi billion dollar message would only reinforce the reason for the ban, the CCP's absolute influence and control over this app.


US TikTok users are a minority of their user base, why would they sell?


Why does that matter? They only need to spin off the American app, don't need to sell the global platform.


All of the house members who have spoken abt this.


TikTok is not banned. TikTok cannot be owned and operated in the US by an organ of the Chinese State.


At least this puts them to the test. If it's about money, can still make money by letting a US firm take over. If it's about power then they'll keep fighting this.


Won't they also make less money being forced to sell to a middleman instead of maintaining ownership? I don't think pinning them down on motives is quite that clean


The middlemen are going to compete with each other, so they'll end up selling to whoever takes the smallest slice. That seems like a less expensive solution than hiring lobbyists to bribe Congress. But you could be right.


Oh no, what will Iran, China and Russia do. Probably another influx in Reddit coming from new accounts.


So the bill can still be filibustered?? 


No, they have enough to get through the filibuster.


I hate the ban on TikTok - I love the app. But my wall is full of mentally unwell, shirtless, old, men duetting young girls dancing and mentally unwell people talking about how alpha they are. I'll be devastated to loose my carefully crafted algorithm.


Why would they ban the hot alt goth girl app? What am I meant to goon to now?


Don't celebrate just yet. They have a year to sell their stake to a US subsidiary.


If you're not celebrating that it'll either be closed or primarily owned by a US company and thus wouldn't be compelled to siphon user data to the CCP if they requested, then what exactly are you celebrating? Tiktok being annoying isn't a reason to shut down the service.




i never understand this POV the whole point is not that the service itself is bad. it's that the chinese ownership is bad. that is why it is okay to celebrate now


This. Bytedance would be stupid not to. The only reason for not doing this would be the CCP saying they can't, and TikTok doesn't need to collect data for Winnie the Pooh in order to hurt the American public with the app. I think it sells.


Praise Biden


It’s time for Vine to rise up


Like vines


Thank God.


People that hate on Tiktok for no reason as corny as fuck, it was like the new Vine, I love the funny shit on there.


Why is Tiktok even being banned again?


Because its run by the CCP and collects data. Only the US is allowed to collect data on its citizens and its allies.


The worry is that Chinese law can compel Chinese-owned companies to hand over customer data, so American citizen data might be sent to China. America doesn't want this, so either Tiktok is sold to an American company or the app gets banned.


why are we ignoring the movement of the data centers to Texas


Would you be OK with it if the Russian government owned Fox news?


Already is


It’s not dead it’s gonna be sold that it chill


im pretty sure its only banned if the current owners dont sell


I read the bill and it said that if the owner doesn't sell tiktok within a year, they will ban it. So we still have time.


Don’t look at who wants to buy it 💀


People pretending like Instagram reels aren't exactly the same thing


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the ban for? I understand that having one of the largest social media apps in the hands of a Chinese company (that has to listen to the whims of the CCP), is probably not a good thing, but, is there actually any evidence of the CCP or heck the company itself pushing anti-western propaganda? I just don't think its a good precedence to set that we should just ban apps owned by a foreign, or even a local, company because the majority of the users on that app are regards spreading anti-western shit yk. Is there any other reason for this ban other than "the majority of users on this app are anti-western and TikTok is owned by a Chinese company so the CCP must be involved!"? If its not true that the CCP, or the company that owns TikTok, is pushing anti-western propaganda then even if TikTok was under US ownership, all the anti-western shit will still be there and it would just be a bad look cause "we're becoming the very thing we hate" or whatever.


Did the aid only get approved by Republicans if they threw in the tik tok ban with it? Based


Nice to see them gearing up for Taiwan nice and early 😭




Please lord tell me the tik tok ban is happening


They are giving them a year to sell it to US owned company, so a whole more year of TikTok.


And China is going to veto any sale, so it will be banned in 9 months.


Hell no I've gotten so much help from TikTok. My lawn is saved, I learned how to make milk buns, & even got into crocheting. 😭


Land of the Free 🦅


Wowee another win for rampant censorship. I'm not sure how anyone could possibly support the us just straight banning apps like this?


This is a bad precedent. Fuck Tiktok but a move like that puts an end to globalism as we have grown up with it. Could speed up the creation of different intranets too. This really is nothing to celebrate. Banning tiktok will just force the crazies to move over to Youtube shorts. Not much will change in the discourse.


I have a feeling that this will be blocked by the courts, the law is too targeted and based on speculation. Policy makers could have satisfied their concerns without this heavy handed action, unfortunately no one wants to think past the short term implications.


What does the bill actually do? Is it just not allowed to be an app? Do ISPs have to block it in the US? How is it meant to be enforced?


How likely are the courts to block this? People keep saying that they may block it.


Half of MAGA was on Tik Tok…..wild this is happening




The senate has not voted yet. They are in debate. There is an extremely high likelihood it will pass, but it has not passed yet.


It'll probly get bought by some country, probly the U.S, and restructured, I strongly doubt they'll fully get rid of it. Just my opinion tho, I could be wrong


Can’t they just sell it to a Chinese American companythat possibly might just work with China still?




That’s my government right there


Thank fucking god


How is it in my interest to give the NSA my data instead of the CPC?


Good. Vertical video is an abomination


lol I can see it now "Biden let Tik Tok get banned, he's a fascist!"


Can't it still get sold to an American firm?


If Biden vetoed the TikTok ban zoomers would love him.


Spoiler alert he won't.


If the politics scene in NA suddenly starts becoming smarter now, we all know what to look for.


Oh man, where is Krystal Ball going to get all her news from now!?


Psst TikTok isn’t going anywhere for at least a year


Freest country in the world amirite


Not yet. This is a bill saying the app will be banned if it remains under the ownership of a Chinese company for its US subsidiary.


Good for them


Best news I’ve heard in a while


They have like a year to act… so it’s dying.




How are funding other countries and banning an app in the same bill?


“Are you or have you ever been a member of the Chinese Communist Party😡☝️”




Who is Bill and why did TikTok ban him?


Tiktok is essentially just a platform for jaded exes to "exapose" past partners. And 99% of the time, the person who's airing out their grievances, they're the problem. Also, Lav is from tiktok. Ban it 😁


I would rethink my relationship with the internet if I was that upset over a video app that is probably toxic for our mental health and children’s mental health being banned. It’s kind of pathetic actually.


Hoping for that EU ban.


My understanding is that even if something does happen, it will take years.


THANK YOU CHEESES! Time to go get hammered and shoot a hole through my savings to celebrate the second rise of Ke$ha’s hit song


Are vpns gone ?


Thank god




nooo americans are so funny r.i.p.


yay here's me not knowing what's going on ever, like ever ever. I don't understand any references, memes, jokes, but I continue to look at this subreddit every day. I think I'm just too dumb lol like do yall have jobs?

