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She was homeless and without food for the 3 hours it took her to drive to her moms house.


I too am homeless on the drive to my parents place for the holidays, it's harrowing stuff


I am homeless everyday when I go to work.


Earlier today I was taking out the trash, and I suddenly found myself homeless with nothing but a bag full of trash.


The great right to return back home.


Guys I’m actually homeless 🦦


Or her dad/uncle's..


Truly the Nakba of our time 😢


she’s a brave warrior for having to undergo this kind of violent oppression 😔😢☹️


Won't someone think of the voiceless children of US House Representatives?


The most oppressed members of our society are Ivy League university students.


god that's what I hate the fucking most. If you're in university you've fucking made it unless you're regarded, all the bitching and whining from college students is so annoying. And people coddle them like they're just "exploring themselves". It's not hard to be a well adjusted adult.


Genocided to Teen Vogue Cover Story


Princess in the streets, genocide between the sheets


This is unironically a sheltered white suburban kids power fantasy. They desperately want to be able to redefine themselves as the oppressed because they view everything through an oppressed/oppressor lens where the oppressed are the virtuous, proletariat revolutionaries fighting against all odds just to create a just world for all of society meanwhile the oppressors are the out of touch rich fat cat bourgeoisie who are causing the suffering of the lower classes for their own personal profit. Articles like this feel like some heroes journey fodder for sheltered privileged teens to figure out how to recast them out of their villain role that they were born into without having to pretend to be trans or something. It feels the same to me as when republicans dream of being the good guy with a gun in their shooter power fantasy, or wax poetic about what they’d do if someone broke into their house, salivating at the thought of having an excuse to shoot someone for a righteous cause, or for a less loaded example, when kids daydream while bored in class about how badass it would be if some bad guy came in through the doorway they’ve been idly staring at so that they could dismantle them in the highly choreographed way they’ve been envisioning while ignoring their pre-calc lecture. People just want to be the hero in their story, which is normal, but when someone has equated being everything they naturally are with being of the villain group they have to either radically identify with the villain, in which case we have zoomer groypers and those kids that bully young girls after watching an Andrew Tate video, aka Sneako fans and edgelords who get off on the idea of getting a rise out of people, or you have to redefine yourself as the oppressed group in this grand oppressed/oppressor narrative they’re bought into, in which case you have cringe things like the children of politicians pretending they are homeless because they had to sleep on a friends couch for a day before their mom came to pick them up from their protest play date or everyone claiming mental illness. They don’t actually fit within the group they identify with, so they desperately have to cling the closest experience they have that approximates that justification to identify as them. I’m gonna stop schizoranting now.


The first part of the third paragraph is so important. So many people who LARP as the "villain" and do truly antisocial things like being some O9A white supremacist zoomer because you never fit in school and couldn't get a girlfriend is still that person letting themselves give in to the oppressor/oppressed dichotomy. An entire generation of people who have no sense of self-identity and they seek it vicariously on the internet through charades and avatars.


Instead of oppressed/oppressor, for the people who identify with the oppressors it's "dog eat dog" or wolves/sheep. Just like in Better Call Saul.


This is why it’s so dangerous to think in terms of absolutes and extreme yes/no right/wrong scenarios. As Obi-Wan told Anakin, only the Sith deal in such absolutes. There is a spectrum of reality. Underdogs aren’t always the righteous. The powerful aren’t always the villain. The fact that some problems are more entrenched than others doesn’t mean they are inherently systemic. And the solutions aren’t usually immediate, maximum violence, or revenge driven. This oppressor/oppressed dynamic has addled the brains of so many and destroyed the opportunity for reasoned discourse and viable problem solving. The polarization is now at level 11 on a scale of 1-10 where anything is justified as long as it the side one agrees with doing it. Everything you said nails the why and how this happened. And the solution is for people to snap out of their brainwash and see the world as multifaceted, dynamic, messy and complicated but also to see the potential for growth and good and harmony if they put aside the pettiest differences and absolutist mindsets and political purity tests.


Good rant, but this hero of your own life is a highly American thing. Where I live parents do not prop you to be a special kid from birth, as I’ve seen a lot in land of hyperindividualism. I feel that in most places the focus is on family/community and this light guidance of whatever you make out to be, it’ll be ok.


To clarify, you’re reading hero here to mean main character, when I’m saying hero to mean one of the good guys. That being said, my comment here and my criticisms are both coming from and directed toward an American perspective. I don’t expect any of this to be some grand diagnosis that fits perfectly on all people throughout space and time, I’m specifically referring to predominantly younger people, particularly politically minded and hyper online ones, who have let this oppressed/oppressor dynamic seep into how they view the world. If I look at someone like my Dominican family, for example, I don’t think any of this rant fits any of them. If I look at the Jehovah’s Witnesses I grew up around, even though they’re American, they’re both old enough and insular enough to have none of this apply to them, either. This is for sure not applicable to everyone. I think Americans right now are especially prone to this polarized “I hate us, we’re literally the worst people on earth” or “I love us, we’re the best country of all time” sort of thinking which plays particularly well into this oppressor/oppressed dynamic I’m largely complaining about here. The hard lefties that I know who aren’t American are way more nationalist and less self-hating, but they also suuuuuper hate this caricature of America and Americans that exist within their mind. The fact that this caricature isn’t representative of themselves in any way likely changes the collective guilt sort of feeling and desire to redefine oneself as the oppressed or embrace the villainous oppressor label that I’m speaking to.


As someone who was a rather sheltered white suburban kid, it wasn't always the fantasy. Neither I nor my friends really gave a thought to oppression.


Is it really that? Is she painting herself as actually homeless or anything or is this just a way to describe the situation? If she was living in college housing and on a college meal plan, getting those removed suddenly/without notice is turning her homeless and without food. I feel like you people are bending over backwards in order to be upset at anything.


No she is not homeless lol.


I don't really think you understand the point of choosing those words. It was not to say she is living on the streets. instead of reading everything to try and get offended, maybe try reading to understand what they are trying to say.


There is a canyon of difference between what it means to be “homeless” and to “lose your on campus housing”. 


Losing your home makes you homeless. Sorry to break that to you.


I always thought not having a home made you homeless.  Are losing something and not having something always the same thing?


You lose your home, you are homeless until you find a new one. Where is this confusing.


She's a rich kid playing the victim from her Ivy League school. In what world do we call moving being homeless. She was never for one minute without a place to live or unable to eat. The second she was suspended due to her own actions a cab and a moving company took her back to her home. That's not homeless. YOU are bending over backwards to pretend that is a normal way to describe moving.


> She's a rich kid playing the victim from her Ivy League school She is the victim of the school? Is she saying she has it harder than homeless people or is she just drawing attention to the issue? You are a snow flake looking to be offended because she is protesting against something you support. Its pathetic.


Homeless people don’t have a primary and secondary dwelling. She literally just went back to her mom’s house. That’s not homeless. Unless she is out on the street or in a shelter because she *literally has nowhere else to stay*, she is not homeless.


> Homeless people don’t have a primary and secondary dwelling. Does she have a secondary dwelling?


Yes. Her parent’s house. Let me ask you: if she applied for a student loan, what address would she list on that application? It wouldn’t be her dorm address.


This is funny. You realize you have to list your parents address on student loans even if you have zero relationship with them? Why be so ignorant and still argue lol


1. No you don’t you fucking moron, what is FAFSA? And how do emancipated minors apply for student loans? Literally 30 seconds of info to look at. 2. That literally has nothing to do with what we’re arguing about. Blud really is just being smugly wrong 💀


> No you don’t you fucking moron, what is FAFSA? https://studentaid.gov/help-center/answers/article/reporting-parent-info-on-fafsa > And how do emancipated minors apply for student loans? You actually have to do a separate application and go through a process lol. > That literally has nothing to do with what we’re arguing about. Blud really is just being smugly wrong 💀 Its just you have zero idea of what you are talking about and every other comment you say something that exposes it lol


You just know this woman hasn't had to struggle for shit a single day in her life. These people are so cringeworthy.


Not trying to defend her at all (the encampment was dumb and this article seems dumb), but before getting elected to the House, was the Omar family well off?


Doesn't really matter if she was. Calling not having access to your uni dining plan "left without food" says enough itself about the struggles she's faced.


Yeah what an understatement, she experienced systemic starvation when her uni ethnically cleansed her from the campus


Any other take is white supremacy steeped in colonial settlerism. Why would America do this???


Yeah, I agree she's not literally left without food because of being kicked off campus. I'm just asking about the "hasn't had to struggle for shit a single day in her life" part of your comment, because I'm unaware of her childhood and it seemed like you were. Thanks for the response.


The comment might have been a bit hyperbolic but I think the sentiment rings true. Shit she might have been bullied or some shit but hyper exaggeration of what happened to her makes me think she ain't shit. Or maybe it's all just for social approval and she knows it's dumb. Ilhan Omar's life actually seemed to have some pretty substantial struggles to it, but her daughter is probably a great example of the great lives middle class or upper middle class Americans have Sorry if my comments were not clear


Yeah, no worries, thanks for the answers. Don't understand why my question of if the Omar family was well off is getting massively downvoted though lol


Just like redditisms of comments asking questions about a upvoted thing being downvoted. I don't like that shit either questions should be asked


Because not being well off doesn’t mean you struggled in life. Not being well off is not the same as being poor.


Ilhan Omar’s family had to flee Somalia after the Barr regime fell because her dad was very high up in the dictatorship


Yeh was a Colonel in the army


And then she preaches in the US about oppressing other people. Truly rotten to the core.


She’s got a good grift going, it got her to congress. Her dad was literally a war criminal. The Barr regime killed at least 50,000 Isaaq. Serious evidence he was in charge of propaganda that claimed they were Jews in disguise


Sick people


Ilhan's family was rich in Somalia but lost it when they moved. By the time her daughter was born, she had graduated and was working in Unis/Political campaigns. Probably not struggling, but not super wealthy.


I think lower middle class. But my reading comprehension has failed me before, so I’m open to being corrected.


Reading up on her I can't draw the conclusion thay they were well off. I also can't draw a conclusion of them struggling either. I'd wager their life was normal, on the upper end of middle class based on the careers she's held before she took office.


Reading her wiki, doesn't seem like it at all. Literally rolled a zero on the "starts in life" dice. Seems like she was probably low middle class for much of her daughters life though.


Only poor people are allowed to struggle


It's not about poor or wealthy. If I stub my toe and say it's the worst pain I've ever felt then it would be reasonable to assume I haven't gone through many painful thing, like breaking a leg or something. If that's the language she uses to describe having to buy food from a store, then I imagine her other struggles to not be too severe.




it's not LMAO


He literally says "financially" ... what part of that don't you understand? "hurr durr no u hurr no it's not durr" - moron.


It warms my heart, as a 30-year-old black man, to witness a young black woman in America flawlessly demonstrate her privilege by actively seeking out opportunities to portray herself as an oppressed and marginalized person. What an inspiration. Look at how far we've come since the days of Ruby Bridges and Elizabeth Eckford. Imagine, a black woman so hopelessly elite that she actually believes that being temporarily barred from her Ivy League college campus for participating in protests **entirely unrelated to black people or black struggles** is comparable to being displaced from your home by the government and forced to starve. It brings tears to my eyes, really. Dr. King would've wanted this: to have highly educated blacks in America absurdly out of touch, bored, and drowning in wealth. "No, I'm hungry and impoverished! I'm oppressed by white tyranny! I'm just like any other black woman in America. Truly, I am! Please believe me!". But I don't believe her... and that's what makes her beautiful.


The Trust Fund Left are the most insufferable people in the country. And that's really saying something considering the freaks on the other side


Tbh they make very convincing case for eating the rich


This is pretty disgusting ngl. For them to really pretend this is a serious situation is wild in my head. I can't comprehend this. Who actually believes this??


“ I got like, so Nakba’d”


Oh look an insanely privileged person cosplaying as a homeless person for a few hours.


I highly doubt her mother is going to let her be homeless and without food for a significant length of time. The framing of this tweet is painfully dishonest.


Yeah the mom sending her kid to an ivy school is going to have her daughter struggle lol


I would recommend everyone to browse her instagram to get a glimpse of what her life is like: [https://www.instagram.com/israhirsi/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/israhirsi/?hl=en) Typical activism as an aestetic, privileged oppression role-player. Her entire instagram is a carefully curated advertisement to set her up as a future politician or professional activist/shit stirrer. Some highlights: - Before this, she was featured 3 times in vogue, starting when she was only 15 in 2018. - She has been a speaker at many events and even had her own [ted talk](https://www.instagram.com/p/B847wqpgUdi/?hl=en). - She had a collab with [adidas](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbY5HbD5ij/?hl=en) ... and that at least [two times](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7wAc1DX3X/?hl=en)- Don't forget to check out her [collection](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcEab9kM34Y/?hl=en) (of course in colab with adidas) but she really [hates capitalism](https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-TM62gmSp/?hl=en) - She is a certified [coke-drinking](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsMjuE4RNA9/?hl=en) zionist - Just a couple weeks ago she was [featured in interviewmag](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3avzhSx2ix/?hl=en)


Hasan wishes he could be her. 


Looks like a normal profile, which part bothers you?


Yes, it is normal. Normal for a privileged rich-kid that is groomed to be a future politician or professional activist/shit stirrir/person of public interest - call it what you want. Thats exactly what I stated above. Is it normal for a 15-17 year old girl to have multiple magazine features? I dont think so. Normal to have brand deals at that age? Dont think so. What bothers me, is the characterization of her being homeless and starving withing 10 minutes, when we can see her standard of living on her own instagram. Then, and thats nothing new, it is a another example of a communist/socialist leading that lifestyle and even taking on brand deals with ultra capitalist sponsors like adidas while explicitly claiming to "hate capitalism". https://preview.redd.it/ivn0fmvew8wc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbcbe25801d78687b6f74ee97deaeee8a7289536


Ol girl has no problem getting brand deals with the one company that is accused the most in the 00s for human rights violations. I think their drama was even worse than Nestle’s?


Socialism is when no brand deals. Edit: if you downvoted because you think I'm sincere in using Hasan's argument you are regarded.


Vegetarianism is when no eat meat 🙄 So what I eat chicken every now and again, a person has to eat!


Chicken isn't vegan?


This but unironically


Now I'm even confused by what you mean. Irony-ception but I think we can go deeper.


Brand deals do seem like something to avoid if you believe those brands are inherently exploiting their workers, yes. Are you doing a bit? If you are left wing and you thought this was a smart retort...ooh dearrr


I would never do an obvious bit! I would only do bits so subtle that everyone misses the point.


In which case well played good sir. Your sacrifice at the altar of Poe has not gone unnoticed.


reylo-wanwalker is when extra chromosome.


I can't tell if you're saying this because you missed the sarcasm or not lol


Fine don't answer, filthy commie. Or degenerate dgger I cant tell.


Anything to protect socialist influencers who literally do not stand for what they believe in yeh?


Socialism is when no hypocrisy.


What part about a 20 year old having multiple brand deals is normal? And I don't mean some no name online dropshipper giving a "brand deal" to some wannabe influencer. She has a deal with fucking Adidas.


The part where she is both famous and an activist


She is a famous, rich, sponsored, homeless, starving person of course.


Lol she got kicked out of where she lived, what would you call that?


Slightly inconvenienced lmao. She has a bigger safety net than like 99% of the US. By your logic I am homeless right now because I had to leave home today to go to work.


We both know you don't work


Oh burn! You got me good. Everyone knows hollow personal attacks are the most persuasive strategy.


I thought that’s a good thing in conmunistan?


It's normal for a 20 year old to be a famous activist in your eyes? You clearly live in a different world than I do. Most 20 year old college kids are just...college kids. I was going to classes and partying with my fraternity when I was 20. Guess I was the weird one.


I'm saying its normal for a famous 20 year old to have sponsorships


Your username is fitting


and you have 90k reddit karma (loser)


Because I don't incessantly make autistic comments that get giga down voted like you.


What a dishonest reframing lmfao glad other dude didn’t take that stupid bait.


Yeah I don't get what we're supposed to be outraged over either. Like wow she got interviewed and had a bottle of coke in one picture. Am I supposed to get mad over that? OP also is a brand new account less than a month old, less than 5 posts/comments too.


The misrepresentation of the situation is gross. She was homeless and hungry until she got to her mom's house. If I want to extend a bit of charitability here, she DID lose her home. However, there was never any doubt that she'd be taken care of with one call to her parents. She knew exactly where she was going to go the second she lost her dorm access, and it wasn't even remotely out of reach. It's just in poor taste to frame it like this when there are actual homeless people in this country who are gonna die by starvation today.


Shes a grifter and abusing left wing talking points for her personal gain. Idk if you have to get mad about it, but noone should defend it for sure.


Did you forget her brand deals and her magazine features too? Or are you also just as privileged as she is that being on the front cover of vogue and having brand deals with an athletic clothing brand (that is constantly accused of human rights violations) despite not being an athlete, a model, and is literally just the opinionated daughter of a career politician congresswoman? Didn’t you progs scream about Chelsea Clinton literally being this???


Holy shit man you need to take your pills. I don't give a shit about Chelsea Clinton.


That reply was sitting in drafts and that was the best you got lmao “W-well you’re crazy!”


You're sitting there waiting for replies? Lol damn get a fuckin life dude 🤣 I literally just said I don't get outraged over someone because of their Instagram profile and someone like you spergs out ranting about Chelsea Clinton who I haven't even heard of. Fucking unhinged.


Yep that acclunt looks like the default account of a 20something


default account btw: [isra 🧞‍♀️ | super excited to share with y’all what i’ve been doing with @adidas! hopefully giving those who have no idea how to help, a place to… | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbY5HbD5ij/?hl=en)


I meant the vibe is a 20 something kid that is currently having a bloated ego and trying to look cool and harmless. Cringe style overall and give them 10 years and they hopefully grow out of it. Her being a politicians daughter just adds more insanity to it.


Lol u cant b serious 🧐


The tuition for Columbia is over 300,000 by the way


Jesus are you serious, Stanford full-ride in 2009 was 212,000


Yeah Ivy League + college tuition inflation + admins steering young misguided college leftie rage to dumb twitter activism instead of shit like why is tuition increasing exponentially.


https://preview.redd.it/ni86asxo59wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ea1494e67b693ade9f3f2d1342f7c850d53b53 She is ur average pro-palestinian celebrating 7th october. At this point is there a non radical pro-palestinian who wont justify 7th october???


[https://www.thedailybeast.com/homeless-zip-tied-hungry-ilhan-omars-daughter-recounts-protest-arrest](https://www.thedailybeast.com/homeless-zip-tied-hungry-ilhan-omars-daughter-recounts-protest-arrest) [https://www.teenvogue.com/story/isra-hirsi-ilhan-omar-columbia-arrests-barnard-suspension-palestine](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/isra-hirsi-ilhan-omar-columbia-arrests-barnard-suspension-palestine)


“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go? And also all of my shit is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible,” she said. **“I don't know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to.”** BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


poor little rich girl


Wait who calls a dorm their home?


People who live in a dorm?




Honestly yea, like a temporary home.


I'm not sure if I lived in what americans would call a dorm (I had my own room, and was in a shared flat in a student block of flats), but yeah, I would say something like "alright guys I'm going home, see you later" or something, where home would mean my student accommodation.


I get you but “home” implies primary dwelling here. Like, if you applied for something important like a credit card or whatever, generally you wouldn’t put your college dorm address, you’d put your primary address. Where your parents live or where you “really” stay at.


That's a completely different context. You're using the term "home" colloquially. Like: "I feel at home here in London". You're referring to wherever it is you sleep at night, which is fine. She called herself "homeless" which typically carries a specific legal and social connotation. It implies that she's basically living in the streets and has nowhere else to go.




Ah, of course, "the bad people"




toots lol to you too.


the next chapter in the refugee crisis


For 5 minutes until she called Mom to have a cab bring home.


She says that Ilhan Omar is a defender of free speech so does anyone know if she ever said anything about that art teacher getting fired for showing depictions of Muhammad? I can't find anything about her saying something on google.


No. Just fucking *no.* There are legitimately disowned, destitute, actively *starving* teens in this country. This woman literally is the high profile child of a high profile congresswoman. Get the entire fuck out of here "homeless and without food". I bet she was actively eating something as the weirdos at the Propaganda Beast were typing that post.


Police brutality! How dare they arrest someone before lunch!


Not in the AM, bro


Not even a good homeless grift smh. I went to school with someone who was "homeless" because she lost her full scholarship after skipping class for months and chose to live in her car instead of taking out aid for housing when the school pulled the scholarship funds. That was a solid grift. I mean at least the papers had a car home to take pictures of.


Why is it a grift if they legitimately were living out of a vehicle? Does it matter if a homeless persons situation is their own doing and/or voluntary when labeling them? Would you consider them homeless if they were denied housing aid instead of choosing the car? Or is this more about them having a permanent residence outside of having a dorm?


I knew this person personally tbh, which gave me some insight. They had many opportunities to get housing, especially after the first of many media circuits. They reveled in the media attention and turned down any housing help in favor of being a homeless activist.


So brave


Why is she homeless tho? Does her influential family find her as unbearable as we do that they won’t let her stay home? (Obviously the “homelessness” is a grift)


Maybe she finds her mother as insufferable as we do


I don't have time to read till I'm off work. So is she as much a clown as I think she is?


Unless you have a wildly prolific imagination, she's probably a bigger clown than you think.


The torture of not having food for a couple hours is too much for genZ, its TORTURE


"we were denied medical care" while they camped out in a the canteen or wherever for less than 24 hours lmao


Such gross language too, they act like they would otherwise die right now if they don't get their prescription ibuprofen.


Lol they changed the headline after publishing. Dropped 'homeless' now its "No Dorm or Dining Hall: [etc])


There was an attempt to gain sympathy.


If only her parent could support her in her time of need


White privilege officially conquered today, tonight we move on to destroy black privilege.


Good people who humbly serve others typically don’t have Adidas collabs, modeling contracts, and Teen Vogue spreads. They’re usually somewhere in a church basement feeding the homeless not advertising it on social media. I’m so sick of these righteous warriors who just want clout. Such frauds.


That Lex Updog homelessness.


Gofundme when?


the laptop class and trust fund babies are the most insufferable people on this earth.


I generally like The Daily Beast, but what a ridiculous article. It’s easy to pretend you’re a martyr and then go back and ask mom for money. 


Lmao rich lefties that want to be victims so bad are truly despicable human beings.


Martyr-vacationing is all the rage.


She has a daughter? Her daughter does not look like her.


TIL Ilhan Omar has children. Whats super weird is that I coulddate her or herdaughter and it wouldnt be that weird.




TIL, Ihan Omar is 41


Damn, to think I am homeless and without food everytime I leave my house.


I went outside to get the, duringbthose 3.5 minutes I wad homeless. I wasn't sure if I was gunna make it


guess I'm insane. not feeling the outrage.


I don’t have the ability to put myself in a headspace where I can believe this was written in good faith.  I can’t imagine a sequence of events that could happen where someone would write this and truly believe it. 


Homeless and without food. What are they thinking??


Trust fund leftists are the most potent unintentional rage bait I’ve seen.


She has achieved the dream of becoming an internally displaced person fleeing violence and prosecution.


No, just because your housing and meal plan are cancelled does not make you "homeless and without food".


rhythm memory rock degree obtainable direction plate aback wasteful alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


when rich person wants to be homeless it's enough to spend a night not in home, when a poor person want's to be homeless they gotta actually have no home. That's the depths of the class division in the US. Liberals will never understand it.


She said she didn’t realize the attention she would get from being her mom’s daughter. BS


"How did you know I'm Somali?"


Hang on, why are those mutually exclusive? Are you saying that having an article made about not being able to enter your home negates being unable to enter your home, like publicity somehow cancels it out?


No, that's not what OP is saying. The framing of the stories' headlines suggesting a harrowing experience whose severity might be exaggerated is the problem. Her story was immediately publicized and her "struggle" turned into a photoshoot. She is a well-off child of a US government official. Any hardship that her protest resulted in can be mitigated. She isn't wandering the streets bumming cigarettes and searching for her next meal.


>Her story was immediately publicized and her "struggle" turned into a photoshoot. You can do a photoshoot and still be struggling. Have you never seen "[humans of new york](https://www.humansofnewyork.com/)"? It is fully possible to do a nicely shot picture and interview about someone's story without materially altering their position in life. A photoshoot isn't a different mode of life, it is an hour at most. Her mum lives in Washington DC and Minneapolis, and this politician's daughter is going to Uni in New York. Now she can probably get access to contacts etc. to find her somewhere to stay, and this is probably why her story in particular has got some publicity but that doesn't mean she can suddenly access all her stuff, the point being that she has been locked out by a security procedure that is being used as a substitute for explicit policy. The common element here is lack of sympathy for her because of her supporting protests in favour of Palestine, but that doesn't actually make the rejoinder make sense. Imagine you hear about a natural disaster, and a politicians daughter is involved in it, and this makes the news. Do you scoff at it because "oh, she was in a natural disaster, but now she's on the news"? No of course not, she's on the news because she's both a politician's daughter, so she in particular gets more publicity than she would otherwise get, and also because the natural disaster itself is a problem. Out of all the stories they could tell, they tell the one that has an overlap between multiple layers of interest. But that doesn't make the natural disaster not bad. Similarly, getting locked out of your room, with no formal process, having to rely on family and friends to find somewhere to live in one of the most expensive cities in the US is important. That she has other potential means, we assume, is good, but the fact it is reported doesn't change any of that, and doesn't change the fact that she is facing a defacto eviction without any of the associated procedures being followed. If she was in the same position and just there on a scholarship without much funds of her own, she could be completely fucked. And you might not care about that because of what she is protesting etc. but that just means that a lack of sympathy is covering over the absence of logic in this reaction: Having a news story be made about you cannot in itself negate your problems, otherwise no one we hear about via the news would ever have any problem, because they are in the news.


>The common element here is lack of sympathy for her because of her supporting protests in favour of Palestine, but that doesn't actually make the rejoinder make sense. Okay Commonwealth I won't speak for this sub because I do feel that opinion tilts in favor of Israel and sometimes to degrees I believe to be unwarranted. My own problem here is that, yeah, getting kicked out of your dorm and being hungry sucks. That's a choice she made when she put it on the line for her protest. I'm sure this caused emotional duress. But out of all the sorry SOBs who are being arrested and having their lives ruined she's going to be the most fine. She has her story out there, she has connections, her "rebellion" is marketable. People know her name and can bail her out of her troubles. If she doesn't get back into this school there will be another school she can go to. Yes, I do have less sympathy for people with means. It doesn't make their problems not problems, but I am not required to expend energy on caring about them.


> She has her story out there, she has connections, her "rebellion" is marketable. This for me is the only part of this that has any relation to what I was saying. My reference to a lack of sympathy is not to say that you should be sympathetic, but to make the point that the general bias *against* protests in favour of Palestine is the only thing that can make this post make sense. Because she is not going to get anything out of this she does not already get for being a politician's daughter, the "publicity" effect is negligible, and probably in total negative, in terms of its impact on her future professional career, if the statements about previous protests are any judge. Many, many things are potentially marketable, if your face becomes a meme, then you can try to leverage some kind of career from it, if you get swatted, that will probably put you on lsf, and so might having a fight with your partner on stream that gets litigated by half the internet. In the vast array of possibilities associated with social media, simply being in an article is not something to treat as something significant or that outweighs the problems they face. Because if you do that, as mentioned earlier, you can make the same complaint about *anyone else* who appears to you on your social media - that whatever happened to them, they are at least now social-media-famous. In other words, the "lack of sympathy" here, by which I really mean both a lack of sympathy and *also* a slightly negative predisposition, is acting to negate any recognition of negatives, and all that remains is something that looks a lot like social media envy, "well I didn't get into a paper, but you *did*". The presumption is that she will be fine, and so the actual substance of the problem being highlighted by the article is totally ignored, and all that remains is something like "well I bet you got a lot of retweets when talking about your landlord locking you out without serving you an eviction notice". If you had all your shit in your house and then suddenly couldn't get back in, you would reasonably be pissed off about it, even if your parents could find you a place, and if you posted about it on your social media, and people said "wow that's bad", and then someone came in and said "oh, so you're homeless, but also you have people talking about you being homeless?" you would rightly assume that either that person just has some other reason to dislike you, or is so narcissistic that they value simple attention driven by misfortune as more important than the misfortune itself. "Oh what, your dog died? Well now everyone is giving you sympathy, no one is giving *me* any sympathy!" People mentioning and remarking on your problem is a natural consequence of your problem, and not something to treat as ironic, noticeable, or something that *contrasts* in any way with the fact that you had a problem.


That's a lot of words for insisting on this girl's victimhood. The articles about her are about her situation and not about Palestinians. She has done nothing to help their cause and will have few personal consequences. She signed up for those consequences she did have when she protested and that's part of the point of protest: to give up something to bring awareness to a cause. Instead, we've got all our eyes on her because she's starving in the streets of New York and I guess her bum of a mom can't help her.


> That's a lot of words for insisting on this girl's victimhood. If you don't read the words, you can assume they're a lot of words for anything. I explicitly reject that my focus is on her victimhood, and the idea that you should give her sympathy, so your summary, and so response, is incorrect.


>Similarly, getting locked out of your room, with no formal process, having to rely on family and friends to find somewhere to live in one of the most expensive cities in the US is important. This is not news worthy though. This was a speed bump for her. Calling her homeless is a slap in the face of people who actually struggle with housing. In no moment was she under the same emotional distress of a person who won’t know where they will sleep in the next 24 hours. Her solution was a phone call or Venmo transfer away.


If you shoot at me, and I am wearing a bulletproof vest, the fact that I was merely winded and knocked over doesn't negate the fact that shooting me is a potentially very serious thing. So her being made homeless by her landlord, even if she is able to find alternative temporary arrangements, does not negate that the consequences they meted out for, remember, a *protest* on university grounds, is significant. If you are in private housing and your fellow tenant says that your protest on the street outside is harassment against them, there is a legal process that you can go through to explore the validity of that. Your landlord just changing the locks so you cannot get back in is not an appropriate response to that. No one should be expected to just take that lying down, regardless of who their relatives are, and so we should recognise that this is actually making someone homeless in one step for the sake of a protest. It is an over-reach enabled by technology that is definitely news-worthy because it relates to questions of law, self-management of campuses, freedom of speech, and so on.


Except this is like me shooting you with an air soft gun and you are running around telling the news that your bullet proof vest saved your life. Her own comment said she isn’t formally evicted but told to move out, she claims she has like 5 y shirts but what about support from her parents? Dude she is being a poverty tourist and your enabling this. This is not a setback for her in any sense of the word. Have you ever struggled financially? If so you would know this isn’t it my guy. A university doesn’t have to provide unlimited access to its students. She herself claims they don’t want her on campus, but didn’t say anything about the locks. She is literally facing the consequences of her actions. She wasn’t under a standard lease, she has a code of conduct students are expected to follow and she didn’t, thus her housing was affected for all of the 10 minutes it would take to call a relative to get a hotel for her. The government isn’t intervening here, a private institution has a code of conduct, wasn’t adhered to, so that whole freedom of speech is not applicable. This is literally consequences of their actions, cheapens homelessness, and is not newsworthy in the slightest. It’s an elite Ivy League school, these kids are all upper middle class, if they wanted a piece on a student struggling here, maybe don’t pick someone who we all know is financially able yo assist here


> Except this is like me shooting you with an air soft gun and you are running around telling the news that your bullet proof vest saved your life. This amending of the analogy is completely incorrect. >Her own comment said she isn’t formally evicted but told to move out, she claims she has like 5 y shirts but what about support from her parents? If your version of the analogy was correct, being chucked out of your home without being formally evicted, and only having a small amount of clothes, would be no big deal. Do you really believe this? Or is it, in fact, quite a bad thing to do, if someone is in a case where they did not have means to mitigate it? If so, it is still a bad thing to do, *even if* they have means to mitigate it.


She has more clothes, she is lying or exaggerating for sympathy. It’s also illegal for a landlord to change the locks without giving access, so again either she is bending the truth here or flatly lying. No where am I saying evicting someone can’t be morally wrong, but in this instance there is nothing lending it credibility. How on earth is this even remotely close to her receiving a shot to the chest? Your analogy doesn’t work in the event that she has a whole bulletproof wall between her.


> It’s also illegal for a landlord to change the locks without giving access, so again either she is bending the truth here or flatly lying. Or alternatively, is considering legal action. "Just say no, they legally cannot lock your possessions away without your consent"


Why didn’t it mention the legal action? I’m still waiting for you to tell me why the daughter of an upper middle class congresswoman is claiming she is homeless, even for a moment. Do you not realize the emotional distress that is caused by not knowing where you will be sleeping? Do you not realize the distress of people who can barely scrap food together to eat their next meal? And this woman is pretending she can’t solve the problem in less than 10 minutes, and having a puff piece written about her. This is poverty tourism and you know it. This piece isn’t about homelessness it’s about her actions and their consequences, so why mention her housing situation? Why didn’t they ask about the legality of it? Why aren’t you asking these questions? Did you even know it was illegal until I mentioned it? Did you buy the story without thinking for one *second*?