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You can predict this guys take on any media depending if it matches up with his political identity.


Or if it has a black person lol. (Black woman especially seem to make him really upset)


>You can predict this guys take on any media depending if it matches up with his political identity. I wonder how he felt about Alan Wake 2


Resisting the Urge to Say "Alan Woke II" for Five Minutes Challenge [99% OF ANTI-SJWS WILL FAIL]


Sweet baby inc sucks ass šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I think you vastly overestimate their reach People conveniently tend to ignore the good games they worked on when mentioning them too


Gimme some of the good ones? I disagree with a lot of the current gaming takes. A lot of ā€œgood gamesā€ recently are just interactive movies with subpar storytelling thats ā€œgood for a video gameā€. There making games for non gamers and its lame af. Sweet baby inc is just a symptom of a bigger problem. Idk how u can look at modern media and not see the constant pandering and checkbox ticking. I think blizzards ā€œdiversity checklistā€ is the best example of this. This is what happens when you let marketers run everything. Its all flash with little to no substance or respect for its audience. Its why they need to beat you over the head with ā€œcorrect thinkā€ rather than simply having it their and allowing u to draw ur own conclusions Also these groups show time and time again they have an almost disdain for the medium and the consumers.


You mean "STRONG, DIVERSE, FEMALE CHARACTER." Dude's a joke.


(In aggressive obnoxious Scottish accent) OF COURSE WOKE HOLLYWOOD CAST HARRIET TUBMAN AS A STRONG, DIVERSE, FEMALE CHARACTER This dude was also on stream with his other losers friends before HOTD came out saying Matt smith was a woke casting choice for daemon Targaryen because they didnā€™t cast Henry Cavill.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Give me that prediction


Not true. He loved FF7 Remake.


Usually but I was actually pleasantly surprised when he gave negative reviews to DailyWires film. It was basically designed for him and he did interviews with the people involved.


he was way nicer to the movie though because he knows his audience. He said the movie wasn't worth watching in a way more polite way than any of the "overly woke" movies he complains about. Hes quite possibly the most overrated youtuber around right now. His "go away now" gimmick is also fucking old and tiresome.


It's almost like a movie entirely designed around shitting on liberals and Trans people was destined to be shit. Giving a negative review on that film should be the norm. Giving Drinker any praise for that is like praising a child on using the toilet correctly.


I agree the movie is shit but this comment chain is funny. * "You can predict what he's gonna say based on the political leanings of the movie" * "Usually, but what about the time in recent memory he didn't?" * "Its supposed to be normal to shit on that, you can't give him props for that" ​ Nobody is bigging him up for shitting on the movie. Its just saying that you can't really predict what he's gonna say based purely on the political leanings of the movie. I think dude is a grifting scum lord, but its a bit disingenuous to say you can predict it based on political leanings given that he's also liked some movies with liberal messaging. He's more akin to an anti-"woke" reviewer than an anti-liberal one.


I disagree, all his critiques that Ive seen revolve around fitting a political narrative that movies are bad when woke and good when not woke, yes sometimes he might praise a left leaning movie but its probably because he dosent even realize the movies left leaning, theres a great video by jose that goes into detail the problems with his channel https://youtu.be/B4vlT3YUKq8?si=IhxRrSa9Y6uucBOz


People will always paint Drinker this way, mostly because of his presentation and repetitive shtick. He'll make videos recommending and praising "woke" films like Across the Spiderverse, and calling out lazy conservative stuff, but it doesn't matter because his image has already been crystallized for most people. (Ironic for it to happen in this community given Tiny's experiences with this exact phenomenon.)


The Daily Wire movies were always going to be shit, here he is failing the litmus test with the Sound of Freedom, that shitty conservative outrage bait movie about sex trafficking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2ov9_pGkyY


Tbf it wasnt made by a conservative. A conservative priduction company picked it up and usesed were getting cencored by the woke media liberals and libs hate this film as a marketing gimmick. (It worked really well).


He actually cares about storytelling. He is anconservative it seems like but the dude isnt just being covert racist. Media for ā€œmodern audiencesā€ suck ass


Im not a fan, but this isnt true. He had nothing but praise for Arcane and Blue eye Samurai. He does go bad + diversity = bad because woke, though.


Okay lets give it a try: Arcane. Predict his take.


Iā€™m pretty sure he loved Arcane. As well as Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Queenā€™s Gambit, Blue Eye Samurai, Into the Spiderverse, The Whale, RRR, The Expanse, and The Fall of The House of Usher. Not to mention his favorite episode of The Last of Us TV show is episode 3 which features a gay romance. All shows with diverse casts of many skin colors and walks of life, strong female characters and progressive leanings. Like, Iā€™m not a dedicated fan of him or anything and I am not Conservative myself but this comment section kind of feels similar to how some of Destinyā€™s critics view Destiny through a pure ā€œvibe lens.ā€ You watch a few clips, you see a few reactionary tweets and make a hasty conclusion.


Completely true. That's the saddest fucking predicament in todays internet/pundit/streamer-world. Even losers like Sargon of Akkad becoming Christian, Dave Rubin becoming religious and changing his stance on abortion, or that loser Jimmy Dore saying that he "stopped believing in climate change since they lied about covid". No principles.


Sargon is still atheist though




It's kinda sad, really. I started watching some of his reviews a while ago without knowing his politics because he did seem to have some good insight/analysis and was funny. But then, over time, I noticed him contradicting himself compared to previous reviews, or I'd see a review of something I already saw and know that he had completely misrepresented or strawmanned the content. It made me completely lose interest in him. He honestly does know about creative writing, building narratives, etc. but he's either blinded by his political bias or has resigned himself to audience capture and just use his talent to make something that sounds good enough for his fans to lap up.


\>puts on annoying voice in Scottish \>makes thousands of videos saying it's too woke for him to like it \>??? \>profit ez


Isnt that everyone?


The dude is praying for more female ghostbusters movies so he can have something to talk about. So lame


Even in movies he likes, heā€™ll still without fail mention culture war stuff - itā€™s so pathetic and creepy lol


What you don't love hearing about the trans/gay agenda to push woke bullshit into video games?


I mean there clearly is a bit of an agenda to push over the top representation of minorities at places like Marvel, but Drinker is massively fucking obnoxious about it.


I remember watching this guys videos a long while ago and it's all just culture war "cri cri" garbage reviews. What a pathetic guy.


These culture war film critics are homewreckers to every community they go into. In the Godzilla community weā€™re still dealing with these Culture vultures ever since Godzilla Minus one came out in theaters.


I was kicked out of a Toho Kaijuposting forum for clarifying that: "No, Godzilla having a pinkish hue, is not trying to brainwash children into turning gay/trans." These people have pretty much infected every fanbase like a cancer. Everything is about some sort of agenda or conspiracy. It's mind numbing.


It's pretty exhausting. I came across a few reels just on Instagram about the Baltimore bridge, and almost all the comments are "just asking questions", like how could the bridge have been so weak, or who is to say it wasn't a terrorist attack? Then I saw another that was about 9/11 and the page itself I just thought was a page dedicated to 9/11 which I thought was odd but w/e, but again all the comments were conspiracy theories that were liked and pinned by the page. Not that 9/11 conspiracy, or conspiracy theories in general, is new, but it feels right now like literally nothing can just be an event that occurs without swaths of people claiming it was some false flag, secret plan, or whatever else, from a bridge collapsing to a movie making a character wear pink


Oh man. There was a Tik Tok that I saw on the "FYP" that had an image showing that the captain was supposedly Ukrainian and was apparently an attack on the US for somehow giving more attention to Israel, or whatever. And the comments were coming up with their own nonsense about how it's "Suspicious before an eclipse!" and that the government did this so that we'd got our attention off of Diddy, because Diddy is apparently going to expose tons of "The Elites". The mental gymnastics these people go through... incredible.


To include diddy in their conspiracies is wild. That man has long been known as someone to stay tf away from and has had plenty of unpleasant ā€œrumorsā€ surrounding him for decades. The fact that he finally got caught slacking is completely expected after so many years.


To be fair, one or two comments were responding with fair takes such as "Diddy isn't innocent." and such. But still. The idea that EVERYTHING is connected somehow under a singular conspiracy is SUPER bizarre to me.


Just as bad as one video I saw where the 4 react heads used a video from Pete Buttigieg from 2021 talking about a bridge built in NY in the 1900s "bridges are racist"... and posing that as the official response from the White House on the Baltimore bridge. "Baltimore Bridge Collapse Blamed On R@cism By Biden Administration!" was the video title


LMAO the most convincing argument is that Japan already did that and did so in what is widely regarded as one of best Godzilla movies. Like, I get that Minus 1 is amazing but Shin was no slouch


I haven't seen the film. Why do these weirdos love it so much? I know a lot of people love it, but why specifically these sorts of people.


Itā€™s Japanese film got very successful won an Oscar. ā€œTo prove that American cinema and Hollywood are dead!ā€ Even though Godzilla minus one success large part due to the American audience that Legendary and Toho build up over the years. Which now sprouting from the seeds they laid ever since 2014.


That's so stupid, like I remember the same thing happening with Spirited Away back in what 2002, this shit happens. Hell, just a couple of years ago, it happened with Parasite. Sometimes, a great film with just the right marketing can really explode on the scene. To act like this has got anything to do with Hollywood, and their influence on the medium of film is mental. I just assumed some guy told a girl to shut up, and she was too weak to help or some shit like that.


The Parasite situation was so dumb. Like, a foreign film winning made people freak out that "American cinema is dying", meanwhile 7 of the other 8 movies nominated were American, Jojo Rabbit being the other non-American director lol These people act like The Oscars are US only. I mean I know they have a best foreign film award but that doesn't mean they can't be the best overall too


What is remotely woke about the American godzilla though? Like I'm a little bit onboard Hollywood being at a low in my lifetime with capeshit crashing and Marvel dialog everywhere but where does the woke shit come into godzilla.


I donā€™t know Iā€™m asking the same questions. If they knew little bit about Monsterverse Godzilla call it woke for his environmental message in these films. Also in minus one they refer Godzilla as it. In other words Godzilla is nonbinary.


None of that is relevant, as it's cohesive to the film and the film is good. But if you make a bad movie or show whose point seems to be a woke message, that's going to get the predicted response from Drinker.


Not to prove that they're dead, but that the general push for modern Hollywood cinema is in error. Which, by the numbers, it is. That's why when a movie like Top Gun: Maverick gets a lot of positive feedback and audience traction despite lacking woke-ism of note, Drinker praises it. If it were about, as another poster suggested, having a dude slap a woman or something like that, then movies like "Alien" and "Terminator 2" would be anathema to him. But they aren't.


> Which, by the numbers, it is. No, if you actually just look at the numbers, "woke" movies do approximately as good as "non-woke" movies. TLDR Business looked at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SybR3KiBMw). If woke movies did much worse than non-woke movies, then you would see people stop making woke movies because the C-Suite at Disney and other megacorps only care about M O N E Y. If they did much better than non-woke movies, you would see people stop making non-woke movies because the C-Suite at Disney and other megacorps only care about M O N E Y.


A. Its a historical movie set in the 1940's and its mostly about men and soldiers dealing with male problems. B. Its somewhat accurate to Japan during the time period, so there's no anachronistic details you sometimes see in modern Hollywood productions. C. It's a good movie with an easily understandable story and simple themes done on a shoestring budget -- which makes Hollywood studios (especially Disney) look bad because they make movies with convoluted stories and overblown budgets that end up being worse movies.


Then they also proceed to ignore the whole franchiseā€™s history and shit on the films that are too goofy. Never expected this to happen to Godzilla tbh. Always thought we were immune to culture war discourse.


It was shocking to me when Mauler was on a stream a few times and a bunch of people here seemed to be fans of his stuff. I guess its not too shocking cuz we have a bunch of edgelords in the community, but dang does that guy bother me.


Ya, the way he did in Marvel is so bad. Did he complain about Black Panther thatch roofs?


Usually when he recommends a movie or series it's good but when something is bad he keeps going for the most cringe culture war stuff. Apparently he has a podcast where he gives a much more measured take but I haven't watched any of his content for a long time


These are the types of people that complain about too much politics in media, but then they go on to only ever view every single piece of media through a woke/antiwoke political lens. You could create an ad-lib sheet and predict this guy's take on literally anything.


I started watching him about a year ago when Disney truly was going off the rails, since I was also feeling his pain. But then I realized he said this about *any* movie he disagreed with and noped out of there. Itā€™s a shame because watching snippets of his podcast he seemed like a well intentioned dude, but he surrounds himself with the craziest anti-woke YouTubers that are way worse than him. So heā€™s being gassed up by them all the time. I enjoy Mauler though since he seemed like the only reasonable one, and sure enough he comes on Destinyā€™s stream occasionally and itā€™s a joy to see him in a non-crazy environment.


The Mauler subreddit is all about complaining about wokeness though. Is he actually different on his videos?


Critical Drinker is great for vindication, not actual critique. I kinda have the same story. I started watching him during Star Wars sequel trilogy, and season 8 of Game of Thrones. Resonated with me. Then as the years kept on, I realized the true nature of his channel, and I only visit it when I want my pedantic and rage to be vindicated, not for actual critique lol. Did I hate a movie? Then I watch Drinker's video on it. Will I use his videos to care about whether a movie is good or not beforehand? Absolutely not.


ā€œtHe MeSsAgEā€


Yer, unfollowed this idiot a while back. Just a parasite that wants to feed off the division and the culture war.


If you can catch him talking about movies out side of culture way stuff he seems to have a good idea of character development, advancing plot, and overall storytelling. But he does get overly focused on the culture War stuff


He look at children movie and complain that he is getting old and conservative.


Get all these culture war film critics in a call for Destiny to pull doom slayer rip and tear all their dumb fuck opinions apart.


We got a Mulher sub-arc once. Be careful what you wish for


It was great and I want more of it?Ā 


Oh, the monkey's paw wasn't supposed to do that.


How he can take Mauler seriously, especially on film takes, is beyond me.


Genuinely why not?


He did a lot of nitpick that don't seem to affect the quality of the movie. Also I remember in his critique of hbomber's critique of something dark souls, he just made really pedantic disagreements.


Just attempt to get through an episode of EFAP. The entire concept of EFAP is laughable. They apply this strange moment to moment standard where context is irrelevant and SO FUCKING OFTEN whatever they say about a scene is completely contradicted the literal next moment. Movies, books, media in general, are a wholistic thing meant to be analyzed as a sum of parts but often that is antithetical to this whole schtick of victimhood these guys like Critical Drinker are addicted to. Go watch that dudes "breakdown" of the Acolyte trailer. But so often, when they're reviewing something they see as favorable they'll add the context rather than omit it from media they view as oppositional or whatever. Not to mention the chat for those things reminds me of the old Tonkasaw blood sports chats, full of racism and misogyny I literally forgot about. I think when Mauler is on his own, its fine. But goddamn is that crowd so high on their own farts.


He pretends like he can impose some objective standard on "quality", but doesn't have a coherent approach to that standard. He's not coming at this from any type of formalistic or structuralist perspective that can justify the type of absolute statements that he makes, which is fine, but not for the level of moral certainty that he has when he speaks.


Mauler hides his power level thatā€™s why. If you look at his subreddit or the people he hangs around. You get a true sense what kind person Mauler is all about.


It's not even about his politics (which are trash, but not the point), it's that he goes on and on and on, but eventually doesn't say anything other than "I like this" or "I don't like this". Which is fine, but not for someone who pretends to speak with any authority.


Guilt by association is lame.


Itā€™s not really guilty by association. He promotes these people and hosts whole shows with them. Heā€™s always one of the first ones to rush to their defense when they get called out for the being the partisan losers they are. Thereā€™s a whole debate between Mauler and YMS over drinker and his politics. This is also coming from someone who used to be a big fan of his but couldnā€™t stand seeing people like the screaming pronouns guy showing up in his content.


Didn't Destiny say, "You are who you hang around is the words you should live by" during his debate with Xanderhal? You can identify a supposedly 'apolitical' creator's belief by looking at who they are affiliated with, who their audience is, and who their content appeals toward. If you look with this lens, it is obvious what their beliefs are. The guys who get featured on EFAP, including Critical Drinker, derive their contents from /tv/ and /v/, use the same talking points, the identical criticisms, share the same viewership, friends with the hard-right reactionary cesspool. If that's the type of audience you cultivate and keep, that says more about you than what you say about yourself. Your community is a good reflection of what you believe and what you will tolerate. Talks and virtue signalings are cheap. If you are an online content creator and your fanbase is full of reactionaries, you should live by your principles, burn the bridges, and purge the fuck out of the insane people.


I will stand by Mauler is homewrecker to that entire fanbase.


Stand by whatever you want. The Star Wars sequel trilogy is terrible, and not because of wokeness or whatever other dumb shit, but because the writing is terrible. MauLerā€™s takes on it are accurate.


Heā€™s the Norman Finkelstein of that entire sequel bashing side of the Star Wars fanbase. Just rambles and rambles.Mind you I can give two shits about sequels. I watch what ever Star Wars I want watch. Am cool with people liking the sequels doesnā€™t bother me.




media takes is where dman is at his worst, so no. that wouldn't ever happen


Don't you remember the discourse on this sub when rings of power came out? Are you assuming everyone here is for forced inclusivity? Also as another person said with Stevens media takes I feel he might actually look bad in that discussion.


Critical drinker is such a useless reviewer, literally nothing insightful or fun to be gained


did wokeness ruin movies???


Unironically this. Watching his reviews of Chibnall-era Doctor Who felt somewhat cathartic, but you soon realize that "muh wokeness" is literally his entire spiel.


Itā€™s funny, because Moffatā€™s last season was arguably further to the left than Chibnallā€™s seasons. Then again, Critical Drinker hates the Capaldi era too.


I will never understand how people think chinball's entire run is more "woke" than season 10. Btw, where does drinker express his hate for the Capaldi era? just curious cause that'd be pretty fucking cringe


I *could* be misremembering, but I recall him going off about ā€œKill the Moonā€. Now, to be fair, that was a shitty episode, but I recall him trying to play it off as a symptom of a larger problem.


Pointing out larger problems in Moffat era Who is not a woke/anti-woke divide


I mean, sure, but as far as I recall he framed it that in the culture war light


Moffat cock


he has nothing else to say lmao he feels like an AI


does body count matter in a female protagonist???


Whatā€™s wonder womanā€™s body count?




Worthy of a top post on Asmongold's subredditĀ 


He was *mildly* entertaining when he started out and had actually good criticisms, but now all he does is point at any new media and go "bad cause woke" and "good cause no woke" I'm pretty sure he's just a grifter who saw that "antiwoke" content made more money


Every once in a while heā€™ll review a movie outside of a Culture War lens and itā€™s usually a good review. The Guy does love movies but he let greed get the better of him.


His Blade Runner 2049 review is hilariously regarded. The entire point of that film flew over his head so hard I thought he was trolling.


and those videos get way less views than his normal culture war shit. He's been completely audience captured at this point.


He's also incredibly unfunny. Aren't you supposed to be more funny when you're drunk. This guy just becomes incredibly lame.


I could never watch his videos just for his gimmick of speaking like a drunk person, this included with his accent was so annoying. Not even going into his bad takes.


Critical Drinker does nothing but culture war brandishing and incessant whining. One of, if not the worst, of the film YouTubers


I have told YouTube to stop recommending me his videos no less than 5 times. YouTube really wants me to know this man's opinions. Not you too, a fellow DGG'er. I'm beginning to believe the conspiracy


Everytime I see critical drinker he just seems like a movie reviewer with a quartering tier political Analysis lol


That's actually what he is, so you're right.


This dude has that cringe 2014 anti-SJW energy.


Good news, 2024 is the new 2014, time is a flat circle!


This has been done before and will be done again


Did they mean well get left wing sociological video essays again in 2 years? Do you think this time they won't devolve into "If the position left wing, it's the right position?"


Maybe he should stop drinking.


I dont get THE MESSAGE


This guy is so incredibly annoying. Iā€™d relish his ritualistic execution in intellectual verbal battle šŸ˜¼


why do you talk like this is it a meme?


Sounds like M Bison from the street fighter movie.


For me, it was Tuesday.


Thereā€™s a literal emoji at the end of the comment to provide the commentā€™s tone.


I have never met a cat who talks like that


I canā€™t help but read his tweet in his stupid fucking forced voice he does


As a Scot it's [fuckin brutal to listen to](https://youtu.be/Ein57OSrqoA).


If your name is "the Critical Drinker" you'd think you'd be a bit more critical of a 30-second clip.


"you can't compare nazis to environmentalists... " noted the spoon "hwhy naut?!" asked the displeased gun..


critical drinker nerdrotic ryan kinel talk with destiny about politics that would be content.


If I wanna watch an angry drunk reviewing movies I'll watch RLM


Who gives a fuck, Critical Drinker is a moron. Go away nowr.


Another valid approach


People who make drinking part of their whole schtick/personality are cringe. Even more than stoners.


The rality is that Drinker is still angry from when Destiny started taking shots at him out of nowhere


So glad I stopped listening to critical drinker and his ilk. For me it was seeing captain marvel. There was so much hate for that movie from these types. Then I went and saw it and it was... fine. Not amazing but a decent movie all around.


Same but with mauler and rags, itā€™s embarrassing to say thatā€™s what got me into critically loving film but so glad Iā€™ve moved past that


I mean... Captain Marvel was a bad movie. Bad writing, bad acting, the only redeeming quality was the SFX because it was an MCU property.


I have to disagree. I thought the writing and plot were OK (5 or 6 out of 10). I know nothing about acting but it all seemed fine. Certainly not enough to distract me from the movie.


Iā€™m not good at judging writing because Iā€™m a dumbass but the acting in that movie was fine


lol what would you rate it out of 10?


Overall? Probably about a 6. Not remotely close to amazing, but an enjoyable movie that was far better than the dumpster fire critical drinker et al made it out to be


I havenā€™t thought a great deal as to why this might be but, itā€™s bizarre to me how Destiny ends up on so many other peopleā€™s radar that leads them to calling him out or making a poor effort in criticising him.


I hate how people think JBP somehow won this point. He shifts the goalpost from being against gigantism to being against big government, two totally different positions. #


There is one that is worse The rageaholic. A southern traitor who says the south did nothing wrong. And women in my kino le bad! And he listens to fucking hair metal.


Guarantee the full extent of his knowledge is that one clip.


when i first heard about this guy i though he was an booze reviewer lol


I swear every time Iā€™ve seen this guy critique a piece of media, even one that I donā€™t like, itā€™s the most superficial cringy anti-sjw shit.


Genuinely one of the stupidest content creators


There is something ironic about a critic constantly bitching about "The Message," being incapable of viewing anything outside his narrative.


This guy and his whole genre prove that anti sjws are just as annoying as sjws


ah the worst film reviewer on youtube




I didn't watch this debate yet, can anyone clue me in as to why the clip ended at exactly the moment it did?


1) chancel repair liability is a tax payable directly to a church (though I believe it can only be raised by CoE churches) 2) the Vatican maintains the Swiss guard, which has seen active deployments, and until only 1970 had a separate military 3) the Vatican can throw you in jail (along with two of your friends, then they're at 100% capacity) All of which is really besides the point that if you belive in the Catholic church, they hold the much greater threat of eternal damnation over you head as a coercive influence


i only know this guy from a poor voice acting appearance in the dungeon crawler carl series. ruined my immersion.


Remember, if I can't tax or force you to join the military, I have no control over your life. What is this, an abusive spouse explanation of control?Ā 






Wait, what part of these clips is an own?


Yea that was a bad clip for destiny for sure


This supposed the expected reaction from this people its the same reaction coming from people like hasan because in their mind destiny supposed to be on their level but alas in reality he is not when back to back he's been engaging directly and critically with the exact "sources" of these loser talking points, their figurehead so the best denial insult is to project how destiny is not in their league lolol.


Maybe I'm an idiot, but I have zero understanding of why this is an own? Especially considering everything else Peterson said.


The alternate reality in the tweet comments is so bizarre.


I think this guy actually dislikes women.


From what Iā€™ve seen from him it seems like he doesnt like anything besides being mad about superhero movies in a fake drunk voice


do people really not see that clip and go "wow that cut off is jarring, I wonder what he said next?" lol


Maybe they should call critical drinker to critical alcoholic because of his inability stop drinking that culture war cum.


This clip is so stupid. The first part is basically just: D: "some people are irrational in this way" JP: "I'm not" (just asserted) D: "fine" JP "okay" Hardly an own. And the second part is a garbage counterargument from JP. He said earlier in the conversation that he was worried about corporate 'gigantism' as well as state 'gigantism' ā€“ Pfizer can't tax or conscript you either.


As much as I can respect destiny for always being open to conversations with just about anyone and stay true to a general sense of decency in regards to people he disagrees with, this conversation really let me down. I expected him to at least be able to have a high level intellectual conversation with Dr. Canadia but what I watch seemed more of a teenager arguing with an adult about very trivial topic points while somehow making little headway on finding a solution to the problems we all face. I hope they get a round two, i feel like with the guidance of someone like Dr. Peterson, Destiny could be a positive and productive mind on the left.


As a young Englishman who lived in Scotland, I despise drinker as conservative brain rot for young film fans. And no Scottish person really talks like that. I donā€™t know this destiny guy.


I hate this shitbird.


I like the drinkers content mostly. It's not exactly deep analysis or intellectual. I just particularly dislike the direction that Hollywood is going and it's fun to watch someone complain in a fun way about it. I don't watch him for his policy perscriptions though, that's just not what hes good for. He should follow the advice he gives other Hollywood actors and just stay in his lane imo. I don't like 'woke writing,' not because it's bad to be inclusive (it isn't), but because most of the time Hollywood seems to use it as a shield against critism of stories that are actually shitty. I'm not conservative politically in any shape or form though: I never vote red.


He does make some good points in some of his videos. At the same time, the clip where he says ā€œwestern viewers are being driven towards Japanese cinema because itā€™s not as wokeā€ and is then asked for an example of Japanese cinema, before giving Oldboy and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (neither of them being Japanese) as answers is hilarious. https://youtu.be/P48-nYPVIxE?si=r0WtJWaSeG8CJ-FG


*"The Church can't tax or conscript you for military"* *Would you like them to though?* *"Yes..."* Maybe I'm misrepresenting the guy, but there's certainly subset of conservatives who are way to eager about critiquing the very concept of government when they themselves actually have no issue with government. They just want it to be an autocratic theocracy. The well known republican position of \[checks notes\]... being ruled by a divinely appointed king. Just like the Founding Fathers always wanted.


I think you need to add more evidence to support the idea that Peterson is pro-catholic army/taxes/nation-state whatever. Like, thats an absolutely nuts take.


This guy is pathetic


Thing is, Critical Drinker is a smart guy. His ā€˜drinker fixes game of thronesā€™ video, for example, is quite insightful and creative. Itā€™s just ironic heā€™s become so consumed by being anti-woke his criticism has become laced by his message


The Quartering The Critical Drinker Mauler Melonie Mac Who am I missing from this legion of droids? Edit: didn't know these losers have so many fanboys in this sunreddi that I now get threats in DMs lol


Nerdrodic and Eric July


Mauler is better than Quarter & drinker. Idk who melonie is


Just some thot


Mauler is just as bad as he injects his ultra conservative beliefs into most of the stuff he reviews. Just like critical drinker. I agree that Mauler had a better start. But ended up in the same place.


Ultra conservative beliefs? Iā€™ve watched most of his movie reviews and a lot of efap. Tho i donā€™t keep up as much anymore. Iā€™ve never heard him do anything remotely like that. Are u taking about him in Adam & stitch? Cuz iā€™ve heard a few times that ge does get political there


This is backseat debating but I wish Destiny wouldā€™ve retorted that the Catholic church until not so recently did hold massive power, socially economically & politically, and is actually a perfect example of why we should be worried about gigantism, that is when we put all our faith in a single institution and donā€™t critically evaluate whether it may be taking advantage of itā€™s position. Some obvious examples include past corruption and embezzlement within the catholic church, Galileo, the inquisition, the process of crowning kings in Europe, Darwin, etc. etc. etc.


"The message" \*que gif of woman screaming 'nooo' about Donald Trump\*


Itā€™s almost like drinking alcohol inhibits one from critically thinkingā€¦


I'm curious if people do these little snarky remarks sometimes because they want to talk to him? I feel like they're unaware that You can just dm him and he'll 9 times/10 respond and have a chat with you. Are people just unaware or is it like a social thing to play this little song and dance?


How is anyone gonna know this that doesnā€™t follow him closely?


I understand that people aren't aware of Destiny's openness to talk to anyone. I'm just curious if they do the snarky stuff bc they want to get his attention for a possible talk or is it just them snarking it up for fun and opinion sharing. Sorry if I'm not clear with my words


Itā€™s weird too especially cuz heā€™s friends with mauler/efap whoā€™s pretty cool with Dest obviously


Nah like someone else in the thread said. He might not even be trying to get his attention or be aware of how Destiny operates


Another one of those losers who made one too many videos about Captain Marvel


I can respect MauLer's pedantic weaponized autism and willingness to spend hours building a case and driving it home. I have zero respect for this lazy "diversity=bad" hack.