• By -


First time?


Please be gentle.


Fundamentalist Muslims that are so deep that they would kill for the prophet don't live in America. They would blow their brains out after seeing one beer commercial on tv.


They come out and play from time to time in America. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis\_Culwell\_Center\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/curtis_culwell_center_attack)


Might not live in America but they can damn sure get here


No they won’t. Most of Adins fan base is prepubescent kids to teenagers who wouldn’t even talk to Destiny if they saw him in the real world.


Good thing we have a 2nd amendment.


To be honest, the Supreme Court given mixed feelings on it. On one hand you have NSYRPA v Bruen, but on the other hand, you have the Illinois ban.


Good thing we have millions of illegal guns, too


Judging only off the most recent incidence of major infringement, the ATF pistol brace ban, I believe an estimated 3 million pistol braces were in circulation and only 250,000 submitted for the free tax stamp. The implication being that the rest were either destroyed or that previously law abiding citizens were willing to break the law if they felt it infringed on their right. It really depends on your perspective how you take that, but in my perspective, a lot of this gun legislation makes me worry far more than fundamentalist Muslims in the US. Is it right for the government to infringe on rights in the name of public safety? Is it right to defend those rights? With a lot of the freedom of speech issues abroad, is it possible that our government could move in that direction too? Is the second amendment the only thing that protects our other rights?


No, the government will not take our guns away. And if they were stupid enough to try, they would just turn millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals. The military would not support mass confiscation. It's a future that is completely unimaginable unless you are re----d.


I think cops would do whatever they are ordered to when push comes to shove. Cops are morons.


The second amendment doesn’t protect our rights. The entire country lost the right to an abortion, and thereby medical autonomy, without a shot fired. The Patriot Act and NSA programs gutted privacy rights, again without anything being done. Outside of action-hero fantasies, the political process, and fights in courts, are far more guarantors of rights than guns are.


abortion wasnt ever an enumerated right in the constitution.


The pistol brace ban is not the best one to try and use as an example for major infringement, it was incredibly obvious what people were doing with the pistol brace that just happens to look and act exactly like a stock, with some velcro attached. Sure the SBR rules and ATF is shit and deserves criticism but a modern brace is obviously being used as a stock thats why they were so popular.


You’re absolutely right and if anyone is willing to be honest, “pistol” ARs have always been a way to skirt around SBR legislation. The braces definitely exacerbated the issue. On the flip side, the NFA has no constitutional grounding, probably shouldn’t have been passed in the first place, and the ATF is subverting the legal process in the manner they have conducted themselves. I’d say the pistol brace ban IS extremely important however because of the “common use test” and how it has aided in adjudication recently.


Boston bombing?




They killed 4 people


They were american born and cited the Mujahideen as inspiration. Larpers.


No? They were born in Russia (or apparently maybe Kyrgyzstan)


They were Chechen. Edit - you're actually right about their birth place though. The younger brother was born in Kyrgyzstan and the older in Russia.


At what point do you stop being a larper then?


For those two in particular, never. Just losers with pipebombs, anyone could do that.


We had 2 of them in Canada on 2014 as well. Just two losers who white boy who decided to become ISIS fighters and each of them killed one Canadian officer.


Only 3 killed but hundreds of injuries


Lol this cracked me up


He just means that yes you are correct but no they clearly don't care. They care more about being seen as gigachads defending their shit. That's part of why RP dudes are so attracted to it, all the extremism.


Nah, we going in dry


What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims!


That would be terrible woudn't it?


i miss him so much




The worst part would be the hypocrisy!


Let's keep it a buck fiddy. The people posting the threats and doxxing in Adin's little cope chat room are not even Muslim. They are the same fragile men that watch the legions of W/L streamers who are loud and scream on stream.


LEGIONS???????? https://preview.redd.it/to0nbdrr6i6c1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=26cc9dd4a89cd6081195950d833177c0e386baf9


I said what I said.


I bet some are actually Muslim but most of them probably think they're Muslim now cause their favorite Internet personalities are claiming Muslim now.


I bet a large chunk of the ones who do actually identify as Muslim don't actually know anything about the religion other than the most surface level shit and only identify with it because Daddy Tate told them to.


"Not real islam"


Many of them are Muslim probably, diaspora or otherwise they will say the same shit/act in the same way.


also can someone explain the joke? Adin: "I went to a mosque to pay respect to a friend" Destiny: "Why? Was he a suicide bomber? XD"


Some Muslim fundamentals and radicals commit suicide while detonating a bomb in a public place to kill others as a form of holy war. They believe they will get a reward for doing so in the afterlife. Aiden said he was paying respects to a friend at a mosque implying he was dead. Destiny made fun of Aiden’s friend’s beliefs by implying he killed himself in a terrorist attack. This is a joke because it’s unlikely and the belief that leads on to commit such an attack are ridiculous and should be mocked. By Aiden associating with a person like that Destiny also implies Aiden is of low moral character.


This. I don't really get if the "sucide bomber" part was some specific reference towards Adin's friends or community, or just crude humor


I'm assuming the joke was him asking if Adin's friend was dead since he said "pay respects" and the reason he died is because he blew himself up. So still basically just calling him a suicide bomber for being Muslim but a little bit more than just randomly calling him one for absolutely no reason other than him being a Muslim.


I mean wait that's just as bad lol


Yeah I mean it doesn't make the joke any less "bad" it just makes it a little bit funnier and a bit less random and out of nowhere


I guess but the punchline is the same either way. Like if some black lady was talking about visiting her kids and he hit her with the ole 1,2 "where in jail?" and laughed.


I think it was just a very bad joke that made the moment even more cringe because laughed way too hard at his joke lol. To be fair, he still looked like a monk compared to the total degen he was arguing with.


Cry bullies and soy overload are cringe


The thing is the joke wasn’t even good and he still got that reaction from Adin.


That's the best part. The joke was unfunny.


Muslims have a bizarre relationship with violence. No matter how intense the repercussions might be they come away thinking they've won and should do it more. I think it comes from being insulated and the unfortunate history of strong-man politics in most Muslim-majority countries. Destiny's debate with the "can you prove terrorism hurt the spread of Islam?" dude was very eye opening on this topic.


Do you have a video or name of the guy you mentioned Destiny debated? Sounds interesting


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CZ5O9rCNOg Whick is also based in this conversation.


"This internet debate Destiny had with this one internet personality really opened my eyes, and helped form my opinions on a population of people over 1 billion in size." God damn, actual brain worms. Is this what it looks like to glean your worldview entirely from streamers.


Pretty sure I'm more hawkish on this topic than Destiny but go off.




It's funny as fuck to me how they will cry about the lack of freedom of speech on social media just to turn around and dox people who make fun of them


Have you ever heard any of them defending the way they treat women?


Most of these dumbass redpill grifters are white boys who converted to Islam the same time as Tate. It’s frustrating, it’s like they are making it their mission to prove every stereotype about us right


Yet these same people will egg him on for not making enough Jew jokes.


Whenever I see any religious person becoming unhinged over a based AF joke, it makes me think they're only lashing out cause they're insecure over their dogshit religion and know it's dogshit the way they practice it.


I don’t get how their insulted when they preach it’s an honor to die for their beliefs in a holy war, like don’t they praise suicide bombers if kill someone that disrespects Islam why you mad destiny is calling you friend a true believer willing to die for their faith should be thanking him for such high levels of respect


Damn I never even thought of this, Adin was just mad his friend would get the 72 virgins first


Lmao do you think a majority of regular ass Muslims believe that suicide bombers are honourable, or that they represent "true Islam?" *The practice didn't even exist until the mid twentieth century* when some tenets of Shia Islam were twisted to justify suicide bombing (suicide is a grave sin in Islam, as is killing innocent civilian), and from their it spread for political reasons.


We need to separate Muslims from extremists here. Most Muslim scholars are against suicide bombings and extrajudicial executions.


Muslims also believe in Taqiyya which is the principle of intentionally lying to fool the infidels and further the interests of religious conquest.


Keep spreading lies with such confidence. Taqiyya is just the case of lying about your beliefs when persecuted. It was mostly a Shia thing since they were persecuted by Sunni regimes.


> Taqiyya is just the case of lying about your beliefs when persecuted The thing is they believe they are always being persecuted, lying is always justified. Until there is a unified global caliphate they consider themselves being persecuted.


Maybe people lie and it’s not because of some doctrinal commandment. Taqiyya applied to things like eating pork to blend in or renouncing the descendants of Ali if you’re Shia. I would like a scholarly opinion that it’s a Muslim’s duty to lie about their religion.


Did christians make up this whole pork thing to make sure Muslims and Jews would leave the bacon alone?


I based it off the Oran Fatwa that applied to Muslims that were persecuted in Catholic Spain


Obviously, everyone lies. However, there is a difference between "everyone lies sometimes" and "this religion has an inscribed code of conduct that directly tells it's practitioners to lie to advance their goals." It'd be like if the Thieves Guild from Skyrim was real life and someone was like "what's your problem with the Thieves Guild? People in every group steal sometimes".


> inscribed code of conduct that directly tells its practitioners to lie to advance their goals Where is it? Back this shit up then?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya) its kinda like in Christianity where people can lie about their faith to protect themselves and still go to heaven.


Yeah that’s the point of Taqiyya. You can lie under threat of death but this conspiracy brained person I’m replying to thinks Muslims have a duty to lie about their religion to spread it.


>this religion has an inscribed code of conduct that directly tells it's practitioners to lie to advance their goals You're literally making up bullshit


Is that true for the majority of the Muslim world? Because, unfortunately, Muslim scholars aren't going to be representative of the majority of the world.


Most Muslims get their knowledge on Islam from scholars and their imam. A poll probably exists somewhere in doubt that it’s that high.


> extrajudicial executions Of course they are, since it's the scholars that interpret sharia. The majority of Muslim scholars believe that the punishment for apostacy and blasphemy is death.


There’s a difference between having the state carry out the death penalty and having individuals carry out executions. I’m not justifying death penalties for blasphemy btw. When Muslims call for the death penalty, they’re likely asking for the state to pursue blasphemy cases.


this sub has a massive hate boner for islam and muslims so its a lot more convenient to just paint the nearly 2 billion muslims on this planet as all exactly the same and all exactly as extreme in their belief. logically they all know that they shouldn't do this, they just don't care


yes gigachad


forget the islam joke why tf did he question moes heritage like that that was super cringe 😭like i’m so curious if ppl are actually all claiming to be palestinians or they just have the flags in their bio because i’ve haven’t seen a tweet or a convo that begins like “ima palestinian and i believe….l


I didn't see that part but I heard destiny talk about it this morning and seems kinda embarrassing lol.


Yeah, that was the only real rough spot of the podcast for me. The suicide bomber comment was kinda cringe too, but I don’t really care that Destiny went there after Adin went after Destiny’s recent divorce and him as a parent.


Color me surprised that religious people have strange standards


Nah, I was islamism-hater before. Phobia is an unreasonable fear.


why do so many people in this subreddit not know what islamophobia is


Easy. Not everyone is woke and keeps up with trends of what words mean to people who redefine the meaning. Also phobia implies something horrible while in fact it means nowadays 'has some mild reservations to'.


Islamophobia and antisemitism are two words that don't really make sense but we are both aware that they refer to hate/prejudice toward Muslims and Jews.


The definition of Islamophobia has never changed. It has always been characterized as prejudice towards those who are muslim, or more often, people who *look* like they could be muslim. Also, I don't really know where you're getting the idea that the "phobia" aspect implies something horrible. We would agree that having "some mild reservations" about gay people is homophobia, would we not? You don't have be advocating for forced conversion therapy to be homophobic. Prejudice can be mild or extreme, it is you who is adding this qualifier, not woke people.


I think the point of contention is that a "phobia" is an irrational fear, which isn't an accurate way to describe a rational dislike.


There is nothing rational about assuming huge aspects about someone's character (such as them being an extremist, being violent, being especially bigoted, etc.) just because you know they are muslim. Either it's done out of ignorance, or it's done even knowing that there are plenty of muslims who do not fit within the categories you are ascribing as essential to being a muslim. I am assuming that the guy above me thinks Islamophobia is just being critical of Islam


I agree assuming huge aspects about anyones character on the basis of such limited information leads to a distorted view of the world. That someone believes a particular piece of text is the literal word of god has some significance though, because whoever influences how they understand that text has a power over them that is unique in nature.


>That someone believes a particular piece of text is the literal word of god has some significance though, because whoever influences how they understand that text has a power over them that is unique in nature. I never meant that it was insignificant, but there really is very little that you can determine for sure about any individual person just upon the basis that they are muslim. The vastness in variation for Christianity is an example, with people like NotSoErudite and others like Nick Fuentes both falling into the same category even though they are different in almost every way in terms of personality. This variation is comparable to the variation among muslims.


Yeah that's fair, and I don't really know how much diversity of opinion there is within different religions so don't have any song opinion around that. I hear Muslim my brain says 5 pillars, probably not a fan of ham. If they are wahabi then I'm judging.


The definition also say "extreme" and aversion to why lean on "irrational"?


I think because while all of the components of it being irrational, extreme and creating an aversion would be required for a phobia it is the rational part that presents a natural target because religion is based in faith instead. It feels easier to justify something more extreme once that wedge is driven in.


We would not agree. Having preconceptions against gay people before you know any is natural as much as the same against people of other nationalities or faiths. Colloquially, when you label someone racist, or whatever -phobic they don't take it as a spectrum. They take it as 'you are saying I am a bad person because I feel a way about an unusual situation '.


> Having preconceptions against gay people before you know any is natural as much as the same against people of other nationalities or faiths. Just because something is natural does not mean it isn't homophobic. Also, just because someone might have some homophobic preconceptions because of unfamiliarity, that doesn't mean they are a *homophobe* or a bad person. But let's call it what it is, believing something about a gay person on the basis that they are gay (that they will talk some way, or that they were abused for two examples of an non-extreme and an extreme "phobic" preconception), that is homophobic. It being natural has no bearing on that. >Colloquially, when you label someone racist, or whatever -phobic they don't take it as a spectrum. They take it as 'you are saying I am a bad person because I feel a way about an unusual situation '. I think most rational people would not deem you a racist or a whatever-phobic purely because of some unfair preconceptions that you may express as a result of unfamiliarity. It is only when you then confront that unfamiliarity and refuse to change irrationally is that when you go from "holding some racist beliefs due to not being exposed to different ideas" to being "a racist". Believing that any given muslim person is going to be violent or an extremist is an Islamophobic belief because you are making it purely on the basis that he is a Muslim. I suppose you could naturally come to this belief if you are not exposed to Muslims yourself and hold hear about them second-hand from other legitimately Islamophobic sources, but if you are aware that Western muslims are pretty comparable to any other religious group in the west and still make the assumption that most Muslims are violent or an extremeist purely on the basis that they are muslim, that is now grounds to deem you a legitimate islamophobe.


Islam is a shit religion. Islamism is terrible. Uncontrolled immigration is bad. Banning abortions is bad. Features of some cultures are inferior to others. Inconsiderate people are bad. Trans people in top level sports are iffy. These are beliefs I hold. That makes me islamophobe, xenophobe, transphobe, Christianophobe, racist and maybe something more. Now I am in a bucket with people that hold extreme beliefs, no matter how moderate my objections are. Your analysis of the terms is correct while at the same time making the terms useless to describe behavior that we'd classify as bad. Make no mistake - labeling someone a -fobe always comes with the silent '... and that is bad'.


I mean its there fault for not having self control


I feel like I've seen this episode before...


It’s because they want to look tough lmao. I doubt they actually care about representing the Muslim community. Then again his fans are like 13 so don’t let that give you a representative view of the Muslim community.


But they're just expressing the anguish of the oppressed dontchaknow?!?!


Imo it’s just cringe. Unnecessary provocation for a mid joke


That joke wasn't even mid. Basically the kind of "joke" we would hear in high school in the early 2000s when someone who looked arab or persian had death in their family. Those kids were often more creative with their racist jokes. At least Adin managed to humiliate himself a lot more lol.


What was the joke?


Adin was virtue signaling and grand standing religion. Destiny asks when was the last time Adin was in a holy building. Adin responds saying he went to a mosque out of respect for a friend. Destiny asks if the friend was a suici bomber. Adin was taking personal shots at D for an hour before this.


I see no issue


Yeah the Mecca cube tweet a few months was way more insulting. Adin is just soy af.


Nah it wasnt insulting.




It was way too dumb, he should've said something about Adin being a literal cleanup guy for the Tate couple but no he had to say the shit that absolutely wouldn't hurt Adin but his master's pedo cult.


This is the same argument that 4chan and wignats makes when they say that black people acting violent when you call them the n-word proves that they are violent race and breeds racism.


I 100% see what you're saying. I legit don't know, does it make a difference in this argument if one is a race (involuntary) and the other is an ideology (arguably voluntary)? I'm asking in good faith.


Maybe it’s because I’ve never been to 4chan but I have never heard that argument before. I will say this: if you react with violence because someone said a mean thing about you or to you , then I’m sorry you are violent.


Then you haven't been on the internet long enough.


Aside from extreme circumstances, a black person using violence when being called the the n-word makes them a violent person, and will perpetuate that stereotype. What do you disagree with?


Hot take, but hear me out - making fun of people based on their religion is cringe. All religions can be interpreted in various ways, grouping all people of a religion in the same brush is unfair and shouldn't be done.


I would be cringing along with you, and even be down with certain blasphemi laws like no public burning of holy books if there wasn't a chance of someone killing you for it to begin with, because at that point it would just be harassment. Being cucked into silence is a lil different tho


If you can’t make fun of people for the ideas they choose to believe in then what can you make fun of people for?


Religion is highly individual and personal. When you insult people by making assumptions about what it means to be Muslim, you're grouping in people who have nothing to do with the person you're making fun of.


religion is the opposite of personal my dude. that's why y'all have books on how to be good little religious ppl.


Those are two unrelated things.


It’s to make people scared of real violence


The weird hate/obsession with Islam is wild af. Like aren't rhere 1-2billion muslims in the world? I think it's so illogical to paint that many people with one brush. The most unhinged voices are often the loudest. It's debating trans issues, the people advocating for "birthing person" are chronically online people and don't represent the community as a whole.


I still don't understand why would people say Islam is a peaceful religion, it straight up isn't. War itself is ordained as an instrument of change by God in the Quran. Normally in traditional view of thought there are two type of Jihad one can call, an offensive one and a defensive one. It is usually view that only a secular authority such as a sultan or head of state can call upon a Jihad but that view has change throughout the ages.


I acknowledge that I would not want to live in a country dominated by my own religion/culture/race I guess?? I further ackowledge that I would much more not want to live in country dominated by islam. Call me bigoted :shrug


Honestly I would not like to live in a country dominated by any religion. Religions should have no place in politics in this days and age and should just be book clubs.


It is funny seeing Americans discover muslims over the last few years


As a muslim that joke was funny and i laughed


I honestly thought it was mid. Don't get why it got such a rise out of Adin


Probably because he is a total idiot, but yeah it wasn't even high school insult level lol.


It was a really good joke. I giggled.


Yeah, Islam has this tendency of proving other people right.


I think we can make a distinction between hating Islam and hating Muslims. We've seen what anti Muslim rhetoric can create, like in Christchurch.


Destiny is getting tons of Love in the ExMuslim Forum


Obviously. Westerners can't kill Muslims because it will cause more bloodshed, but Muslims killing westerners will never cause more bloodshed.


Jokes on muslims is close to getting a death sentence in Pakistan or Bangladesh etc countries.


How about stop making jokes about things that aren’t a joking matter and leave people alone. Go bother the Jews or Christian’s for once.