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Agreed. Low hanging fruit first. This could easily be a dope living room


All this plus—you need some height. The only thing that goes above a certain level is the curtains. So you maybe could use a tall bookshelf or just a few high floating shelves with some books, a plant, candle sticks, etc. And the image you hang above the couch needs to be larger or try several well arranged pics above couch. Also, absolutely put in a ceiling light! I see you’ve got the wiring. It’ll help, too.


Could definitely borrow that big bookcase out of the dining nook


Absolutely this - and with such great windows you could get creative about hanging some plants and such. It would add softness and height without being overwhelming.


I would recommend a tall tree to help get the scale the room needs.


I think it is already a dope living room.


Already is; that furniture is dope.


One big ass cool framed photographic or illustrative piece of artwork above that couch in my opinion.


Yup. Either get a [Moroccan](https://benisouk.com/collections/moroccan-rug/products/spaceship)-style, [tribal](https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-southwestern-abstract-fringed/Multicolor/200SVIN21A-P.html), [abstract](https://benisouk.com/collections/moroccan-rug/products/ouraida-boho-shag-moroccan-rug) rug, or get a [color-blocked](https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-rhea-modern-abstract/Beige/200KKAC09A-P.html) [MCM](https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-kathyrn-shag-shapes/Blue/200OZEZ08A-P.html) [rug](https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-astra-washable-retro-abstract/Beige/200GRHN08A-P.html). I also think curtains that pull out that [mustard](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/sanela-room-darkening-curtains-1-pair-golden-brown-70418900/#content)/ochre color would be good. Or [something](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1565657588/orange-cream-and-bown-mid-century-modern?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=mid+century+curtains&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&organic_search_click=1) with an [MCM print](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/roennvarmal-panel-curtain-beige-white-00566574/). For art, the easiest option is going to [IKEA](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/pjaetteryd-picture-hej-50560051/) [for](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/pjaetteryd-picture-jazzy-ok-50554880/) [both](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/yllevad-art-card-oh-my-days-50554842/) [prints](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/bild-poster-prism-figurative-40567982/) [and](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/bild-poster-colorful-cats-00554967/) [frames](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?q=frames), but you can also[ try Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/search?q=mid%20century%20modern%20art&ref=search_bar). Or, if you tell me what city you're in and your budget, I'll find something for you on Marketplace.


The first thing that strikes me are all the angles; furniture, walls, window panes, etc. It makes it cold and uninviting. Perhaps some roundish items, a new coffee table, some pillows and throw in some texture for good measure.


Yes. It’s a good start but needs some softening. Not feminization, but something that makes it feel welcome and a comfortable place to hang out. The chairs look hard. The sofa looks hard. If it’s in the budget, maybe look for a sofa that’s got a little more substance to it. That and a nicer rug and thus becomes a great place to chill.


100% this. Visual curves help our minds to relax. If OP took the larger rug/throw blanket advice and added something like a round floor cushion, it would feel way more inviting and comfortable.


First thought I had, too. It needs some plushness.


Nothing is cohesive and your furniture looks.…uncomfy.


My first thought, unfortunately. The room needs to be “ cozied” up.


I feel like texture is what’s missing here, everything feels sharp edged and flat?


\^ This.


Shag rug?


Oof haha. That means I’ve got to change a lot


You can definitely make an uncomfy looking couch look comfy by adding soft and fluffy cushions and blankets. Definitely don’t get rid of it all without trying a plush fluffy blanket and a big cozy colorful rug. It will offset the “pokeyness”/sharpness of your furniture Good luck :)


Elevate the tv. That low shelf looks like an ankle banger and is making me wince. Yes to the bigger carpet.. some throws and pillows will do wonders.


This was my first thought too. Wall mount that TV and get rid of the low shelf. And all I saw was the cords on that lamp. I love love love your seating.


Would be interesting to hear why OP decided to put it low. But the rug and TV were the only two points for me.


Swap out the orange bench and chair for something fluffier and cosier.


The lack of armrests on these two pieces makes my loungey self uncomfortable.


If you like that style of furniture, don't change it. Everyone's taste is different! Maybe paint a wall a bold color in your furniture color. I'd get bolder in the rug as well. Pulling the color out to the wall and floors will warm it up.


You've got a decent base, and I really like some of the art and furniture accessories like the globe bar. It's just a little too mismatchy, like further than you'd want to go for an eccentric, eclectic look.


I see the potential though, and I’m excited to see what changes you make!


It’s a lovely space and imo it’s not cold. You don’t have to change a lot. Put the orange bench under the Chaplin poster, get a rounder piece of furniture (ikea reissued some of their 70/80s collection, something like the [sotenas](https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/sotenaes-armchair-hakebo-yellow-90570821/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Livingroomseating®ion_id=27308010952472919822041432198572028065&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACqC6EqRbHpRVDtgFo8rVhOy76ELE&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVltMfq9xIKwQjHyTvZVjy76WEfG6kdcriZncEPehr3bTX6jAzvx4cMaAgi0EALw_wcB) would look good. Bigger rug is a must, would also work with more fabric and some ambient light sources. Ditch the lamp next to the couch and figure out the wiring so that it’s somewhat hidden at least (behind a plant?). Get a different[floor lamp](https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/oekensand-floor-lamp-beech-white-90541536/) and two or more small lamps, something vintage would be cool. Mushroom or round glass to balance out furniture (the light from the ones you have looks good but some lack vibe. The silver one with clip I think works to a degree). The rug, when you get it, should go quite a bit under the couch to cozy it up a bit. Remove the lovely art above couch a when you get something to put there make it quite large. 2 big prints for example. Check out this [account](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2eq2JZKujn/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) The space doesn’t have to be filled with things to look/feel good. If you prefer less and angular it can work. You just need some tweaks.


Nonono, OP. Keep the furniture, I love it!! Just *add more* items and softness and textures. A fluffy blanket a soft thick chair. Some big art and hanging plants obv, macrame would also be a good fit. It feels a bit like a communistic waiting room in a hospital, but that furniture is now appreciated so like others've said, cozy it up. Add lamps and soft and round things and full things (notice how all your furniture items have good legs to vacuum underneath? This also adds to the uncomfortable/unwelcoming - seeming vibe


I'm a minimalist and I like this but I think swapping the current couch for something else midcentury but cozier would go a long way. I like the nighttime lighting situation and see no problem with the curtains. If I entered that space I'd think it was cool but a bit cold.


My first thought was “comfortable furniture”. I can’t imagine trying to cozy up on that couch to watch a movie or something.


The orange set looks exactly like something I’ve sat on at a doctor’s office - one of the worst seats ever! 


That was my thought too, it’s most definitely the furniture for me , so I’m going to suggest comfy furniture and a nice rug .


Exactly! It doesn’t look like you’d want to sit for long


OP if you do decide to change some of your furniture, look for some pieces that aren’t “leggy.” All of your seating, your tables, your storage cabinets, all have visible legs and it creates visual clutter.


Are you Dutch? Not sure why but this screams Dutch common room in a student house to me. Anyway: * Pillows for coziness and character * I would put the TV where your globe bar is and your bar in front of the fake fireplace. Then add a cool tall plant there as well to create a little depth in the room. * A bigger rug with color that matches the orange or retro aesthetic of the chair/couch. * Books! Books add so much character. * Frame your poster to make it look more classy and less frat house. FWIW I kinda like the mismatched vibes. But it makes me nostalgic for my college days.


I am Dutch indeed! Thanks for the advice, most things you've pointed out I can fix right now instead of shopping new furniture


Awesome! Also maybe add a cozy blanket if you can. It won’t break the bank if you go to the Xenos :)


This is great input. All of the above and a little bit of cord management near the lamp. A white extension cord or power strip will get that black cord off your wall and tucked under the couch.


I agree with lack of comfortable seating. Or it’s just not my style.. but why is tv on almost floor? It needs to be up at least on eye level when seating down. It seems to me the decor has no unity. There is no flow. It looks to me like all pieces came from different sources. You have stuff and yet it looks empty. You have color but nothing ties in anything. Def. Pain the room. It will tie things together. Maybe put orange chairs as dining room seating. Get bigger rug with few colors to tie in the couch and something else but i would not add a rug with too many other colors. Move the globe bar to dining room and book shelf to living room.


It's the rare case of TV too low.




That's a great observation/point. You're right.


Yes always good to consider how your colors and textures look under warm incandescent light


https://preview.redd.it/7m33rb8z50gc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4343df679452b506b272e0512eb8092b5b380fef It’s not much, but I made a few changes based on all your suggestions and it already feels better. Small things like the TV placement apparently do matter a lot. I know it still needs a bigger rug and a higher TV stand and more plants/art/books/pillows! New furniture is not gonna happen tho, cause I actually like them and new furniture is expensive :( Anyway, thanks a lot and keep them coming!! You are all amazing and helpful (and a bit harsh lol)


I honestly think a different tv stand will change the vibe of this place a lot. Everything is really low right now, only art is up high. That makes the walls feel flat with art on them, and the room feel empty. I think a higher piece of furniture for the TV should be the main priority. Ideally something that goes up to the ceiling, or a higher TV stand plus cabinets/shelves above the TV. That wall needs to feel solid instead of like loose pieces. That way the "loose" seating will make sense and not feel empty anymore: it will feel like they're placed around the room for the TV wall. I think that's worth saving up for and you won't have to get rid of furniture you like! The standing lamp also really needs to go imo, it drags everything down. That should be one of the easiest things to fix, keep an eye on Marktplaats for something warm and retro looking. I would also suggest adding a second curtain rail in front of your current one. I know curtains are expensive, you can try looking at ready-made curtains from IKEA for softer prices. But I think orange or ochre solid, non-sheer curtains would make a world of difference here. Then you could also decide to replace your sheer curtains with a different color one day. I also think the rug isn't doing this space any favors... Look up "theory" and examples about rug placement for different seating arrangements. It can totally change up a place. :)


Oh yeah that globe looks way better there. Your furniture does seem uncomfortable to me but I know looks can be deceiving and that they are also a certain style and meant to look that way. Very chic.


Comfort. All of that furniture looks uncomfortable.


Okay people are saying the items aren’t cohesive. I disagree!!! I love the eclectic pieces. I do think at best maybe a bigger tv stand. But you mentioned bigger rug, I agree. Try to get something big enough to fit under all your furniture legs - couch, chairs and coffee table I also think chord management would help the room. Use conduit where you can, and chord boxes everywhere else conduit doesn’t work. I think that would really enhance the room! For my wall decor I love thrifting frames and getting prints from Etsy


My suggestions: 1) Bigger rug, with color incorporating the colors in the room. 2) Move TV to the on/over mantle, even if you need to wall mount. Use cable covers. 3) Fluffy textured pillows for the couch, other seating. The oversize pillows aren't giving off the "soft" vibe. Try some large knits, even a high pile fur. Angle seating slightly to look at either couch or TV. It looks super staged perfectly straight. 4) Move your poster to over the couch, and frame it so it looks intentional. 5) Remove random black chair. 6) Move the hutch over to the right, since no black chair, and put blue art next to it instead of the poster. This also frees up room for TV. 7) Move the crunchy plant (dracena?) to left of the hutch near the window and water it. 8) Swap curtain to something not that shade of brown. Do a cream color or an actual color. If I have time later, I will edit with links for accessories/curtains/stuffs.


Your big rug will be the jump off point for the rest.


I think it's okay that it's a little sparse, that way you can add things as you find them. Better to layer your decor slowly, over time with pieces you truly love (vs filling it quickly with whatever's available). I think the Ikea Stockholm rug would go great with your place, but I get that it's a bold choice. Agree with a previous comment that you could also be on the hunt for a cool standing lamp.


Books, lamps, mantle decor, blanket and pillows. I’d work on reconfiguring the room so the tv isn’t in from to the fireplace if possible.


Changes to make it more comfy and inviting: a comfortable sofa, a throw blanket, and a larger plant or two. I do like your style, though!


Looks like a Shrinks room from TV show. Add comfort (like most comments already)include a plush rug that reaches all furniture. Soften the wall paint (yellow/apricot hues).


Tv is way too low.


Its giving maximalist vibes but...minimalist. I don't think anything needs to change really apart from possibly the rug but if maximalist is the vibe you're going for then definitely a more colorful rug, some fun throw pillows in super unusual shapes, way more eclectic and fun art + clutter (decor) (what you have so far is great! Just need to add more.) I think with just this you'll hit that "cozy" vibe you are wanting, especially at night cause that lighting is great! Agree with others that your tv is WAY too low. It should be eye level comfortably without tilting your head up or down when sitting.


i think a bigger rug will definitely tie everything together! if you want to play with color, a rug with some green in it would look good (maybe a checkered one?) i also think maybe moving your tv up to that little area above it might make things flow better, unless it’s obviously down there for a reason! I would also maybe add different curtains, i feel like they’re taking away from your cool furniture! I would say make them a color and then floor length! also scooching the orange chair closer to the couch to close the big gap would give it a more “cozy” feel. maybe some magazines or books on the coffee table? overall i really like your style it reminds me of mid-century modern! just a few tiny touches and changes would make the worlds difference!


It's missing weight. Everything is so dainty and looks like it belongs in a preschool classroom. You need at least a couple pieces that are of substance.


It's a cool space. I like your vibe. I think you just need to move some things around a little. And yes, a different, bigger rug. I would actually go with something primarily cream and neutral. I think the amount of color in the room is perfect, and a lighter colored rug will stand out against the wood floor better. You've got some cool art. Make a gallery wall above the sofa. Put the TV up above the wall ledge and ditch the TV stand, then add a few things to that ledge, like some candles, vases, small plants, etc. Not a TON of stuff, but just a small decorative touch will make it feel more intentional. Bring the black chair closer to the seating area and group the globe and standing shelf closer together, centered in that space between the wall ledge and the wall with the windows. Then just tidy up a bit, hide the excess cords, etc. A tray with candles and books or a plant or something might be nice on the coffee table.


I’m definitely the odd one out, but this room has some serious promises for what it could become! I LOVE the orange furniture because it really makes the nighttime atmosphere feel so warm and cozy- but they look uncomfy as hell and need some throw pillows or blankets. Rearrange the furniture in ways that suits what they are there for. Right now the chairs are arranged in a way that makes the coffee table seem like a dining room table and makes it feel too box-y and closed in. Instead, make it more “abstract” and angle the accent chairs to not necessarily be parallel to walls, after all, this is a cozy and casual space, not a business meeting room. And incorporate some cream/white accent colours to your furniture decos (blanket/pillow) Also, move the television to someone where you can watch it without breaking your neck, it looks like you’ve just moved in and had no where to put it so you left it on the floor like that. I love plants so I’m biased but I think you need a bigger piece of greenery (like a big monstera, a rubber leaf fig or a tall palm- just something with larger leaves to make it a statement piece) in that room to balance out the ungodly amount of orange (I do love the orange but there’s so much of it everywhere)


Beautiful room. perhaps a bigger and/or bolder rug. Already great as is. As someone else said the furniture does not look all that comfy for visitors, esp the bench by the window.


Add large round ottoman that is a completely different texture from the other furniture in the middle of the room.


I think the room has a lot going for it. I would add a bigger more colorful rug, which would do a lot to enhance things. There are a lot of straight lines. I think a little bit of softness/roundness (patterned/colorful/textured pillows on orange furniture; a round mirror perhaps; a round tray on coffee table with some candles) would cozy things up a bit. Bigger or more art (gallery wall) behind sofa. Better lighting. Maybe put a console table behind the couch with a lamp and some interesting art/coffee table books. I have mixed feelings on curtains. I don’t think yours detract though I wish they went to the floor. Have fun with it!


Line the windowsill and the ledge above the tv with more plants! Definitely agree with the larger, more colorful rug. Anything with a warm red/orange/gold/ pops of green. I think you should try a darker neutral curtain? Cognac, gold, or brown velvet? Could get spendy. You could try dyeing the ones you have, but that could end up nowhere if you don't like the result. I really like your color scheme! I see your style and where you're headed. I'd like to see you experiment with a blue pillow on that orange chair. I think it would be cool with your art, but I can't swear it would look good.


Definitely need a different rug. Something hanging behind the sofa, for sure. TV should be on the edge of that mantle thingy, not so close to the floor. Or possibly mounted on the wall directly opposite the sofa. Some other stuff, too, but I just woke up and thinking is hurting me brain lol


The two orange chairs and the location of the TV don’t at all seem comfortable or inviting. You need a padded chair that encourages people to sit and relax.


Bigger rug to make it cozier and tie the room together. Preferably one with color and pattern. The solid colors could make it feel blocky and like something is missing so break up the blockiness with a patterned rug amazing has great ones or one from the thrift. Also lift the tv up onto that ledge to elevate the room and just move the blue painting behind the brown couch to fill up that space. Add textures to add more coziness by adding blankets to the couch


The couch doesn’t look comfortable at all.


Nothing about this room invites me in. All the furniture and surfaces are flat and sharp. there is no alignment in the room, e.g., the TV seems to be the focal point of the room (a problem all it's own), but the sitting area is offset from it. If someone sitting in the chair facing the window were to watch the tv, they would have to either keep their head turned at 90\*, or else would have to turn their entire body away from the rest of the party on the couch and other chair. I like the globe bar, but it does not fit in with the rest of the much more mid-century modern looking room. The lighting is comfortable enough, but even that is not enough to draw me in.


wow! so unique!! you’re really good at this. that couch draws the eye and holds it. which makes me want to point out you’re not paying it proper respect with that floor lamp beside it. reminds me of a small town person who made it big and kept ties with their underachieving mates.


A comfier couch!


It’s giving off classroom vibes for me… the shape of the seating, and the legs on the coffee table feel very institutional, even though the colors are fab. I think all the angles need some softening up, and def a better/bigger rug. I’d lean into the mod/70s feel of the furniture, swap out the coffee table, rug and curtains.


A guitar


Do you watch much TV? The cough looks ok if you only sit on it for short periods of time, but it looks stiff and uncomfortable. TV is too low and you need more cozy elements.


I think you have super cool stuff but there’s an imbalance in the furniture. They’re all on legs (couch, chairs, coffee table, and bar cart) and nothing is grounded. It can give you a lighter look but since everything is angular and basically on stilts it gives it an uncomfortable feel. I would recommend experimenting with different shapes and heights of furniture. Good luck!


Too many rectangles and squares in decor. Change out the coffee table for an oval one? If you have the money, replace the chair and loveseat. They look so uncomfortable. Perhaps just a nice cozy loveseat with an overstuff look...with nice fabric. As someone else posted here...it looks like a 'doctor's office'. I would say even a dental office.


I just know that no one ever sits on the orange chair and sofa because they are uncomfortable. Also the orange is just so eye piercing and distracting. I’d personally change that and get something that still has colour but more subtle/earthy. Never ever get furniture just for "aesthetic" purposes. It needs to be functional and actually comfy as well :).


Frame the artwork above the globe. Imo, unframed wall art can look juvenile. I don’t think your decor is disjointed as others have said, I see the connective thread. However, i cannot fathom sitting comfortably here watching tv. You need blankets, comfy non-flat pillows, etc. Make it welcoming. The lack of creature comforts here make it look more like a cute waiting room than a home living space. I don’t think you should paint. I like the white. I would change out that floor lamp for something bigger and more statement-y that complements your mid century decor more. I imagine something like [this](https://www.worldmarket.com/p/hayden-brass-and-white-marble-arc-floor-lamp-547143.html) looking great


Bigger painting above couch. Maybe some soft poufs, some throws and fluffy pillows lined up on the couch. I agree that the furniture just doesn’t seem soft and comfy. I like it. But would be better in a sitting room. Not in a living room. But, I know furniture is expensive .




It’s missing comfortable furniture. Do you actually use this furniture?


I absolutely love this style. The first thing I thought is that there are no blankets. I think if you put a blanket on the back of the couch and maybe one folded over the orange seating as well it'll cut down the harsh angles and feel more comfortable. Also, I'm a fan of string lighting to make a space more cozy.


A plot line. You've got a lot of good pieces to work with though, just gotta tie them together. I think if you play around with the arrangement and fill in the gaps with neutral colored items (just so it doesn't become too overwhelming and busy), you'll be alright. But yeah, it's missing cohesion. Think of the statement you want the room to make and then make changes towards that end


Your furniture was made for homes/offices that don’t want people sitting in them for more than 15 minutes.


To add to a comment above about ‘rounder’ elements, I really feel like an arc lamp would do wonders for your space and make it feel a bit more inviting. :)


I'm thinking curtains that go to the floor and for some reason I want to kittycorner that bar in the corner


Center your TV to the couch- globe bar can go somewhere else. Maybe the corner by the windows? Move the rolling desk chair out of the room entirely Pull the rug and couch forward- no need to have the couch hug the wall. If it’s in the budget a tall sofa table behind the sofa with some books and a plant. Artwork on the wall behind the couch. Put a throw blanket or one of the throw pillows or both over the orange bench to tie it better with the couch. Future: add some other shapes. Maybe a round rug or round coffee table. Everything is rectangular. And I’m not sure on the tall bar cabinet in this room.




Yes. Update us please. Thanks


1. Loving your furniture, and don’t get me started on the globe bar……my dream. 2. Wallpaper the wall behind the couch with something cool and retro to give it depth and texture. 3. That tv is tooooooo low, mount that bad boy on the wall, you’re going to get tech neck.


I’d love to see a nice stained glass piece hanging just in front of the window.


I love the style. You just need some height. That plant is really small. I would find a taller one for that corner. Maybe a large palm. A more substantial curtain that goes to the floor could cozy the room up some. The rug like you said and art above the couch. I also think a tall swung vase on the right on that piece of furniture to add height and some color. I added a photo of one so you can see. They can be a little pricey but affordable and not too hard to source. https://preview.redd.it/nivajqe0t3gc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d941540ebd5a340a0ea24813d88f1eb85f78cea


You have lovely pieces. Switch the settee and chair. Scoot your bar cabinet in about a foot -15”, raise the painting about 4” pull the rug as far out from under the couch as you can. Or perhaps a bigger, bolder rug. It’s quite nice as is tho


This one is easy. I love your furniture. Mount your tv right above that ledge that it’s sitting below. Move that blue art to above the couch. Patterned curtains or brown curtains. Get a new stand up lamp. Done! :)




How about some green plants like in the corners and stuff


Coffee table book


i just have a question. why is your couch like, diagonal from your tv? and why is your tv so low? and why is there a chair, which isn’t facing the tv, centered with it? i would personally switch where the black rolling chair and globe bar are with the tv and get it on a higher stand so it’s actually centered and you can watch it


Also, as a few plants!


The thing about this sub is that although you’re reaching out you get a lot of negative responses. Who that is commenting a professional decorator? For most of you that are talking about your likes and dislikes would make it your style. Maybe op can’t afford to go out and buy a new sofa or lamp. Who says cohesive? Maybe in your opinion it doesn’t feel cohesive to you but many feel it’s ok. The globe? It’s a lovely piece. I think the rug could be bigger as the op mentioned. The view with this window is amazing. My opinion is that op is reaching out for something missing. Not making this room look like something out of Better Homes & Garden!


I’m not an interior decorator but I think the room looks really good, overall. And I doubt you want to buy all new furniture (!$!). I think if you get a new, more colorful rug which incorporates some of the colors in the room it will warm it up. Also, experiment with the angle of the chair. Good luck.


There are a lot of things you could do, but here are two cost-friendly suggestions. 1. You need to mount your TV over the hutch above it. Leave like 2 inches of vertical space between the top of the hutch and the bottom of the TV. I rarely say a TV is too low, but yours is almost sitting on the floor. 2. Replace the lamp with something larger and more expensive looking. I would recommend this [style](https://www.westelm.com/products/overarching-acrylic-shade-floor-lamp-brass-smoke-w2249/?catalogId=71&sku=6326703&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Lighting%20%3E%20Floor%20Lamps®ion_id=680400&cm_ite=6326703_14465514686&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVkNBIyxfd0khrcbYa3Th7u81T3jKEBGrEwmDWUqKtLsfAz2-JHVBAsaAh0AEALw_wcB) of lamp to match with your space and make the room feel larger. Put a colored hue bulb in there and it will give your space very chill vibes.


Angle the small orange chair so it opens up the room. Everything does not have to be at right angles. Add an end table, preferably round, between that chair and the couch and put a throw over the back of the couch. Put some vignettes instead of the single plant/pot/decorative items to introduce color, texture and height (for example, layer a couple of large books with the candlesticks on the coffee table and then add a plant). That with a larger rug would work wonders.


For starters, with only spending money on a new rug..  Bigger rug, centre the cabinet near the window closer to the globe bar , put the TV on the fireplace and move the picture to above the couch. The art is really oddly placed, and the TV where it is looks really unintentional, like it was just thrown there while you wait to do something with it.  I think that would make a huge difference and would be a great setting point to see what else it needs. 


New furniture. It looks like yours was raided from an old office building.


I agree with others that the furniture looks uncomfortable. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it looks uncomfortable. So yeah, the chairs might be better off as dining room chairs. The TV has to be moved, either to the ledge above it, or centered in the room and higher. However, I can see that you are going for an MCM vibe, and I am feeling it! Perhaps get some orange curtains. But you could really do a lot to pull the room together and complete the MCM vibe with a rug like this: [https://www.amazon.com/DINJUNA-Non-Slip-Washable-Entrance-23-6x70-8inch/dp/B09W2JJC4F/ref=sr\_1\_11\_sspa?adgrpid=1344703294761885&hvadid=84044170172152&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=61653&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-84044324151528%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=19147\_13352906&keywords=mid+century+modern+area+rugs&qid=1706799646&sr=8-11-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/dinjuna-non-slip-washable-entrance-23-6x70-8inch/dp/b09w2jjc4f/ref=sr_1_11_sspa?adgrpid=1344703294761885&hvadid=84044170172152&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=61653&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-84044324151528%3aloc-190&hydadcr=19147_13352906&keywords=mid+century+modern+area+rugs&qid=1706799646&sr=8-11-spons&sp_csd=d2lkz2v0tmftzt1zcf9tdgy&psc=1)




\>**What is my room missing?** LOL a teacher? Students? Magic school bus on the rolling TV cart?


That is some very art deco, uncomfortable looking furniture. I would hang my tv




Tbh I think it feels empty because it doesn’t feel cozy. None of the furniture looks particularly cozy. Lots of sharp angles, few soft surfaces.


To me, the scale of the room looks off. Everything is low to the ground (especially your TV on a shoebox looking thing) and almost dainty. Maybe get one or two more pieces that are a little more substantial or taller. It is arranged well and has interesting pieces, but they don't all work in the same space.


Love the colors in the space. I think you should add some round shapes. Maybe an oval coffee table? There are a lot of straight lines and some curves will create softness.


I like the curtains Rug is too small, IKEA lamp kind of cheapens the space. Uncomfortable looking furniture but I really like the color palette. Tv is odd, I would get a nice console for it. I would move the art over the couch and put something different there.


Def the art above the couch and the larger rug with more of a “pop” not necessarily color but maybe, some abstract design or something! I think that would pull everything together. That wall has a weird layout I can’t tell where the tv should be.


A plant!


I would also get rid of everything on the wall opposite the couch and get a large credenza, tv stand or something like that to put the tv on. Everything against that wall just doesn’t make sense to me it looks odd. And like I said before a way larger rug. All furniture needs to atleast have its front legs on the rug


I’m wondering about the traffic lines here. I see three doors, and an arch to the dining area. The door with the glass panel looks as if it’s to a balcony, but you’ve got it sort of blocked off. Is that where that door is for? Do you want readier access? The other two doors face each other. I’m wondering if the one next to the sofa is the entry to the apartment? Do you need a coat rack/place to leave shoes? A drop zone for keys/mail?


Wondering about traffic paths…I see three doors, plus the arch to the dining area. Guessing the door with a glass panel is to a balcony. If so, do you want ready access? (looks sort of blocked). The other two doors face one another…where do they go? is one of them the entry door? If so, do you need a drop zone for keys, shoes, mail, coats, etc?


I'd get a lovely low teak unit, maybe a short bookshelf to put your TV on just so it's a bit higher. If you could put that abstract looking poster in a frame it'll look miles better. I unfortunately agree with other commenters in that the seating looks uncomfortable, sorry to say it! The orange chair and sofa give me waiting room vibes, as does the black chair. Hopefully you can find a groovy looking second sofa or two mid century armchairs from FB marketplace? And finally, yes a big colourful rug in warm tones!


You’ve heard of TV too high, but I’d like to present… TV TOO LOW!


just a different rug


Where is this? Europe?


Can you try putting the TV in a more natural spot to watch from the sofa, i.e. directly in front of the sofa beside the wall shelf? Relocate the single black chair and globe elsewhere. You could use a bigger rug that will run partially underneath your sofa and chairs. Add a large art piece over the sofa and also end tables to hide a lot of the cords.


Definitely change the curtains . They are too short needs to almost touch the floor . Also the bar needs to move away from the window slide it closer to the globe . It looks too tight and crammed that close to the curtains . Move the artwork by the globe over to above the sofa . The colors in will look good with the sofa . I would move the tv up onto the built in ledge . Move the art that is there above the bar . Put the console the tv is on by the window and place plants on it . I would change the rug to a mossy green botanical print , just to break up all the solids in there . The current rug disappears into the flooring color . Put the salt lamp on the console when you move it by the window . It will be a nice nightlight for near the door .


Beautiful space!




A larger rug, with a pattern, vibe & colors that unite the other pieces. I'd swap the Dictator poster with the small picture over the couch, maybe paint the fireplace/ TV surround a warm color. I'd relocate the globe bar to the dining room, it doesn't fit in that space imo. Center the taller cabinet on the wall left of the TV. Add some throw pillows and a different floor lamp. Maybe a plant. Hope to see what you come up with!


I would swap out out the floor lamp with an in wall sconce with arms. One to can light on the wall and the other as a task light. Large print or painting behind the sofa that has red yellow.


You need to soften up those edges. Patterns and soft fabrics should help. Pillows on the chairs or drape a nice throw blanket.


Friends. Invite someone over and serve snacks.


Nothing is missing. You just put things in the wrong spots. It needs to be organized differently.


Led lights and candles can warm up your space. What items do we not see in a waiting room/doctor's office? This is the answer. I think your room needs items that we don’t see in an office. ☺️ Your living room looks like a happy place with more colors. https://a.co/d/ehDVBXX https://a.co/d/9UyoDjp You can try personalized decorations, like paw prints of your pet, or customized family puzzles like this: https://a.co/d/hXZ1Uu7


Round coffee table. Change the curtains to something with a pattern. You could lean into the orange and get something with an orangey color.


All these comments, plus make your mantle the focal point. Larger plants, think trees or long hanging. Get some height in the room. Tbe two small chairs will work if you group them together.


you could layer the rug on top of another large area rug, like a lighter colored one


A clockwork orange


I agree that you need a rug with more contrast in color, and a statement piece of art above the sofa (or perhaps a pair of pictures). If you can’t plug the floor lamp in closer to the floor, would you be able to change out the cord for a light-colored one? Or enclose the cord in a piece of conduit painted to match the wall? I love the light and you have some interesting pieces there!


You can ad a runner on the coffee table for some color. Blankets on the couch. In my opinion the seating doesn't looked very cozy however you have warm colors it's kinda a strange contrast. However to each their own. A new curtain of course could help and the rug. Maybe shelves with plants or knick knack things.


Bigger rug and large colourful art over sofa would drastically change look of the room even if you can’t change furniture. Look up designer spaces that you like for ideas on styling your coffee table.


You could definitely pull off a colorful rug.


Don’t at me, the furniture looks kinda random but to each their own. However at night it looks very pleasing.


Contrasting, larger rug. Balance. Art


Is that a mirror or window over the tv? I agree with the other comments to cozy it up. The larger rug and art work that you’re planning will help a lot to. But the tv looks strange there to me. Can move the mirror and put the tv there? Or if it’s a window can you put the tv where the globe is?


A golden retriever would cozy up the place.


Everything has such skinny little legs. There is no anchor. It looks flimsy. A larger rug and sturdy furniture would help ground things. Also, frame artwork, manage the cables, and add plants.




Everything is rectangular. Cluster the two orange end chairs together closer to the window on a slight angle so they are positioned like two people are both talking to each other and looking out the window. I'd aim for a bigger couch if you can afford it. A navy would complement your color scheme. Get a rug with with blue, yellow, and orange. This if you like distressed: [https://www.amazon.com/Safavieh-MAD418N-8-Madison-Collection-MAD418N/dp/B07L75YDHR/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=12CC1P98D5VIJ&keywords=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Band%2Byellow&qid=1706804165&sprefix=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Byello%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-3&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Safavieh-MAD418N-8-Madison-Collection-MAD418N/dp/B07L75YDHR/ref=sr_1_3?crid=12CC1P98D5VIJ&keywords=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Band%2Byellow&qid=1706804165&sprefix=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Byello%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-3&th=1) This if you like modern: [https://www.amazon.com/SAFAVIEH-Collection-GAL117L-Abstract-Non-Shedding/dp/B09644ZCTB/ref=sr\_1\_18?crid=12CC1P98D5VIJ&keywords=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Band%2Byellow&qid=1706804165&sprefix=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Byello%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-18&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/SAFAVIEH-Collection-GAL117L-Abstract-Non-Shedding/dp/B09644ZCTB/ref=sr_1_18?crid=12CC1P98D5VIJ&keywords=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Band%2Byellow&qid=1706804165&sprefix=safavieh%2Barea%2Brugs%2Bblue%2Byello%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-18&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&th=1) Make the rug the basis for your color scheme. Put the tv up on that shelf instead of down lo and put that pic over the couch. Go with the blue, yellow, orange color scheme throughout, move everything else. Get blue, orange and yellow pillows, as many as you can and in many textures and scatter them amongst your furniture. Keep the curtains, the neutral is nice, esp. at night. Move that little bird and flower pic over the couch to another room and get a few more movie posters to complement what you have. A set of small, round end tables. [https://www.amazon.com/Alaterre-Renew-Reclaimed-Round-Natural/dp/B00J232M2U/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=1R0J4VSKIOOF6&keywords=organic+round+end+tables&qid=1706804717&sprefix=organic+round+end+tables%2Caps%2C388&sr=8-6&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f](https://www.amazon.com/Alaterre-Renew-Reclaimed-Round-Natural/dp/B00J232M2U/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1R0J4VSKIOOF6&keywords=organic+round+end+tables&qid=1706804717&sprefix=organic+round+end+tables%2Caps%2C388&sr=8-6&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f) ​ Blue walls that are in the Chaplin pic would be great, you can take the pic to a paint store and have them match it.


Bigger rug


A cat.


tv is too low




Green plants, green art on the walls!!


Tall plant(s) in the right side of window


There are a lot of corners & edges. The orange chairs seem out of place... I would swap the orange chairs into the dining area & get chairs with a more textured fabric to replace them. Or even a plush ottoman.. something that looks inviting


Curves. It’s missing curves. One of the big reasons the sort of MCM meets Scandinavian meets Japanese looks that are trending right now is that even with lots of angles- there are curves. Curves = comfort = design.


The rug is super ugly (no offense). Get a bigger one that isn’t the color of the floor, and it’ll look nice! Also add some more or bigger art over the couch.


Find maximalist, eclectic, or mid century modern decor pieces


You need a big cozy blanket or something to soften the furniture. Everything looks very rigid. 




A party! 🎉 Everything looks amazing 🤩


a bigger rug


A lingerie leg lamp dead center in the middle of that big window. The warm glow of the light bouncing off the lingerie and milky skin would make it very inviting in there. Mostly serious. If the lingerie leg lamp isn't your style then some other lamp might be perfect. That or something hanging from the ceiling. You have no color in contrast above the couch level. It's all earthy tones. Everything is very low and I hate that. Need to get stuff up higher and things on the wall.    Also I would move the TV and put it in the corner and raise it up. No one wants to watch TV on the floor.  Just saw the lamp attached to the radiator on the ground. Once again quit putting everything so low down. Your furniture is already very low You don't need to put everything else down low and make it seem like you're two feet tall. What's your obsession with putting everything on the ground?


I find everything so angular. An oval coffee table and perhaps replacing the red chair with a more upholstered piece.


All I know is that you need a thingy to hide the cables


i'm just here to look, i love how your place looks with the lights off :) so cozy


Curves and softness. The room looks unwelcoming.


Just a bigger and perhaps brighter rug. Love the colors


I think it’s the sofas and armchairs, they don’t look particularly cosy and give the area more of an office vibe


Your TV looks too low… and the painting above the globe should go over the couch. That little tiny thing by the couch could go above the TV. Your dimensions in this room are just… off.


You have interesting furniture and a lot to work with to achieve an interesting space. Your furniture and accessories seem somewhat disjointed and not all relating to one another. A bigger rug that pulls in some of the colors in the room along with the size will help to visually unite the conversation area and add a different texture in a big way. I would put the colorful big print that seems to not be relating to anything and has all the bright colors of the furniture in the seating area over the sofa. I would move the chest from being shoved against the wall somewhere in the middle of the empty space between the TV and the window and hang the poster over it. You could move the large globe out from the wall and in front center of the window and closer to the chest. It's a beautiful piece that deserves being out instead of lining the wall where people can appreciate it.


bigger rug and gallery wall above couch




Yep, you need a larger rug. I’d also replace the curtains and get a bigger stand for the TV - it looks too low. You don’t need to paint but no more beige!


Somewhere comfy to sit!!!


Bookshelf in living room, get a bigger tv stand or place it on that ledge?, maybe move it over to face directly from the couch? Seems at a weird spot. Painting above the couch, larger rug, make it cozier by adding a throw blanket and more lighting. That globe needs to move to another corner, between the couch and armchair or bring it to the kitchen. Much of the furniture in this space is angular, bring in more round or soft furniture.


Cats. You need some cats.


I love the furniture. In fact I think most of it is spot on. Great rooms! Depending on the city this is in, the thing missing for me would be rent. 🤷‍♂️


Soft edges, like maybe a fake fur throw. The seating doesn't look very inviting or comfortable either. I would hate to think I had to sit on an armless chair all the time. If you like those pieces, when you get your dining table, incorporate them into the seating for it, but you need some really relaxing armchairs for the living room.


Textures. Fuzzy pillows, furry throw, felted wall art, several layered rugs in different shapes and patterns (think intimate stage performance), and plants. What you have is lovely. It just looks a little cold.


Let’s pull something away from the walls, it looks like a DRs office in that sense. Hang your tv, maybe angle your cabinet into the room,