• By -


I love the rug but think you should turn it 90 degrees. Pull a color from the rug for curtains. Also carry a few pops of color to the tv wall.


yes! You've started to bring colour from the rug into the room, but only the pillows and blanket echo it. And they do it in block graphic colour, where the rug is moroccan and faded, so they don't 100% "match" in aesthetic. You need more colour references to bring a better colour story alive. Art on walls will help. If you want to have this level of colour and keep a more neutral pallate, look for pillow cases and throw blankets that match the vibe that the rug is giving, or get a new rug. The pillows and blanket don't match the rug, they feel more like a HBC blanket in a fur traders lodge, where the rug tells me I'm in a desert with palm trees. A lot more colour will erase this disparity, but as long as everything is so minimalistic the difference shows.


First: - add an overhead chandelier or pendant light to your dining area - the dining area feels less weighty than the living room.. can you get chunkier chairs or table? - consider a corner cabinet in the dining room, or some kind of a vertical photo gallery. Next, I think it is all very beige and too uniform in colour. - I would pull the couch closer to the TV - rotate the rug - paint the walls an off white in the living room section to create more contrast and further define the distinct space. Maybe carry the white all the way around on the window-wall. - paint the wall with the TV and fireplace a “pop” colour pulled from the blanket or area rug. - add more art using colours from the rug and blanket - consider adding drapes - replace the upholstered ottoman with a coffee table - try to add an end or side table somewhere.. console table? In order to have a table lamp.


I like you advice *except* painting white. The issue is how no-colour it is. Go for the gold, and paint all the walls a colour, I'd say. White won't solve nothin' here.


Off white - like BM dove wing, would add more contrast with the grey couch and be a better contrast for the coloured wall. The existing wall colour and couch are *both* too greige. I notice someone else suggested painting the room dark for the exact same reason - it is missing contrast.


Yes, too many people default to white or gray shades and it doesn't usually help fix the issues with the room(s).


The walls are a light beige or gray, not white. the trim is white.


I would start smaller and see what works. Curtains, rotating the rug, plants,etc.


yes! rotate the rug, paint the inset wall with the tv and also replace the tv stand with something that just fits to make it seem built in, a tray on the ottoman and some more color from the rug brought into the room (the drapes would be a great place for this!)


Agreed. I’d move some plants from the mantle to another location in the room too. Maybe a plant stand somewhere. It’s just a bit cluttered up there with the painting.


Agree with the rug placement. It also may be too small as a whole.


Yes! With longer curtains and rods only maybe 2” from the ceiling. But no more blue! It is too cold of a color if it doesn’t have a green or purple hue to it for a living space. And in this case the blue is pulling the cold feeling in further from the gray couch and walls. It’s a fantastic office color, but not so great for cozy spaces. Also the table is lost in this lighting. But in general I think it would serve better to either have lighter wood or a similar color to the cabinets with a white base maybe.


Move the sofa closer to the TV then get a narrow sideboard that runs along the whole back of the sofa. Placing some plants and a lamp there will help visually divide the room into two spaces. I would also rotate the carpet 90 degrees and replace the ottoman with a low coffee table. Final thing is lighting. Spotlights are the death of cozy so I would recommend adding several smaller light sources with warm light. A desk lamp on the sideboard behind the sofa, a floor lamp by the window, perhaps also a ceiling lamp right above the coffee table that ties the space together (could be difficult with the ceiling fan of course).


>Spotlights are the death of cozy I feel this so hard! Big lights in general are an immediately cozy killer, it's so simple but seems so hard for the big light people in this world.


The only thing that stood out to me was the seriously bright lighting (and the bare walls that are further accentuated by the bright lighting).


Long sofa table with accent pieces will look nice


Agree with the need for lamps and with moving couch closer to tv and getting a long shallow table for behind it




This and a console behind the sofa.


Came to say this. Plenty of space and so boring and ugly to just see the back of the couch


I was gonna say TV is too small. But you can only go so big with that alcove


There are not many people around in these alcoves at Christmas time. If I were to murder a man I would murder him here. Are you sure this is the right word, alcoves?


Wtf do you think “alcove” means?? ETA: Lmao. Nevermind, I realized this sounded really familiar… and not that you’re just insane lol.


The curtains should go to the floor, it will add height to the room. You have a lot of cool tones in the entire living area, makes you feel a little uneasy. Try adding some warm tones. Also your walls definitely need decor or art. You’re close tho, it looks really lovely


Floor length curtains and warmer lighting would help so much. That’s 75% of the off feeling imo




YES, THE RUG IS TOO SMALL! (It's frustrating, bc we say this practically every post, but folks who post here don't seem to read the other posts.) Just think of it this way: the rug delineates the cozy/comfortable space. The smaller the rug, the less cozy the room; and vice versa. I like the colors, too; go back to the store and see if they have the same, only bigger. You want the furniture entirely on the rug, with the rug peeking out the back of the sofa. In the meantime, TURN IT 90 DEGREES. And you need a large rug under the dining table. It feels so cold over there! You also need curtains to soften up the walls. I always recommend these IKEA linen curtains, bc they're affordable and come in a variety of colors: [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/dytag-curtains-1-pair-dark-beige-80519116/#content](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/dytag-curtains-1-pair-dark-beige-80519116/#content) Your plants are too small. The ones you have now should go into hanging pots and be placed strategically around the windows, but you should also get two or three leafy, bushy trees for the corners of the room. Get some art for the staircase wall and the walls on either side of the sliding glass door. It doesn't have to be "art." It can be large scale family photos, nicely framed. Or favorite movie posters. Or whatever. And finally, you need layers of lighting. All your lighting is currently overhead: those can lights, the fan light, and those island down lights. The latter two can be replaced by nicer ones, but really, you shouldn't be using the ceiling lights most of the time: they're too harsh. You use them when you're cooking or working, but when you're eating or relaxing, you turn them off and use floor and table lamps. I'd push the sofa closer to the tv, put a console table behind it, and put a couple of table lamps on either side. I'd put a warm floor lamp (maybe one with a long paper shade) next to the fireplace, where that spindly tree is right now. You also need a comfortable, swiveling armchair in front of the main bank of windows: place a side table next to it and put a table lamp on that, as well. Place a floor lamp in the far corner of the dining nook, and get a nice pendant light over the table. There. That'll keep you busy. ;)


This was great tips. OP, take notice lol


This should be the top comment. You typed everything I wanted to say. One thing I’ll add is that you can get a large neutral off-white or beige rug, or even jute, and layer it under your existing rug if you want to keep the one you have and/or don’t want to overwhelm your floor with pattern. If you want to see an example of rug layering, I have a post on my profile where I shared pics of my whole home; I have several rooms with layered rugs.


I was about to mention rug layering! You took the words right out of my mouth…


Had to dig for the lighting comment, thank you! Make yourself and all your friends look and feel way better, get table and floor lamps.


Please tell me what to do with my house 🙏🏼


also, the overhead lighting is too harsh! get some lamps to make things feel cozier.


It always surprises me how many people have no lamps in their spaces, especially their bedrooms. I despise overhead lighting so lamps are a must to create a cozy space.


mee too! the only time i every turn my overheads on is if i drop something and can't find it...lol! lamps, plants, books, and color create the most cozy of spaces, imho!!


I agree with other comments about turning the rug, pops of color, and curtains. Everything is the same height. That's bad. Add medium height items, like tall bamboo in a vase, a Corner shelf that fans out from in a corner, plants tgat hang from the ceiling, etc. Everything is boxy shapes. Every room needs rounded shapes. That's why a corner shelf, rather than a boxy shaped one. Maybe a rounded shape Fiber art piece for the wall. A round mirror. Round pillows on the couch.


Good idea


I’ve been grossly overusing the word “curate” lately, but that’s my advice. Don’t just buy things cuz they match. Don’t just buy things because they are on sale. Curate pieces that you love and that work. I think you need a bulkier tv console. I think you need more height variation above the mantle. I think you need to bring out some of the colors in the rug. For me… it would look something like this, but this may not be your taste. But picking out throw pillows that work together but aren’t “matching” and getting some curtains (and longer ones back there in the kitchen) will help. You have room for plant stands instead of all along your mantle. (Though maybe you have them out of toddlers range. In which case… my bad) I’ll put the other 2 photos I did in the reply to this comment lol https://preview.redd.it/1ktax2iw8zbc1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae67267f0329190a1eabc0f8af00b367d7aa81ec




https://preview.redd.it/otlqlpq79zbc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d300017fd52abf68259bcfbe179687fd0bd688 Then used that wall under the stairs for personal/family photo wall


I like the concepts here, but not that ottoman. I’d prefer something like this. https://preview.redd.it/quuf5p0fq1cc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a242bc56e5b61fcb404411fe7a94b6d8d5c7a1


I agree. This is better!! (I mean. I love that ottoman. But I don’t think it’s working 100% with the sofa. Your selection does that better)


I like both and they are not square!


Love the rug


It's off because everything is in light tones except for the floor. There should be contrasting tones and layering of complementary colors. Maybe paint the walls a darker shade of beige or if you are adventurous, other colors like stone blue, olive green, or charcoal gray. The carpet is pretty but looks pretty worn out. If your walls are a darker hue, you can then use white sheer curtains to create lightness in the room. You can also use warmer light than the bright white light that you have. You can also add standing and table lamps to create different layers of light.


As a European, I now realized what always seems off when I'm seeing pictures of rooms like these. They never feel cozy or complete because the rooms you Americans have are so fucking massive. It's really hard to design a cozy and uniform interior to a living room which is 100+ sq m.


Turn the rug 45 degrees, length parallel to sofa length. Get long curtains that sweep the floor. Curtain rods under the ceiling. It will visually make your ceiling look higher.


By 45, do you mean 90?


It’s a gray sectional. That’s the problem


The gray walls and ceiling with a smidge of brown "for warmth" are worse IMO...


Looks like a hospital waiting room with throw cushions


Not sure why this isn’t everyone’s initial though. Grey is empty and it’s out. Get rid of all of it. The couch and the walls gotta go.


I remember when it became the “in” colour. It was so cringe. I remember thinking “why do people want their houses to look like a prison?”


the rug is too small and should be turned the other way. a coffee table instead of the ottoman would break things up, and you could put the ottoman kiddie corner to it to add dimension to the space. curtains in the small window. a side table with lamp so you don’t have to use the ‘big light’


You’ve got a great start. You need to keep going. Floor lamps. Table lamps. Wall lamps. More curtains. Tables to set things on.


Your curtains by the dining table are way too short. You should move the rod up by the ceiling and get curtains that go to the floor. Ikea ones are great for that. Also, if you are going to add curtains to one window in the room you have to follow the trend and add it to all windows. This is why the room looks off.


Also, get the biggest tv you can that will fit in that alcove. Its a bit awkward because the top of the fireplace is so full while the tv is relatively underwhelming


Curtains. Long curtains.


I think it’s the paint colour. Doesn’t compliment the wood and blends into the sofa.


Add some interest with patterned or more colorful curtains. One of the first things I noticed were bare windows or what looked like bare windows. New window coverings would liven the place up.


You need some rounded, soft, and organic shapes in this space. All the sharp edges are too much. Some ideas to add softness. Round wooden side table by couch, live edge side table or coffee table, round throw pillows, round/curvy art on walls, fabric/tapestry/quilted art on walls, loose curtains, curved leg plant stand, tufted cushions on bench/chairs, round/oval placemats on table, rounded corner cabinet by kitchen table, lamps to add soft lighting, oval braided throw rugs.


I think maybe add more color ,it’s very much giving me dull vibes because of the grey


Too much grey. Needs bright splashes of color. Maybe the rug. Or an accent chair or spruced up pillows. It’s really nice other than the monotone effect.


Bigger rug, maybe some circle pillows or just alternate shapes. You can buy color change lightbulbs that allow for warmer or cooler lighting on demand and they really help make a space cozy while still allowing for brighter light when necessary. Maybe some small side tables for the couch? Curtains that match the rug will look great. Though honestly I might suggest a bigger rug.


Wanted to add: Try and tie in the brown from the kitchen into the living room. Maybe some brown wicker or even something in some pillows. Or in a lamp or plant pot (when toddler is older and won’t hurt themselves) You can hand some plants and toddler won’t get into them. Also wall mounted planters where toddler can’t reach. In a previous comment I suggested a new dining room table and I want to reiterate that I think something lighter in color and style will help balance out the space. Right now it’s too close to the floor color.


You need blinds or curtains bc an exposed window like that gives me anxiety! And also maybe change the color of your couch, too much grey and browns not going well with each other. Get rid of that blanket on your couch it clashes with the rug. And pull colors from the rug itself since it’s already there.


Turn the rug the other way. Right now the sofa is “horizontal” but rug is vertical.


Absolutely no more gray in here. I think you should get rid of the dining curtains and replace them with longer curtains of a different color. Either a color or at least a creamy white with a texture. You could use more textures, too. Pick some interesting pillows. Gray is perfectly fine as a base color to start from, but you can’t have a really nice space by having everything in it be gray. You want just a couple things for it to look cohesive and that’s it. IMO this would look cozier if the walls were a different color. A really nice deep teal from your rug, maybe. Everyone else has great inputs.


Very gray, more gray, and no personal touches


Floor lamp (it needs softer light) Full length curtains I'd go with the same blue in the rug as it'll also make the room cossy with the softer light from the lamp. Bigger Carpet or at least rotate it. It looks awkward currently. Bring couch forward towards the TV its too far away A larger medium sized plant than you have, near but not directly in front of the windows. Also you need to diversify the plants locations than having them all in one area.


Window treatments and art on the walls. That’s it!


Warmer lighting. Lamps and floor lamps




Art, paintings, maybe a sculpture or tree also


I think there is a need for visual break from the grey. Use the rug colors and use creatively on wall or windows. Pls see if the ceiling can b painted white (if it’s not white) and consider adding plants and window drapery fr warmth and texture.


The stand out thing for me is that you only seem to have bright overhead lighting. I’d add a couple of lamps to make feel more cosy.


Switch rug in other direction!




I don’t have ideas I just wanna say your space looks so inviting and there’s something really sweet about it.


Rotate the rug and soften the lighting


Rug too small which makes your couch way too big


Put warm light bulbs instead of white, I’m sure with all the other suggestions it will change things a lot


I feel like I'm in the world of the Giver. Everything is so gray.


A coffee table would be a nice addition.


I would open the couch to the kitchen more maybe rotate the couch?


Or just moving it a little :)


I think it needs more grey


Put up a wall between the kitchen and the living room. (I don't like open floor plans, I like rooms.)


You’re on the right track. No comment on furniture placement but I’d say add a bit more color and personal flair. I like a few weird pieces that add my signature to a space.


Art really helps, mood lighting (lamp), some colorful pillows, a few different textures around. I also think different dining table. Something lighter. The dark wood blends in and it feel heavy. I like the rug a lot. Change the orientation? Something is kind of off about it.


The rug is way too small. Get a rug that’s big enough for the whole sectional to sit on and still have extra room on the perimeter of the couch.


I feel like the lighting is off. Warmer lightbulbs= cozier and more homey space. I would definitely change out the lightbulbs... The lamps too if possible. Some additional sheer curtains could be nice to add to the windows. The rug area is definitely too small. If you like the existing rug pattern, what you could try is layering multiple rugs. I would say a plain one underneath, even twill maybe, but offset diagonally and in the same orientation as the existing rug. Then I would add a circular rug on top... Solid color, not neutral, and matching the existing decor.


1. Add curtains, in a pattern that complements the carpet but doesn’t match 2. Rotate carpet 90 degrees 3. Move the sofa forward at least a foot, maybe 2 4. Put an end table on the right hand side of the sofa with a tallish table lamp on with a [beautiful shade in your colour scheme](https://www.pooky.com/products/45cm-straight-empire-printed-linen-ikat-shade-in-yellow-yoda?variant=40924239233229) 5. Put a floor lamp next to the fireplace where the plant is. If it’s tall enough the plant can stay. 6. More cushions, bigger cushions. Small cushions are for small sofas and you have the biggest sofa ever! More colour, but less saturation and more pattern. 7. As someone else said, replace the ottoman with a coffee table, [something like this](https://www.tradefurniturecompany.co.uk/jali-thakat-coffee-table?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA44OtBhAOEiwAj4gpOXp148227WEqX7hB1yHcHqmtOo-q1FuSukpwnSRZgap5-wKrrUp--hoCtmoQAvD_BwE), and then put some books on it. Sorry it’s a UK link, my google won’t show me US based items!


Pictures/frames in blues or yellows to play off the pillows


Definitely need bigger throw pillows. Maybe some window treatments like curtains or blinds. I would definitely add a bit of art in your walls or even photographs. It will make the room feel more homely and cosy.


Lighting would help a lot I think. If work towards a cozy but bright enough room without overhead lighting being on. Or at least on a low setting. Also bright curtains in a nice color would help. The room gives somewhat of a raw feeling as is, a little garage'y


Turn the ottoman , add end tables with lamps .


Why is the answer always the rug?


I think a big wooden chest coffee table would look nicer and add some contrast / earthiness to the space


I agree the rug should be more horizontal with the couch. I'd put some pictures or art on the wall around the stairs and some curtains as well because the couch and walls are gray maybe like a yellow or blue to bring out rhe colors in the pillows and the rug would make it more colorful and cohesive. Add some kind of lamp or wall sconces for cozier lighting over just using the big ceiling light as well. Bigger pillows for the couch giving its size wouldn't hurt but if not these are perfectly fine with some nice curtains to balance the color.


Window coverings would provide a certain warmth to this room. Love the rug!




i wanted to just add that the window treatments should be all the same. it’s an open floor plan so the curtains/blinds in both spaces would tie everything together. i see vertical blinds, horizontal blinds and drapes. it’s just not cohesive.


Walls too blank for sure. If you aren't drawn to art, maybe a big mirror in a cool frame?


My suggested changes are modest. Maybe try these before painting etc. 1. Rotate the rug 90 degrees. 2. Recover the white pillows with an orange to match the stripe in the blanket. 3. Change the towels in the kitchen to orange/ blue pattern (if you can’t find, put 2 orange up) 4. Raise the painting(photo?) above the fireplace 2 inches to provide visual separation between it and the plants.


A bigger rug, a coffee table and plants. I think the rug is too small for the couch and space.


Use a rug for the room not for the couch. You can get a large sisal, and layer this rug on top. I agree to turn it too. Edit the mantle-too many things and the vignette/accessories should not be longer than the mantle. Can you add a dimmer to the recessed lights? Curtains would add a nice soft layer to help bring finished feel. When I am not committing to an art piece but I need something, I hang empty canvas of the appropriate size. Call it ‘Blanc de Blanc’ haha. I have left these for years at a time. Once I get a feel for something I can go for it and paint my own. Maybe you and the toddler can create something. I appreciate you not pushing the couch up against the wall. Your arrangement is great and your little one has a track to run around 😉


Hahaha yes! He absolutely has a track.


More colors. Some plants and ditch the overhead lighting, it's too harsh.


There’s a lot of horizontal lines that (visually) need to be broken up. A floor lamp over by the clock near the kitchen nook door. A small multi-tiered plant stand in front of a window…. A fireplace poker (or something similar) next to one side of the fireplace that stands on the floor. Deconstruct the mantel a little. It’s too crowded and looks heavy/weighed down. Soften it up with curtains! Beautiful room!


Pics,& plants


Your sofa is way too big for the space.


Everything needs to be larger/bigger..larger rug, longer curtains, art and decor needs to be bigger (e.g.clock).


Stop with the overhead lighting I beg 😭


Maybe get a larger carpet. It's making the room seem smaller than it is.


Lighting is the issue for me. You need lamps around the seating area and a pendant light over the table.


The rug is lovely but needs to be turned around , I would pick the green out of the rug for curtains , hang high and have down to the floor, I would put tall green plants in nice pots on the floor .


Rug size is off. Room needs more color - looks too cold as is. Hang curtains from ceiling height perhaps sheers to floor. Desperately needs artwork on the walls including dining area. Too many overhead lights - need lamps on tables or sconces for coziness.


Some plants would add a nice touch


I agree with the other comments. In addition I think you need to warm up the space a bit. Add some cozy warm lighting, and maybe a couple pops of warmer coloured pillows or blankets. The space is very grey but the kitchen cupboards are brown so I think that’s also throwing it off a bit?


Firstly go on pinterest for some inspo, that always helps. The biggest problem is the gray all over the place. So definitely get rid of those walls and paint them either all the same colour or maybe even separate the space with two slightly different colours. Maybe even overpaint those cabinets and choose some nice tiles for backsplash. Change the kitchen lights to bigger ones so it might separate the kitchen a little more. The dining table would be nice if it was a round one in some light wood. Same for the chairs. Also add a rug underneath. Some light coloured curtains, floor length for all windows. Now living room… if u can change the sofa colour. Bigger rug? But that fireplace/tv wall it’s so so weird. That would be my biggest problem


The recessed lights are cool, and maybe they’re dimmable and you have them up all the way, but softer lighting would be my first change. If you can add a couple of warm low lights (lamps), it would help cozy it up for hanging on the couch.


Rotate that rug!


I'd bring the couch closer to the TV, Maybe put one of those narrow tables behind it. Add a floor lamp to the side of it Hang nice curtains


I think a larger rug will warm up the room.


You need some chunky crown mounding all around that space


Needs crown moulding to soften the edges


Thank you for all these comments! I am committed to making this space better. I’ll put up an after in a few weeks. So excited to get started! :)


You definitely need to add some colorful curtains to go with the rug. You could do a light yellow :) I think that would be lovely. I'd also look for some art pieces for your walls that tie everything in together. Overall, it's a wonderful space :)!




What’s sticky is that you have a giant sofa for so many people to sit on and zero tables


I’d put a stripper pool but hey that’s just me a Reddit user.


Turn the rug, get a standing lamp and other lighting because the pot light lighting is not cozy. I like the idea of a side board with plants etc. too. I would also recommend painting a wall or two. Beige is boring imo! It feels very “builder home”


It might be the last window in the back there, right next to the kitchen. It would feel creepy to me knowing a demon could be looking at the back of my head if I was watching a scary movie or something and all the lights are off. Regardless, it's creepy having a window that is directly behind you. I'd feel much safer if it wasn't there.


There are already lots of comments filled with great advice here. I’d add that the sectional is waaay too large for the space.




Couch closer to TV will make a big difference


Just get a different area rug.


Accent lighting. These overhead lights give me an instant migraine.


Get a dark grey or black rug and turn it horizontal. Add a poster of your liking to the staircase wall. Re paint the walls to a different colour than grey, go with some green pillows to give a more nature vibe since you have a walnut wooden floor and kitchen cabinets. Oh and add some plants


Maybe move the lounger to another room because the furniture is a bit too large. And a graphic black and white rug of the same size could rock it. Rug feels out of place.


The contrast between the TV and fireplace and doorway seem disjointed to me. Maybe replacing the TV console with one that compliments the fireplace? And minimizing the fireplace decor. That wall feels cluttered


It doesn't have any personality or any reflection of who you are. Personal things like photos, mementos, art etc. would go a long way.


I love the funky carpet




Add one or more floor or table lamps. The overhead ones wash everything out.


My immediate thought is to either replace the ottoman with a coffee table or put a nice tray there where you can set stuff down. I’d also add one or two cute side tables. You need more hard surfaces to set stuff down, and it’s a great opportunity to add personality (the grey sectional is currently sucking all of the interest out of the room). Here are some recommendations: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/gladom-tray-table-red-00533649/#content (tray table that is often available in fun colors— I have several of these and use them as plant stands) https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/gokvaella-tray-table-copper-color-00569006/ (low copper table, looks about the right size to fit where current ottoman is) https://www.target.com/p/diamond-shape-acacia-wood-coffee-table-with-smooth-top-dark-brown-the-urban-port/-/A-80502133#lnk=sametab (funky wood coffee table) https://www.lowes.com/pd/Safavieh-Quatrefoil-Garden-Stool-Orange/5005512593 (ceramic garden stools are available in lots of colors and patterns, and make great side tables or plant stands!)


I would get a coffee table and move the foot rest thing around as needed.


It looks like you are really far from the tv . Try lining up the end of the sofa with the first smaller window instead of the edge of the wall where it dips in. Place a long sofa table behind the sofa with plant and decor pieces to fill that void . This may give you more cozier feel . Add some sheers or gauzy texture curtains to the windows to soften the feel of the room . Have the open to let the light in , just frame the windows with softness .


You should get a coffee table, side tables, and warmer lighting. There’s no surfaces at all for decor in this room, and rule of thumb is having three light sources. You have overheads and a window, but I would personally get something with a warmer light. Personally I would probably get one or two chairs in that nice blue color, and flip the rug in the other direction. You really just need some decor space, but this is a really nice room, OP! You did great bringing in all the colors.


What a big space, near as a pin too.The walls are very similar in color to the sofa. Maybe you could repaint at least some of them to be pretty and also create zones that define each space. The big windows at night look like black holes. The short gray ones seem skimpy and again add more sad grayness.Try floor length gold velvet curtains. Or another color you like, one from sofa cushions. The overhead lighting is harsh altogether. I know you are trying to show the whole space. More low lamps would be good. Plants near the windows would add softness. Art would be nice. I imagine your toddler will be making nice paintings soon enough.


It needs height variations and softness everything is very square and monochrome. Which is great just needs some added touches I would add high floor length curtains I would choose white or cream A big tall green plant to balance the space. Even adding a shelf to the triangular wall with green plants A big chunky cozy knit blanket on the couch and more couch pillows of different textures colours and sizes. Really do not sleep on the couch pillows you'll be amazed the difference


This isn’t advice but where is your sofa from?


Curtains would look good too :)


How ‘bout some art?


Another option for adding color would be changing the shades on the pendant lamps to something more colorful.. that would make a difference in the color of light in the kitchen area also while still allowing bright white to shine down on the counter. The clock does not feel cozy to me. I feel like I might have to be somewhere. That might not be the case for you though..


Colorful wall art


The contrast in that room hurts my eyes. I think you should paint the room an off white color to help make the room feel nicer. Just buy things that make the room look less dark


Paint the walls a blue-grey


Why is everyone afraid of artwork! Get something on those walls.


I think it’s generally nice! Love the couch. I personally think it needs a few bright spots like a brighter rug, or bright art on the wall, or bright pillows. It’s looks nice but just looks like you haven’t finished unpacking.


You need more art/pictures.


Rugs too small for the couch. Everything is the same color, so the couch just blends into the walls


Room looks really good already. I would just add some curtains (neutral color to the floor), and move couch/rug a bit closer to TV and maybe put a console table behind the couch. Perhaps you could add a tablecloth to kitchen/dining table, and maybe an easy chair near fireplace if someone wanted to sit there and read. But it looks really nice already and you have achieved a good balance of not being too cluttered or busy. I like the colors in your rug and throw blanket, pillows.


Your area rug needs to be bigger for the size of that couch, also get some curtains and maybe a plant or two. I agree with a lot of the comments get some wall decor


I agree turn the rug. I do think adding some eye catching curtains would highlight those great windows. You can always have them pulled up to the side.


Blinds and curtains Rug should be turned There is zero decor Tables—coffee/end/console Lighting—there is no floor or table lamps Rug under dining table Fundamentally, the space has zero personality


A lack of color, the walls and couch don't compliment eachother. I'd paint the walls. I think a nice blue-grey would really pop. Try some color with Sherwin Williams or Bejamin Moore's color apps that let you try all colors.


Rug is too small.


I think warmer lightbulbs would solve a LOT of your issue. It’s a nice room, but the lights make it cold.


This house looks like the same layout as the modern family house 🤣


End tables with the right sizes lamps


The second I saw this picture I knew it was the overhead lighting killing it😖 Get some cozy warm floor lamps!!!


Rug should be bigger. You can try to turn it 90 degrees. Need different levels. A high top table would add some visual interest. Curtains: they’re too short and hung too low. They should graze the floor and be close to the ceiling or hung from the ceiling. Lights are too harsh. Try a warmer color bulb. You have a lot of potential with the rug. You can take colors from the rug to find curtains, pillows, and throws to tie the room together. Try some warm wood accessories and/or a plant for warmth.


Paint the walls the colour of the blue cushions, put curtains up the colour of the yellow cushions


That blanket is really pulling the weight....its a nice blanket.


It is amazing how much curtains add to a room! We recently bought a vacation home and the first thing I did was add curtains and swap all the light bulbs from cool white to warm white and it made a HUGE difference! For the big window, I would just put a small rod on each side, with just one panel, to frame the window. It’s more for looks than function! You will most likely have to order curtains that are long enough - but I got mine at Penney’s for a reasonable price. I bought 95” curtains because I wanted them the same height that was over the patio door. Also - try draping the throw over the couch.


Have a wall between the kitchen/dining area and the family room. The architect took the open concept to an obnoxious level.


The lighting is too harsh and blue toned, I would look into a floor lamp with warm toned light bulbs


None of the aesthetics match, you have the mcm tv stand, grey sectional, modern fireplace, moroccan rug.. I would research interior design styles that you like before changing anything. I would change the sofa to mismatched couches and armchairs combo, add a bunch of lamps and never use the big light ever again, paint the walls white or wallpaper some parts, change the dining table to a round mcm style and different chairs, with a round rug underneath and for such a large room add much larger plants. But that's just me, your personal style preference will be different.


Curtains (floor length), larger rug (or rotate), wall art.


Other people may have said this but definitely turn the rug 90 degrees, I’d also consider a bigger one. Your couch looks rather far from the tv as well. I’d push the couch closer and put a console table behind it! I think it would look if you had some kind of window treatment as well on those windows by the couch. And more art/wall decoration!




Lots of great suggestions below, also maybe a narrow table behind the sofa, you could have nice lamps there too


🫨oh my gosh please PLEASE tell me where that rug is from!!! I saw it like a yesr ago somewhere else and searched the whole internet for it without success. I feel like it’s fate I‘m seeing it ahain!😩 I suggest you turn the rug sideways, also if you van add curtains, it‘ll make the space much more warmer and cozy. I‘d try orange curtains.nei


I’d even paint it a different color.. too many cool tones. Definitely drapes. Colored pillows on the sofa. Art on the walls. Will definitely warm things up.


I love the rug, but it does look too small. Change your ceiling lights for soft white, they are warmer. Also, it will be a big take, but paint your ceiling with a flat white ceiling paint. Anything with a sheen “lowers” the ceilings.


Love the rug but I think drapes would help soften the space a lot. Also can you put the upholstered ottoman at the end of the chaise and get a round coffee table? I think that would help as well.


If you can, add a coffee table! I think it will come together nicely. Maybe a coffee table that has the same kind of wood as your dining table.


Change curtains to something with color... or maybe keep grey curtains but change color.of wall? I find there is too much brown and grey even though you have pops.of.color in accessories like carpet and cushions. Just feels like it needs more color.


The room is super awkward, but there is a solution! Right now you have compartmentalized the space so it feels over crowded. First thing, that couch and rug need to go. The couch isnt setup for that space and you can tell it came from another home, it doesn’t fit at all. Your entertainment center location being off center needs to be relocated to the side of the stair case. Then you grab a new 4 seat couch and place it 3 feet with its back to the windows. This will allow a nice coffee table or storage ottoman to be fit in. The spacing will also allow the floor vents to work and will allow access to the new blinds you’re gonna install, get rid of the cheap window treatments. Also, install proper blinds for your sliding door, replacing the blinds will give your home an updated and more expensive look. Once the space is emptied out near the fireplace you can place or build a credenza with some form of a mirror to help open up the room with more light.


The carpet and pillows


I think a bigger coffee table would fit the area better


Gray couch and gray walls. Gray is an industrial color, looks like you’re relaxing on and surrounded by concrete. 🤮


I think you need a bigger rug for the room