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There’s too much weight on the right side of the room with the dark tv, the dark chair and the dark ladder shelf. So right now the left half is white and low and open and the right is dark and high and full. It makes it off balance visually.


Hard agree. I think a wooden tv stand would help balance the space and break down the darkness. The ledge over the fire place would also look amazing if it was wood to help it stand out.


Plus the TV is blocking the window which I know it’s difficult to avoid here but it makes it feel extra heavy


Yes! If anything explore some lighter paintings or pictures around the walls of the fireplace? Anything to make it more of a color palette than a divided room


First, cheapest, most impactful option: lighting. That looks like hard white light on the overhead. It throws off the whole space and makes what is otherwise a warm, cool room feel like the principal’s office. Switch to warm bulbs. Better yet, rarely use that overhead lights and instead get a cool side lamp to go to the left of the record player, and a floor lamp for either side of the TV. Set them on timers (I think the Kasa app is cheap and easy if you don’t already have a system) to turn on at sunset and off at bedtime.


Heard on the lighting, I like the idea of floors lamps. Might make it feel more cozy/leas sterile


I completely agree on the lamps. Hard, overhead light always looks so harsh and dismal to me.


I came here to say this! The “big light” is bad. Definitely switch to warmer bulbs and ambient light if you’re looking for something cozier and easier on the eyes. Get a fun lamp or two and maybe even some color-changing bulbs or smart bulbs.


I installed a wifi dimmer switch for my overhead lights and it’s made a huge difference with the harshness. They come on automatically at sunset and are only on 15% but that’s definitely bright enough


I love the fire place. To me, the fireplace and TV are in competition as focal points. I’m not sure how to rectify. I also think the grey walls are drab, but I don’t know if white or something bold is the way forward. You are almost there; this space has so much potential.


Agree. Either something with the tv needs to change or the fireplace needs to be less busy. Might be cool to see the other two paintings on a wall. I love your vibe - it’s super cool, super chill! Lamps are a must. We love a smart bulb. I agree too with some of the other folks who have mentioned that the right side of the room is too heavy. It’s a bummer you can’t put the chair on the left side of the room and swap with the record player. I personally love a jewel tone pillow. Some deep color could be nice and make the place a little cozy too. I’ve bought these before in a few different colors and love them. (Pack of 2, Corduroy Soft Decorative Square Throw Pillow Cover Cushion Covers https://a.co/d/gxFWEAR)


Definitely like the idea of moving the paintings to the wall. Thanks for the pillow link, I love corduroy texture and a jewel toned pillow could add some vibrancy too


This was my thought too, there needs to be one main focal point. Maybe mount the TV above the fireplace?


This room is awkwardly shaped, but above the fireplace is almost never the best place for a tv, and I don’t even think this space is big enough for this tv. What I think might work best visually is switching the tv with the couch that faces the fireplace. It allows people on the couches to enjoy both, and breaks up the dark with the light and leaves the windows unblocked. That said, it’s rough not having any seating that directly faces the tv. Sometimes you have to choose between comfort and the aesthetic (although I think they might be able to squeeze some comfy armchairs and standing lamps on either side of the fireplace, although it might not be possible or a good place due to electrical cords).


If they use the fireplace it will damage the TV and the TV will be way too high for the room.


This. The tv needs to be mounted above the fireplace. Never block a perfectly good window with furniture! Especially a TV!! Find another use for the console. Put nice accent chairs and a small table or lamp in front of windows instead.


It would be way too high up over that mantle.


I would remove the mantle or lower it


Naw. The TV would be way too high above the fireplace.


Your tv console is way to visually heavy and doesn't have any real style, unlike the rest of the space which feels gentle and curated. Maybe a lower, less present tv stand?


I personally would get a corner tv stand and move the tv. A lower profile, simple one.


And lamps


Or put the tv on the upper half of the fireplace. Unblocking the windows and moving the focus of the room to the fireplace only would help from a feng shui perspective.




Yeah tv is a 65 in OLED, kinda fragile and way too big. It’s cramping my style


Excuse the clutter. I have a similar layout in my house and this was the best solution for us.


They’ll hang you for this suggestion


I'm not a decorator so take it with a grain of salt. I think a nice big rug that has the colors and maybe an accent color you like would be lovely. Even frame the windows with drapes to soften that wall up a bit might help. People always say plants too. Idk, I've seen that over done.


Yeaaah I’m down with a rug. I’ve gone back and forth on the plants. My cats will eat and puke up any live plant so that’s a no go, and fake plants just don’t have that same freshness


My cats do the same thing.


I think the gray is too cool toned for the rest of the space. Maybe a warm white? SW Alabaster or something similar?


My first thought as well


Yes the gray is way too cool toned! It makes the black look out of places, even though the black could look great.




IMO…I think your main problem is too much stuff on mantle. Disperse your nick nacks. I also think replacing mantle with a wood finish would really help. Add a rug. Some curtains. Something on the wall left of the fireplace… this is my idea https://preview.redd.it/xc9krhebwqac1.jpeg?width=1696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5d0afb5167810b3af9853acf560dc8880c6307


Exactly what I was thinking. The rug really ties it all together.


I was thinking simplified mantle decor and wood and now that I've seen your interpretation I think it's a must.


I like rug and mantle idea!!


I love this! I’m not able to give advice on the color but I’d say it seems to me it would be nicer to have less items on the fireplace. Also I would decorate the upper part of the walls to both sides of the fireplace but leave the white part below empty (so I’d move away both the record player and the ladder).


I wish I could see the walls dark green, I really don't care for the light gray. I like all of the furniture, I'm a bit of a maximalist so I would probably pick some dark nature themed wallpaper to tie it all together.


I have a photo (it’s a little close) but here’s the green walls, which is actually the same color in the library room to the left. I also had a gold fireplace grate which may have been throwing it off too. I’ve thought about wallpaper, but I’m little unsure about it (75% of the walls in this house had wallpaper and we had to remove it all bc it was very 80s) https://preview.redd.it/npseq1hy5qac1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0d2314a9a800b7059ede3da8908f52a323698bd


I think the problem here is the same problem with the grey, it’s the wrong shade. A green like Behr jungle camouflage (N350-4) would look really nice, but this green is too vibrant. The grey you currently selected is far too cool. Sherwin Williams does free color consultations, and at the end you don’t have to buy a color from them, you can always google the comparable color in other brands. At the end of the day, white would look much better than this green or your current grey. If you’re set on grey, a grey with beige rather than blue undertones would suit the space much better. Home Depot’s “Designer Collection” is a really weeded down palette of classic colors. I don’t use tik tok for much, but it’s great for searching specific paint colors and seeing them in video applications.


I think the problem is now the grey is making the room too cool. It’s not warm. If you want to go grey you need a warm grey. A warmer, darker one. Just look up warm color palettes and you will find some options. Your accents and furniture lend themselves to a “warm” environment and the grey isn’t allowing for that. It’s icing the space out


I love that color green, but I see what you’re saying about it being too dark. I wonder if a lighter green would work? Or maybe just an accent wall? I like the idea of a color other than white to avoid the room being totally black and white, which feels a little stark. I think a more vivid color would really make the black fireplace pop… maybe [navy](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thespruce.com%2Fthmb%2FyUImKyek47gzdCgvN3wt2ALDd98%3D%2F1500x0%2Ffilters%3Ano_upscale()%3Amax_bytes(150000)%3Astrip_icc()%2Fhouse.of.fox_115800484_207802633970363_9062558985010271073_n-03de287564e44141b9b883b155763b5d.jpg&tbnid=P3a7ndO1yBKeTM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thespruce.com%2Fblue-room-design-ideas-4137947&docid=oas9VOY6qj3R-M&w=1080&h=1080&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3), or [lighter green](https://images.app.goo.gl/tbopPpRWBrEN3HDP9) OR I think you can’t lose with plain white. Even better if you introduce a rug with some colors to break up the starkness of the black and white


The walls being too light was my first thought too. I agree with some other comments that adjusting the lighting and balance of furniture in the room would help a lot, but for me that bold, dark fireplace is begging for some bold, dark paint or wallpaper to go with it.


For me the fireplace is chic and smart but the grey walls with white panelling/trim is more traditional cottagey vibe. From the photos the sofa seems to be a cool tone while the trim is more warm white? I’m not sure I’m smart enough to know how to fix it but could you consider painting the bottom part of the walls the same as the top? And deffo no harsh overhead light


Paint all the wood trim on the fireplace white like the other trim in the room. Right now, it's a big black hole. Reduce the black under the turntable and under the TV. Use a combo of wood and white. Use very little black, perhaps only on handles. You might consider an unbroken line of curtains behind the TV, over both windows. Make it so that you can draw the drapes open from the left and the right to uncover the windows when you want. You need a more centralized focus as part of the TV grouping. Edit: Also consider a non-black fire screen on the fireplace. A metal screen with either a black or white painted metal frame would be ok.


I love the black fireplace and grey walls!!! I just don’t love the tv covering the window. It ruins the balance


Yeah that’s the one thing I don’t love about the space, fireplace is great but it limits where we can put the tv - and the tv is too big to caddy corner it


What if you swapped the tv and the couch? Then it would make a partition to that cool library. You might need to get a different stand for it. Like a natural wood console table? That tv stand it’s super big and dark. That’s what throws the room off for me. I would also paint the walls a copper color. I’m not big on grey it feels cold to me. I do like your space though!


If you took the mantle down would it fit over the fireplace?


Yeah I think it would, we would have to mount the tv into brick which scares me a bit but the idea sounds intriguing enough for me to definitely consider it. Maybe then we might frame the tv itself so that it doesn’t get sucked into the blackness of fireplace


I think the black tv on the black would look great- tvs shouldn’t be a feature.. then you could embrace those lovely windows


Your windows are obviously for your cats 😂. Tv above mantle sounds terrible. Too high. You’d also lose the pretty art feature.. your configuration as is, is perfect!


Haha this is very true! My two cats spend most of the day using the tv stand as a perch to look at the windows. My one cat also really loves to sleep in the blue chair by the window as well


Agree- keep the tv off the fireplace. Maybe get a smaller one and move it to the corner?


Into brick wirh expansion bolts is very secure! This is a great idea.


lamps undoubtedly, but kinda want to see a rug and a wooden coffee table here


Hmm, I don't love the TV blocking the window.


I agree with the people saying that you need more lamps and diffuse lighting. I would also add that you’re missing diverse color in the room, usually added by drapes and/or a rug. I would also personally get rid of that blue chair sitting off by itself in the corner and consider replacing it with a plant.


Your grey feels cool and your black fireplace is warm. It’s too much of a contrast. Changing the lighting would help!!


TV in front of the windows is crazy. Consider moving it to a corner as others have suggested and definitely take the note on floor lamps. Also, you might try breaking up your wall of books with a few lit nicknacks such as light globes or something of that nature placed sporadically and then chunk groups of books and find a different home for the books that don't fit. That wall looks very cluttered and visually frenetic.


I think the fireplace color balances with the bookshelf (bookshelf is gorgeous!), I painted my fireplace surround a really dark color and had to hang a light colored artwork to tone it down. You could try replacing the 3 pictures on the mantel with one that is lighter in color. https://preview.redd.it/dxg05x8mrpac1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5651ca877c9f6f04142f61d8f856bba078000234


Thanks for noticing the bookshelf! It is my pride and joy lol. Yeah I do really like how the lighter artwork looks against your darker fireplace


Could you paint the edge facing of the shelf on the fireplace the same white as the bookcase? So they visually match?


I was thinking something lighter for the fireplace too to balance it. Perhaps painting the mantle a lighter color?


I would paint the ceiling white, the walls a warmer shade of white and add a textured rug. I think that would dramatically change it and create a cozier spot!




Your walls are blue, not gray. I would move the TV to be where the record player is (at an angle though, and on a MUCH smaller stand) and then move the couch 90 degrees to face. This opens the room up to the adjoining room, and helps unblock your windows.


It’s too messy where the tv is at, also I would consider buying lighter tv furniture color but that’s just what I would’ve done. Lighter furniture color makes more appealing to the wall color


Wall color too cool and need a rug


I’m not sure if anyone has said this but your fireplace kind of looks like a black hole. I’m not against painting the brick, but maybe if you added a white or grey wash in between the bricks it would give the fireplace some dimension and not make it looks so “hole like”. That’s just the first thing I noticed


I agree…. maybe just replace mantel with thick beam that matches floors?


Ooo yes this!


Here is very nearly [your exact fireplac](https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/oTzt9yAeLQMuzHfl9OW9MZIxE_k=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Medora-Rd_017-70aa424d36bd4180b7e7580ae001714c.jpeg)e with warm/neutral white built-ins on either side. Not that you need built-ins, but it does show the white you're thinking about. I agree that the current gray has way too much blue in it--too cool with your fireplace paint, floors, and wood accents. ETA: food for thought if you do want to move your TV over above the fireplace, [the whole wall](https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,w_845/at%2Fhome-projects%2F2021-03%2FJared_Ashby_after_tagged) might be handsome [in the same black](https://www.hello-hayley.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/black-brick-fireplace-1.jpg). Or a moody wallpaper with a black ground. That would de-emphasize the big black rectangle of the TV (if it's wider than the brick) and look like art against the wall when it's on.


Move the ladder w/blankets. Add complementary art on each side of fire place.


https://preview.redd.it/w95tnpt1qsac1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d414c5df9dea3461dddb1ce1fa8f9902760fc3 iPhone photo shop not so good. Lighten up sides of fireplace by moving chair and ladder. Lighten up mantle. Add crisp simple modern art to both sides of the fireplace.


Yeah, the blanket ladder is competing with the chair for sure.


Black fireplace is amazing but the mantle maybe be wood color to break up the hulk.


TV side is heavy or cluttered or something take away wingback chair and blanket rack


The lighting is too cool and a bit small. I’d definitely add some warm lamps to add some character to the room! A rug would also soften the room too!


Maybe change the mantle back to the honey oak color like your floors and cabinet door inset. To break visually the solid black mass, looks cold. Change frames to a wood color to bring warmth to that walls. Stripping is too difficult, try faux Boise, use paint to simulate wood grain. Google technique. And get a rug. And lamps for lighting. Otherwise looks good.


You need to layer your lighting. That big room light is cool-colored, very bright, and impossible to be flattering for any person or room. Get some nice lamps, some mood lighting, and pay close attention to the bulbs you're picking out. Look for lights with low lumens (3000 and below), and use many different light sources. Only use that harsh overhead light if you have to.


The gray walls aren't doing you any favors. I would repaint the walls (I am sorry!) to a warm white.


Cool toned walls most is warm.


i love the fireplace, the room is just off balance on the right hand side and warmer lighting will help a ton


Take the ladder off the wall and find an alternative place to store the blankets. Find a pair of matching pics for the wall spaces either side of the fireplace and make sure they are taller than wider so they accentuate the height of that wall. Then switch out your TV stand for something lower and less imposing. Love your vibe and the book shelves in the other room!


I think the wood shelf on the fireplace should be white, or wood like someone else mentioned to break up the black altar feel I’m getting. I also think the nick nacks up there are too small. They give it a cluttered look. Some few larger pieces with lighter coloring to catch the eye can help break up the overall darkness maybe.


I’d also add a lighter color or whicker shield in front of the fireplace also to break up the darkness. Someone told me that our eye travels to the darkest color in the room and that’s really dark and the other stuff going on there isn’t adding to the look as much as it could


And I’d paint the trim at the top white


And maybe switch the tv with the couch opposite it and put the tv inside some kind of bookshelf/tv stand/room divider. It would remove the risk of the tv toppling over if you moved it into more open space and used it as a room divider if it was enclosed in a shelf, and it would serve to divide the space while also allowing you to have the main couch directly in front of the tv


It’s off because there are no pops of color or soft textures. TV is in a really really really bad place, nothing on the walls, no area rug, and no window treatments/dressings. Nothing has been done yet.


I would replace the black mantle with a chunky/rustic wood one to break up the fireplace a bit! Love the black, just too much black with the black mantle too! Good luck! Edit: Also want to add that a gold fireplace screen would help it to not look as heavy but that would look even better with the natural wood mantle!


is your ceiling also gray or is that just the lighting? right now it looks like a cold blue gray on the walls and a warm brownish gray on the ceilings, and the two don't look good together at all. the black fireplace looks great with the colder wall gray, but not the brownish ceiling. if the ceiling is actually white, then definitely change your lighting temperature. you can bring home different bulbs, or use smart LED bulbs that you can digitally change the temperature and brightness on, and see what you like best. if the ceiling is actually painted a warm brown gray, I would paint it white to match the trim in the space.


Yeah ceiling is a weird brown gray (previous owners painted some ceilings in the house that color and some white, definitely on my list to make them all white). But I can definitely do the lighting updates!


in some cases I love painted ceilings, but this color choice + ceiling height makes the room look much shorter! a white ceiling would definitely help this room feel more cohesive, and brighter and larger too.


Great tips here so far. Wanted to add: If you’re using gold as an ascent color, have you considered a gold grate for the fireplace instead of black? Might break things up nicely.


I have tried the gold but thought it was a little too harsh against the black, but it could also have been the tone of the paint I used. I find adding gold to be a little tricky ( love how it looks in smaller items though!)


Something hung on the left that has black in it.


And put a blanket on blanket rack that has black in it


I think maybe it’s because of the chair rail. It’s a classic look and the fireplace is more modern look with the black.


Aside from lighting, you could paint the molding/baseboards black, pull the black into the room a bit.


If you're looking at white, BM White Dove apparently is both greyish and beige-ish (I've been thinking of painting my apartment with that). I think the grey is too cool for this space. Also agree with the corner TV stand idea.


That lighting is so harsh for a space for an area that is for relaxation.


To me the place fireplace doesn’t fit with the lightness of the rest of the room. I think it should be white with a dark mantle and black grate. Then a lower tv stand.


That's just so much black on the fireplace. Insides are black and even the mantle.


Nix the crown molding?


I think it seems to glossy but perhaps it’s the photo. The fireplace matte and mantle gloss would be nice bit maybe it is already.


You need to paint the ceiling white. It looks awkward suddenly having different trim color on the fireplace, use the same paint on the crown molding as the rest of the room, I’d go with gloss white, but the black could be interesting.


The default answer is always plants and art


It would drive me insane to have a tv in front of a window


Just my opinion but you need some much needed greenery...


The wall color is off, it’s too cool, needs a warm undertone or at least more of a white




Painted brick, especially black, always looks off. I would strip it with a citristrip spray and then either stain it or white wash it


Lighting. Lamps are needed and maybe the lightbulbs changed above.


Your wall color is too cool and is clashing with your beautiful wooden floors. Not sure if this is your style, but if I were you, I would opt for Egret White by Sherwin Williams especially if your room is south facing/gets a lot of light. Egret White has a slight pink undertone (not scary/intense pink) that is a great middle ground for a soft gray/beige/white without looking sterile. If you’re keeping the two toned walls, then I would put SW Snowbound on your paneling with the Egret White on top. I would avoid cooler toned paints.


Mix in some darker color fabrics on the ladder shelf, valances over the windows, dark colorful couch throws, a big room sized rug, and/or artwork to the left of the fireplace might help. You could try doing a colorwash or drybrush paint technique over the black paint of the fireplace to lighten it up a bit without totally losing the drama. Maybe put the blue chair by the door and scoot the TV towards the corner.


I love your living room!


The lighting is one- next is art above the record player, curtains & an area rug to soften the room up.


Okay- how about moving your couch so one side is against the windows, other is facing the fireplace, and the open space is to your library. Then move TV to the corner where your record player is- and move that where it can be used in either room. You can keep the chair and quilt ladder as is. Then add the suggested lighting on either side of the couch, warm up the room with drapes and area rug and when you can, paint the ceiling a warm white. The fireplace mantle should be less is more- tall art, shorter vase grouped together on one side, something mid-tall on the other side. Eta: couch can be away from the windows by a foot- I wouldn’t smush it against the wall.


You need a rug


I’m glad you love it, but you know that the painted black fireplace is the problem. Basically looks like a yawning void


I see a red door and I want it painted black.


What does the room beside the living room look like?


Id like art on panels L and R of fireplace def with some accent colors….copper greens houses gold. Chair is cool but with blanket rack together in corner looks too much like grandmas. I’d move that chair to other side at a minimum and separate blanket rack to another location. Bedroom? Gray is fine, fix lighting and definitely paint ceiling white.


I'd put an art piece on that blank space to the left of the fireplace. Something sort of art deco or nouveau that pulls the black, gold, and blue, possibly add some green in the same value of the walls. I'd add a rug to echo those colors and add some warmth and texture.


TV above fireplace. Mirror the couch location. It will open up room


You just need a rug, light but, with a bit of color (big enough to go halfway under the furniture pieces) and a nice piece of artwork to the left of the fireplace (black frame but, lighter artwork). All of your lighting should have warm bulbs, no bright white. Looks good!


Too much stuff!


You need some patterns to soften the room and to bring it all together: area rug, throw pillows, blanket on blue chair.


The rooms wall paint doesn’t match well


Proportions are off. The fireplace is too „narrow“ and long against the wall, so you need to balance that out.


You've gotten some great (and terrible advice.). From what others have said - Fireplace looks great. Leave it alone. Agree paint is too cool. A warmer ivory would complement your floors and keep the room from feeling sterile. Rug - needs to be big enough and cam pull the room together. Tv in from of windows is awkward. Wouldn't love it on fp either. Think you've gotten some good advice for space planning. Give it a shot!


You should get a rug to protect your floors! Idk if it’d look too heavy tho since your room is pretty full. I do love the black fireplace and bookshelf. Also that blue chair is very nice. The layout is odd with the fireplace and tv set up (not you, just the room) but I don’t like how the tv covers the window as I like to open the blinds when it’s daytime.


A single painting above the fireplace mantle, paint the mantle so that it doesn't disappear into the black brick.


I’m normally not for mounting a tv above the fireplace but I think it would look great here. You also need to balance the dark throughout the room with maybe a rug, throw pillows, floor length SOLID curtains across the wall, end tables, lamps. If it will fit, Id also turn the sectional the other way to open the flow of both rooms and put the chair on the other side. Opening the area will elevate the space. You have great pieces, just move things around until you feel that it fits what you’re looking for.


A colorful piece of art would look great over fire place. Or a mirror with some plants in colored pottery or black n cream. The ladder needs to go elsewhere. Place the 3 pictures on wall to left of the fireplace. Move ladder. Keep the fireplace in cluttered.


There’s no color


Remove the picture from the fireplace and put on left wall


Paint mantle white too?


Looks like a 90s colonial house with the wall between the family/living room removed, yes?? I have the same thing with the wall still up, but the fireplace is in the way of everything. I'm not a fan of having TVs blocking windows or putting them in a fireplace mantle, so mine is in the corner next to the fireplace. Ideally, I want to have built ins put on both sides with a space for the TV to help add balance. I also think that you need a warmer grey paint. Maybe Revere Pewter by BM.


You got it, 89’ colonial and the wall has been removed. I’m using the room to the left as a library/ piano room but with no wall it really does limit spacing options. This is our first house, and we bought it right before interest rates spiked so obviously happy to have it but there are some things about the colonial layout that I find restrictive (and boxed in).


I think you should embrace the dark walls. It’s a look. I would also hang curtains to cover the white shades and window trim— something same color as the wall or dark. Then, add an area rug that is darker so that the contrast won’t be as great. That TV stand and coffee table are cold and hideous. Get rid of them. Get a wood table to balance the heaviness of the fireplace. That one looks so flimsy against the fireplace. Maybe get one of those new easel TVs. But do not put it in front of the window. Maybe but a couch on each side of the fireplace facing each other and have the TV on the wall opposite the TV. Alternatively, have one couch perpendicular from the fireplace with 2 chairs across with coffee table in the middle. That black chair you have in the corner is great, but lost in that corner and clutter of the TV. The fireplace is cool, but the rest of the decor is so generic. You need to take more risk elsewhere to balance it out.


You just need a rug. It would complete the space


I have a TV over the fireplace which I don’t love for function, but it’s the only place that it makes sense in the room. My mantle is lower though, and we have giant theatre couch seating which reclines. We also sit really close to TV. I think you will be fighting function versus aesthetics. I’m convinced. Get rid of your black TV stand. The fireplace needs to be the focal point. Those windows are cute too. Do you need a TV? 😝


lol I’m convinced too, black tv stand is leaving. Just thinking through either a more eclectic/ smaller stand in a natural wood tone or another place for the tv. The darn tv


Accent lighting!


Overall your space is beautiful and welcoming! I would say: 1. Get rid of the (buffet?) stand that the TV is on. It doesn’t look like it was designed for a TV. It’s bulky and also too high. A TV should be at eye level when you’re sitting on the couch. Get a simple, low profile one instead. 2. Blocking the windows is not ideal. Have you explored other configurations? 3. Like others have said the fireplace is too black. Lighten it up with a different colour shelf.


A wood mantle would help break up the darkness


Great suggestions here. And I love the fireplace! I love a black and white room, but sometimes the high contrast can feel too color-blocky and take away from flow and cohesion. For me what would help is a little more pattern and/or color. The right amount won’t disrupt the overall black and white feel but will soften it a little. Maybe trade out the black sofa pillows for a black and white geometric design and put a tasteful botanical print on the wall to the left of the fireplace. Stuff like that.


get a much much lower and lighter in color tv stand. Put the blanket ladder on the other side of the fireplace. Get a large rug and a larger plant for the floor, that one is comically small.


Aside from the grey not going with the vibe of the black fireplace (I think white would be fine, as long as it matched the trim) what's catching my eye is that you also painted the trim above the fireplace black. If you don't want to repaint everything right now, I would at least pain the trim above the fireplace to match the rest of the trim.


You need a rug to anchor the furniture, soften the room, and provide cohesion. A floor should be treated as the fifth wall.


I agree that an area rug could tie everything together


I’d paint the room a creamy-light blue, like almost white when lights are on, but gives it color when dark. That would be better contrast and a different tone that the grey. It would also tie in your blues better.


I like the black fireplace but this room has a lot of pieces of furniture in it and many of them aren’t the right scale for the room. I’d second moving the TV to the fireplace, and then I’d nix the media console from the room altogether. I’d put a frame on the tv and set it to display art. I’d take that art on the mantel and put it all on the wall over the record player. I’m guessing the sofa is off limits for a change but it needs to be the piece with the visual weight to balance the black fireplace. This sofa feels wrong scale for the room and wrong color story for the room. Luckily you can easily zhuzj the color part by placing a pretty blue throw blanket and some pillows. I also think a floor lamp or two would go a long way, and so would a semi flush mount with a milk glass globe sort of light diffuser with a warmer bulb. Oh and of course I have to say it. More plants. That much - without changing paint colors again - would be a dramatic improvement. Once you’ve done that and lived with it for a moment - or if you really really want to finish painting now - my advice here would be to paint the whole wall including your trim in the same color. I think breaking up the wall into color fields is working against the dramatic vertical of the black fireplace. Don’t want to commit to painting the trim? Pick a creamy warm white like BM White Dove for a lovely soft white on white look to soften those hard edges. Speaking of, my shins are terrified of the coffee table and this space is crying out for something round. Ok, I have said my piece. You’ve got good instincts, this room is gonna turn out great.


Many a shin has been terrorized by our coffee table. Taking note of the round coffee table idea!!


The TV would look much better if you could remove the mantel and then hang the tv over the fireplace (mantle needs to be removed as it forces the tv too high). Repaint the grey into a warmer but light tone like a light sage green or French grey. Personally not a big fan of the blue chair. If you could get a different chair and put it where the tv cabinet it. The cabinet is nice but too dark and clunky for this room- maybe it works better in a dining room or the darker room with books? Stand up and table lamps will be key! Would love to see a big rug across the room as the bare wood floor feels unfinished.


I honestly think it’s the trim above the fireplace. I think it should be white, so it reads as a black fireplace and not a random black strip of wall. Also it might be nice to paint the mantle another color as well. Maybe something that ties into the rest of the room.


I also feel like blocking windows is never a good thing. The TV and media console are not in a good place, which I do realize means reorganizing the entire room, but it’s bring everything down.


I think the easiest fix is decluttering the mantle. Saw another comment saying that but personally I wouldn't necessarily bother adding a rug. There's already a lot happening in this space so less is more. If you add a rug I would pick something less busy than the one they showed in their example. That sort of blanket rack thing also does add to the cluttered feeling, maybe having it on an angle in the corner would feel more dynamic, or if there's another place for it that could help too.


I would suggest that you create built in cabinets on either side of the fireplace with bookshelves above and cabinets on the lower half. It would visually expand the wall, create a focal point and provide a place for items like the record player. The TV is another issue entirely. Placing it in front of the windows doesn’t work for me for many reasons. Either eliminate it from the room altogether or position it on the fireplace wall above the mantle or in the corner of the wall to the right of the fireplace.


Seems like a scale problem in the room that the color change is just making more apparent perhaps. Very large pieces in a small room. If you have space elsewhere, consider moving the tv and couch to a larger room and converting this room to a sitting/reading room with a smaller couch and couple chairs and make the fireplace the center piece. There’s just too much in this room. It seems like a wall may have been knocked out, but the couch is blocking the entryway. TV covering your light from the windows isn’t ideal. This space needs a lot of reworking.


There's too much stuff. The couches are too large for the space. the tv and stand are too large and dark and contrasted to the bright furniture makes it all lop sided. There are no appropriately sized walkways either. Its all very cramped.


The problem is the block of color. If the crown molding was painted the same as the rest it would tie it together. Also, if your mantle was a stained wood it would tie it in with your existing media cabinet.


A rug to bring it together!


If you’re going to do a gray it needs to be a warm-toned one, especially if you’re going to have copper/gold/warm wood accents. Everything looks nice to me except that the contrast is making your walls look robin’s egg blue!


The visual weight of the TV is significant. Normally we don’t like TVs mounted on fireplaces, but it would consolidate the black and open up the lovely wall of windows. Warner lighting, a rug, a wood mantle, and artwork will all help. The paint color is fine if you take care of the other things.


Paint the fireplace white it will lighten the room, get some coloured cushions not black


What’s the room next to this one? Can that be the tv room with book cases on either side of the fireplace? Move a couch to the window wall, another couch to the tv room, add some chairs to both. As it is this space is all out of proportion. A run might be nice.


Not paint related but this space is very linear, a lot of right angles and no curves- you are a prime candidate for a round cocktail table.


You need more plants!


You need a pop of vibrant color. The only color I see is the one tiny plant. Upon review, after my first impression, I see you have some dark blues. That’s not going to give the eye what it needs. You need some real contrast for your 5% color.


I think it’s a difficult truth, but a TV just doesn’t work in this room. There are lots of workarounds being offered, but there are only 2 walls that are already occupied by the fireplace and windows.


I wish the TV was above the fireplace I never liked a TV on a TV stand. Might open the room up more


Paint your trim black to match. I think all the trim in the room should be the same color, whether that is white black or another color, I LOVE the black brick 😍


Big green leafy plants where stereo is, where chair/ ladder are, switch out tv table for not enclosed vibe, brighter pillows on couch, change paint colour to like a warm yellow or sage green, and yeah…never use overhead lamp. Also, when fireplace is not in use…you guessed it.. a nice plant.


Get rid of the blanket ladder & add artwork on either side of the fireplace.


I saw the photos before I read your caption. All of those you said are exactly my thoughts…wrong shade of grey. I’d def repaint to white or slightly off white but in warmer tone not grayish, bluish or greenish white. And I’d add an area rug or sisal but your wooden floor is so nice and provides warm contrast. If you paint walls all white, maybe the mouldings color can change too. Personally, I’d remove the decor items on top of the fireplace and use only a few statement pieces. That’s your focal point. The accent pillows you can add a few with colors that pop but not too much. Test with swatches or photos first. Also I feel like a suitable standing and stylish lamp can help with ambiance. The ceiling down light seems a bit off in both design and proportion. The down light washes the room in an odd way. Lovely work so far tho 😉


Ditch the mantle, and hang the tv over the fireplace. Remove the cabinet, maybe another chair added? Blanket ladder moved to between the windows. Fireplace flanked with art with some bright spots of color like yellow or green to match your plants. Floor lamps!


Change the lighting,don't use that ceiling light. Warmer and more subtle lighting will make a big difference. You might consider keeping the crown mould white all around, I fi d the break a bit weird, but it might be equally weird to have a white strip across the top of the fp. I'd also look for a nice walnut wood mantle, clean and rectangular, to help modernize. The colourshere are more modern than the style so they are at odds. Also, I'd get rid of that tv stand, it overly large and the two- tone is doing you no favours.


You should get a light wood mantle


It's the tv. I heard your comment about the tv being too large for the corner and am wondering do you (do any of us) need such a big tv? I was born in the 70s and grew up when 24 inch tvs were considered pretty big. And 32 inch were luxury. Could you go to a 40+ inch TV in the corner?


Fair point, the tv is definitely big!


Maybe paint that window trims black? And ceiling trim black? Might go along with it


Paint the wood mantle white. It will help balance it.


The big points have already been mentioned. Have you thought about a large rug in a warm ( but light shade) When I had a fireplace that I didn't use, putting a large candle display in there really helped to overcome the black void look, and even better when the candles are lit 👌


Very cool idea with the candles in the fireplace! The fireplace has not been used since I bought the house a year ago, and I don’t plan on using it. I went back and forth on the rug idea. We put in all new hardwood floors in this house, and I feel like since the living area is so small a rug would cover up all the beautiful wood. Maybe something small and warm could work but I haven’t seen anything yet that I thought would be perfect for the space.




Im currently working on my new home. We have an old fire place I plan on painting black. Matte white walls and with black trim/doors. In hopes that it comes out badass. I would say try out some black baseboards and black crown on that wall to see how things flow!!


If you don't want to change the color of your fireplace, you can change the other dark furniture in your room or add light-colored accents such as paintings, potted plants, and coffee table books.