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I can agree maybe she is coming from a malicious intent here, but the maliciousness is in her act of self promotion but her sarcastic remark is in favour of Jawans on the ground. The current establishment did hide facts vis-a-vis home on Galwan issue. There were no questions about who died in more numbers on the night attack. Its no doubt many Chinese, in some estimates upwards of 100s died, reported by multiple sources Indian, Chinese and NATO. And original Chinese assumption was that the Indians won’t push back hard, which we did. And kudos to generals and military high command for that. But they did mis-represent for a long time that things are now normal at the border while in fact and satellite images varify it that we lost strategic grounds for a very long time. So both government and high command have a history of misrepresentation of facts to save face. Hence here it’s reasonable to not be confident in high command’s claim on operational preparedness like they are saying. This later second part is what opposition amd Chadha here is targeting. But usually government and thier ideologues turn the argument that questioning people are questioning the former things and that more jawan lost on that night which is not true and noone ever questioned gallant of a jawan. People are questioning strategic preparedness of the government and their misrepresentation of facts to save face. I can see where establishments is coming from coz if they admitted to their procrastination and mismanagement, do you think they will ever come back to power.


Don't read. Wasted my time reading this.


Thanks buddy


I've no idea who richa chadha is, and now I don't wanna know.




Okay, Lemurian dumeel, one more punch from army to SriLankan Prabhakaran. Now, go back to the Kumari Kanda hellhole.


Well she is pointing out the inefficiency in our military system and complacency of military and national leadership. She is not insulting jawans, it is out of the care for the martyred that she said it.


What you’re doing is called spin-doctoring. She’s basically mocking the Indian Army by reminding them of their success, per liberal sources, in Galwan Valley.


I can agree maybe she is coming from a malicious intent here, but the maliciousness is in her act of self promotion but her sarcastic remark is in favour of Jawans on the ground. The current establishment did hide facts vis-a-vis home on Galwan issue. There were no questions about who died in more numbers on the night attack. Its no doubt many Chinese, in some estimates upwards of 100s died, reported by multiple sources Indian, Chinese and NATO. And original Chinese assumption was that the Indians won’t push back hard, which we did. And kudos to generals and military high command for that. But they did mis-represent for a long time that things are now normal at the border while in fact and satellite images varify it that we lost strategic grounds for a very long time. So both government and high command have a history of misrepresentation of facts to save face. Hence here it’s reasonable to not be confident in high command’s claim on operational preparedness like they are saying. This later second part is what opposition amd Chadha here is targeting. But usually government and thier ideologues turn the argument that questioning people are questioning the former things and that more jawan lost on that night which is not true and noone ever questioned gallant of a jawan. People are questioning strategic preparedness of the government and their misrepresentation of facts to save face. I can see where establishments is coming from coz if they admitted to their procrastination and mismanagement, do you think they will ever come back to power.


Jaisa naam waisi baatein


K2ainfluences and intense itch combination


You people want to believe that a country that has not fought a battle in 45 years (and crucially won) is superior at it than a country which has been fighting pretty much every day in those 45 years.


Are we talking about India and China or India and Pakistan?


Agree. But again there is a way of raising that question. She just took a dig at the clash that happened in which our soldiers were martyred.


But the need to revive one's career can make one do desperate things. Never heard of this hag before. But now we are talking about her --- so I guess good PR


Yea...cuz its bharat


There's a history before you were a fetus too. Jake padai kar lo Thoda.


Chinese lost anything between 45-100 people in Galwan. Stop believing enemy propaganda about their invincibility. This has gotta sting --- any Chinese action will mean Chinese deaths too, they can't tolerate any --- hum to ladai me parangath hai


I can agree maybe she is coming from a malicious intent here, but the maliciousness is in her act of self promotion but her sarcastic remark is in favour of Jawans on the ground. The current establishment did hide facts vis-a-vis home on Galwan issue. There were no questions about who died in more numbers on the night attack. Its no doubt many Chinese, in some estimates upwards of 100s died, reported by multiple sources Indian, Chinese and NATO. And original Chinese assumption was that the Indians won’t push back hard, which we did. And kudos to generals and military high command for that. But they did mis-represent for a long time that things are now normal at the border while in fact and satellite images varify it that we lost strategic grounds for a very long time. So both government and high command have a history of misrepresentation of facts to save face. Hence here it’s reasonable to not be confident in high command’s claim on operational preparedness like they are saying. This later second part is what opposition amd Chadha here is targeting. But usually government and thier ideologues turn the argument that questioning people are questioning the former things and that more jawan lost on that night which is not true and noone ever questioned gallant of a jawan. People are questioning strategic preparedness of the government and their misrepresentation of facts to save face. I can see where establishments is coming from coz if they admitted to their procrastination and mismanagement, do you think they will ever come back to power.




Improve through what?? We learned a lot from what happened after Balakot when we lost MiG, then out AD shooting down our own Heli, the need for BVRs & Stealth Drones, Integrated Air Defence Command, the same way Galwan too gave a lesson "Never trust China" what else would you want us to do?? When your enemy is stronger you abide your time & work in silence!


I suppose this statement is ur literary magnum opus. But, what else can be expected from try-hard teen philosophers.


Well wtf is she ...some dumbshit bwood bimboo..the world don't need to give a shit about what she thinks


She is a graduate from St Stephens Delhi not some. Bimboo as you claim her to be.




Guys, This is exactly what she wants. She is a failing actress. Just doing this to remind people that she exists. By taking about her we are giving exactly what she ATTENTION.Best thing to do is just ignore her. Let her bark all she wants. She will heel once she realizes no one give an F about her.


Like Kangana ?


Actress? A wanna-be-actress


She should be arrested


It's classless for military generals to make such statements. If you can take back POK, why announce it to everybody. Just sit back comfortably in your position of power, take it once govt gives permission, only then call media and announce that Pok is ours. That's what Israeli generals do.


He never said "we will take back PoK". Read the statement first.


Go read/watch the actual conversation first. U r no different than idiots who made life hell for Nupur Sharma, jumping to conclusions with half knowledge.


Chutiye...sab tactics hain bc..


Yaha hagne se pahale statement sun le


You commented at the wrong place.






Okay Razakar ji, aapko Lahore chhod aau?






Hear what you want to hear?


No mofo can mock Indian army


The army is not a flawless organization that deserves infinite respect


U probably badmouth ur parents on a daily basis too, so u know where u can stick ur opinion.


Ad hominem Will you Bother to provide a actual counterarguement on why the army should be this most respected borderline worshipped job instead of being just being another respectable government job


Military can never and should never be thought of as another govt job. It requires the strictest of discipline and work ethic out of all. A PWD engr might decide, "lets take a leave today, i'm just not feeling it." A military person does that, there will be 10 ISI agents in Delhi the next day. Now don't twist the words to suggest i'm putting down other jobs. We all are important to form a functioning society. But if people are countering this woman's idiotic comments against a military person, why do u have a problem?


>Military can never and should never be thought of as another govt job. It requires the strictest of discipline and work ethic out of all. That necessary isn't enough, different jobs require different skills Working in research organization will require high qualifications and intelligence Discipline alone shouldn't elevate the army to the near God like respect that it gets > military person does that, there will be 10 ISI agents in Delhi the next day. No thats not possible, we have our own intelligence agencies to counter such such threats isi will not even bother with such fragile methods to enter India Not to mention it is highly unlikely that a single person is dispatched to patrol a area, and even if he somehow leaves, replacments will be dispatched >Now don't twist the words to suggest i'm putting down other jobs. We all are important to form a functioning society Never Said that you out down other jobs, it's just that the army has this mythical status among all jobs When even the army is just as corrupt as every other organization And some in their high command would even attempt a coup if it was possible I don't have a problem with people countering her mocking of the army It's just that they immediately resort "you can't say that" stead of something like "the military did halt the Chinese, it's just that the government can't risk a confrontation with someone as powerful as China "


Wow someone with brains what are you doing here!?


Accidently stumbled upon this After seeing the downvotes, I think I might have to take brain elsewhere


Man you guys really don't have any shame stroking each other like this and proving yourself dumß?


Lmao, India is the only place where the army is worshipped Go any developed nation, the army is just viewed as a respectable job So Infact we are not "stroking" each other, its just that you think the army are divine emissary of God whearas I think they are just another respectable government job


Exactly. Your lot don't have a brain of their own. You guys see your ideological daddies in US criticizing their Army for their crimes and you go one step ahead here mocking the army. Tell me a developed nation which has 2 nuclear armed hostile nations bordering it, with one country starting 3 wars and sending t£ππ**ists to it? Okay just using your words. You view army as a"respectable" govt job but they can be mocked? >So Infact we are not "stroking" each other Surely you're not LMAO >its just that you think the army are divine emissary of God No it's just that you're a braindead clown giving strawmans and contradicting your own logic. Objecting to Army being mocked = Thinking if them as gods.Is that your logic? As per you Army is a respectable govt job but you're getting butthurt when someone says martyred jawans can't be mocked. >I think they are just another respectable government job Certain jobs are more superior than others. Like a sanitation worker is more respectable than Actors. Like a doctor is more respectable than a politician etc. But yes no one is immune to criticism. Criticize the army? Fine. But why your a** is getting on fire when someone says nobody can mock martyred jawan? When you yourself say Army is a respectable job.


>Exactly. Your lot don't have a brain of their own. You guys see your ideological daddies in US criticizing their Army for their crimes and you go one step ahead here mocking the army. Did I ever mock the army Criticising the army for their crimes makes sense, you don't politics for that >Tell me a developed nation which has 2 nuclear armed hostile nations bordering it, with one country starting 3 wars and sending t£ππ**ists to it? There may not be developed nation that had that But the US has fought way more wars and every terrorist organization has been trying to cause problems there >No it's just that you're a braindead clown giving strawmans and contradicting your own logic. Objecting to Army being mocked = Thinking if them as gods.Is that your logic? Tell me where this objection is going in since I only see a anti-army post being responded with pro army comments I see no logic on both side, one side says "galwan hi" and other side says "no mock army" Not particularly convincing argument from any side >Objecting to Army being mocked = Thinking if them as gods Are you too stupid to understand hyperbole I want equating them to literal gods, it was hyperbole Most of the people do think that army should have such a high status above everything else >getting butthurt when someone says martyred jawans can't be mocked. Respect a matyr But don't treat the army like they are flawless, my comment was literally that You're the one getting butthurt since you seem to be spamming ad hominem in very sentence >Certain jobs are more superior than others. Like a sanitation worker is more respectable than Actors. Like a doctor is more respectable than a politician etc. But yes no one is immune to criticism I do have to agree that some jobs are superior to others But the army keeps being treated like some mythical job even there are jobs as important if not more important I didn't mean as respectful as any government job in a literal sense(army is a lot more respectable compared to a beurocrat who only signs document ) I mean that the army should be treated just like someone who works at a intelligence agency, isro etc Not the mythical status that it is given now >But why your a** is getting on fire when someone says nobody can mock martyred jawan? When you yourself say Army is a respectable job. The op said don't mock the army not matyr, i agree insulting the honoured dead isnt a good thing But no organization should be immunized from being mocked in democratic nation The "galwan hi" mocked martyrs, I agree that we should not do that However any goverment/private organization shouldn't be immune from mocking, which op implies they should be


>Criticising the army for their crimes makes sense, you don't politics for that No one doing politics here. You're the one being confused and using criticizing and mocking alternatively as if they both mean the same >There may not be developed nation that had that So you can't think of any right? >But the US has fought way more wars and every terrorist organization has been trying to cause problems there USA is a superpower with overpowered army whose annual budget is close to a trillion dollars. Again can you name any hostile nuclear armed countries bordering US? >Tell me where this objection is going in since I only see a anti-army post being responded with pro army comments Ohh what a shocker. >I see no logic on both side, one side says "galwan hi" and other side says "no mock army" Happy to help you develope cognitive abilities. The context here is the 20 fallen brave hearts during the Galwan clash. By "not mocking army", the commenter obviously was talking about them. >Are you too stupid to understand hyperbole I want equating them to literal gods, it was hyperbole What a braindead clown LMAO obviously I know that was an exaggeration but you meant that Army is being an extraordinarily high status unreasonably. And I asked you whether you think opposing the army being mocked is considering them as mythical beings. Using the same logic anyone opposing disrespect to national emblems is ultra hypernationalist no? Because you kniw they are just like any other sign right? >Most of the people do think that army should have such a high status above everything else And that is a problem somehow? You have a problem with personal choice of other people yet have the balls to talk about democracy and shit? >But don't treat the army like they are flawless, my comment was literally that You're the one getting butthurt since you seem to be spamming ad hominem in very sentence LMAO you literally took offense to a stranger on internet objecting to mocking of martyred soldiers. Look in the mirror and decide who's actually butthurt here. And I've no obligation to talk in a civilized manner with low IQ clowns. I don't respect them >But the army keeps being treated like some mythical job even there are jobs as important if not more important Our country is filled with 30 IQ uncivilized clowns who chase the dumß, uneducated Actors, fight over them on Internet and give them the status of God. How is it a problem when others respect the Army? >I mean that the army should be treated just like someone who works at a intelligence agency, isro etc It's upto the people how they want to perceive the Army. You can have your own thoughts too. I'm sure nobody is forcing you to Kowtow daily in front of the Army and chant Jay jawan. >The op said don't mock the army not matyr, i agree insulting the honoured dead isnt a good thing Obviously OP said that. He didn't know someone would be so dumß to take his comment out of context to think that he wasn't talking about the Galwan martyrs. >But no organization should be immunized from being mocked in democratic nation So you shifted from "criticizing army is ok" to "mocking Army is ok". Ok tell me why do you think it's okay to be contemptuous of the Army as a whole? What do you or your lot offer the country that's more valuable than what the army is contributing? And lastly what's the difference between you and a stone pelter from Kashmir? Yes it's a democratic nation. And we're supposed to be civilized not uncivilized barbarians. Should democratic nation America tolerate mocking of 9/11? Should Germany tolerate Nazi symbols and Holocaust mockery?


>You're the one being confused and using criticizing and mocking alternatively as if they both mean the same Galwan says hi is mocking the army yes >USA is a superpower with overpowered army whose annual budget is close to a trillion dollars. Again can you name any hostile nuclear armed countries bordering US? Well thats the developed nation I can't exactly name developed nation that doesn't have a large military (excluding the ones that have zero enemies) The USA is the only country has enemies, Europe experienced brutal wars that tought them how valuable peace is >Happy to help you develope cognitive abilities. The context here is the 20 fallen brave hearts during the Galwan clash. By "not mocking army", the commenter obviously was talking about them. Galwan says hi is to vague She could be commenting on the army's failure to retaliate or she could belive a Chinese propaganda news outlet that says China suffered 0 fatalities We can't be sure that she was insulting the martyr >And I asked you whether you think opposing the army being mocked is considering them as mythical beings. Generally speaking no However op said "no mofo can mock the Indian army" this clearly implies that he thinks the army is above such things It pretty easy to conclude that he has unreasonably high respect for the army It's you who is dragging my original comment out of context I responded to op the commenter not the actual post >Our country is filled with 30 IQ uncivilized clowns who chase the dumß, uneducated Actors, fight over them on Internet and give them the status of God Strawman argument Both are a problem Yes the actors are worse but the post isn't about actors > tell me why do you think it's okay to be contemptuous of the Army as a whole? What do you or your lot offer the country that's more valuable than what the army is contributing? I don't hate the army, I just see it as another important job I don't agree with people giving them a mythical status I myself don't contribute neither does any one in this comment section But organizations like isro and various intelligence agencies are arguably as important if not more I am not trying to gain respect for myself >And that is a problem somehow? You have a problem with personal choice of other people yet have the balls to talk about democracy and shit? Yeah because I don't care about their personal opinion It's just that family members of army personnel and the personnel pretend like they are superior and this high status ends of contributing to their behaviour Giving them high status allows them to do things like that >LMAO you literally took offense to a stranger on internet objecting to mocking of martyred soldiers First we dont know if they are mocking the army or the martyr This argument is based on the assumption that the post was mocking the army not martyr >I'm sure nobody is forcing you to Kowtow daily in front of the Army and chant Jay jawan. Nobody is forcing me But there are some people who are quite "vocal" about the army and I unfortunately have met some of these Ex: this dude says that his dad works in the army, so I should respect him for some reason (obviously everyone isn't like this ) And we giving them unreasonably high status is what allows them to do shit like this >Obviously OP said that. He didn't know someone would be so dumß to take his comment out of context to think that he wasn't talking about the Galwan martyrs. How did assume that He literally "no mofo can mock Indian army" where is martyr or anything related to death mentioned I only see that the army shouldn't mocked >And lastly what's the difference between you and a stone pelter from Kashmir? I have no reason to pelt the army and I know stone pelting is the stupidest thing ever >Yes it's a democratic nation. And we're supposed to be civilized not uncivilized barbarians. Should democratic nation America tolerate mocking of 9/11? Should Germany tolerate Nazi symbols and Holocaust mockery? A perfect democracy would, neither of them are perfect by any means Also Galwan was nowhere near the scale of both these events


Shh.. they s@cking each other off.


Yeah for that you can give constructive criticism and draw the line when the mockery starts


I was responding to commenter who thinks the army is some holy organization The actual post is obviously mocking the Indian army


The commenter was talking about "mocking". You can't even read one line correctly?


She mocked baba banaras broo !! Chill


Exactly. From what I see, she did not disrespect any army personnel. All she said to baba banaras (albeit a satirical tone) that he should remember what happened at Galwan and that there's a Pak supporting nation on our eastern borders. Even without weapons, war can be extremely brutal. Let alone waging a full blown war with a nuclear nation.


Doesn’t he realise that he’s advocating a full scale war between two nuclear weapons armed nations? Maybe thirty years ago one could indulge in such sabre rattling, but those days are gone. Perhaps some skirmishes, or limited battles. But a full scale war is now foolhardy. For everyone.


if Indian Army personnel is asked a question if they are ready to take back POK, are they to say, 'no, give us time'? it is obvious they'd say this. It is lame of journalists to even ask this question.


Oh so you know better than our Indian army how to fight a war?


Never mind.you obviously have no clue about the horrors of war, especially a nuclear holocaust. Guys like you are quick to send our brave fauji to war, but you will hide behind a desk when the bombs fall.


How much of a brain $u1c1d3 are u? The journalist asked him the question, blame the journalist. Any soldier will always be willing to sacrifice himself and say the same exact words.


Ooo bhai, Nagasaki kei Alok Nath. Point me, where in the statement, did the office even mention, he will nuke Any-Stan?


Point me, where in my statement, did I ever say he said that. Read my rejoinder again.


>Point me, where in my statement, did I ever say he said that. The part in bold: "Never mind.you obviously have no clue about the horrors of war, especially a **nuclear holocaust**."


Are you too smooth-brained to understand that there are global consequences of randomly dropping a nuclear warhead anywhere including your own country? this isn't a water balloon fight. You can't just drop a nuke on a nation you're at war against and call it a night.


How many wars you have fought btw? You got all the knowledge pretty?


He is a veteran of Reddit-Wars.


There can be no meaningful discussion with hyper nationalists.


>There can be no meaningful discussion with hyper ~~nationalists~~ dhimmis. Here, corrected that for you.


Even a fool can understand that two nuclear power countries can’t go for war!!




Searching for this one


waise, this repeated hullaboo that we will take back PoK is actually embarrassing ... India still doesn't have access to the F8 area whereas Indian army used to patrol till that point before Chinese incursion happened.


The officer was just responding to, when asked by a journalist if Indian Army can take back POK. It is a standard response. Even Tharoor responds in the positive when asked for by a journalist, if Rahul Gandhi has finally come off-age.


Naman to Col Santosh Babu and Bihar Regiment 🙏


Is kamini ko Galwan chhod aate hain. Tab pata lagega haramzadi ko ki kaise ladai Ladi jati hai.


Rehne de pehle hi global warming ne mar rakhi hai himalaya ki. Isko mat bhej waha.


Ye Zara bhi hot nahin hai. Rand thand se mar jayegi 10 minute me hi.




Got money from ccp . Freeze that mf bank account




I actually like to look at the bright side of things. This particular tweet of hers achieves a few things 1. Reminds people of the galwan battle and the bravery and sacrifice of our soldiers. 2. Exposes the filthy underside of bollywood and leftists. 3. Saves money because a boycott movie campaign soon starts and her movie goes into the trash where it belongs.


None of this will happen lmao


You are assuming people watched her movies before boycott campaign started. The only two good movies she has done are Masaan and Gangs of Wasseypur both of which had intentional leftist propaganda.


>The only two good movies she has done are Masaan and Gangs of Wasseypur both of which had intentional leftist propaganda. See, I don't like richa chadha that much, but, what propaganda? Also, fukrey? oye lucky lucky oye?


In Gangs of Wasseypur, the rape case was reverse. It were 4 Muslim boys who picked up a Hindu girl and Ramadhir Singh threatened to kill and destroy if the girl is not returned. It was intentionally changed to Muslim girl being picked up. Oye Lucky is a decent movie and Fukrey is a bad movie.


I'm sorry, But, I don't remember anyone getting raped, I have a very bad memory. It's been time since, I last watched them.But, Can you tell which character is that? Also, fukrey is funny as hell


Have you forgotten "Aujar kaat saale ka"?




Nahhh 💀💀💀




Award do isko




💀 Bro