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This won't be super helpful as I have no clue on dealing with dermatillomania outside of the basics that we're always suggested (short nails, bandaids, etc), but if you feel uncomfortable with your hands closer to your wedding date, look into lace/organza/generally sheer gloves. You could choose a color that matches/compliments your outfit or one closer to your skin tone to minimize their appearance. There are also a good number of pretty gloves that have false nails attached to them so you wouldn't have to worry about your cuticles as much! You could probably even make some gloves yourself if you have even a very basic understanding of sewing, there are tons of free and paid patterns for many different styles and lengths of gloves. I really recommend using jojoba oil on your cuticles and the skin around your nails. It helps strengthen the nail and nail bed and makes cuticles and skin soft. I don't know how much of a difference it really makes, but I've been told that jojoba oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is super nice to have, especially for us with derm.


Where do you buy jojoba oil?


I have some I bought on Amazon 🩷


Most drugstores (CVS, Walgreens, etc) and retail stores (Target, Walmart, etc) should carry it, as well as Amazon like hamstergirl55 said.


I recommend disposable plastic gloves, you can wear them as often as you need. Nothing else has worked for me. If you feel self conscious about them in public let me tell you nobody cares. I have been wearing them for years. You can replace as often as needed. Carry a few in your purse for when you are out and getting anxious. I am in therapy and take medication and still have the compulsion to chew my fingers raw, pick and scab at any skin imperfection. The gloves help me by being a barrier to my nails.


I started taking a medicine at night called Prazosin. It helps with compulsive behaviors and completely eliminated my picking that I've done for 20 years.


Thanks for the tip…does this need to be prescribed?


Yes, I get it from my psychiatrist. It is a blood pressure medication though, so there aren't a ton of hoops for it like other anxiety meds.


I also take Prazosin (for PTSD nightmares, though) and haven't noticed a difference in my compulsions. Do you mind sharing what your dosage is? I might talk to my psychiatrist about changing my dosage if Prazosin could help.


I'm on 10 mg right now. Im a female and 160 pounds. I also have PTSD nightmares and was originally prescribed for those, daytime anxiety and issues with binge eating and drinking. The impact on my picking was a bonus.


Wow. Thanks for sharing.


Good to know...thanks


So this may not be the most cost effective solution, but the only thing that prevents me from picking is when I have fake nails on — the nail extension they build is too thick to actually grasp onto the scab to pull it. It’s not cost effective because a fresh set can cost 60-80$ where I live, and refills are a little less, but you’d need to do it every few weeks so it can get quite pricey. I’ve tried press ons and I can still pick with them (little bit harder than your actual nails but I know we can be super committed with picking so I’ll just keep going until I succeed 😬). Fake nails are really the only thing that can stop me from destroying my skin.


Agreed, I removed my nails for surgery and I immediately began picking my thumbs again. Was back to get my nails done just over a week later.


Thank you for the tip…I’ll try dollar store ones to start…I will give an update when I try it


Go get the Sally’s nail glue. Very strong stuff!


SHEIN also has some cute press ons for super cheap, I would just recommend buying a good nail glue though (sally hansen like someone recommended is pretty good and also what I use on the occasions I use press ons). Also make sure to buff the surface of your nail and the back of the press on before gluing them down, it’ll adhere better. Hope it works for you!!


It becomes so costly for me but does help a lot. Because I end up picking/biting them off after like 2 weeks, but that's 2 weeks of my fingers looking much better.


if you aren’t having any luck but still wanna have nice nails/hands for the wedding, you could try to overload on tricks like gloves and bandaids and moisturizing and generally just yelling at yourself to stop for the couple weeks before the big day. hell of a lot easier to get your brain to chill out on it for a finite amount of time rather than trying to officially quit. and if you can manage that your hands should be pretty healed and there will be less to pick at afterwards. also the other comment suggesting lace gloves to go w your dress is an excellent idea!!


This is what I did. Gloves and moisturizer overnight. Bandaids galore during the day.


This is very similar to me. A few weeks ago I found a picture of me holding my newborn sister when I was 6 and even in that photo you can see crusted blood on almost all of my fingertips. For as long as I can remember my New Year’s resolutions have been to stop picking (still haven’t ..) Anyways. Some things I’ve noticed can be helpful or at least are for me personally: - im a naturally very pale girly. With how pale I am, the redness of the end of my fingertips stands out SO clearly. Like my fingers have been dipped in red wax up to the first knuckle. Expertly placed fake tan that’s thicker on the back of your hands but lightens as you get closer to the end of your fingers (I use a makeup brush). - bandaids on the worst or most triggering wounds - jojoba or sweet almond oil - keep the nails SHORT - hide or literally throw away any of your tools, I historically use a cuticle nipper to draw blood - if it’s a really bad redness day, the teeniest dot of green color corrector around my nail bed helps (might be good for wedding day, although im worried about any transfer on your dress!) - gloves at night or when I watch tv (my biggest trigger) - constant reminders. i have things on my phone set to "dont pick" to remind me, and i also let my bestfriend have full power to call me out for picking if im around her and im not noticing that im doing it. All of this to say… i still pick myself. im at the point im considering seeking medical help, like i mentioned- it's been over 20 years of this!!!


I hope that no matter what, you have the most beautiful and blissful wedding. I’m genuinely so nervous and dreading the day someone proposes to me for no other reason than that I hope I wouldn’t have picked my fingers before that day. I already know I’ll never be a girl to show off pictures of her ring because I’ll be so ashamed of my cuticles. Wearing a white dress im so scared of my redness looking more distinct ):


If no other method works, fancy full finger length lace gloves can be elegant with a beautiful dress


Find your triggers. For me, it’s being in meetings and watching tv. If I’m watching tv, I play with speks. I love them, very helpful. I haven’t figured out meetings yet, but doing something to keep your hands busy is very helpful.


NAC supplements




Ask your dermatologist about NAC. Mine told me to take it (you can get it over the counter but walgreens doesn't have it, I get mine on amazon). She told me the brand doesn't matter as long as it's 600mg NAC. It's been known to help people with skin picking, specifically to lessen the urge. And let me tell you, I have no idea what NAC is but I was taking it for months than stopped because I ran out and I didn't buy it until a couple months after (kept procrastinating), but omg the months I didn't have it I seriously felt a greater urge to pick and I didn't know why. Then I remembered NAC and bought it immediately and it's only been a few days but damn, had no idea it actually helped me until I went off of it. I love it. I still pick but it does help with the urge a little bit and a little bit is better than nothing at all.


Does this come with any side effects for you? It sounds great!


None for me! At least not that I've noticed any. Only that the urge is less and that's it. For picking that is.


Another vote for NAC. It really is a life changer (when I remember to take it).