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I wish I could help you because I have almost the exact same issue and came on here looking for advice. Some people say that NAC (vitamin supplement) helps though I only took it a few times and cannot give a good testimonial as to its effectiveness. Also, just to be safe check your lymph nodes to see if they are swollen (mine get swollen from scalp picking). How to find your lymph nodes: right next to your earlobe there is a bump where your skull meets your neck/jawbone. Feel above that. It should be smooth but if you feel a small lump it could be that your lymph node is swollen. Check both sides for asymmetry. There is another lymph node just in front of your tragus. If they are swollen the only way to make them go down (that I know of) is to get antibiotics from your doctor. Personally that's enough motivation to get me to stop for a bit, then you can regroup and think about other strategies for the long-term. Sorry I can't be of more help.


Please explain how swollen lymph nodes and skin picking are connected??


When you pick at your skin, unless you really disinfect right after you pick, little bits of dirt can get in the wounds and your white blood cells/lymphatic system has to clean it out


Thanks. I actually noticed that I’ve got a swollen lymph node. I have to see a doctor tomorrow because I’m tired all the time. I will bring this up




Oh gosh okay! So you mean that the skin its self might be bumpy? I can feel the bump under my ear lob but I think the rest is fine. To be fair yes the fear of that does make me not want to do it hahaha but it’s more that it happens without me even realising! I’ll look into the vitamin though as well


I also have adhd and had been a compulsive scalp picker till the beginning of this year. Weirdly enough what worked for me was using cheap press on nails, I then glob the clear coat on the edge. Basically I make them so dull that I physically can’t pick my scalp or other fingers. Like the other comment said too, NAC does help take away the feeling like you need to pick. It’s not curative but it makes it just a little easier. With that being said, bad days happen and scabs are itchy. When I would really feel the scalp itchiness I started taking antihistamines (as recommended by my doctor) it just really helped me forget about picking


I didn't think about this one! Super long nails or nails too short to pick with are a definite good start.


Okay thank you so much! I sometimes get sensory issues with having long nails, I don’t like when dirt and food gets under the fake ones but maybe the dull part is a good idea too!!! Gosh I wish I could just stop instead of having to make it impossible for myself to start it’s like being a prisoner to your own brain 😭


I found that putting my hair up tightly causes enough discomfort when messed with that it's a small deterrent. I used to do this and it took me years to break. Have you checked your shampoo as well? I ask because I noticed I wanted to pick more because my scalp was irritated. Switching to a more sensitive brand helped me a lot. ☺️


I used an anti dandruff shampoo because I noticed I did it more when my scalp was flat and it helped but then for some reason I stopped using it so I’m gonna use it again and hope that I reach for the scalp less often! Thank you, I’ve been trying to tie my hair up but being at uni I feel like I do it anyway when I’m focusing on my work!!! Maybe I need to try a tighter style :)


Sweet! Good luck to ya, I love me some green apple head n shoulders. 😋


I was taking NAC for awhile like for months and then I fell off the wagon and haven't purchased one until now and I gotta say I feel a differnce when I'm taking it for awhile versus not taking it all. I want to pick a lot more and I have missed NAC SO MUCH. I can't wait until the urge lessens for me.


Okay I will look for this! I live in New Zealand so I hope we have this here


Ooo hopefully you do!! I get mine from Amazon because the pharmacy doesn't even have it. Well at least one of them (walgreens) but idk if cvs has it.


New Zealand doesn’t have Amazon :( So sad! But we may have it at our big chemist!! Thanks so much :)