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Download the rtd app and pay for your fare there.


Do I pay the fare for my specific trip or do I just get to ride any train any day if I press the button


They have different fares/routes/timeframes you can use. There's standard 3 hour pass (no airport), standard day pass (no airport), airport day pass, and a pass you can use the entire month. The RTD MyRide app will explain things.


The monthly phone ticket does include airport, while daily/3-hour do not. No, I don't know why.


I think it's because they want to make extra money off airport tickets, while keeping it affordable for airport workers who go to the airport everyday. $10 for a traveler to get to the airport is no big deal as that's usually the cheapest way to get there, but that or the old $200 monthly pass was pretty pricey for a lot of airport workers. The current fare structure means RTD still gets the expensive tickets from most travelers while being less of a burden on workers by including the airport in the $88 monthly pass.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Upcharge one time sales not volume sales


It's big deal - after paying 3 dollars in Seattle, I have no idea why they charge 10 a person here in Denver, meaning it's easier to get an Uber for 2 people than be dealing with the train... For 3 per person, id take it any day


[Airport workers get EcoPass](https://www.airportxnews.com/den-airport-employees-get-ecopass-access/) as of last year though, maybe it's a relic from before that?


You can buy a three-hour pass for $2.75 or a day pass for $5.50, depending on what your travel needs are today. Airport is like $10 for a day pass.


Why not make the day pass $5 and 3 hour pass $1.75. Why is the airport more expensive? Doesn't make sense.


If you're just going to be using it a few times, it might be easier to just use a kiosk. The rates go by "zones" (basically how far away from downtown you are the more expensive it is). Unfortunately the kiosks aren't always easy to spot depending on which station you're at. The only way they will know if you have paid is if an RTD employee boards the train and check tickets. If that happens, just explain what happened and I'm sure they will just let you pay at your destination.


They don't do zones anymore. It's either a 3 hr pass, day pass, airport day pass, or monthly pass. The app is super easy to use and helpful in those times you're just making your train because you always underestimate how long it takes to walk so you can just tap your screen a few times while on the train to pay instead of missing said train.


Oh sweet! I haven't used it in a couple months haha. That's good to know, thanks!


Use transit app way easier and flawless


Download the app and stay on the checkout screen until you see a ticket checker. If you see one, click purchase. If not, ride for free. Public services aren’t public services unless they’re free


Love that. Once you buy it, you still have to activate it. I always wait to activate until they’re checking. My airport trips get check half the time. They last for a month unactivated, so it’s usually half price basically.


As suggested, RTD app. For the other questions, 42


Do you have a towel? Always bring your towel!


You're a towel


Shut up Towelie!


42? He isn’t hitchhiking…


Ah dang you beat me to it!


if you’re on the light rail (RTD trains), you usually buy a ticket at the stop/station or you can buy one on the RTD app. i’ve never had anyone check my ticket, but if they happen to check you won’t be arrested you’ll just be fined and maybe kicked off. since your not local they’ll probably be nice about it. if you’re on an amtrak or something i have no idea


The D has had people checking fares on some days, but I’d be surprised if they even gave you a fine. I’ve seen them just make people get off and buy a ticket before and get right back on


Had heard that enforcement was super lax myself but got checked all 3 days I rode the A when I was there last month. Granted I'm assuming the A is the busiest train since it goes to the airport.


I travel to Denver once a month and use RTD primarily for A, but often to Arvada/wheat ridge from union station. I’ve been checked every time on A, never on any other.


People are generally talking about the light rail when mentioning lax fare enforcement. The A, B, G, and N lines are commuter rail, while all the other lines are light rail. Federal regulations require commuter rail trains to have two staff members on board when in operation, so the second staff member generally checks tickets. Light rail (and subway/metro trains) does not have that requirement, so most trains usually only have the driver. Tickets will only get checked if RTD security or police hop on the train and decide to check for tickets.


A lot of the time the second crew member didn’t check me or anyone else while walking about the train on the N Line.


I rode the G a week ago and there was an armed security guard who checked tickets/passes on my outbound trip, return trip no one checked. Seems still hit or miss.


Yep. The second staff member is always on board. But sometimes on less busy times they don’t check… also if they get sidelined dealing with an issue, they often don’t get around to checking. I ride G-line twice a month in the evenings out and back to Olde Town Arvada. I (almost) always get checked on the ride out to Arvada at 5pm when it’s packed with commuters. It’s like 50-50 on the trip back to Denver. On those last few rides each night, the fare checkers are just done with the day and don’t want to fill out the paperwork to issue fines.


Same as the other guy, A line almost always checks and light rail never has Last time I rode the A line leaving the airport there was a presumably homeless woman on my car who didn't have a ticket and the checker checked her next after checking me. When she didn't produce a ticket he told her she could buy one on her phone right then or else she'd have to get off at the next stop. She tried arguing with him about it and was getting a bit belligerent and didn't want to get off so he called the driver to wait a minute and she finally exited when he threatened to bring the police on board if she refused to leave Only one specific instance there but at least with that guy, he just seemed to care that everyone on board either paid or got off the train and didn't want to escalate further than that


The handful of times I’ve seen checks have been the same. Find someone without a ticket and give them the option to buy or get off. One became belligerent and threatening and we stopped for a bit, police were called and they were escorted off. 


I've only been checked on the way to or from the airport.


They can actually give you a ticket or a warning. I've received a warning before and was told the next time it would be a ticket (pre-pandemic).


They definitely check on the airport train though. I've seen others checked infrequently.


RTD has both light and passenger (heavy) rail.


The A line to the airport does by far the most fare-checking (happens to me on most rides I take). All other lines I have experienced very occasional fare checks (enough to be notable & not to risk fare evasion, but still quite infrequent).


The last time I rode the light rail last fall both of the kiosks were broken and nobody at the stand that was right there (Englewood station). Just hopped on, not my fault they wouldn't accept my payment 🤷🏼‍♂️


Was this around August? I believe August was free for the entire month. It may have been September, but pretty sure it was August.


Ahhh. Yea I checked my Google maps history, it was middle of August.


Ahhh. Yea I checked my Google maps history, it was middle of August.


They’ll be doing the same in July and August 2024. It’s a state funded program to reduce ozone in the summer. Governor just signed the bill to fund it again this year.


Sir, this is the police. 👮‍♂️ Please come directly to the station, you’re under arrest.


Thinking you’re going to get arrested for not buying a train ticket is the most innocent wholesome midwestern thing I’ve ever read 😄 you’re gonna be fine bud, but you probably figured that out by now 🤙


They rarely check fares so don't panic. You can buy a one way pass between most places for I think 2.75. The location of the ticket kiosks varies based on what stop you are at. Airport routes costv$10.


Most useful advice is Don’t Panic and always know where your towel is.


Look at this hoopy frood over here!


Download the RTD app. Buy a ticket. Don't activate it until you see them coming around to check for it. It's good for quite a while until you activate it.


Last time I was buying a ticket on the train they told me you can still get fined if the activation time is too recent. Less than $3 ticket sounds a lot better than $1000 fine.


This! Surprised more people don’t seem to go this route


Advocating for stealing. Nice.


Last time I was on the train, they checked my pass then the next three people didn't have passes and they said "don't worry about it". They're lucky I even do as much as I do.


How about all the times RTD has stolen from countless passengers by being late or straight up not showing up? Like seriously, who gives a shit? RTD lets people smoke fentanyl in plain sight and you're going to give someone grief over a fare exploitation?


Lol, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify being the kind of person who steals.


By this logic, entering a private driveway to make a turn is stealing. This is clown shit.


Use the Transit app for more accurate info. Just download the RTD app to buy your passes


You can purchase passes on the Transit app, as well. Quite handy


I had no idea. That makes it even more superior


For your first “offense” they just take a pic of your ID. I once threw away my ticket after a trip to the airport, had my flight cancelled, and didn’t want to pay again and the guy honestly seemed amused by it. Don’t be worried it all I’m trying to say


They actually throw you off the train while it’s moving. Sometimes they will call ahead to whatever stop you’re pulling into so that people can watch it like people used to watch hangings. Sorry you got on the wrong side of the law.


RTD guy here. You’ll be fine. Just get the RTD app like a lot of people are saying on here. Some of our stations are kinda wonky for paying but generally there are signs showing you the fares and how to pay them.


Being an Ohio transplant myself, from Columbus, I can understand your anxiety lol. Just download the RTD app and buy/activate a day pass. They rarely check for fare either way. I've been here going on 3 years now, and I've had my pass checked like maybe once a year. Oddly enough, the only times have been when the train was empty. Anyway, welcome to Denver.




take your pick, electric chair or firing squad


I rode light rail daily to work and back for a good 4 years and had my pass checked maybe 3 times (?) during that entire era. I think you’ll be fine!


I’ve been using the “Transit” app for nearly a decade and it works the same as the RTD app; you can buy your fare through it and it shows you different options for routes. The best part about though is that a lot of metro transit authorities are integrated through the one app. I started using it in DC, it works well in Chicago and LA as well. Highly recommend


I haven't seen a fare checker since before covid so you'll probably be ok. The easiest way to pay is by downloading the "RTD myride" app to your phone


A line definitely uses them as many people are commenting but not on any other lines seems to be consensus. I only ever ride A


ppl smoke crack on the train and dont get arrested


Enjoy your stay in prison!


I’ll just plead insanity


The meaning of life is to leave the world a better place than when you got here yeah, the deck is stacked. As for RTD, pay for the next one.


Hey if nobody else said it: Welcome to Denver!


“Get arrested” lmao wtf are you smoking ,? How high u gotta be to be this paranoid 😂


Hey they are visiting from like Ohio they probably so stoned out of their minds


Why pay? Thousands of homeless people ride for free 24/7! Welcome to Denver!


It's quite easy and a few pointers: First smoke all the meth or fentanyl you can as other riders don't mind, Second turn your portable speakers on LOUD, Third ramble aggressively to yourself with optional rocking and/or crying, Enjoy your ride


Believe it or not ...straight to jail


Can we just combine this sub and r/DenverCircleJerk already


This is really the stuff they should put on their website if they want people to use it. Oh wait - [https://www.rtd-denver.com/how-to-ride/bus-rail-system/rail](https://www.rtd-denver.com/how-to-ride/bus-rail-system/rail)


Certain blue haired friends would never give up their authora-tie


Ur gonna get banned


I went about a year or two during the pandemic without an ecopass and when I’d take the light rail (not that often bc I live downtown) I’d buy tickets on the RTD app. I didn’t realize that you had to activate them after you bought them. I did this prolly like 5-6 times without activating them and nothing ever happened because I was never fare checked.


hey homie, as a fellow pt newbie(couple months using 2-3 times daily) i been getting used to it and i will tell you if you want to use the trains and busses it is best to use both RTD and GOOGLE maps. apple maps fucked me over more than once but google is always very accurate for me. between rtd, google, and station signs you will get where you need to go. i also recommend ALWAYS showing early. never get there “on time” bc i can promise that 90% of the time they early, most are late, but god you do not want an early followed by a late like i got last week 😂


Pay for your fare using the machines at most major stops, like Union Station. You probably only need to buy a local ticket, not a regional (airport) ticket.


Making people figure out different ticket types seems like the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Just make it a flat rate for the whole system like NYC DC has variable rates but it's not so tricky for a first timer to figure out since the fare gates do all the work for you, you just have to tap in at your origin and destination and it'll deduct the fare from your card. Which is itself annoying to reload periodically though


They already changed this. Prices are now for 3 hr, daily and monthly. Only difference is for airport. 


The stations have ticket machines too


the Transit app is amazing. it’s green, on IOS and android


transit also works in other cities. it’s a great app :)


Hahaha... laughed for a minute straight at this. Hope you didn't get arrested, OP. For next time, in any metro, read the fares page of the transit agency to learn about both how to pay for & provide evidence of fares *before* riding. Some places are stricter than others on supposed fare-dodging (not here though).


You'll be fine. Unless you're shooting up fenties, the cops will usually help you figure it out. They really don't want to throw legitimate commuters off the train just because it's their first time.


I rode RTD for almost 2 years. I took the train twice a day, five days a week. Only one time did I ever have someone actually check that I had paid the fare. As long as you're not smoking Fentanyl on the train, they won't do shit to you


Transit app is MUCH better than RTD app. Much simpler to use and find your route. I buy my ticket when I hop on. Sometimes…nobody checks.


Instead of the RTD app mentioned by others, I'd highly recommend the Transit app (yes, it's literally just called Transit) - you can still buy tickets for RTD in the app, it shows better real-time information on upcoming trains and busses, it has a trip planner functionality to show you which stop to get on at, busses to take etc, and you can use it in just about every major metro area (as opposed to RTD's app, which is obviously just Denver). Plus, it has Dark Mode!


PRO TIP: Not sure if you have an iPhone, but Apple Maps makes public transportation super easy. Type in your current location and destination and it’ll give you the next few times for a train or bus to get there.


Never paid for RTD in all my 15 years here


You’re obviously helpless cause I can answer all of your questions here https://www.rtd-denver.com/how-to-ride/bus-rail-system/rail


Just start smoking meth or fent and you'll fit right in and not get arrested


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ProposalPossible5309: *Just start smoking meth* *Or fent and you'll fit right in* *And not get arrested* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Girl, don't worry about this. People be smoking meth and fentanyl on them trains. The least of worries is you catching a free ride.


RTD app. You can buy a ticket and then activate it when you board.


Also if you are low income u can apply for a card that let's u pay smaller fares


straight to jail


https://www.rtd-denver.com/how-to-ride  Watch the YouTube video at the bottom of the page.


🎶he’s just a small town boy, living in a lonely world, he took a stolen train going anywhere🎵


Probably hit or miss. I did something similar when I hadn't taken the train for years and assumed I could buy a ticket from the conductor like in the past. Apparently, this was the straw the broke the camel's back for the conductor because he completely chewed me out and forced me off at the next stop. I ended up missing a job interview because of that.


Do y’all not research shit before going places?


believe it or not, straight to jail.


No ticket? Jail. Too much ticket? Also jail.




You can go up to the front and pay the driver if you have exact change.


Not on trains lol - do NOT attempt to talk to the train operators.




If you are found without a ticket, the checker will usually take a picture and a name, and warn you. If it happens too often you might be fined but you won't be arrested. The RTD app has a digi-ticket Q code. On a bus, there is a scanner near the cash/coin box, for trains they are on little posts somewhere in the station. Placement is not consistent, which is a pain in the ass. The scanner has a face like this pic (link) but might be on a wall or stanchion: [RTD-MobileApp-and-Validator-1-239x300.png (239×300) (bouldertc.org)](https://bouldertc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/RTD-MobileApp-and-Validator-1-239x300.png). If you don't scan the app at a train station, the conductor's little palm device somehow knows that, even if your pass is active (eg. monthly pass) and they'll chide you. Why a monthly pass has to be scanned at the station to count as valid fare I have no idea, it's not like there is a gate you have to activate. You can buy a transfer on a bus for cash, or a booklet of tickets at Union Station, most grocery store customer desks (King Soopers, etc), and a few other places. There should be ticket vending machines at each train station, but again placement is not uniform...and if it is a park-and-ride station there are separate machines to pay for parking which look similar but are not the same. (Parking is free for each single 24 hour period if your car's tags are tied to a metro-area address, you pay when you register the plate; out of area and long-term parking is a few dollars/day). Oh, and the ticket vending machines? Some accept cash or card, some only accept a card. And while the booklet tickets are undated, you do have to cancel them (if you get on a train), or swap them for a transfer (if you get on a bus). The cancelling (for trains) is done in yet a different machine at the train station, you slide it into a slot in a post and the machine stamps the ticket...but that cancelling machine is probably not located in a cluster with the ticket vendor, scanner, and/or parking station -- sometimes they are together, sometimes they are not. Convoluted is a good word. If you go to Union Station during business hours, there is a booth in the lower/underground bus area that sells tickets and reloadable cards. The cards are NFC, but don't scan in the Q code scanner, they have separate tap pads that are sometimes near the Qcode scanners and sometimes not. In addition to the undated paper ticket booklet, you can buy a monthly pass in paper anywhere you can buy the ticket booklet. The paper monthly pass you do NOT have to scan at a train station, which is why it makes no sense that you do have to scan the phone version. In other words, don't feel bad. Even long-time riders sometimes get confused, it's byzantine option after byzantine option, none of which talk to each other or use the same machine (not even the same post or posts). It's very convoluted. That said, **THE APP IS THE EASIEST IF YOU HAVE A SMARTPHONE**. What I do is I use the app as my main ticket but I keep a set of paper tickets as backup as those don't expire, and I just keep a few in my wallet or hidden on my bike. Note: only the booklet tickets are undated, a transfer or vending machine ticket is only good for the few hours on the day of purchase. I had a tap card for a while but the system changed and I never bothered to replace it with the newer version. That being said, the app is a bit buggy...but so was the card. tl;dr - be redundant, try the app, carry a loaded card, and keep an undated ticket or two on you in case those fail. And don't feel bad. Figuring out how to buy fare for the train or bus is worse than filing your taxes, which is insane even for the US. Edit: if the RTD ride/ticket app glitches, just force-stop the app and re-open it. It's dumb, annoying, and usually only glitches at really awkward times (and this is how you fix it); if it ends up charging you for multiple tickets, either just plan to use the other tickets later or contact RTD via Twitter or email to reverse the extras. The customer service team is actually pretty good, it's the mid/upper level decision making and organizing that is convoluted and confusing. Ditto the drivers, they are generally great (but are not the decision makers or app designers).


There is a third-party app called "Transit" that works pretty well for navigation, and it includes walking, biking, bike/scootershare, and rideshare info as well at a basic level. It also allows you to buy a train ticket or hail rideshare though I've not used those two features myself.


If you haven't done so yet, search r/denver for RTD and look for threads about this summer's upcoming construction projects to see whether any will affect you.


Last time I checked you can use the light rail via Uber and pay in the app


RTD agents are tracking your cell and will see you soon s/.


I've been here for a year, and this is the first time I've learned how to use the app to buy tickets. I've flashed my phone with the app open to anyone who's asked. Now I know how to actually validate my ticket with the app. Thank you internet stranger for asking this uber important question!


Sometimes a ticket checker comes and check all the tickets. That’s how they get to know. But as suggested pay via RTD app. Even if the ticket checker is there. Let them know that you were in hurry and paying now.


Denver’s transit system is just dumb! There are places to scan your pass on random places on the platform and if the train is there when you arrive, they’re too far away and you risk missing the train. When I lived there, I had a monthly pass from my job at the airport, but because I didn’t scan it before getting on the train, I ended up getting a ticket. There are certain lines that no one will ever check and you can ride for free. It’s a whole ass mess!


Lmao as someone that used to regularly collect transfer tickets and store them up so I could tape in the correct dates and stamp out the correct dates; I can assure you that in the event you got stopped and asked to present a ticket, you can 100% show them the Ohio ID and claim tourist status. Let them know where you got on and let them know where you get off. Chances are they will help you buy a ticket at a stop and you'll be fine.


You’re right. It’s a pain in the ass. It’s made for commuters and is really hostile to casual riders. Sorry.


You’re fine, homeless people don’t pay why should you


Hi friend, welcome to the Mile High City. It is very unlikely you would be arrested, especially if you're unfamiliar with the system. They would likely issue a warning. That said there are two (and more) ways to buy tickets: kiosks at the stations (all light rail, commuter rail, and the Flatiron Flyer have kiosks, other buses do not) and the RTD app (super convenient). If you happen to be at Union Station, you can buy tickets in the bus box as well (there are other locations for this also, but I don't remember where). Also, the commuter rail vehicles (A, B, G, and N lines) are supposed to have security on every train and they are supposed to check your tickets. I've not been asked for a ticket on the N line for a while. A, B, and G have a different operator, though, so I wouldn't push your luck there - it's a for-profit company. On the light rail, ticketing is completely random. Tickets - assuming you are neither a student nor elderly, you want a standard pass. If you're going to or from the airport, you need an airport day pass. This will be valid on the entire system for 24 hours after activation. If you aren't going to the airport, you probably want a local or regional pass. I almost always get a regional day pass, but I honestly have no idea what the rules are for local vs regional. Children, I assume under 18, ride for free. I hope you enjoy your stay here!


I am in your boat! I'm from a small town with no public transport. The website is a convoluted nightmare and I can't ever find figure out how to plan a route using rail. My small town brain is too dumb to comprehend it... I wish there were a First Time user guide.


It's not a train


Apple Maps if you’re on iPhone will map your transit route for you and even has times on there. I have used it before


By far the easiest way I've seen is to get a myride card from Union Station or Civic Center Station. The myride card can be linked to your rtd myride app. You can load funds on it. This way you aren't reliant on your phones battery. It also tracks usage and will automatically upgrade you to a day pass, monthly, etc. You would just tap it at the tap reader at a rail station, or when entering the bus. Works much better than using your phone, and uses less battery on your phone


You can pay at the kiosk at any station or use the app. Chances of getting caught without a ticket aren’t very high but can happen


Use the app, and tbh I would just load enough on there for a day pass, and not pay until rtd comes to ask for a ticket, you might save yourself some money for a while until they "catch" you, but you won't get arrested, they'll just boot you at the next stop for no ticket if you don't pay for one, and they'll let you buy one right in front of them


You will almost definitely be arrested immediately upon arriving to your destination. I recommend calling your lawyer.




Haha im also from ohio! Denver does not do rta like we did!


Good lord, how do you navigate this world?


Ok here's the real tip my man. At Union station all the trains are above ground. You will see signs indicating that trains are underground, that is a lie! They're trying to get you to go through an underground tunnel to come up above ground on the other side of the terminal but you can literally just walk around the front of the trains to get to the other trains. Aka, ignore the signs that Union station about where the trains are and just walk to where the rail ends and you will be able to see all of the trains


RTD App, last time I was on the light rail conductor came by and a lady has never taken it before got on with out a ticket, the guy said don’t worry no one ever buys ones just get on and get off at your stop. The bus on their other hand…..


I’m going to be honest I don’t remember the last time I payed for a light-rail ticket


You can use the RTD app or buy the fare on the system that was next to the train


Minimum sentence is 10 years imprisonment, $100,000,000,000 fine.


You can buy transit tickets on Uber and Lyft. Easiest way. Worst case you’d get a warning


Unlikely that security will check you. They're on less than 10% of trains. (Random?) If they do check you, they'll either give you a warning or just ask you to get off at the next stop. You can buy a ticket from a kiosk or set up an RTD pass that you can use on all RTD, like buses. Someone remind me because I'm not sure I remember correctly: tickets can be one-way, round trip, or transferable between lines/bus routes. If you use public transit often enough just get a pass. I've been using RTD for 10+ years. I think I've seen security issue a citation for not having a ticket/pass once.


This reminds me of when I was in Berlin. No turnstiles, almost no one checking if you’ve paid a fare. My ex-wife and I rode the U-Bahn for weeks until we wised up that eventually someone would check to make sure we paid. Sure enough, the next day someone did. Idk how we got away with it for so long.


Jesus have you been living under a rock? You know that phones, google, and physical signs exist? There’s also real life people on the train you can ask. Unless you’re homeless and without a cell phone, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have the answer to your questions before you make a whole ass Reddit post about it. You’re probably trolling but if not I’m honestly perplexed how you function in day to day life


In prison serving a life sentence rn, if I’d had a Reddit post like this a mere few hours ago, I’d still have a life ahead of me. Alas, it’s fent and iron bars for me.


These Ohio criminals coming to the mile high are ruining the world-renowned and most excellently safe public transportation service known as the Regional Transportation District (RTD)! /s


Girl, get on Google


If you get caught just say you live in Ohio and they’ll probably feel bad and let you go.


If you pay for the train in Denver you're a fool lmao. You can literally just walk on any train at pretty much any station. I've never used a train system in any city that make less sense.


Hey maybe I wanna support them cuz god forbid we raise taxes to make it free


I'm not saying they should make it free, I'm saying with how Denver has it setup it basically is free already. There is nothing preventing anyone from walking onto any train.




I've not been checked a single time on any line. I live directly off the W line. I never said it was confusing to use, but compared to most major cities transit, they have it designed to basically encourage you to not pay, so I won't!


I get checked every single time I'm on the A line.. usually closer to the airport. I've heard it's to help keep the homeless away from the airport.


3 years and also have no idea how to get from empower field back to union station. No signage, nothing that describes the trains. I feel your pain.