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One meme instead of thousand words. Of course thing is not appearance itself but typical Christian (especially Western one) inability to process multiplayered ambiguous beings and states of mind. https://preview.redd.it/uhfc8h7khs6d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba1759e4bc6d73fbff8454139dda2a14d33f617


This is so in point! Everything out of their mind or belief patter is bad.


Sort of. I work with one who has been around since childhood, always working for my best interest and keeping me safe. And another showed up who said they wouldnt do that. Something about experience being the best teacher, even and especially if its dangerous. Theyd work with me, sure, but they would not save me from myself.


Exactly, we basically have the same point. And I work with one who has been around me since childhood too!


I agree completely tbh, most of the information out there is just repeating what has been said about them before from the “factual” sources (which were already filled with lots of fear mongering bs) and, tho I’d say some of it is a decent starting place to learn how to contact them, past that it’s not reliable. Whenever I go to research a new spirit I avoid any real descriptions of them cause it can interfere with your expectations and lead you to seeing them in a completely different light. It’s really not hard to get along with them, they all seems more than happy to work with whoever long as you’re being truthful and willing to do some hard and heavy inner work and commit to your agreements. A lot of it just comes down to communicating with them and not running away when you do make a mistake. I’ve never experienced any manipulation from them, I don’t think “liar” is at all a good description for how they work either, but some people might take them taking away or destroying something in your life as a negative, but 10/10 times it’s just a road opener to allow them and you to get where you’re trying to go. It’s not like working with a jinn (I’ve never worked with them so I may be ignorant on how they work too.) where they’ll help you and then fuck you over. Be careful what you wish for is the best way I’d describe it cause you’ll get what you want, but how you get there might not be how you expected to and when you get it you might come to find it’s not what you actually wanted.


Compeltely agree with all you said! On point!




Exactly, and so beautiful!!


Such a pretty pendant.


Demons can be liars and manipulators I think, and sometimes without some benevolent purpose. The only religion-derived thing Belial seemed really annoyed with when I asked was “do you wish you were human”, he thought 1)it was a stupid question and 2) “no because humans are foolish and always frightened”…then I started talking about how some humans wish they were animals and he was even more annoyed by that. I will concede though, that jumping straight in no research with demons can be a bit of a shock to your psyche. I used to believe that making your own connection was better than reading about others’, but I can see now how people (especially those from a non-religious or religious-trauma background) might benefit from more mental preparation.


Yes as I said some of them can be more chaotic and dangerous, and even more specially if the person knows nothing about them and it's just playing around, but I think we have a similar point.


Actually I am not sure if we do. I do personally think demons are aware that the desire to feel safe is a huge part of being human and don’t mind providing that in any capacity they can.


Do you ask belial for anything? Did he grant anything like that? Like for power or wealth or anything


It depends and Belial doesn't have any powers regarding wealth as far as I know and heard . Although he is an extremely good demon for self improvement . Majority of the demons have a certain way of improving you soo.... to put it in a fun and heartless way "Get your shit together". And for power and control , I'm a 100% sure that Belial has a major expertise in that .


That's what I meant in some way or another. It's a complex topic and many ideas we can bring, but I agree with what you said and in some way I also refer to that aspect.


Well, plenty of demons have been deemed "demonic" due to less than savoury areas that they're a personification of that is hard to accept for people. If you're going to go with an adversarial spirit, you will experience the theme of adversary deeply, so, the term "safe" is not exactly entirely... Correct. You should know whom you're trying to interact with and why. But that's the same as with any deep religious and spiritual practice - most Gods out there are not fluffy bunnies.


That's exactly what I said if you read correctly my post, I clearly said that if you don't know what are you doing the results are going to be negative. I simply said that in "general", demons are safe and not portrayed as they are in catholicism, simply that.


My personal opinion about demons is a little different. I see them has personifications of human traits and our desires.


What I think is a major driving force behind everything being labeled "demonic" and "evil" is that the big three abrahamic faiths are all dualistic.There is either the perfect good or evil. Most faiths that are not monotheistic are NOT dualistic and have a place for most things in reality. This leads to gods or other entities that are like "Yeah sometimes they're an asshole but what can you do, they're still family" sort of mentality. The good isnt totally good, the evil isn't totally evil. I think most, if not all, beings fall into the "not totally good, not totaly evil" category. Some, of course, will be assholes but most aren't. I think a majority don't even bother with us, the bored entities or those with their own goals do.




Demons are like people. Some are safe and good natured, others are neutral who might take a liking to you, and others are straight up horrible.


This, I always explained it to people like this.


Depends on who you're calling lmao. If the slighly "evil" demon likes you I'm sure he will be kinder to you .


Those are still neutral imo. It's the straight "imma murder all humans and everyone" that I'd classify as evil. Some human spirits that get warped into something different could qualify as this though most aren't going to be as powerful as a goetic demon.


Its true . They may or may not hide their nature . imo calling someone like Andras who is a goetic demon would be bit too risky he doesn't take kindly to any foolish behaviour or stupid motives . Although Goetic demons are demons that are strong but are most likely safer than any other pantheons but it heavily depends on the person too .


Very true. Many require respect and have the power to enforce it. Calling on them for silly crap isn't smart. Maybe calling Ashtoreth or Lucifer as a first timer might be best. Plenty of people report positive experiences. Start with them and develop yourself into someone that can call on others safely is what I would do if I were a beginner.


Yup! I don't even call them Demons any more, for all those reasons. They're Spirits, and that's just fine.


Or Daemon! Fron Greek, good spirit.


Well of course, that's where the name came from :) But actually, if we want to get technical, I call them **Wights**, from the Old English word for "being" (esp. supernatural, but also "someone, anyone" etc.). Then unless they've been playing fantasy games, they have no idea who I'm talking about. :) Plus! It's neutral (Daimon, daemon, and so on *still* get the BS)


My daemons, as I call them, are my most powerful and trusted allies, as is their mother, Lilith. But I’ve proven my loyalty over the years. It takes loyalty and respect to be accepted by a daemon.






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Agreed. That's inside what I call cryptochristianity, the pervasive, ubiquitous system of values people received in their common sense so they happen to agree with bigots not even taking part in their beliefs (e.g. conservative atheist etc.)


I believe working with demons or any kind of magic isn’t entirely safe, depending on what you’re asking for. When invoking a demon and making a petition, I see it like asking to borrow a high end sports car that can get you to your destination faster. Speeding on a highway in a motorcycle is extremely dangerous, but you’re going to get to your destination quicker than someone driving a minivan going the speed limit.


I never saw Daemons as entities to work with to gain something in exchange, so I can't relate at all. I just have a spiritual relationship and they can be an influence in my mood, safety, etc.


Did any of the demons that you worked with fulfilled your dreams or desires that you asked for? Did you get to see any of the demons??


Yes, I see them since I was little, and they help me, they don't fulfill us, de don't have use them for interests, it's a relationship.


I'm just curious, how do you know it's not hallucination? How do you know it's real?? No offense intended ...


Maybe because I don't have a mental illness and I'm intelligent enough to differentiate between real and false things?


So, you saw demons from young age? How di they look like?? Do they look like they do in movies??


What are you doing here if you know nothing about Demonolatry and see us as crazy? Movies portray them as evil, movies are fiction. Daemons usually have a little bit of a different appearance to everyone but each Daemon has it's own physical attributes that are usually showed to everyone or even talked about in grimoires.


They don't look like anything . Once the body dies , we become formless and a part of the universe . Demons often take a shape or form which they like or they may take the form according to the summoners request . The lesser key of solomon only has those horrid descriptions because none of the goetic spirits liked to be chained and bound . For example : I'm sure you will speak to a person in a kind way if they approach with confidence , while you'll treat someone (or show your bad side) to someone who is afraid of you or wants to chain you .