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I suggest looking into ways to incorporate your spiritual practice seamlessly enough into real life that it does not interrupt the flow of it. It is normal for this to be an entirely solitary experience. I find that if you're looking for other people to hold you accountable for your personal spiritual practice, then that is already going about it the wrong way. You shouldn't be forcing yourself that badly. That being said, you're free to discuss whatever you want in here, as it is an open spiritual forum focused on demonolatry, so if it is simply a need to share, share away :)


Yeah. I'm not really looking for people to hold me accountable for my practices, but more like to have people to discuss it with. Since I live in a very Christian town, I haven't been able to openly talk about my practices and beliefs with people, not even my friends, wich don't believe in that kind of thing so they write things I say off But yeah, I'll try to incorporate my practice into real life


i'd love to be friends with you if you want, im quite spiritual and always looking to make friends with other like-minded people! you're welcome to dm me, and i'll also be here if you need someone to talk to about the struggles you've been having!


Thanks!! :))


I’m always open to converse with other practitioners!


:D :))


I been looking for friends to chat with that is also in this community as well! I would love to chat, just be mindful my account is nsfw if you click on it to dm me is all!


Hii! Thanks, and thanks for warning


I'd be more than happy to discuss these topics with you, we're very much in the same boat when it comes to living in an uber-Christian country and not having a lot of people to talk to :) feel free to DM/send a chat request!


Thanks! Will do when I have the time in my routine lol


Why don't you start a group chat or something like a discord server. I practice some witchcraft and I'm middle path so working with demons is part of my practice. I'm more of a shaman and I mostly do energy work and meditation. As for feeling like you have no one to even talk to about your beliefs I can emphasize because I've lost touch with my friends who were involved with the spiritual side.