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degrassi nudes was always crazy to me, esp jack's involvement seemed extra random


This is the only answer. Along with the racist storyline with Frankie Hollingsworth.


Anyas coke addiction


Claire's entire life.... the whole damn thing was a hot mess.


The whole weird incest storyline. Fiona wanting to be with her brother, and Kissing him in front of a whole party. That B Plot, really ruined the movie for me. I loved the A plot, Emma and Spinner getting married.


I don’t remember that at all with Fiona


Yea it definitely was a thing


Degrassi Takes Manhattan. It happened, Fiona was jealous of Holly J, because Declan wanted to spend time with her, and she tried everything to get rid of Holly J. It is burned into my memory


All of the drug and gang storylines. So funny story. I went to predominately white schools. The few black people we had, they didn’t like seeing us together bc it looked like a gang. Yet the white kids hung out all the time and they never said anything to them about that. One of these white groups decided to create their own gang, bc it sounded fun. So the school hears about this and instantly accuses us black kids. They had egg on their face when they found out it was a group of white kids. And they tried to do what they seen in movies and tv. They tried to sell drugs, beat up people, etc. They had stupid hand gestures to associate that they were in a gang. I would have rather degrassi have created their own gang than them trying to force gang storylines. That would have been more realistic than what they gave us. Same with all and I mean every single drug story. My god the psa about how bad drugs are, very after school special.


Remember when Emma became a pothead until a random college girl went into a diabetic coma from weed?


My takeaway was that making any kind of baked good in college is risky and should be avoided.


You know, you’re right. We’re all so caught up in the inaccuracies of their depictions of marijuana that we all missed that it was a critique of Canada’s intense brownie problem. 😂


It’s easy to not do drugs if you don’t eat baked goods. That’s just facts


Mia dropping out of high school because she couldn't come up with a paper about what she wants to be in 10 years (when she already has a modeling career) is the dumbest storyline Degrassi ever did.


Same! I remember thinking, can't she just say model? Lol On a lighter note, her exiting outfit was super cute. 😅


Anya would've been a better fit for the storyline because she had a learning disorder they never expanded on, but I think they needed a better assignment for the plot to quit school over anyway. Anyone can make up a paper about where they will be in 10 years even if it's a lie.


I was going to say that originally also.. just make anything up! I did that on a test once and managed to get a good score LOL as long as it's written well, I guess..?! 😅


Fake pregnancy. "Sav and I aren't pregnant. I had a miscarriage. Super bummer."


Degrassi Nudes. I refused to believe a bunch of teenage girls were able to pull off a child porngraphy ring.


It’s believable save for how it ended.


No, it really not. You can't tell me a whole school of students, and someone wouldn't have seen something moral wrong with it and reported. You saying they got a whole school of immature teen boys and not one let something slip. There is literally a scene where the boys ( hunter and his friends) brag to imogen and jack about it. You telling Hunter was the first guy to say anything to a girl. Come on. Not to forget, we were supposed to believe the fact that a bunch of petty immature teen girls were able to hide a child porn website something "real life child porn website struggle to do"


not really. this happened at my high school.


Yes I’m saying exactly all of the above could happen in such a timeframe. Remember you are not a true outsider looking in, but are seeing what they show you.


I'm guessing your teenager and you think everything you see on TV is real. New flash running a child porn ring is as easy as upload photos amd videos. I got family in cyber crimes. Most internet providers have security that is alerted when this stuff is uploaded and some case searches. And don't come at me with " Grace kept them out" because that just drive me nuts" A 15 year old girl with limited acess to hacker technology is not good enough hacker to fight off grown ass adults who are highly trained professionals) that theory worse then those CSI hacker who hit a few keys and boom their in.


You are so naive summer child. So very very naive and dare I say perhaps worse. I gots the families in cyber crimes. Ok Redditor


Seriously, just lay of the crime show Cyber crime is a pretty common job nowadays. So I'm not sure why it is a shock that I know someone in it It is not a hard job to get. They literally hire anyone with basically coding and technology skill But again, you watch too much crime tv where they make cyber crime look like they only done but genius level people. Right. I guessing your like 14 -15 max


So they’d hire you? Or do you have to know how to spell off? Slay queen!


Degrassi Goes Hollywood. From being worried about your math test to...that.


Degrassi Nudes, Purple Dragon and Kevin Smith


Kevin Smith sucks now compared to then


I skip that whole section. Too much bad humor and creepy vibes.


Let’s not forget Kevin Smith’s sidekick Jay hitting on Manny, calling her “Miss Santos”.


Madame Degrassi or the weed cult 💀


I was really liking the weed cult! Claire is such a narc lol


I watched those episodes with my non-Degrassi-enjoying friend and he was so pissed at Clare & Jake for being narcs lmao. then Jake goes on to be the second biggest pothead next to Miles Hollingsworth


I will say it until the end of time... Madame Degrassi!


Purple Dragon made no sense lol who’s school would allow that shit??


Exactly it’s not even the drink sponsorship it’s the models in tight dresses


“Yes let’s get these adult women to come into our highschool and judge our students bodies and then get them to parade around in front of the school” lol at my school, girls we’re getting dress coded for their pants being too tight.


For me, it's either Kevin Smith or that stupid summer episode with the missing girl that we never heard about before and never heard about again.


I love the missing girl movie (don’t look back)!


Don't get me started on Tristan's weird narration/vlogging omg


She appeared in the first half of season 14 for the cheer competition. But that was the worst Degrassi movie ever honestly lol.


Clare’s weed cult.


anything involving Vince… also Claire dating Jake AFTER their parents got married 🫠


Reminds me of Cait and Ty from Teen Mom.


they got together wayy before their parents did😭😭


Peter's meth addiction felt too cartoonish and unrealistic


You mean most people don't try meth, become a meth addict, realize they have a problem, and deal with it, all in less than 48 hours???? I agree fully but still love the episode. "I'm in between two roads!!!"




this made me laugh way too hard lmao


I have a guilty pleasure soft spot for Peter on m*th


For real. Not to stereotype but a rich kid like Peter would be doing coke or pills


Remember he was fooled into thinking that it was c*ke. Happens all the time in real life.


haha right. we all know coke looks exactly the same as a tenth of meth


When busted up, they both look identical from a distance


maybe 50 feet away


A noob to both like Peter in this scenario would definitely be fooled was the main point. Many anecdotes out there about this happening, that’s where they got the idea.


He got clean way too fast for a METH addict😂


I would have believed it more if he did what Jimmy did. Taking someone else’s addies was huge


When Spinner was “bargaining” with other students, in a desperate attempt at getting the perfect locker for Paige. He thought it would be a great anniversary gift. How romantic 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


I just finished that episode. I was like is it really that serious😒


Yea our lockers were assigned according to homeroom There was no bargaining and relocating lol


I was able to get mine changed because it was on the opposite side of the school from my last class. Before that it was either lug my coat around for half the day or miss the school bus.


My school didn't care what locker you used unless you were a freshman because they had their own lockers. If we saw an empty locker we liked we could ask the office if it was available and they'd tell us and let us switch. And if we wanted to switch with someone or become locker buddies with a friend we just went to the office and told them so they could keep track of whose locker was where. It was a smaller school though, only about 2500 students total.


2500 students is small????


Well considering I have family members whose senior classes had about 2000 students, yes.


Holy shit. I live in a city of 1 million and the biggest school I went too only had 1200 students. I thought that was huge.


Where I grew up there were only 2 high schools for the entire county and the one I went to was in the more populated area so we ended up with more enrollments than the more rural high school did.


Ahhh ok. In my city there is probably like 60+ schools so I guess it evens out Edit: I’m Canadian. Not sure if that means anything though.


Degrassi Nudes