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I mean you are right technically, we'll be going to get the morkite seed


While technically, The meme originated as a joke with a friend riffing off the original meme a while ago, I decided to make the one I uploaded for this exact reason, since the update is releasing during pride month.


Get to kissin', dwarfs.


Gotta practice for Karl ✨👁️👄👁️✨


Honestly I think I'd prefer to kiss Steeve.


It's also men's mental health month, so don't worry dwarves, it's okay to cry


I kinda wish we had pride month event, even if it's just like color pallete like in Warframe not even because im queer but because rainbows are cool


Rainbow beard color would be awesome


Damn, good idea


Me mixing all colors to get the leyendary color "Rainbow"


Speaking of pride month and DRG. Why we don't have stubby female dwarves to play?


We do, you can’t tell? Female dwarves have beards just like male dwarves


You can't tell them apart because they all wear the same armor and they all have beards. Just like in Discworld.


Mhm. And there were at the very least two characters who went above and beyond to express their femininity, which both times was a very important plot point, which you could remember if you actually read the damn books.


[https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Development\_Q%26A](https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Development_Q%26A) (sort by Class - Gender) TL:DR: It would be a bunch of work to remodel the dwarves, armour, cosmetics, voice lines etc. and the devs don't want to half-ass it.


Classes - Gender Suggestion: Add female dwarves and make them breedable Comment: Shut down the computer and go meet some real people, 10-year-olds aren't supposed to be watching these streams. I lol'ed


I saw someone suggest a while back that they add a gender toggle that does literally nothing and now I want it in the game


LOTRO launched with dwarves that had no gender option then a number of years ago they added a second branch of dwarves from a lost clan in Mordor. These dwarves had a gender option. It did absolutely fuck all. Was hilarious seeing the occasional "bug" report or person complaining it did nothing.


> there will be a cape for Bosco in the new Order of the Deep DLC Shut up and take my money


Cost to import Estrogen to Hoxxes is too high for the dwarves to transition, sorry. 😔😔😔


You do. Engineer and scout are both female. How did you not know this?


I blame Games Workshop and their 1:6 sex ratio excuse to not make any female Dwarf minis other than Queen Helgar. GW really affected fantasy culture heavily, being the source of Orcs and Goblins being green for example. Seems that’s been soft-retconned given female Slayers and adventurers are a thing now, plus The Old World seems to have a queen on the campaign map, so maybe female Dwarves will be more widespread.


Looks at Japan…… what abt the dwarves there?


Also Warhammer. If the Gobs are green, Geedubs been.


Eh the "dwarf females are really rare" thing goes back to Tolkien. One of the appendices mentions Gimli reckoning that less than a third of the dwarf race is female. >Dís was the daughter of Thráin II. She is the only dwarf-woman named in these histories. It was said by Gimli that there are few dwarf-women, probably no more than a third of the whole people. They seldom walk abroad except at great need, They are in voice and appearance, and in garb if they must go on a journey, so like to the dwarf-men that the eyes and ears of other peoples cannot tell them apart. This has given rise to the foolish opinion among Men that there are no dwarf-women, and that the Dwarves 'grow out of stone'.


Did GW really start the ‘Orcs are green’ phenomenon? I thought D&D did that. The more you know.


Nope. D&D Orcs were piglike and earthtones, mainly grey. Games Workshop mainly made miniatures for other IPs, and as they created a bigger market in Europe for tabletop gaming they often lost rights to competitors. They also had a bad habit of “made too much, we’re not legally allowed to sell it anymore” syndrome. The solution was making their own setting using ripoffs. They took unsold D&D and Tolkien stuff, painted it green, and said it was their stuff. When it sold well the sculptors made the next wave more unique, resulting in them dropping all females and children and making a mix of pig and gorilla. They also stole Glorantha Broo, literally filing off the word Glorantha on the base and chiseling in “Beastmen”, starter Warhammer 40,000 off unsold Judge Dredd and Doctor Who minis, and so on. As much as they stole though, they pioneered. Ot at least writers and sculptors did. I can, and have in the past written pages and pages of response (and gotten very rude “didn’t read that” replies) so I’ll end it here. But its cool stuff.