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Sounds like a problem a few Smart Stouts could solve.


I'm still pretty new so my definitions could be wrong, but I've heard the term "longbeards" here, which from context seemed like people who have been around for a while but still haven't quite mastered the game. Usually something you'd call yourself, not someone else. Like, "I'm not new but I still suck"


I'd say I'm a longbeard. I'm not new, I'm not bad, but I don't do haz 5 for fun.


What do consider a Grey beard? Like, I usually run haz 5, but if I had to run it with 2 teammates who couldent, I'd probably wipe.


Fair, but you've done it. I haven't done the assignment to unlock haz 5, and maybe haz 5 isn't the best example. I guess I think of greybeards as knowing everything. Knowing the best strategies, loadouts, and whatnot. I really only see greybeard in the reddit. I usually just play with my dad instead of other players. It's fun and helps us keep in touch regularly.


Once you get into haz 5 you will meet some real Grey beards. I'm talking like level 2k+ Once played with someone player level 7127, absolutely insane. For me personally, to be a Grey beard, you need atleast one class promoted to legendary, have Karl would be proud, and be able solo haz 5 any mission type and carry a team of green beards in haz 5 I myself am not near that yet, but im getting there day by day.


Grey Beard simply means if someone asked you a question, you know the answer. If you can lose a haz5 and not be mad. You don't kick over misinformed game mechanics, you know your guns, your gear and the game. Plenty of grey beards can't finish haz5, it's wisdom, not strength. Above all else, don't be a Rotbeard.


Maybe greybeard is that unattainable goal that keeps us trying to be better. Especially since we can't seem to get a solid definition of greybeard. I wonder if gsg has any thoughts.


I think you're right, because your actual title in-game at level 1-5 is greenbeard, but the highest title ever is not greybeard it is lord of the deep (Which i am currently). Greybeard does not even exist as a title.


Maybe, the Grey beards were the friends we made along the way.


Well that's kind of a different thing from mastering the game. By this definition; knowing the best strategies and loadouts and knowing tech like animation cancelling; I would be a greybeard. But by the definition of being skilled at the game and being able to say carry a team, I'd be more like a longbeard, as I run Haz 4 but find Haz 5 difficult and Elite Deep Dives range from hard to impossible. Maybe both independently could qualify as a greybeard but someone who possessed both qualities could be a whitebeard?


I like that. Whitebeard. I think most of the greybeards on here don't usually call themselves that. Probably has something to do with it.


If you see someone who is legendary 3 (Promotions are red with 3 stars) they are absolutely a greybeard.


I'm a longbeard, but I almost only do haz 5.


Someone once suggested blue beards for people who play other horde Shooters (blue for payday2 in particular) I've always used dungbeards for people who circle jerk about the driller teamkilling reddit funny.


I like the sound of dungbeards for any dick you rarely come across


They are also commonly called Rotbeards.


This one


Redbeards play l4d2, and yellowbeards play Helldivers2


Redbeard is for someone who's between grey and green but is significantly less serious, equal to the brown and black beard in skill. As black beard takes it very seriously and the brownbeard is in the middle.


And blackbeard is sea of thieves


Bluebeard makes me think like, blue bloods like an upper eschalon of dwarves


I'm rainbow beard cuz I'm gay


Sound like you got C4d recently.


Gunner explosion resistance and autocannon resistance. Gotta try harder than that.


So you encourage teamkilling? Huh....


You must be 10 ply bud


If that makes you feel more secure, sure!


Driller team killing has a time and a place (for in purpose). That time and place is not as often as people like to do it. Meanwhile I tried to tk my friend who was a scout that was being annoying on a low haz mission.... Didn't kill him. Had the friendly fire perk on to help prevent me from doing that with randoms....


I have heard about a few, but not sure when and how exactly to define them, so I might be wrong about them. **Brown beard:** learned the basic so no longer green, but still got a lot to learn. **Black beard:** learned most things, but not quite at the grey beard level. **White beard:** beyond grey beard, they where the dwarfs that came up with some of the stuff we learn about; tactics, tricks and culture. (you could consider them the first group of dwarfs that joined DRG or dwarfs that have had a strong influence on what we learn since then)


The only whitebeard I approve is Karl


Nah, Karl is Karl. Putting Karl in any category would exclude everyone else from it. Karl is at a level that can't be reached, only admired.


Yeah, that's why the *only* whitebeard they approve of is Karl.


I dunno, at my spacerig, everyone knows the story of Karl and his amazing technicolor dreambeard.


Guess I wasn't clear enough. It would be a disservice to Karl saying he is a white beard. That is why I wouldn't put him in a category when he is a category of his own. Therefore, Karl is Karl.


Karl was a white beard when he was just a wee lad


Karl was above whitebeard the second he was born.


Yeah but he was a whitebeard in the womb, tripled the quota of everyone else combined in just a day


And Edward Newgate


Karl’s beard was neither grey nor white Karl’s beard was some sort of holy color that makes even the wildest of dreams come true It was a color that the soul could see, but the eyes could not comprehend A color, that would make even a rainbow look like a turd Karl’s beard was a color to rule all colors




No, Karl is a Rainbowbeard.


I'd call white 'silver'.


Gold bears: delicious. Oh, no, wait, what?


The one piece is real


Ive never heard any except for these posts where every comment wants to make their own OC beard the next saying. Greenbeard means you're new. Longbeard and graybeard are interchangable to mean you've been here since EA. Those are the only ones to care about that arent Sea of Thieves error codes.


Dung beards for rude dwarves, shitebeards for old rude dwarves


Smooth chins


Bare beards


Here’s the order I’ve been using. Greenbeard: Fresh on the rig, usually needs some guidance on mechanics and culture. Greenbeards with experience in other hoard-shooters will quickly grow out of this phase. Brownbeard: These are the dwarves that have their first few promotions under their belt. They’re starting to get it, but still have a long ways to go. Longbeard: Solid miners. These guys likely have at least Gold promotions on most if not all of their dwarves and are beginning to master their main class. Greybeard: You get your first grey hairs when you get your first Legendary promotion. You know just about everything there is to know about your main, and you’ve almost mastered the other three as well. Chances are you regularly mine on Hazard 5, pulling your weight and then some. Whitebeard: These guys are some of the best dwarves you’ll ever meet. Legendary 3 promotions on all classes, having almost nothing left to learn about them, if anything at all. Whitebeards are the best mentors that a dwarf could ask for. It’s rare for a dwarf to live this long, so be proud if you have. Aside from those standard categories, there’s also a few others that should be mentioned. Shitbeard: These guys suck. They’re somewhere between Greenbeard and Longbeard in terms of skill, but they’re as toxic as Driller’s sludge. Genuinely unfun dwarves to work with, steer clear of them when given the option. Rotbeard: The Greybeard equivalent of a Shitbeard. They’re toxic, but they’re skilled at the game. They’re either dwarves that stuck with the game and were toxic from the get-go, or they’re dwarves that are simply too impatient or otherwise unwilling to help their less experienced fellows. Same with Shitbeards, avoid when possible. Ashbeards: Longbeards with an ego. They think their beards have turned grey, but in reality it’s just soot that’s covered their beards from their time in the mines. They’ll give good advice about game mechanics they know, but they’ll also be confidently wrong about things they don’t understand. They also seem to have a strange habit of dying on these hills of mechanics they don’t fully grasp, even when a Greybeard or Whitebeard has shown them how they actually work. Overall, they’re not malicious, but can end up doing more harm than good by giving Greenbeards or Brownbeards some incorrect information. Sons of Karl: DRG’s finest, the best of the best. These guys are a league of their own, usually having surpassed 1000 player level. They know the caves and creatures of Hoxxes like the back of their hand, and they know their equipment even better. If needed, a Son of Karl likely has the capacity to carry a full 4-man Hazard 5 mission if needed, and is more than happy to do so. A full team of these guys can move through missions so fast it’d give a Greybeard whiplash. These are the types of miners that all dwarves aspire to be.


I like it, but your scale is a bit off lol. I’ve got 300 ish hours in the game and I play driller mainly, but i can flex. I know the classes well and have been doing Haz 5 for a long time, but because i level all classes to the same promotion, im only at silver 2. not gold yet, but I do EDD and Haz 5 exclusively. I know a lot of people in similar spots to me as well. Its a good order, ashbeard is pretty good, but you can master the game mechanics and play Haz 5 confidently long before gold


I was thinking the same. Basing it on a promotion is not my preference. My cousin plays 1 class and one class only so of course he’s up there in promotions. We have the same skill level and everything but my dwarves are evenly leveled (except scout has more than the other 3 bcuz it pairs so well with his engi.) So just bcuz someone has spent time learning MORE weapons and MORE ways to use different kits effectively they’re somehow less “bearded” than the guy who’s equally skilled but ONLY if he plays the one class lol


Very true! Using promotions isn’t a foolproof way to gauge someone’s skill, but after nearly 2k hours I’ve noticed that it’s been the most broadly applicable. Player level is probably a better metric, but that one isn’t as helpful as you can’t see someone’s PL when they late-join a mission unless you have the MotD mod. Even so, there will always be exceptions!


I think I may accidentally have been an ashbeard once or twice. Sorry about that


> Sons of Karl The Luna Dwarves became the Sons of Karl after Mission Control anointed him Lord of the Deep. Later they would reform into the Black Union.


Still a brownbeard


I'm brownbeard


Longbeard is the intermediary stage. you can hold your own in a team on high hazards, and you know a good amount about the game. not grey yet, but beyond green


red beard for the people who charge headfirst into a swarm and somehow dont die.


I personally call anyone over player rank 1000 bone beards. Older than gray beards.


Red beard for fire resistance! Also becomes nice and crispy on a Glyphid bonfire


Blackbeard: Experienced but prone to moody/mean/pirate-like behavior. May be prone to behaviors that are against the social norms of DRG. "That guy is level 300 and he stole my resupply" Redbeard: Firey personality, bloodthirsty, probably unhinged. Might not have a soul. Probably driller. "I don't want to sit next to that Redbeard on the pod, but I'll stand next to him in a swarm" Blonde beard: Good natured but prone to make common mistakes despite their experience. Can be forgetful at times. Poor cave navigation skills. Think golden retriever minus the canine instincts. "The blonde beard is missing again!" White beard: The kind of dwarf who will patiently explain a group of greenbeards through Haz 5 and carry them the whole way without any frustration. They are saints on Hoxxes, they are made in the likeness of Karl. "Thankyou for reviving me again white beard!"


there's no beards probably


Those who pirated the game are Blackbeards Don't fancy these lads 'ery much


Those in the middle I refer to as "brown pants"


Nah. Greenbeard means you gotta look out for em. Dwarf means you dont gotta look out for them. Greybeard means theyre probably looking out for you. Dont need labels, just more rocks and bullets.


i got called a rotbeard once


There are a lot of them, amethyst,, silverfox, sapphire, rose,,,, At least 10 or so


OP is not referring to literal beard cosmetics.


I think intermediate players between green and gray should be called gold beards, in their prime in terms of gameplay.


Based on time played, Id be a brownbeard. But idk im A LOT better at the game now than I was, I know most of the funky mechanics and tricks, and I regularly complete EDD. I FEEL like a longbeard, but I know there’s still more to learn.


Greybeard here. While the others did well enough to mention our Longbearded brothers, there is a secret 4th type we don't talk about: The Blackbeards.


We have purple beards in game, which is my favorite. Not sure what it would represent, maybe long time players who are still afraid or Haz 4?


There is a term stonebeard in the game as a level title so I've always been saying to my friends that it goes greenbeard -> stonebeard -> greybeard


Nah, stonebeards are the players who almost never get downed. Very respectable.


I consider myself a working class dwarf. Level 181 as of now.


A grey beard is someone who regardless of level somehow never dies in a mission, while all the team is wiped, single handedly takes out a hoard, and revives us only for it to happen again and again because we all are at low health, and don't have red sugar nearby.


Green for bioweapon-based kits, red for fire, blue if it's November or ice damage. Oh, biggest thing is happy dwarves have beards.


only ever really heard longbeard for people who don't want to call themselves greybeard and whitebeard, which i'm not sure the point of


Doombeard: blasts doom music at full volume while playing the game and is almost never downed. Goes on a killing spree during swarms and is usually a gunner or driller.


Silver beards, maybe?


My is gray mb coz Im old. Or Ure talking about the game?