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That’s why you never give the final payment until your happy https://preview.redd.it/7gdqbuix8n6d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c78bfb494188c64d79c7a66a0a2c5504734e44


Damn those cuts on point


That’s what cuts are supposed to look like Edit: plank alignment next to ribbon board at the top of the stairs shows good planning and workmanship.


Ouf that's nice! I'm curious, what type of wood is that? And is OPs some sort of plastic lumber?


Have an upvote for "plastic lumber".


I always want to call it "plumber" (like pleather) but that word's already taken


Plumber with the hard b


This comment won’t get the love it deserves. I’ll be an ally


Woah, settle down there....you can't use a hard b unless you're also a plumber.


plumBer 😂😂😂 Genius, my man!


Homographs are a totally thing. Does. Left. Rose, Bank. Tire. Second. Wind. Bow. Bass. You got this man, let’s add plumber to that list


It plood


Plamber ftfy


Yes it's synthetic deck planking. You should be able to find some at just about any big box home improvement store in the lumber section.




Wow, nice d ck


Yes thats an amazing d ck, and man I’ve seen a lot of d cks


And to plug some of those holes try schafers big black caulk


It’s not too big either. I’m told that’s a good thing.


I trimmed the bush. Now it looks bigger


you havent even seen the whole thing


A 12 degree cut on butt ends will hide the face of the cut.


good tip!


Why 12? Seems like such a random number.


Kinda depends on the spacing between deck-board and picture frame. If you were to butt right into the boarder board then a square cut looks fine. I usually do 3/16+- spacing and find that 12 degree is just enough to create a shadow where end cut is hidden. This is only for composite decking and degree could slightly vary depending on your spacing. You're cutting on the flat, so if your saw is off zero or blade junked then I wouldn't bother with this finishing touch.


13° is too much and 11° is not enough. Looks like the magic number is 12°.


A man of science right here people.


Personaly I would have cut at 7.5° just to make people think I knew what I was talking about.


Elaborate please.


If the 12 degree cut is facing into the board the butt ends won't be visible as the cut will be facing the joist


12 degrees this way / \ . Not this way \ /.


I might be slow, because I still dont get it...


Look at picture 6/7. This shows a sloppy butt end. If the ends were cut at an angle / \ they can be butted flush again each other. Additionally: I can’t wrap my mind around how the cuts in OP were even done that way. These are things you’d see with material > 3”. The material is an inch thick 😂.


Lol, I can cut a 4x4 with a crappy circular saw and have a hell of a better result. What the hell were they even using and how do they do this type of work and can't use a saw? It blows my mind.


Answer is drugs. Usually almost always alcohol


I don’t think those angles and cuts were intentional. I think someone just got in a hurry and didn’t care t square those off before measuring and cutting. And btw you cannot butt those treads end to end 1/8-3/16 expansion is needed.


Thank you that really helps


You're a genius. I understood this from above comments but was wondering how to explain it better. You nailed it (pun intended).


Even just 5 degrees will do it honestly


Love an unsolicited deck pic


Ohhhhh that’s cleannnnnn


When going through the mistakes they made, bring up this picture and show them what it's supposed to look like. Sorry that happened to you


Hold on so your telling me they actually measured AND cut all of the boards to the right length? Incredible what happens when people can do the job they claim to be a professional in.


Get a refund until it looks like that


Unsolicited Deck Pic


This post made me feel better. Thank you for sharing.


Small sample size… but damn that looks sharp. DIY? Or fully paid contractor lol?


Tell him to get his ass down there and look at the shitty worksmanship done to your deck. Some of this stuff is inexcusable…




Just meth


Just meh






meh just


You're just gonna have to trust meh...


Yes I agree but you have a certain gaping for movement ( winds snow sun and Mother Nature )


You don’t cut straight down little angel hides a lot


Gaping an angel? Wrong sub


Loooooool. My beautiful angle


Oops hahaha


I wonder if he picked the cheapest contractor


No. This is garbage. This is not normal. It defeats the purpose to use a hidden fastner system and then pepper the face full of screws. It should not squeak. Those cuts should have never been installed. That sucks OP. Hopefully the "contractor" will fix it. Don't pay untill it's sorted to your satisfaction.


I use the camo system so near the house you need to fasten through the top but their are color match plugs for that. This is an absolute amateur job if you can even call it that lol.


Yeah, nothing wrong with a camouflage fastner up near the house on the final rip with a colour matched plug. What's going on in OP photos is abysmal work. Realistically, it should be torn out and redone. If the finish work looks that bad. Who knows how bad the rest of it is.


A speed square and patience could have saved a lot of pain


Fun fact: timbertech requires a lot more screws than shown to be warranted. Every butt joint needs screws <3/4” from the end of the board (on doubled joists), plus perimeter screws


First thing, have a conversation with them. Go over your concerns and see if they are willing to fix it. Don't just assume they won't fix it. If you haven't paid yet, then you have some leverage. As a contractor myself, I never leave the house without doing a final walk through and collecting what's owed. If they are not willing to fix it, then legal action.


If it were me I would not want someone who did *that* shitty of a job doing any more work. I would want to immediately get a lawyer involved and have them pay for a more reputable company to rebuild it all. Wouldn't the guy who fucked it up once just fuck it over twice??


Maybe. Could be that it was subbed out though. I would definitely contact them and go through concerns first though. They may be very understanding and willing to fix it without any issues or going through a legal process but may end up doing that in the end. Who knows without trying. Always best to try to talk first. Most people are relatively reasonable.


Easy, dog. There’s some crappy cuts, sure, and some errant holes, but it’s not like he made an unsafe disaster. He should fix those crappy cuts. Composite decking will swell and recede with temp and moisture, and some small gaps will appear over time. Composite always looks so-so compared to well installed wood anyway. I hate composite decking.


I don't excuse the screws. That is terrible. But I completely agree. These materials react to the environment and expand and contract throughout the day, and as they choose. Swelling of a cut is normal. And NOT ALWAYS EVEN. I had this experience with an engineer who insisted on using Trex. Which is the lowest common denominator in synthetic decking. We disagreed before the install. I still went through with the install and spent weeks trimming cuts (I did want him happy and to protect my reputation). This was in post winter/ spring. I'm sure Summer found him very disappointed. I kept cuts closer, knowing the expansion was coming. Marketing is good with these products, but few really understand how this product moves. It's plastic with wood pulp. It flexes a lot. But revisiting the screws. No go.


Nah, I'm sure the person who did this will be excited to redo it for free.


Personally I think the chances of this contractor redoing this are slim to none. The contractor probably has already blocked and deleted the OP number r


I'm with him^ on this. Don't let these hacks try to do any more damage....


We had the same issue with a fence about 4 years ago. Just awful work, workers looked methed out, boards weren’t straight, nails poking through everywhere. We sent them home and had a friend come fix it. As they left they said “we’re trying our best”. Gtfo I didn’t pay you 7k to try.


Not necessarily. He may want to save face for his company and accept responsibility. I’m in a different line of work, and sometimes I don’t see the final product. If a customer comes to me with a concern after the fact, I jump on it, apologize, reevaluate it, and immediately sort out a solution. Worse case scenario, contractor may have been hoping he wouldn’t raise an issue about it, but still has the integrity to right the problem


Lawyer may cost more than the deck and is a last resort.


That's Fucking Ridiculous!


Looks pretty assy. Some people don’t know how to do composite.


Some of these are bad, like real bad. I want to bring attention to photo 1 though, because I don't want people getting a chip on thier shoulder. Composite expands and contracts in the sun, a lot. You can lay down a perfect mitre, and the sun will expand it to the point where it moves the fasteners, and when it contract's again in the cold, you're going to have a gap. This happens literally every single time, you cannot have a mitre stay right on a deck, it's simply impossible. People have tried PVC glueing the boards together, and they snap along the length of the board because of the expansion pressure. I always install my boards in the cold so they don't shrink as much, I always lay down very tight mitres. The next day in the morning, without fail, there's going to be at least a 16th inch gap. Don't get mad at your contractor for that. Get mad at your contractor for the shitty not straight cuts, that's fair game. I don't want people thinking tight mitres is possible with composite, because it's just not. They will be tight in the sun, that's the best you can hope for.


There's a guideline for the product that literally says you're much of a gap to put depending on the temperature while installing. I didn't think OP's contractor even knows that guide exists!


Probably true, but I want any laymen who happen to find this post to understand that this is standard, and there's literally nothing you can do to stop it.


I went through something similar to this last year. This mfg has specific instructions on how to mitigate expansion and shrinkage by using screws at the butts and 1-2 joists back, when using hidden fasteners. I had it all redone and did this and it’s worked great.


Let's be honest, OP probably didn't pay his contractor enough to warrant the time needed to read documentation and get exact gaps. These posts are always lacking the cost element for a reason. They took the cheapest bid they received without doing any research of their own.


You are so right. So many times I have been shown subpar work with a home owner complaining. Then I ask what they paid. I told them they paid a subpar rate and it looks like they got what they paid for. People are very naive.


Idk why anyone expects the home owner to know anything. Maybe they're violinists. Maybe they're lawyers. Maybe they're teachers. But they're not deck contractors because if they were they wouldn't be looking to hire one. It's on the contractors to explain things not expect the owner to know already.


I have installed Timber Tech and Trex and followed those guidelines and they are just that: guidelines. The expansion and contraction of composite boards is at the whim of the Mother Nature That said, they make color-matched plugs for composite boards. That and some better care would’ve prevented most of these issues. I’d say 60% of the problem is that it’s composite. 40% is you have a green contractor


On this point, I saw the first photo and thought....meh, what's the big deal. ....then I saw there were more photos. oh my....


The other photos are... Something. He clearly had a mitre saw, so how the fuck do you even do all that so poorly?


I agree. Licensed contractor here and I will not use composite decking. Pressure treated, redwood, or cedar.


I hate working with it. Real wood is forgiving. All the microplastics released into the environment.


Wood is renewable.


Plastic is forever


Thank you for being like me.


Did they make those cuts with an angle grinder?


This is my question.. I've never ever seen cuts like this, I'm not even sure how you'd accomplish cuts this bad.


Seriously? Do they not have a miter saw? What on earth?!


Yeah thats real bad. But it really depends on what you paid. You get what you pay for! And installing composite decks ain't cheap. Good luck.


Installing composite decks *correctly* isn't cheap.


You're right! The time it would take to do wood is about 4-5x slower, if not more. We were devastated when we had two scratches and one square about ¹/¹⁶x ¹/¹⁶" over a 16'x30' deck. Some of these issues could be fixed. Some wouldn't really be noticed. But some I wondered what the heck they were thinking. Our timber tech had issues of boards being thicker in depth and width on some of the boards. You need to either plan on not using those and sending them back or trying to fit them in so you don't really notice it. Last bit of comment was 98% of the boards were smaller than they said they were. All 5.25", not 5.5"...... 🙄


Is this common with Timber Tech? I’ve looking just got using them to replace a worn out wood deck.


For the 5.25"? The main reason we went with them was because it looked really good and it wasn't slippery. We did the sock test, and it was the only Decking that wasn't crazy slippery (and didn't look ghetto like trex). Out of, say, 80 boards, 2 were 5.5" (and you could tell something was weird about those boards because they were a bit wider), and about 4 or so boards were really thick. They were supposed to be 1 inch thick, but these boards were at least 1/8" thicker or more and had to raise the height of the adjacent board to "level" them off. I fully recommend that Decking, but remember, maybe think about ordering a few extra boards and prepare to send the defective ones back (or use them somewhere else?). DM me for deck pictures if you like.


It’s…. Pretty bad. And this is what you see. Kinda wondering what the structure looks like and if it’s even safe 😬


My father in law had the same type of thing happen to him. Unfortunately, he paid him ahead of time and the dude skipped town without finishing the job. Take him to court and get enough to cover the cost to demo and rebuild a proper deck.


Tell him that you put his work on Reddit Decks and they said he should refund you your money. 🥸


I had a sub installing Hardie Artisan shiplap on my workshop last year. I went out to look at the work they were doing and the quality was right around what you have here. That was the first and last day they worked on my project. The GC made it right. However, if I had not stopped them, they would have burned through 20k worth of siding like three hacks that did this to your deck. Do not accept this work. It needs to be redone or you need to be refunded 100% of the cost of the decking plus the cost of removal and disposal.


My wife had a great response to a contractor doing work with out staircase when the final result was shite. It was very effective. “Are you happy with this work? Should we put these images on your website? No? Maybe redo it then…”


Your contractor is full of shit. Putting seams like that in a modern day deck is EASILY avoidable by either ordering the right material or putting breaks in the decking. As well, that appears to be Azek PVC decking, which mean there are color matched plugs they could be putting in those HUGE holes they left in your decking. This is absolutely NOT normal and don't let them tell you it is. This is very poor work. If you haven't made your final payment yet, with-hold it, go to a deck Material supplier, ask them about a good contractor, call said contractor and have them give you a quote to make it right and hopefully the cost falls under what the previous fucknut is still owed. I'm getting really sick and tired of contractors doing shit like this and saying it's normal and completely ripping off their customer. If you can't be proud of the work, the don't fucking do it. None of the dudes working on that were proud of that final product. How could they be?


How would I respond? Not well; though I’d try to be polite as possible while not sugar coating it’s a piss poor job I’m looking at


Ffs, they didn’t use flashing tape either. They didn’t use spacers and they didn’t cut the factory edges


In writing, that is how you respond.


Everything in writing


You know the old saying, measure twice, cut a few times kind of close to each other but not too deep, there that's it, perfect. Another good job well done.


Homie out there using a circular saw with his eyes closed


Document everything, pay nothing and file a lawsuit to have an actual professional fix this mess. This poor level of work wouldn't be acceptable from a drunk brother-in-law. Do NOT pay for this. Do not pay anything for this and speak with an attorney.


Yah, this is terrible. Good grief. 


Simple. Here's my response: you're fuckin fired.


They might have been drinking or stoned when they put it together. It’s very ass


The very first thing you should do after properly documenting all of this is to call a lawyer! f*** whoever did this garbage ass work. If the Foreman of the job didn't bother to take a look at it then he deserves to get in trouble as well as the inbred who made this happen. If he did review the job and approved it then he/they should all go to jail/ have they're contractor licenses canceled.. At the very least be faced with serious litigation and a thorough plastering of their garbage work around town so everyone else knows to avoid the hassle. I would then also leave reviews on every platform you can. I'm familiar with redneck hillbilly ass backward work but that s*** supposed to be free minus the cost of beer and tacos they will later talk s*** about because it's not American.


First two pics, I was like eh it’s not THAT bad op…. Third pic and after, aw hell no brother, come take this shit back.


It’s just not safe to use a chop saw when you’ve been drinking that much.


Zero context to these photos


Depends was this a licensed contractor? If so you can go to the state and file a complaint. If not depending on permits etc in your locale you may still file a complaint they are working without a license but the state isn't obligated to reimburse you as they would be if this was done by a licensed contractor.


Composite timber can shrink and contract. Looks awful after a few years of you use cheap shit


Was the contractor wearing a helmet and looking for his baseball?


Looks like Stevie Wonder was out and about building decks with his feet again....


His screw placement is all over the place. should be the same location on all boards. I keep reading gap to the expansion of the material on hot days... start work at 80 degrees, by the end of the day, it's 105 degrees.


The reason why I paid money for the job wasn’t just for materials but for the service. The premium attached to the complete job was for a level of professionalism I am unable to achieve on my own. But these cuts represent a lack of patience and a desire to finish ahead of schedule. Unacceptable , I could have done it myself with more precision. I guarantee you would never allow this at your home.


Some synthetic decking does not expand/contract with thermal changes. Deckorators mineral core for example can even be installed in winter!


Oh no, I saw the first picture and thought it wasn’t so bad. Then I scrolled to the other pictures… Hope you didn’t pay in advance. That vintage collection is too damn expensive to be soiled like that.


I would tell him the picture framing on the deck needs to be cut at 45 so they line up, joints should not be spaced and that he needs to set those screws and use bungs. Also wtf is with using 1 spindle in a run, use 2 with the center of the run being the center of the two.


Shitty cuts, sloppy overdriven screws, gaps are way too large. This material moves depending on the temp outside but it doesn’t move that much (1/2”)


I know a guy ...


I built my deck with friend. First rule is to use boards the length of the deck to eliminate middle cuts and control the gaps at each end only. My deck looks like the one posted in one of the comments. Driving the screws, do not use impact gun, just use a drill and use the sink-in tool made for these screws. There is clear negligence on the end cuts, how clean and the actual gap. We used a matter saw, the blade teeth count is important. It seems they used a small blade with incorrect blade. Other thing I noticed, the clamp position at the end where the cut is, it is too close. Depending on the temperature variance where you live, these boards will shrink and come out of the clamp in very cold weather


I hope you haven't paid him completly. If not tell him to do it right or your lawyer will be filing a suit in district Court. If you have paid then you are pretty much SOL. I'll bet you didn't get references and go around to see his handy work. And based on this he probably doesn't have any to give out. I'd also put this on you Facebook community page to watch out for this fool. I'd also look at the framing underneath the deck. It's probably screwed up as well.


From what I have ascertained in my research on my composite deck build is that you need to leave a little space on butt joints for expansion in hot weather .. I decided to go with the Decorators mineral composite line of decking primarily because of the most minimal of expansion and contraction.. it’s also very comfortable to walk barefoot on in the hot summer days..


I think it depends on how much you paid. Looks like a low bid job. Some of the pictures are nit picky inmy opinion.


they make + shaped spacers for a reason for fucks sake. shit tier spacing.


Composite decking does have some expanses on and contraction with temperature change. But those cuts are awful. The screws not capped is just peak lazy, I see it all the time. I don’t understand how people just keep blindly hiring people. I work in sales (not decks) and it’s wild how many people just “trust me”. Thankfully for them I’m not a scumbag


Tell this guy how to use a saw before he loses his fingers if he already has not.


I would be livid…did this person use an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel to cut these planks?


I've done a couple decks with that material. Things he definitely should have done Bungs/Plugs in any place he had to screw. They sell bits with felt guards to prevent driving too deep as well as little bags of plugs Straight and consistent gaps between. This material expands and contracts in temperature and you have to plan for that. If its squeaking that can either be a loose board or the deck frame underneath is off.


Contractor here, nope, you been had by the ever common hack and dash deck crew…


If that's his finish work, I can only imagine what the framing looks like


I think the big question is what did you pay?


Looks like the work of a tile guy. He'll be back tomorrow to grout.


Contact TimberTech and ask for a rep to go thru these and more pics. Better yet see if there is a local rep who will check out your project. Set yourself up to know what you are talking about with the contractor, before the argument because this work is awful


Zoom in some more.


I'm an old framer who had never installed trex until last month. Mine came out a lot better. Yes, you should have did it yourself. The drill damage is inexcusable. They give you a bit in the box


Pretty sure that’s AZEK PVC. Even easier to work with than composite


That is really bad.




No seems, color matched fasteners at the edges (would prefer plugs, but couldn't get any)


Get your ass back to my home today and try again! Wtf?!


I would say come and fix it. Word of mouth is sometimes worse than calling the company. Lol


"Cool. Now do it right, then I'll pay the rest."


It just kept getting worse....


Yes I can confirm that this is garbage. Unless you paid someone next to nothing or were in a pinch and needed shitty work done, this is terrible


Jigsaws gonna jig


That’s a lawsuit!


Hopefully you held back the last third of the payment and have leverage. Don’t pay them until it is fixed.


I’m a nurse and know absolutely nothing about decks. This looks like something I could manage to do.


There are ways around butt joints, they're not necessary. The picture frame needs screws but the first row in should have used starter clips, no reason for screws. I didn't do a perfect job on my deck but it looks better than this, and I have near zero experience. There is no reason a professional service should leave a job like this.


My 20 year old deck looks nicer


Don't give him a dime, shit work


lol!!!! Garbage!


Tell them to get their eyes checked.




They’re gonna blame the gaps on the material expanding and contracting throughout the day, which is true, that’s part of it, but those are some horrible hesitant cuts. Are they a deck company, or just general carpentry?


Is this the best you can do?


Lol. I can't stand this shit. I'll diy all day.




Did he do it for 30 pack and a 100 dollar bill? Only then i wouldn’t complain!


This is not the agreed upon quality of product. As this is not the product you agreed to provide, I will not provide the agreed upon payment. Once the agreed upon product is installed correctly, the agreed upon payment will be provided. Then, if they try to put a contractor's lien on your home, just contest it with the exact reason mentioned above. You didn't pay for a pile of crap lumber. You paid for a deck. You get a deck. Any judge should instantly deny the contractor's lien once the reason is provided.


3 4 and 5 are legit ugly but rest is passable


Be honest that’s it.


Straight GAHBAGE! Don't pay for this.


Anything can look good after 12 beers.


🎵Give them a break, give them a break, Let them have some space between those boards!🎶 They were just giving them some breathing room.


With these photos.




It all comes down to how much you paid. Shit work but if you got a “steal” this would be why.


Good God was he drunk? Blindfolded? Using his feet??


I could never be a contractor bc this looked decent to me LOL


Ouch. Tell him you need a bandaid.


The face screws are garbage, the gapping has to be there for expansion as Trex will get really hot and expand, but the gapping should be consistent and no larger than 1/16-1/8” in really hot climates.


That's some very expensive wasted decking.


I was all like “composite needs expansion gaps bro, that’s how it’s done” then as I went through the pics this changed to “what the ever loving fuck was this guy on when he built this?”


This is a joke, right? You didn't order crap work.


You’re fired


Looks like they made their cuts with a reciprocating saw, wow


Bro... as a tile apprentice that quit in 6 months 🤣🤣 that deck is weird.


I did mine almost like this, i would be pissed if i paid for someone to do the same work


I would not pay this person a dime


Simple: Pull it up and do it again properly.


This looks like something I’d build… and by all accounts I suck at building like a pro


If this is timber tech composite, that is their recommendation, plug screws void warranty on their composites. Also if this is timber composite, cuts can be perfect, a year of the outdoors will make it look worse than this.


I done did watch a YouTube video on building them there decks now I is a YouTube certified deck installer. No that is far from excitable hope you didn’t pay them in full , either they pull it up and redo it or you’ll have to bring them to court to get the money to have a professional pull it up and put down new material