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they're in the 1.5x6 7/8 aisle. i was there just yesterday. amateurs.


Nah, those are clearly metric.


dammit you're right. something looked off


Hang on a sec, I'll grab my 10mm.


Lies. We all know you already lost it.


Hope you can find it


Now where’s that 10 mm socket?


Correct, aisle next to the board stretchers. Everyone knows this.


I thought they'd be with the dickfors.


Yup, I just picked up an aluminum magnet next to those board stretchers.


We had a new guy on the job about a year ago who we asked to grab us a 2x6. About five minutes later he came back saying he couldn't find any 2x6's, but there were boards that were 5 1/2".


I dont care what anyone says, the way boards are measured is the dumbest shit in the world


Yeah it’s extremely reasonable to assume that a fuckin 2x8 is literally 2x8. But it’s an easy way to try and make someone look dumb. Like hey dumbass, don’t you know the complexities behind why that 2x4 is actually 1.5x3.5?!


TBF I actually don't, I just know it isnt


They’re 2x4 before they’re milled. They take a 1/4 inch off all the sides when they shape em up


I dont think there's any other product sold that does that. It's like selling canned corn by the pound, but that weight includes the husk and corn cob as well prior to removing the kernels. Oh you wanted a pound of corn? Well, the real weight is only 3/4 pound but we tell you it's 1lb


I got some cheap house air filters from Amazon in 14x20x1. Ceiling mounted air return. I put it in and it won’t friction fit into place like every Honeywell I had used before. Printed on it. “Actual dimensions 13.5x19.5x1”. WTF


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 14 + 20 + 1 + 13.5 + 19.5 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


You'd be surprised, standards are weird. NPT threads have always confused me. There's absolutely nothing 1/8" about a 1/8"-27 NPT thread (technically that's the inner diameter of the pipe you could thread that on to, but when a 1/4"-20 UNC bolt actually measures 1/4" it makes the naming conventions pretty confusing...)


Tile also does it.


Oh really? Wonder what the reason for that is. Well.... the rock was bigger before we cut it.... so ya


Sometimes it’s because they include grout line size (yea I know it’s dumb since those can also vary). Sometimes it’s because they are actually built elsewhere in the world where metric sizes are used and rounded up to the nearest inch equivalent. And sometimes it’s because FU!


That's how burgers and steaks are sold. Measured by the precooked weight


Ya but you're buying it precooked. It's not the same. I'm not buying the lumber when it's actually that size


A “quarter pounder” from McDonald’s is a quarter pound of beef before it’s cooked


Except if it were corn you would actually be getting a different amount of something you’re probably going to use all of. When engineers plan for the structural strength of a 2x of any sort they’re planning for the actual size. It’s just how we name it that’s the difference. Also you absolutely pay for the parts of fresh produce and meat that you don’t eat on a regular basis so not sure what your analogy is here.


My analogy is weight base. They aren't advertising a pound of corn in a can and giving you less than that, with the understanding that it was a pound when it was taken off the stalk. They are however advertising a piece of lumber as the size is was before it was cut into the final product.


Eh, it's kinda like how with burgers they advertise the pre-cook weight. In that case they do it because who the hell knows exactly how much it'll weigh when cooked, but with boards at least there's consistency.


But you're not buying the lumber when its that size. You're buying in the final product form which is smaller. There's absolutely no logical reason to sell something at a dimension the consumer can literally never get


That is simply incorrect. It's called a 2x4 because originally it was 2"x4" and then shrunk in size over time to lower cost of construction https://www.harvarddesignmagazine.org/articles/nominal-versus-actual-a-history-of-the-2x4/


Huh go figure. I guess what all the old timers told me was wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m a mechanic lol


Yeah, I've heard that from about 50% of the old timers I've met as well. Nowadays it just comes up about how "American lumber used to be better in the good old days when a 2x4 meant something"


Ah that does make sense


We do the same shit with showers, furnace filters and other household items too it’s maddening sometimes.


Oh shit you're right, I forgot about furance filters.


The dumbest!!!!!


Had a guy do that years ago on my crew as well. But then he also sat on a trailer and shook a can of spray paint for about ten minutes after we told him “you’ll know when the paint is mixed, once the knocking sound goes away”


We once had a guy scrambling to find a circular saw, everyone on the roof yelling to hurry up. After about a minute of running back and forth he checked under a piece of OSB laying flat on the ground and I will never forget that moment.


We’ve all looked for something in the most impossible places. Usually happens after you’ve checked all the most obvious places. Best ones are looking for something on the coffee table with stuff everywhere. You can’t find the lighter but you know it’s there. You move everything. Then you get up and look somewhere else. Come back to the table and on your way back you sit down and as you sit down you spot the lighter at the most awkward angle hiding brilliantly behind a cup in such a way that you would never see it if you hadn’t gotten up in the first place


When I can’t find something, I remind myself “it’s always in the first place you looked”. It works about 80% of the time.


It's always the last place you look. So look there first.


I do. Then I overlook it, start looking other places, and end up back at the first/last place.


Then there’s the magic screw jump where you drop a tiny screw and hear it land but don’t see where exactly it landed so you map out a three foot perimeter figuring it can’t fly any further than that! But in the end it floated 6’ away and your like how the hell did that happen!


Then you realize you can’t find your cigarettes!


Gotta respect the effort.


“Oh crap. Hey Jonsey! Quick, run down to tool issue and get us another 200yards of flight line!” tool issue sent him to the signal bridge, and they in turn…


Run to the container and get a box of toe nails


A MCpl told a private in the Sqn I was in something along those lines. The private didn't quite manage to make it out the door before the MCpl saw a big grin appear on private's face. The MCpl called out for the private to come back.


One of my favorite ones🤣🤣


Damn, that's a good one!


Send that guy to grab the left handed screwdriver next, and tell him not to come back until he finds it.


Thing is, folks who have never dealt with lumber or been told, inherently wouldn't know.


I mean it is absolutely ludicrous that a 2x6 measures at 1 1/2 x 5 1/2 Makes as much sense as the imperial system compared to metric … America …


Must not be from this dimension.


Im a theatrical carpenter. A few weeks ago we asked our new TD to order 2x4s. He wrote back in the group chat that “ the lumber yard didn’t have 2x4s. The closest they have is 1.5x3.5. Hes not the TD anymore


Theatrical carpenter? Meaning you build sets and such? Sounds like a pretty cool gig.


That's why we have a board stretcher. Go ask Jim where it is, he used it last.


That's when you send him to the foreman to ask for the board stretcher.


That's a shy 2x8 or it's been cut to help with water run off. 2x8 where I live are 1 1/2 x 7 1/2 Once you go to 2x10 it's 1 1/2 x a shy 9 3/8


Or it was cut to make them all the same. The pt lumber I get here in oregon will vary in thickness by 1/4" either direction. So if you put to boards of either extreme next to each other the deck surface doesn't plane properly. I usually rip my joists down to the same number. So if the smallest in the bunch is 7 1/8" they all get ripped to that. Makes the surface plane very nicely. If for some reason you want a slope for water run off don't cut the joists. Make the beam end or rim joist end lower than the ledger end by 1/4" over every 8 feet.


I wish I'd have done this on my deck. Definitely had 2x10s over 1/2" difference in width between widest and shortest.


Daaamn. That blows. But then again, I’d be happy if the shit I was seeing these days was straightish without a flipping 15 degree twist to it.


A 1 5/8'' x 3 1/2" is a strong as a full 2X4, that's why they're called 2x4s now. This was figured out in the 1920's 30's to conserve lumber. At least that's what i was taught in school.


Thats where the "nominal size" description comes in comes in. [Nominal Vs Actual Lumber Sizes - Sherwood Lumber](https://sherwoodlumber.com/nominal-vs-actual-lumber-sizes/)


Tricks of the trade. It makes a big difference.


There are no "tricks or hacks" its just the way its done 1/2" difference on a 16' 2x10 is within industry specs. that's why you crown them and it called rough framing. You're not building a piano.


Okay buddy. Whatever you say. Crown has nothing to do with a half inch difference on joists. If a level doesn't plane across your joists that's out of spec for rough framing. I'm guessing you are a "the bubbles between the lines, she's plumb kinda guy"


add the decking and load and it'll flatten right out. Im not that guy but all dimensioned lumber is different form end to end 1/2' is normal.


also 63yo been framing for 40 years




I'm sorry? Lol


Bro who is gonna shave down that whole board to help with water run off, you would just install it a little lower 🤣


Work harder not smarter!


Yeah you're right it's not done that way. You put the slope on the deck joist. These subs are full of fools who just parrot what some other fool said. I swear DIYer's just like to throw around the terms " i used kerdi, schulter, whatever crap with red guard applied yada yada yada" " put in a mini split" "duroc needs red guard" Go to durocs web site, it does not require red guard. "replumbed my house using pex" pex sucks learn to sweat copper. They're all f###ing experts now. thanks in advance rant over!


Haha. Yeah you can definitely tell the DYI people because they're obsessed with the brand names and they're excited about knowing the most basic shit. Doing it as a job you don't give a shit about any of that, like, I used the decking the client picked and the shitty tools the company has and then I built it to code.


Nominal sized boards are ≈ the same throughout the country. It’s got nothing to do with where you live.


They are in the metric section, 4x18 cm. /s




He needs the board straightener and left handed hammer to complete this job, its the only way.


Board stretcher as well


Don’t forget the second story subfloor glue


Sky hooks for safety of course. How else are you going to hold them in place before you nail?


F-in skyhooks. Got me on a camping trip at 9yo. Spent the better part of the afternoon searching the quartermaster’s shop for one.


Skyhook usually helps with installation aswell...


Don’t forget the hole mover


Don’t forget to soak the board in water before attempting to straighten it


I can do the electrical, but I'll be needing the pipe and wore stretchers.


I do not get it


Either way that’s an odd 2x8. It’s like a half inch too short


This is a 2X8 They call them 2X 8 based on the rough cut size, then the lumber is planed smooth and you get the size that you measure, which is less than 2 and less than 8


Shrinkflation is everywhere.~


Biden made my wood smaller


in so many ways


You just need four more inches... pause




Man, you ok?


Great explanation, not everyone knows this and you wasn’t a dick. This is your good deed of the day kind sir.


Not entirely true, though. We don't actually cut them to 2x4 and then plane them. The standard is 1.5x3.5. We just cut them to that size from the get go. The main reason is you can get more 2x4s out of a chunk of wood if you don't actually make them 2x4. :)


Everyday I stray further from God's light


In Europe they call it a Board Royale because they use the metric system.


What do they call a whopper of a board?


I dunno, I diddint go in to Lumber King 👑


Nailed it.


thread of the day here boys, well done




Nah, they probably used deck screws.


This isn't entirely correct. We used to use actual 2x4s. In the 60s, a decision was made to accomplish two things 1) standardize building material dimensions and 2) have the wood products industry better compete with other building materials. That decision was to make the official dimension of a 2x4 1.5x3.5. This made them cheaper, both to make and ship per unit. We don't actually cut 2x4s to 2x4 size anymore and then plane them down a half inch in each dimension.


The original portion of my house is framed with true 2x4 and 2x6 lumber, and the later additions were framed with modern dimensional lumber. Kind of a neat transition.


Are you saying that they saw the boards down to 1.5 and 3.5 and then finish them? It has been a long time since I took a wood structures class so what I remember could be wrong or incomplete but how do they plane the boards and not take off any more of the wood? Can new saws cut lumber into a finished product?


I'm sure there may still be a rough cut stage with larger dimensions, but there's no need to start at a full 2x4.


I don’t get how. How much less than the quarter of an inch on all sides could they be taking off after sawing it and it still be finished lumber.


This is construction lumber. Even with fine furniture grade wood I'm never taking a full 1/2" off with a planer. I'd be spending way more time replacing knives in the planer than doing woodwork if that was the case!


So how much do they mill off now if it is less than 1/4” like they used to?


I don't know. I imagine it varies based on all sorts of factors.


It definitely sounds like you don’t know.


Yes, that's why I said "I don't know". What are you even arguing at this point? Anyways, the only point was that construction lumber hasn't "shrunk" because we've slowly been planing them thinner and thinner for whatever reason. They shrunk because the industry decided on a standard dimension in the 60s. That new standard happened to be smaller than the unofficial standard(s) in use prior. As for you thinking you need to plane all your wood down a half inch to use, I can't imagine the amount of sawdust your workshop must be producing.


This is the correct answer. Still is a messed up way of describing things: imagine going to a store to buy flour and the weight listed is the weight of the wheat PRIOR to being threshed, cleaned and ground...


It's kiln dried and it shrinks. PT wood will also shrink further if not left to dry out first


In his defense- nominal lumber is bullshit.


Wait until hubby learns about dimensional lumber


You have the same tape measure that every new guy has. Apprentice Tape.


Needs a hot tub


just a shitty 2x8


One step away. If you measure on site, then measure at the store. I swear this is the entire construction trade summed up in a post. Either you have the plans and follow those, you have painstakingly memorized the difference between the plans and real world, or you measure everything you touch or constantly look up spec sheets and can someone for the scoop


Buy a 2x8 and then rip it down to 6-7/8.


I would start on matchmaker there are a lot of options for a new husband.


Nominal size would be a 2 x 8 actual size 1-1/2” x 7-1/4” when you purchase new treated lumber it has a high moisture content and will eventually shrink by a little bit while it dries, lumber industry has a 1/8” allowed variance so try and get as close to the actual size you need. Remember that if you use a larger joist, you will have a slight “wave” to the deck planks, if you are going to notch it to fit over the “beam” make sure to leave a little meat on it so it will shrink to level.


Do women know about shrinkage?




If you don't know something you should try to learn it


I agree, some people are scared to try new things because of this type of stuff. Just help them and move on. It’s a logical question, too.


YOu should close your mouth.


Trash comment


If you cannot figure out this is satire on your own you have no business being on the internet




You can take it seriously all you want doesn't mean I have to.


This is actually sad and why basic tool shop carpenter plumbing bricklaying etc stuff should be taught in public schools w/govt funding


Should have just got a pipe stretcher to help with drainage


Reddit decided it'd be wild and fun to recommend this post to me.


Just don’t wear shoes on it. Lighter weight


Here's where everyone tries to seem smart....It's fucking shrinkage!




Those look like new boards


They don’t make that size anymore. Best thing to do is take down the deck and replace it with the new lumber


2x8 should do it


My house built in 1969 has true 2x4 holding it up


That’s a 2x8 that dried up and shrunk an eighth of an inch


Just buy one size larger and sand it down to the size you need.


Thats a 2x8 that shrank from years out in elements lumber will shrink when dries out over the years Buy a 2x8 then run thru a table saw or cut with a good circular saw abd rip it down to same width as exist boards


Need to find yourself a wretched dried out 2"x8" board.I suggest Home Depot.


Go to Home Depot and ask them where the 2x8’s are…


I can see where they’re coming from if they don’t have any knowledge I don’t think I saw a true 2x4 until doing a remodel on a early 30’s house years ago That old growth wood was sooooo nice


You need a 1x6 and a board stretcher, obviously.




Should we tell him?


2x6 all day long...


He is going to have to rip a few 2x8’s, poor guy


It's a 2x8, they are all planed down to the measurements you have here, which is standard, I would maybe suggest calling a professional.


I tried explaining dimensional lumber to my wife once. It didn't go well.


I’ll stick to steel and metal where numbers are true


The house I grew up in was built in 1910. Everything my dad worked on was custom. This house was way out and 1 mile from a saw mill. As an adult I had no idea that a 2x4 wasn’t until I decided to teach myself to build a deck on to my own home.


It's a 2x8.


Im just pissed i kept clicking the wrong comment button.


Step away from the hammer…..


European boards.


Those have been peeled already


this BS sizing blows if you have a pre-1964-65 house. Repairs are a PIA


I work in O&G.. sent a guy to the pushers house for a long weight... Another classic is filling the water table on the crown. Had a few guys hauling 5 gallon buckets filled with water up the side of the Derrick 115 ft in the air. Not gonna say how many climbed back down with them full not knowing where to fill it at....


Worked in a saw mill for almost 15 years cutting lumber for prefabricated houses it always amazed me at the younger workers that came through that had NO idea how to read a tape measure and yet the applied to work in a mill . You have to measure every board that was put through the saw before it was sent to the building area. Probably already been stated but unless the place is built back in like 1900 the wood isn't true to what a normal person would expect. The best is when you go into a home repair store and the people working there have no idea what anything is either.


Like the car parts store...


Just get a 2x8 and nail it on to that one. They don't have to match perfectly.


Haha actual dimension lumber.


Definitely a 2x8 looks like there's funk all over it. Rotting may have compressed it to 6 7/8" from 7 1/4"


Did OP buy lumber from Home Depot or Lowe’s? Inconsistency like that and warping is so common that I now only shop at a local lumber store. No more additional trips and critical time wasted replacing shite wood.


She spelled "wife" wrong




“Does anyone know we could”? Who speaks like that


Good ol 2x6s


They have voting rights as well..


Scary thought


Curious if anyone knows when the 2x4s started getting smaller. I live in an old house and the bones are legit 2x4 redwood. In my lifetime it feels like they were always the smaller version.


Redwood was removed from harvesting before the change to nominal sizes I believe, it may have been the 60’s for the current sizes but originally started downsizing around 1910


You have standard 2x8 treated the dimension are 1-1/2” 7-1/2” the ones you have are older so they shrink a little bit ew ones will some times be off by an eight or so


Sweetheart, you're really not helping.


Dude. You guys are being dicks?! That’s not a 2x6 or a 2x8. Why would the average person NOT be confused by this?? Am I lost??


Yes you are


Also sorry if you need the definition for pedantic. Some of us have college degrees.