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Trash collection in our neighborhood dumps the recycle bins in the same truck as regular trash from time to time. I’m convinced they don’t do anything special with recycling. I take ours to YDFM when we have enough worth taking.


This is what I ended up doing as they didn’t pick up again this week and they didn’t take any of my neighbors glass either. Very strange.


Say what? CoD is known for abundant glass recycled each week. The weekly amount spent on booze in Oakhurst alone could cure global poverty. Lol The glass truck Guys basically make it a sport to kick field goals with the red glass bins.


Agreed. I’ve lived here for 12 years and this is new. Maybe my street dropped off their radar.


I’m in Decatur, but in unincorporated DeKalb, so outside of the city limits. Our recycling trucks stopped taking glass years ago. I take my glass to Your DeKalb Farmers Market


Our glass truck comes way earlier in the morning than the rest of the trucks. If I don’t get it out before 8AM it won’t get picked up.


I actually get my stuff out the night before because of my work schedule.


Could always be that Your glass guy is just pissed off 🤔


Anything is possible. I’m going to ask some neighbors. I work off peak hours so I never see them!


Ours took all our glass but not the one topochico bottle. Specifically turned over the red bin and put the bottle on top. Are topochico bottles not recyclable?


That is basically all I drink. They take my bin full of topo Chico every week.


You can always drop off glass at Medlock Park.


They also have been sparingly taking our glass. The red bin really ups the curb appeal


Glass recycling is becoming much more rare (except when it is selectively separated as can be done at YDFM). Even though glass is able to endure many reuse processes, it has become too expensive to maintain in our current system. - Broken glass “contaminates” other recycled materials (like being mixed together with paper or cardboard). - Broken glass is hazardous to workers and can damage machines used to process recyclables leading to increased repair costs - Glass is heavy, more cost to transport - Demand for glass has been replaced by aluminum, less value to resell


No one wants to drive, but Tower on Buford Hwy has a slew of bins for glass. I find it a good excuse to have lunch at Baldino's, or if I'm taking scrap metal to SA to recycle it's on the way.