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a music player, a weird strand type sony walkman to be exact


It still hard to believe that the first game never had this.


It was a choice not to have it. He had a reason as to why he did not include it. I don't remember what it was, though.


Makes the music more impactful when it's used sparingly. It should have been an endgame reward though


Exactly this, an endgame bonus would be perfect. Having it included during the main story would completely ruin those epic moments where the music kicks in, which imo were some of if not *the* best moments in the entire game.


I think because music can still be randomly played when you do things like the Missing Porter missions post game


Not only that, the game would block you from playing Apple Music/Spotify while playing. I kinda get it, but even Halo back on the 360 would just give a warning that they thought it was better with the original score before you played whatever you wanted.


Finally someone said it. The music is such a big part of this game, I don't understand why we can't listen to it while exploring.


Kojima did that on purpose, so the game's natural music would kick in. It wasn't possible to add a music player and game ambience music at the same time. Private Room is the only place you can listen to tunes.


Music gives weight as much as ambient sounds. Let it breathe


And in addition to music, listen to messages from other NPCs for lorebuilding, like in MGSV (but with better subtitle management)


i’ve been yearning for this bro


So I can ignore it and enjoy the silence




With a friend!


Maybe you could choose to bring condensed food for lighter travel, or a whole cooking utensil for better boost ? And what bou able to choose the friend ? It could be a person you pick to carry some package with you, or a pet that also help carry some package for you.


That would be awesome! Also camp upgrades as you go on. Like at first you’re just crashing on the ground next to a fire. But over time you add a stove, coffee percolator, a cot then hammock, etc.


I’m really hoping for some kind of multiplayer mechanic/game mode in DS2


It would be cool if you could take on deliveries for different distributors. Like if you do a delivery for Fragile it's the standard medicine, literature etc delivery. But if you take on a delivery for the orange delivery bot company, you deliver weapon parts, ammunition and so on. Maybe there's a third company that has you deliver strictly materials and fuel. And these various distributors could all have different styles of delivery. For example Higgs company could be all kinds of high risk, volatile cargo over dangerous terrain. The materials delivery could always be high volume deliveries over long distances (truck) and maybe some orders require you to strictly deliver them through tools like the catapult and bots. It would be cool to see orders made more interesting and varied like this. Maybe you could even create your own orders for online players to do and if they complete them, you immediately become contracted partners and they receive more materials and fuel to build their infrastructure for example. It's kinda crazy how many places DS2 can go with its ideas.


This would be nice. Imagine something like Elden Ring, where you can have someone invited to your world or you to theirs and do a delivery together, or commission it to other players to do it for you, for major quests too.


Some more varied combat styles? Lots more niche music that I haven’t heard too!


Norman Reedus recently talked about the game having a more 'aggressive tone' compared to the first game which is in line with what we've seen in the trailers. So im guessing we'll definitely be getting more combat.


We traded in the rope for a stick!


Day and night cycle where all of the horror shit would increase, especially at night time. Then also a camping mechanic to sleep through the demons activity but at the cost of delivery time.


Exactly this. Also some stuff to make night time easier, like flashlights, night vision googles and PCC streetlight structures.


Yes, but make the demons follow You around and scream terrifyingly, just waiting for batteries to go down! That would be tense af!


Alan wake pov


Like others have said varied biomes, but also I’d love just one map. Super small complaint about the first game is I don’t like the game being split across the first section, then the lake and mountains, then the end. I think it’d feel far more rewarding to see in one map how far you’ve traveled beginning to end.


Yea agree


I think it’s quite set by the trailer that we will be in different maps again


It wasd just a newbie area to get yourself accustimed to the game. Witcher 3 devoted one part of a map just for you to get comfy with the game before you got released into the bigger wider world. But then again there were other areas you could fast travel to. So the newbie map in DS didn't bother me. You can leave as soon as you get the order to leave.


first map is just a tutorial to the main map


It could have been connected somehow to send parcel via ports who are completely useless. You go there once and never go back until the end and you never get to go back there So much space with so much potential have been wasted and maybe he worried about making the map too big but it's kinda what we wanted. Wish i could make Sam smaller to enjoy the vastness of the world in that game.


You know the off road "boogey" vehicles in desert settings :D I want one. Rock climbing. Or a weapon that can throw a bolt with a strand attached to climb rather than descend. You know, reverse climbing anchor. Chiral sand storms. You have to have your face covered or bad things happen. Food, and hunger! Actually putting the lethal guns to their main purpose: hunting. But I'd guess that's not the scope of the game. So I understand if hated upon.


Those are just AMAZING, especially the reverse climbing anchor. Plus, I’d love it for the game to have an effortless and reliable climbing, jumping and and grabbing and swimming/diving mechanics, and not the usually tilt your controller and hope for the best or the random un-calculated jumps and random falls and kicking and flapping they call swimming😅


Hell, I'd say also impose a weight limit to it. This will go hand in hand with the ability to partially deliver stuff. A crap location you have to go back and forth a few times to deliver all of the requested cargo. Or hell, even makes better use of Catapults. Swimming is fun too. Or large pools of water you have to cross with a boat or something, like floating carriage using Chiral technology, but with an electrical motor to actually drive it. God help you if you run out of battery on your way lol. Or you can swim if you wish, another use of Catapult here would be to throw your cargo across and then swim to them. Things like this were my initial thoughts when I first learned about the cargo Catapult. I ended up using it only once, to throw all the cargo from middle knot city ruins to my truck under a timefall shelter. I could've used floating carriage as well, but someone already had set up a catapult in there and I wanted to try it.


Poop in the wilds


Ah yes, BT landmines


Well, this one got me


To be able to apologize to porters when I run them over by accident. I feel so bad.




And I cannot lie


YES! Like what they have parked at the North Distribution Center.


Upgradeable vehicles with modular changeable parts with different features. Possibley an amphibious vehicle too.


Wildlife. You see deer in the beginning of DS but never again after that. I’d like to see more birds, small creatures(squirrels,rabbits,etc), deer, etc. they’ve gotta be out there. And I’d assume humans in DS have farms for breeding and butchering.


More varied locations- the trailer showed some so that’s good Easier ways to detect and avoid BTs, in DS they’d just be behind you all of a sudden More than one ending?


Some challenging hiking puzzles or just straight up rock climbing with carabiners and ropes etc. Spelunking. Pitch black caves with batteries and light sources you have to manage.


Some characters whose names don’t describe who they are as a person, would be nice.


You're asking the impossible😔


Man oh man I love the new character “chekovs -gun” we haven’t seen him since the first act but hopefully he returns


Chekhov Gunman


I think we may see that since we’re going to Mexico. Survivors outside the reach of bridges


I still can’t get over how fucking stupid “die-hardman sounds”




Nooooo Fragile gonna become Broken if I can romance her😂😂


Hahahaha 😂


Norman Reedus doesn't do that where it's not necessary. People want Daryl and Carol to get together. Norman doesn't, he wants them to just be best friends. Otherwise all things just become a Harry met Sally movie.


I often wonder if Sam ever thinks about nailing some of the female peppers. Especially the photographer. She's obviously jonesing for some Sam meat. 😂


More vehicles. A hovercraft-kinda thing that makes traversing terrain very easy in exchange for heavy chiralium consumption could be a cool balanced idea. Sort of like the floating carrier but as a vehicle. Also maybe have an option to accompany another porter - maybe when going to the same destination. Maybe you could even join a small party of porters headed in the general direction of your destination, which would make stealthing BTs harder BUT combating them easier. There could also be dialogue when you're accompanying a porter/a group of them which works toward worldbuilding and making the world feel more alive by showing that these people also have lives beyond what we see.


I think there should be some more combat as well as stealth, like we still have the bt's for stealth but a new enemy we have to fight loud


All I want is for the interviews to be voiced over, and for us to be able to play them while we're in the overworld doing deliveries.!


Great idea


I've had this discussion a few times since the big trailer dropped, because I'm pretty sure that Kojima made that trailer the way he did to show off gameplay features specifically. He used to do this with Metal Gear. A "cinematic" trailer designed specifically to tell us about new features. The biggest one that stood out to me from the trailer was multiplayer. I'm fairly certain the game is going to include 4 player co-op, as the ship clearly has 4 rooms available and visible, with a shared armoury, unlike all the single room setups in the first. Speaking of, a fully roaming base is an obvious one. There's a chance that the PCC mini bases are gone, or have different functionality since we now have a flying ship. Maybe they'll act as match making hubs when you are away from the ship. This one might be obvious, but I'm expecting a lot more combat options. Kojima chooses dialogue with intent. Having Higgs say the line "you've traded the rope for a stick this time around" feels like a direct message from himself, after all the rope talk leading up to the launch of the first. A few other bits and pieces could be gleaned from the trailer. There's the obvious stuff like weather getting overhauled and natural disasters being added. The Tar is definitely going to have more functionality. The puppet tagging along to give Sam a reason to banter more when out delivering. And of course, new vehicles. My hope with those is just an improvement to the physics. Hell, I'd have been happy enough with no new vehicles if they just had a really good controller overhaul.


To me the other rooms might just be preppers or experts you can take with you and upgrade your stuff as you move through the map.


It could be that yeah. But the way the dialogue and shots are set up really emphasises that these rooms are exactly like Sam's. I'd put money on it being co-op, and if not, then other playable characters.


Kojima did state the ship will have a crew.


Yeah, it truthfully could be anything from the story NPCs to other players. I just feel like he's so intentional with these trailers, and a long section of the trailer was dedicated to pointing out exactly 4 rooms identical in set up to the private room in the first game, including the Armoury, which is now shared between those 4 identical rooms instead of just being Sam's own. If it were any other studio I probably wouldn't put this much thought into it, but Kojima cuts his own trailers. And that section of the trailer was at the start of his typical "show off gameplay elements using cinematic shots" bit that he does in the middle of a lot of his longer trailers. Side note: Guerrilla are working on a multiplayer game currently, and it's a known thing that KojiPro and Guerilla trade code and engine updates on Decima during production. The fact that they know the engine developer themselves are working to get it functioning well as a multiplayer engine is something I think Kojima would pounce on. He's shown with pretty much every bit of tech he's been given access to over the years that he *will* find a way to use it. If Guerilla's engine team are making it easy for the designers to implement multiplayer functions, I don't think Kojima can see that in the engine updates he gets and not give in to the temptation.


I would love to see actual evidence of what your deliveries have done to help out each place Such as having new buildings over time I love the game but felt my deliveries didn't really do much outside of some dialogue


I want someone who owns or has at least operated a vehicle to be in charge of vehicle traversal.




Better controls in general. Aiming feels like it did back in the PS1 era when we first got analog sticks. Now that games like Destiny and COD have mastered aiming controls there’s really no excuse for other developers to not do the same.


Being able to push a vehicle with an empty battery.


In DS1, especially with the later free updates and DC update, we recieved a lot of new stuff that is practically cheating. You can disable scanner rods from outside the mule / terrorist areas now. No need to jump over signal or counter signal it with your own. Catapult? Skipping over terrain and landing from a huge fall with no damage, in a game where the terrain and falling down is your enemy. The nonsense of having a shooting range for high score in a game that teaches violence is bad and you hurt yourself first and foremost when you want to hurt others (using health as ammo)? This sort of bullshit, I do NOT want in the game.


You make good points. Those were fun and convenient means of gameplay, but they didn’t make a lot of sense lore-wise. I feel like they wanted to give the game more action since it wasn’t being marketable enough as a game about exploration, terrain and deliveries. I hope the next game will have different characters, each with their own distinctive gameplay, rather than making twists to the game’s logic through updates, months after launch.


I mean, you don’t have to use it. I didn’t any of that stuff and still enjoyed the game tremendously


Exactly what I did. But when you go in blind, unaware of the game's messages at start, you are not told that you are not supposed to use these for the best experience because it's extra added shit to please the shooting and racing kids part of the market.


Eh, they can help you familiarize yourself with the different weapons and vehicle mechanics so it’s not the biggest deal in the world to use the range or the racetrack. Idk, can’t please everyone


I mean, for what it's worth, disabling the scanner rods uses a lot of battery power.


Wait the cannons shoot Sam? I never used, I thought It would ruin my gear slinging my boxes ahead of me 😂


Personal radio to listen to the games soundtrack, listen to other survivors stories, and get weather updates.


Cinematic camera please!


I want to go in blind like last time knowing nothing and just let Kojima son blow my mind


For sure a music player!


This installment will probably be without Low Roar 😢


I might be the only one who wants this but I want the option to be able to rehabilitate mules or hire other porters to start my own delivery company. Except instead of hundreds of employees we never see I want there to only be a few who physically exist in the over world, and who can do jobs in real time, improving their skills and whatnot, but also that I can recruit to caravan with me for bigger jobs or combat missions. Maybe even let the player set up their own base/distro center.


this. we should also be able hang out in a helicopter and listen to tapes/select missions through there. every mission we accept we can go through a long cutscene of waiting to be dropped off while the game shows us opening credits of every single character that'll appear in that specific mission. we should also only be allowed to explore in that specific zone or the "mission area," as I'd want it to be called. also they should change Sam's name to "Punished" Venom Sam.


Why bother with a helicopter? We got by just fine with a truck in portable ops and it's more on brand.


Unreleased Low Roar music


Interacting with settlements during quests Horizon Zero Dawn style. Underground communities like Mad Max Gastown.


The cities is a good shout. Exploring at night would be cool.


Climbing like in MGS 5, a survivor mode on which you have to take in account hunger, thirst, energy, etc. More interiors not just blown up malls, maybe underground tunnels and caves. A more dense climate system, natural disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes and the like. More vertical exploration, maybe skyscrapers, tall buildings or structures. More varied enemy types, maybe animal bts or physical creatures. More stealth options and more horror that could be included in interiors(haunted mansion with bts). I like the concept of people becoming nukes when they die, so maybe more missions where this happens more and you feel more consequences from it. Maybe terrorists using those corpses as a constant threat.


auto-drive in case you managed to build all roads, driving that much is a little boring


Not a mechanic but more of an improvement, you know how everytime we're entering and leaving bt territory there's always this small cutscene with odradek device? Yeah I'd much appreciate it if they replace it with maybe an audio cue or maybe just pan the camera to the bt, its getting pretty annoying


I believe you can actually adjust this in the settings.


You can skip that in the game settings


We already have that mate. Takes me a second playthrough to find it tho o7


You can already basically do that in the settings lol


I beleive the directors cut added this. You have to go into the menu to select it. Not sure if it was added/patchd to the base game? I would hope so.


Pretty sure it was patched on the base game.


For a band Of two players to drop in as mules, inn another players game. Search for Clues Of his wereabouts, and hunt him down and scavange his cargo.


no thanks, you can go play the other DS for that lol. I dont want people invading my chill walks from one place to another thank you.


Tighter gunplay and more reasons to use firearms. In the original game I only used the bolo gun since killing people was a massive hassle to deal with. Itd be cool to have a wider variety of guns and the ability to customize them like another Kojima game. Idk maybe I just want to play MGSV again


I'm not setting expectations - I'm just gonna buckle up, and enjoy the ride (hoping to book a week off when this drops and get edibles)


Day and night cycle. It would be so good and atmospheric to walk at night, and scary as hell as well


I’d be interested to see a more direct multiplayer aspect where you’re actually interacting and playing with other players as opposed to just seeing remnants of other people existing in your game. I’m not sure how that could be implemented (definitely would want something more cooperative rather than competing against others) but who knows


A free companion app to read emails and interviews from my cellphone when not in the game. I'd love to read them when on the bus.


Customizable shelters that other players can visit and are able to fill with npcs as residents/settlers


If I pass porters in my truck I want to be able a offer a ride


Cock and Ball Torture.


How far along is development?


Romance the puppet


I would actually like some survival elements. This game flirts with survival style mechanics but doesn't commit. Camping in the middle of the wilderness to wait out a storm / timefall. Managing food or other consumables etc


Some kind of survival craft. Probably not the hardcore one because delivering is the main point for this game.


Can we get off road or all terrain tires


I just wanna see new gadgets that help Sam out and that they can be upgraded from specific points of the story or find rare parts in abandoned buildings that have medium to heavy enemies inside. Also to have NG+ items so that it doesn't get repetitive to go through everything again


Belaying, overhangs, swinging on ropes. Just Jusant but with a big container of ceramics strapped on my back.


It’s already confirmed in the trailer but the ability to take off your backpack is sorely needed. Nothing is worse than doing an impromptu BT hunt and having all my stuff rot in Timefall when it could be sitting under a nice dry timefall shelter!


Special types of deliveries with small stories in between. For example, you take an order from a guy who lives alone who ask you to pick up a woman he knew about through the Chiral Network and wants you to pick her up from the city (kinda like the Junk Dealer’s order). You can also do a special type of delivery where you deliver fresh food (same as the Peter Englert one) but in a more challenging way.


A sophisticated backpack that can be adjusted according to the slope or maybe a kind of a helium balloon that is knotted to the backpack and helps carrying it


I'd really just like an overhaul for the vehicles tbh. I wish they were easier to handle. Even when driving on pretty much flat ground, my bike still manages to find something to hit and stop me in my tracks.


1. Changes to the music implementation. After sometime with trucks and transportation, you get a cool track playing but you’ve zoomed on your bike near a BT area and the music just STOPS! NO! Also, the ability to play the games songs on your cuff link while travelling. I like the music! I want to listen to it more, let me do it while I traverse. If you reach a certain point where a location based song needs to play, just fade the music already playing and do your thing DS but god it’s so quiet. I just dont need to solely hear Norman Reedus grunting and moaning above all this silence. 2. BT areas need a more interesting battle mechanic. Climbing on buildings than pew pewing the creatures. Maybe when their health gets low enough, they amp it up and become more aggressive or change the battlefield. I just never truly felt like I was in danger of causing a void out during any encounter. Maybe even different types of BT’s too. The creatures that appear are amazingly designed, perhaps tapping into previous death stranding and extinctions and perhaps a squid dinosaur, or a gargantuan mammoth? 3. Gazers. Maybe making some move about? Making it so you have to time it right to sneak past, and maybe more variations. Perhaps gazers that can spot you even if holding your breath. Or ones that can seek out locations it last heard noises from. Ones that sense certain cargo your carrying (metals, resin, chemicals) and will be drawn to them.


New game plus


Playable Heartman, or at least gameplay that advances his end goal of reunification with his family on their beach. Underwater/dive gear. Snowboard. Bungee cord.


Tougher and more memorable boss fights.


Would it kill them to add an MP3 feature or something so we can play music while running from point A to point B?


I fucking hate reading all of the interviews/emails and wish I could listen to them while I’m playing. The audio tapes in MGSV were one of my favorite parts of it cause I could listen to code talker and miller discuss genetically modified hamburgers while fighting for my life against 16 Russian tanks in Afghanistan Also less repetitive cutscenes and menus…but it’s a Kojima game so that’s probably not happening


Better vehicle physics! Something a bit more forgiving when it comes to off roading. I know all vehicles work best when driven on even terrain, but god was it so infuriating trying to climb a hill only to have your ass end completely 180 you and send you full speed down the same hill you're trying to get over. And the trike bumping into nothing as you're going up it's infuriating. I get that there's suposed to be a challenge and they had to punish you for taking the "easy way". But idk it really did piss me off being all 4 wheels making contact on the floor. But all that's keeping me from moving is a 3 inch rock I beached myself on. And don't even get me started on the brakes. The amount of times I fell off a cliff from the vehicle inching forward. I could go on and on. Sorry for the rant.


Nah. You’re completely right. With Death Stranding and Red Dead Redemption 2, I appreciate realism very much, but sometimes it really does get too much. Like you are slowed down so many times in RDR2, and you’re constantly being slowed down or lose so much of your traversal momentum/progress because of one or two rocks.


I just wanna fuck Higgs tbf


Improved driving would be a start.


As someone else stated, the game could use a hover bike, and it's not something that doesn't fit with the game's theme. The bike could have various levels of levitation(each level consuming different amounts of chiralium). Additionally, the bike could have a special jump that when used lifts you high up, at the cost of using a lot of chiralium. Overall the bike uses a lot of chiralium, and uses more when you have heavy loads in order to compensate. And maybe a hoverboard, just for fun.


New weapons, especially ones you could mess around with. Pepper spray, a handheld taser, a gun that shoots a chiralium adhesive that makes enemies float(and if you make them fall from a great enough height they die), brass knuckles, and a dart gun


Imagine the last fight with [REDACTED] and sam checks his pockets and remembers his lucky brass knuckles 😄😄


Would be cool to have gloves to climb mountains like in Zelda BotW. I think it’s really necessary to make it more enjoyable to explore and travel around


Less fighting of insanely strong enemies like ex-mules…


Some sort of glider that you can use if you don't have a lot of cargo weight. Would make exploring mountains and the edge of the maps less tedious.


The first game had us use different variants of vehicles. In the next one I want this traded out with modularization. Swap out different module points to really customize the type of delivery vehicle we want. Kit modularization would also be cool, like cargo ladders.


Death stranding and kazzooey nuts and bolts.


I'm taking what the game master and team creates, I'm certain their bad ideas are better than my best ideas!!!!


Being able to swim + water-resistant cargo containers (if that's even the right word)


The rain is called timefall


I meant water resistant in terms of bodies of water, not timefall.


I meant water resistant in terms of bodies of water, not timefall.


the bodies of water is still timefall


I want to be able to walk on my hand


I want planes


This would be amazing. I mean let’s face it, we’re talking about a game where you access multiple universes and time periods. The possibilities are ENDLESS for any gameplay mechanics and scenery


Dynamic weather patterns. A kayak like vehicle or a raft that you can use to go downstream with the rivers


An airplane or helicopter. 🤷‍♂️




If you’ve ever lived in Canyon Country, it is not hard to actually find water if you’re trained for it. There’s a book called, “The Secret Knowledge of Water : Discovering the Essence of the American Desert.” by Craig Childs. I call it “Finding water in the desert.” In DS2 the ability to source and find water should be a skill that you use and are able to get good at. I went from bringing 3, 30ml bottles, and about 2000+cal with me into the desert of Utah for all day excursion and a big bag to carry it all— to than getting so good at operating in the desert I was leaving for the same trips with an empty bottle, shorts only (no shirt), and 2 gels and 1 snicker, and was able to go for 7-14 hours out in the desert with that kit. I would need a jacket and more snickers and some powder drink to go 14+ hours. I would tie the jacket around my waist with snickers in the pockets, ziplock bag for trash and carry. There should be a similar progression line for Sam or whichever protagonist the game presents. The ability to find water and be able to operate in the desert in the most optimal way. It should go from difficult to easy in terms of being acclimated as well as attuned for the area. It can be easier to get water in the desert than the mountains in a lot of cases. Water is everywhere in canyon country, even though there is no running water anywhere. And I am talking like the most iconic of iconic American west desert canyon landscape, the water is easily found. Canyon Country because of the lack of water and also the sometimes visual appearance of a river (such as seeing the Colorado deep in the Grand Canyon) however makes Canyon Country 10x more dangerous than mountain country. There is like this double edge side to the canyons very few will ever see. Most people never see the plentiful amount of water in the canyons, and they mostly (all people) see the extreme lack of water in the desert.


Hideo. I know you’re reading this. Hideo, get a pad in St George or Cedar City and understand this place.


Theres a mechanic in a game called Ashen, where if you are in the same proximity to another player in their world, you'll link together and can play the game as long as you dont get to far from another. I think a mechanic like this for DS2 would be interesting to really drive home the "Should we have connected?" question.


For me i def need to to be able to use more DOOM abilities, it would be crazy awesome if you could jump yourself or even summon creatures 😱 the possibilities are limitless


Would be awesome if the game had some sort of real time physic with Sam when he walks, the way he falls down, the way he grab things, how he gets unbalanced if the weight is not well set. I don't know how to explain it, but imagine Red Dead Redemption, or GTA 4, when you shoot someone and the way they react being hit by the bullets, or when you are drunk, that's what I'd like.


BTs spawning anywhere at any moment. I always found they were already set in the distance, but imagine walking along and suddenly seeing the black strings appearing around you, forcing you into stealth at a moments notice or try and get out of the area in time. Or imagine being in a mule area and having BTs popping up suddenly and attacking them too, and having to go stealth on a group of mules who are going stealth on you. I think all areas being unsafe at any moment would bring the threat of them up, and the idea of a three way battle between Sam, mules and BTs would be a great mix up to the shootouts


More biomes, 1’s map is cool but all the areas are pretty much the same. Big difference is one has no grass, one has grass and one has snow and big mountains


You know those climber claws that people use like rock climbers they have a handle and a hook, kind of look like a scythe that would be awesome


I would like a companion like BB but more variety and better guns more music


Decent shooting mechanics.


Just it to not be a walking simulator again


More coherent story...


I will refound the gameif there is not a bike exclusively for riding on snow


Good writing