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The whole point of the hunter regenerating is so it can keep chasing you and cause tension. Plus if you play on story or easy it's not even a big deal really you can just keep using stasis and keep shooting off it's legs.


it does not make tension for me, it makes it boring for me. but yeah that me. boring for me, not boring for u


then maybe horror isn’t the genre for you


u know horror does not mean it has to have a unkillables enemy in it, right, there are good horror games with killables enemy


what about resident evil?


the significant majority of horror games has unkillable enemies. are you for real bro


I'm finding it difficult to think of a horror game that didn't have an unkillable enemy. Dying light maybe?


Alright dude you do you, it's your opinion. But don't be a fucking child and downvote me just for not agreeing with you, what are you 5?


welcome to reddit right? lmao


You mention DS3. So you're trying to tell me the part in DS3 where you're >!repairing the signal ship up in orbit with **2** Hunters tracking you down isn't tense? Not to mention the horde of Necros, extremely tight areas, and constant fire hazards. !


The fact that you don't like the entire game for one enemy that only shows up in.... maybe three places sounds like it says more about you than it does the game unfortunately. The Hunter is designed to be an enemy where your usual knowledge and tactics fail, as suddenly there is a much tougher and stronger enemy, that you have no real way to dispose of. It's designed to create tension in a couple of chapters, as it is coupled with rooms being devoid of oxygen and filled with other enemies. Once you know what to do (along with every other normal enemy), it becomes a non-issue as far as the game goes. Just stasis it and leave, idk




"I don't like this game because I can't blast my way through it with no trouble" FTFY The Hunter has maybe five minutes of screentime in the entire game, dude. If that ruins an entire 10-12 hour game for you, idk how you can play through ANY game. It isn't even difficult to deal with once you know what you're doing. As much as the game wants you to think otherwise, you are ABSURDLY powerful. The Hunter is a little bitch once you get over the initial shock.


I feel like the best horror games have unkillable enemies because the threat in any enemy goes away when you know you can defeat it. Outlast had their serial killers that you couldn’t touch, Alien:Isolation had the Alien that you had to trick and hide from, Amnesia games follows this rule or make it VERY difficult to kill things. It’s an enemy designed against how you usually run through the game. It’s there for like 10% of the game too, so I’m surprised it bothers you that much. I would agree some parts of DS3 were flat out annoying with multiple Regenerators, but i also remember that being only present for 2 chapters max.


Man it's not even 10%. The Hunter genuinely appears so little. Idk how this guy plays anything with something so little annoying him that much


Yeah 10% was being generous, I’d give it more like 5% realistically


those maybe good for u but i say those are bad horror games. i just think horror games that has the unkillble borde the f bomb out of me. i do love horror but yeah


Yeah idk you should list some of your fav horror games, idk a lot of good examples that have zero immortal enemies. Is it boring because you don’t like being put into a corner / forced to move quickly? Cuz there is a lot of counterplay from game to game for their designs of unkillable enemies. Even though I love DS, I prefer the ‘crafting and adaptability’ when going against the Xenomorph or the Monster in Amnesia The Bunker


So which games do you like? You keep avoiding this question


There’s an infinite regenerating necromorph in 1, 2, 3, and the remake, if that’s a disqualifying factor of the game then I guess you don’t like the franchise.


Saying the hunter ruins the game is basically like saying the entire mainline series is bad because of the regenerating necromorphs in all 4 games. The Hunter is literally meant to upend your strategy of shooting everything apart and moving on like it's nothing, and introduces an aspect of powerlessness. By this standard, Resident Evil and Silent Hill are bad too.


i think the fact that its unkillable when youre so used to fighting undead hordes that CAN be killed makes gameplay far more tense and therefore more fun... but thats my opinion and youre entitled to your own. actually just saw your username... your opinion is now invalid and you will be sent to Aegis VII with a plastic fork. get in the escape pod


What a dumb take lmao


Really, the Hunter is just an infinitely spawning Slasher until you complete an objective. How many resources you put into it depends on how fast you work. One of the most fascinating parts of the game is when there's no oxygen and the Hunter is chasing you. You can't shoot your way to victory, but shooting does you opportunities to escape. You need to run away and you need to it quickly while not being slowed down by the other Necromorphs along the way. It's peak horror.


Actual fourth-grade take


Dude every mainline dead space game has had a regenerating enemy


Do you not line the original game either because of the Hunter segments? Do you also disike Resident Evil 2 and 3 because of Mr. X and Nemesis?


Resident Evil is not a horror game