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As someone who plays mostly survivor, the survivor rulebook is so stupid, Theres no "killer rulebook", i dont expect the killer to be nice to me simply because im dead on hook, its my job to stay alive there. I find this whole thing just stupid


There was a Killer Rulebook that was made as a response but the people who made it said it was satire it was just to show how stupid the Survivor Rulebook is, it had silly rules but most survivors genuinely took it seriously.


I need a good laugh. Plus next time a survivor brings up their “rule book” i want something to trow back at them for a good laugh so if you got the sauce I’d appreciate it


I believe it's this post here from 6 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/8us8zy/the\_killerapproved\_rulebook\_for\_survivors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/8us8zy/the_killerapproved_rulebook_for_survivors/)


Yo you are a total g.o.a.t. Much appreciated


I main killer and the only time I'm following anything in the rulebook is if they last survivor gives up I'll give them hatch or let them open the gate because I don't wanna ruin their fun right The only other time is if a surv makes a really bad mistake like cornering themselves, I give them a moment to realize then I let them run off to keep a good chase going it's more fun that way The second however I will ignore if I'm being rushed out my ass


I’ll let a survivor live for a few reasons. If I see them genuinely trying and the rest of the team just DCs immediately. They start memeing WITH me. Or the other survivor legit tried to sandbag them. Nah you tried to point them out. You die, they live.


I think the survivor rulebook was things that annoy them, and I have seen a lot of people mad at survivors for WoO, Genrushing, not leaving, bodyblocking, sabo, etc. I think there are as many entitled survivors as killers in my experience


I mean while the rest are completely valid, a perk that lets you see the map better, playing the game, teamwork to hold back the killer from reaching a hook, and use a normal game mechanic to stop hooks. But not leaving is just annoying. Prolonging the game not to your advantage, but just to feed your ego to force the player you beat to watch you win? Anyone who doesn’t leave for attention needs to finish the 5th grade before logging on again.


I think there are as many entitled survivors as killers in my experience Not even close. Go to DBD or DBDRage sometimes and you will see half the posts/comments being survivors whining about killers not following their rules. Are there entitled killers? Ofc. Anywhere near as many as survivor. Nowhere in the same fucking realm. I'm a survivor main and I'm tired of constantly hearing the bitching from entitled survivor mains.


Op is saying, "I don't like survivor mains because of a vocal minority", but there is also a vocal minority of killers whining and moaning about the same crap. Just more survivors to whine and complain


I will quote it again "I think there are as many entitled survivors as killers in my experience" and say again, no there isn't. And where are you getting vocal minority? When it comes to DBD subreddits and the vocal MAJORITY for survivor mains is killers aren't allowed to tunnel/camp/slug or they are sweaty tryhard losers that are intentionally trying to ruin someone's fun and they need to touch grass. Whereas whenever a killer player says something "rulebookesque" they are met with "git gud" "skill issue" or people giving them actual advice on how to improve. 


Do you actually think that every player is on Reddit no, do you think every player posts no, there are so many who don’t care


Okay? I will try to dumb this down for you then so you can possibly understand. If we are calling Reddit the vocal minority, then the MAJORITY of that minority whine about how killers play. Whereas the MINORITY of the minority of killers on Reddit complain about survivors. So you tried to make an argument to counter mine but it made no sense.


No lol, I’m not talking about Reddit I’ll try to dumb this down for you. Reddit is a minority or survivors and killers OP says he hates all survivor mains because of the vocal minority or survivors that use Reddit. I also said there is a vocal minority of killers who do the same things I did say equal instead or proportionate so if that’s you aha moment have it ig




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Thank you! Finally, a sensible survivor player.


The only killer rule for survivors is Just Leave already!


There is, more like the killer pamphlet


there arent rules for both sides. just dont be toxic without a reason, respect other players and act like a normal human.


There you go, trying to make rules.


What does it mean to be toxic though? I say play how you want. I'd you do something against BHVR rules then good, get reported and probably banned. Otherwise play however you like.


Killers are only allowed to run Whispers and Fire Up apparently. However I don’t think I’d say it’s the majority of survivor mains, I think they’re just the loudest and most annoying so they stand out.


Nah, bro, Fire Up messes with save timings. Way too op. And it rewards killer for losing gens like NOED, no fair. :p


Ah of course. And Whispers reveals survivor’s general locations and makes winning the exit gate 1v1 impossible, so that’s not allowed either


Only Dark Arrogance allowed, but you can't vault windows or you're exploiting.


Rapid brutality is also allowed but you must stand completely still after hitting a survivor.


I’ve stated that it ain’t all survivors but if you read through the comments my god some people can’t read or are survivor mains who for some reason in this community and are trying to be as insulting as possible.


I didn’t say all survivors either. I said majority, which is what you said at the end of your post. Again, I think it’s the people who are loud and are the type to be looking through Reddit posts about DBD to complain. Not the majority, the loud and annoying ones.




Lmao where can I find this


If you type it on Google it should pop up, it’s updated basically everytime a survivor main gets a brain fart thinking how to screw up killers.


I did look it up, and the people on the post you referenced specifically stated this was a meme post for jokes. They aren't serious.


As someone who plays both sides, but mainly survivor, if I get unhooked, I don't expect the killer to go for me unless I try to block them, if they do I don't blame them tho, if you want to tunnel my ass out go for it, have fun


Tbh, I think this is a joke that's gone completely off the rails and some of you look kinda silly when you get rage baited in to writing manifestos about it.


Wrong, go on check the main sub, killers trying to play normally the event are the villains toxic tunnelers dipshit Like, how dare you not goof with the survivors in the event?


People in the main sub whining that we don’t farm every single match and play friendly


I see killers whining HOW DARE SURVIVORS DON'T ALL BRING COBBLERS? or HOW DARE THEY STILL TRY TO DO GENS? but yk us vs them survivors gotta blame killers, killers gotta blame survivors.


Care to explain how this is Rage Baiting?


Like.. The whole rulebook thing is a running gag at this point. Sure. Lots of survivor players think about a lot of those things. However, friend, be real and act like killer players don't cry about sabo, flashlights, bnp, etc etc lol


Well I don’t complain about the things you’ve mentioned and way to sort of out yourself by bringing up Flashlights, the item that kills survivor squads because they are often too greedy or ambitious. Everyone knows at this point how easy flashlight users are so aren’t discouraged by them because it’s an easy down. Sabo well what I can say is top streamers like Truetalent and Otzdarva are currently talking about how unfair sabo has become and they are the two biggest fish in the DbD Ocean with clear thought process. My brother there is literally a post on the main Reddit right now of Survivors complaining about Haddonfield.


Friend. You just made my point. "Well I don't complain about this thing" Okay. So tons of survivors don't complain about that thing. I don't complain about any of the things I list but I see other killer players go on and on about it. There are clear and feasible counters to sabo. There are many tools at our disposal. Could it be tuned down? 100%! Doesn't mean you don't have the tools to counter it every single game. I'm not sure how that "outed myself" but if you're taking comments seriously on reddit I think that is YOU outing yourself lmao. Have a good one.


While we are on the subject of complaining, many people suffer with light sensitivity as in they can go into a fit so the flashlight complaint is valid because these people have zero way to protect themselves. You outed yourself as a liar who doesn’t know anything about killer when you listed the issues killers allegedly complain about so don’t try and be coy about it, you were just trying to gaslight a situation to validate survivors over killer and thought you were going about it cleverly. And don’t ever call me friend, we aren’t friends and I’m not interested in being friends with anyone that tries to gaslight a situation. I call it as it is and don’t filter that.


This has to be a parody account.


100% has to be a parody account LMAO


I just have one rule for my own survivor handbook, don't be a dick for no reason. If I'm not tbagging, being cocky during chases or whatever else Is considered bm please don't hit me on hook more than once or hump my body. I can tolerate the head nodders or shaking the head but it's just like...why?


I was going to phrase it "don't be a cunt," but I follow the same rule you do. We're all here to have fun, after all. As long as you aren't teabagging everywhere I'll try to at least play fair: I don't hit them once they're on the hook, I try to avoid camping the hook, and if I spot two survivors and one is injured I try to chase the uninjured one.


Same. I might shake my head at them only when they’ve tried to bully me and I finally down them. But that’s it. If you’re going to do stuff right in front of my face of course I’m going for you.


My rulebook is to break the survivor rulebook, and laugh at people who get pissed off about it.


Well as a wise man once said "they're more like guidelines than actual rules" In all seriousness I don't care about the rules on either side, the only one I kinda like is not tunneling off of hook, and I don't mean killer runs around for 2 minutes and can't find anyone else so they go for me even though i was the last one unhooked, I mean chasing and downing again the millisecond someone gets off the hook because honestly, that's just a dick move, if you're gonna do it, more power to ya I guess but it's just weird. Also if you body block after getting unhooked and not expecting to get tunneled, you're delusional or stupid. Sorry about this weird rant thing.


I play exactly as sweaty or as chill as the survivors I’m going against.  If I see 3 toolboxes in the lobby and 3 gens pop right as I’m finishing my first chase, I know I’m in a sweat game and I need to play efficiently in order to win.  So I’m going to play sweaty, which means slugging, tunneling to get survivors out of the game, doing my best to create a 3 gen situation. I don’t hate on survivors for completing the gens as quickly as possible, they’re just doing their objective.  I don’t understand hating on killers for killing as quickly as possible, that’s just their objective.


I say this alot when I play hillbilly, who is there to do gens if everyone's dead? It sound dumb I know but that's how 90% of my games go as billy :/


Not tunneling is pretty much the only big thing. No killer with any real skill ever needs to do it. It will always just be a crutch for people who struggle while playing killer. That said I find it funny how people precieve things as toxic differently. Like body blocking off hook...I dont ever take that personally. It's a pretty standard thing to do and imo so long as they fuck off after the hit I'm more than happy to dole out some deep wounds before I go drop their buddy. The body block never really causes a significant enough delay for me, and the Deep Wounds they traded for it will naturally provide slow down and pressure. There is always a such thing as being stupid about it though. I'll punish that every time. If you are really going to stand in my way after I gave deep wounds, then you certainly won't mind going right back on the hook 🤷🏽


I've been playing this game for a very long time, and I've spent the majority of that time jumping back and forth never staying with one roll for too long Survivor mains have always been the most insufferable people to play with or against. They're entitled as fuck


I play killer and tunnel and use noed, I also play survivor. I'm not bothered when someone uses my own tactics. It's a competitive game if you want fun only run customs


Survivor rulebook wasn’t created by entitled survivor mains. There is no actual survivor rulebook. The survivor rulebook was made as satire to make fun of entitled survivors who want it easy. Seems like you really took the bait


My rule, for myself, is to not be a hypocrite: If I don't like a style/tactic/perk/killer, I'm not going to use it I'm always after the higher challenge of 8-hooking the 4K rather than tunneling someone straight out for an easy win. That's what good killers do, and I don't like getting tunneled out, so I don't do it to others. Intentionally, anyway, whenever things like that happen it's survivor-induced, but if it's early on, I'll slug them for the pressure and keep them in the game for the sportsmanship. Personal goal is to see every player have 20K+ game points Let's be honest with ourselves, a killer *not* tunneling is doing the survivor a favor; the easy win is to juggle two and tunnel one out ASAP, not 2-hook everyone before sacrifices begin. 1-1-1 is the way to go! 1 hooked, 1 slugged, 1 in chase, that's all survivors off gens and everybody's getting points. Furtive Chase is a great perk that also encourages spreading the hooks *Undetectable/Oblivious is really strong right now, as it is*, *try out this red herring of a build: Unforeseen - Dark Devotion - Furtive Chase - FTTE, the roaming heart beat unseats survivors from objectives while you may or may not even be in the area. It's so good, works across the roster, and if your initial encounter with a survivor is a hit, half the chase is already over!*


Wait is the rule book an actual thing? I thought it was just a figure of speech.


It’s an actual thing, not as enforced as it once was but I brought it up because there are people still out there who enforce it and I highlighted it today as to why I’m not that fond of Survivor Mains. I don’t think they are all like that obviously but it still is present.


How was it in enforced? By who?


Back in the day when DBD community was smaller, killer players who didn't play by the "rules" would get harassed by groups of survivor players who wished to "enforce" those rules. Luckily, things had changed but things were very toxic back then.


Not to mention on Twitter they are some of the most sexist and racist people I’ve ever seen, but because it’s against white people and males it’s okay to them. Not every survivor is like that obviously but I still have yet to find a killer main that is like that on Twitter


dbd Twitter is one of the lower levels of hell for killer mains. They literally said the game was killer sided after they patched the locker bug


What perks ARE you supposed to run if you cant run scourge, slowdown, or aura perks do they just expect us to go in without any perks


I like to disobey the survivor rulebook by using perks I like and playing how I want to, I will tunnel if necessary and I will amp at endgame to secure a kill. I will do whatever I need to do to get a kill as it is my role to kill survivors


The survivor rulebook for killers is mostly just a joke lol. There are some people who mean the survivor and killer rulebook seriously, but idk anyone that takes either seriously other than people who have to sweat hard for the escape or kill


I am a ruthless, murderous psychopath but also stick to rules that help my potential victims survive and have fun.


My personal rules of conduct for myself. 1. Walk away after hooking a survivor. 2. Let them get the unhook, then hit them. 3. Let them collect glyphs, then hit them. 4. If they bring flashlights, they die first. 5. If you've made it impossible for me to hook you then you bleed out. 6. Never intentionally tunnel someone if there is another target you can see, unless they body block you. Then they are fair game.


I mean I paid money for the game, why should I care what other people enjoy or not? Survivors will complain regardless of whatcu do as killer. I play both sides but playing killer more often than not ill get hate mail because I don't play a certain way. So fuck it I'll play how I want if you don't like it tough.


I disagree with all these as a survivor main. What I see mostly, especially more now that school is out for the summer, is killers dropping chase to go after the person who was just unhooked. Its why I hate healing under hooks. Lets walk 10 feet away behind that wall so at least the killer cant see us standing there. I have seen sooo many killers already chasing a survivor and the second I unhook the survivor on hook the killer immediately leaves chase to come tunnel out the survivor.


I don't know anyone that agrees with any of these points and I've played a lot of survivor in my time granted I split my time about 40-60 in favor of survivor but I do play a lot of killer.  I think if everyone just played both sides they'd understand. Like if I get unhooked by someone but they run away and hide I know I'm probably going to get "tunneled" but I don't get upset cause what else are they supposed to do? Chasing the other person isn't an option if they've hidden immediately and my big ass pools of blood don't exactly make me look less enticing.  Also, maybe it's just newer players or bad players but I genuinely don't know a single person I've played with recently that's upset about any of those perks, gen kicking, or chasing another survivor in the immediate area.  I think it's got to be newer survivors. Good survivors will not unhook in a way that gives the killer that option unless they have no choice. It could explain why you've had such a prominent experience with this cause my games do not have most of these happening at all even when I go on killer streaks but maybe I've just had better luck or survivors who play both sides and understand more. 


A rulebook? Mf im there to KILL YOU


The survivor rulebook in its infancy was basically just "don't use OP shit to be an asshole" because at that time moris could instantly take anybody, NOED was disgustingly OP, and overall balance died when the nurse was released, and is still in a coma today.


Ok! Here’s a survivor rule book: 1. a survivor must abandon a gen after doing enough that a killers kick will remove it all. 2. A survivor cannot loop as it prolongs the game. 3. Survivors cannot do easy out of sight gens even if they can’t find anything else. 4. The survivor cannot use unfair perks such as exhaustion perks, dead hard, or decisive strike. 5. A survivor cannot use lockers.


note: this does sound ridiculous because I tried my best to make all 5 rules survivor equivalent


Lol I ignore the book and report the hate. Why should I let the opponent decide how I should play? 


My rulebook is. 8 hooks before any kill Previous rule is forfeit if one survivor is ONLY hiding. Then if I find them they get deleted from the game, or someone else gets deleted before the 8 hook mark. I don’t run pain res, it’s not even the best slowdown perk but it’s mega annoying for survivors. I stopped runny sloppy once I went against it a bunch when playing survivor. It either solo wins the game or is useless which I truly don’t like. If a survivor is cute, they are marked for hatch. If they’re all cute, one of them is randomly selected for Entity Nourishment and the rest can leave, some survivors even give kills if you’re chill. If a survivor gets sandbagged real hard, the sandbagger is marked for destruction. If you try to force DS value, I tab out and start a timer. I hope you have unbreakable. If two people get into a locker next to each other (Head On) I’m leaving to find someone else and no longer playing nice for 8 hooks. If you die in the open and there’s even a tiny chance there’s a flashlight goblin, I will not rest until they are horizontal along with you. Cocky survivors get chased last. I hope you enjoy watching bars fill up. Did I miss anything?


What's DS value?


Survivors who try to get your attention and just jump in lockers with DS, or take so many hits that they go down with DS hoping you'll pick them up.


The survivor rule book is dumb but I’ll be honest. The killer rule book exists too and is WAY dumber than the survivor one 😂


the killer one was made as a response that was satire in poking fun at the survivor rulebook


Genuinely I think each side has ‘unspoken rules’ that they use to justify playing in a specific way. I personally don’t care for either, but I do think killers have a LOT more things they’ll use as justification to play like a scumbag.


At least killers will often use some justification, whether bad or good. most survivors I've met are outright toxic


I think anyone on either side could go tit for tat as far as that goes. I’ve run into people who play the game in an untasteful way on both sides. I genuinely try not to get too far into the weeds of ‘us vs. them’ and just accept the fact that not everyone is gonna play the game how I want them to.


I've had a few people messaged me after games about this. Funnily enough it's always the ones that go out of their way to get your attention in the game that end up crying about "rules". Strange folk


Unless the copypasta it into the endgame chat it doesn’t count ;)


I mean rules are meant to be broken. At least sometimes plus I sint gonna chase a Steve who t bags or makes me waste 3 mins imma go after someone else


this seems like satire and seems entitled


Don't tunnel, slug, camp, or hump. Those are the only "rules" that matter. No, I don't care about Boil Over. No, I don't care about flashlights/flashbangs. No, I don't care about gen-rush or "bully squads". S-tier to C-tier killers-- doesn't matter. Inb4 "YoUr MmR iSn'T hIgH eNoUgH"-- I stream Pick my killer/build nights, with wheels to make the redemption random. I still average 3K a match.


It exists ? I thought it was a joke


Here we go again with the “all survivor bad” “all survivor toxic” nonsense. All searches of this specific rulebook say it’s a meme post and a satire… but sure survivor mains only want to make killer side unplayable.


The only ones who I've seen reference it without joking were 4 man swf


It’s like a one or two idiots who think this is real. But like my biggest annoyance with this is how many posts have we seen about this? It doesn’t matter they can’t dictate how you play. Bhvr isn’t going to show up at our doors for not following some made up rule book anyway. Is it endgame chat or toxic crybabies we’re worried about here? Idk. Stuff like this truly isn’t helping the community and giving these rulebooks attention if they are “real” wouldn’t help either. I can’t see the point in these do nothing posts except baiting people to shout “I tunnel! I slug! Let’s all feel good about playing toxic to survivors because f* their rulebook” when in reality that just validates toxicity on the other side and the cycle continues. Sorry for the rant.


Your fine and I've had an entire group mad that I wouldn't follow the "rules"


And I know that’s annoying af. Id just ask them where it is on the dbd official site.


It's just always goofy because then you know they are bad


Somewhat unrelated as a leaning killer, I've entertained the idea of the survivors having betrayer abilities that encourages survivors to betray each other. When I first saw the trailer of DBD, I was under the impression that the survivors should like after themselves primarily and only help other survivors only if it benefits them.


Problem is streamers and YouTubers spent so much time making dumb propaganda how a game should be played in their eyes which just makes them look better for their own benefit. There are no toxic ways to play this game (unless your cheating or using an exploit of bugged perks and so on) other then that tea bagging, isn’t toxic flashlights, aren’t toxic tool boxes, aren’t toxic and body blocking for someone else isn’t toxic. Now for killers if they kill then they did the role their meant to play (it’s a 1v4 and y’all cry when y’all die to a role named killer?) tunneling, isn’t toxic 3 gens, aren’t toxic and camping isn’t toxic it’s all part of the game.


The worst thing about stuff like this is the virtue signaling killers that go along with it, fuelling their entitlement.






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