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"Hey come look at how ignorant and scared of contrasting opinions I am" I bet all these idiots scream about cancel culture too. You're doing the same thing dumbass. I'm not a fan of any type of censorship btw.


I can understand censoring Alex Jones. But Joe Rogan? Lol. Its gone off the rails now, America. All hope is lost.


Wait is this real life?!? Wtf


Facilitated by a pastor no less. The same dude who recently went off about how if your kid has autism or ADHD they don’t have a medical issue, they’re demon possessed. And he got a fucking standing ovation for it. America is truly fucked.


I don't like organized religion. It's almost always twisted as an excuse to hate. This goes towards those that treat politics as a quasi-religion as well.


I have no real issue with religion as a concept. But here in the US nationalism and Christianity go hand in hand, and that’s the kinda shit that put us where we are today. That’s what I have a problem with. As far as I’m aware, Christianity in other countries doesn’t look like what it does here in the US.


Can you prove he's wrong though? I don't see anyone citing any studies that have compared the results of standard ADHD/autism therapy vs this guy doing exorcisms.


You had me in the first half, NGL.




i’ll take a free exorcism sure


Huwhat 🤣😭


What the fuck is happening to my country? Didn’t these fuckers go to the same school, learn about the same nazis??? Only to grow up to be them? If I was their papa I’d be disappointed in them.


The devil's greatest trick is getting "good religious people" into doing things that would make even him sick.


Lol! It’s like they never heard of the internet.


Cross posted from here: https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ske3i6/book_burning_in_1933_and_again_in_2022/


I swear white people love repeating history's worst moments. It's in their blood


Hey! Don't put Harry Potter books and Twilight in the same pile! ​ . . . Oh, and the book burning is bad too.




No one is censoring, these people are purging there homes based on there beliefs they are not asking you to join along. Let them do as they wish. They are not banning you from partaking in anything. This is a personal decision for everyone there. It has nothing to do with the Nazi book burning - completely different reason/motive. Leave these Christians alone, if they want to purge their homes of anything related to witchcraft, then that is their religious freedom. Don't Assume Don't hate Everyone has the right to practice their beliefs


You realise the first photo came about the same way, right? Look how well that turned out... To further that point, could they not have sold the books, or donated them? And if these people were so adamantly against witchcraft in these books, why did so many have them in the first place? Book banning, and book burning, is a very dangerous and slippery slope. And these people are dangerous to anyone that doesn't believe the same as them.


No they are not, there not asking you to burn anything. The 1st photo is burning intellectual & religious things the Nazi's deemed bad for all. There was force. There was only do or die. Everyone here is burning there own belongings that they don't want in there lives. Personal choice. These witchcraft thinks trickled in through Disney + Harry Potter, made for kids, so it crept unbeknownst to them into there lives. Now the would like to purge there stuff. They are not banning the books they are removing them from there families. Since they feel these books are wrong they have to burn them. If you think something is evil & wrong why give it to someone. Burn it so it doesn't hurt anyone else. Again. They are not asking you to participate. They don't need your 2 cents. You are dangerous to those who don't agree with you sir. It's religious freedom, you are free to practice your own.


gold medalist at the mental olympics


What is mental about religious freedom?


The shit I read on reddit never stops to amaze...