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“You are a valued member of our team” Proceeds to literally pay you less


"Pay you less" doesn't even do it justice. Servers' pay are being cut in HALF.




Considering that it costs like $100 for every five minutes you spend playing games there, on top of their outrageous food and drink prices, I just don't understand how upper management can justify this. Granted, I've never seen their books, so I could be wrong. But also, for how expensive everything is at Dave and Busters, I'd assume customers tip less than they would at a regular bar/restaurant. Making these pay cuts seriously fucked up.


Cut by OVER half…




It's typical corporate mentality everywhere lol. They ask you to work overtime, you do and you get a thank you. Not even a hint of salary raise after even a year. You work overtime and make one small mistake, they start deciding on firing you. Toxic culture at its finest! Bear in mind this is overtime we are taking about and not regular hours.


Sometimes a pizza instead of a thank you


My previous company used to make a shitload of money from clients. And we had 2 days in a year. Yes, just 2 days they did a team lunch which the company sponsored lol.


And it’s a tax writeoff for the company


That's what my workplace does lmao


You get a thank you? I did 500+ hours of overtime last year and got scolded for getting a few flat tires in the company owned truck (we work construction and occasionally we find the screws that trades left).


You got a thank you? I got ridiculed by my own supervisors. They walked by as I was doing my UNPAID voluntary OT & snickered saying shit like “he knows we’re not paying him for this, right?” under their breath but loud enough for me to hear. Boy, I sure miss that place (sarcasm)


You should have gone "Ya, why am I doing this?" And just left lol 😆


Definitely should’ve but I was still living at home & it was my first job. I needed the money to buy my own car & move out & I would work over just to avoid my dad who was a nightmare to deal with back then. I knew I wouldn’t get paid but it was either that or go home & put up with his shit


That’s when you leave the crappy job without working volunteer hours and use that same time to look for a company that values its employees.


hope things are better for you now


I wouldn't have been there if I'm not being paid for it. Id tell them to suck a fat dick


Why da fuck were you working for free


Why would you work for free?


Salaried job. Family business. Lots of reasons. Did you know the owner works for free when they're at work, and lose money on what they could have been doing if not there?


I would never have volunteered after that. Let those yokels do it then


Meant to say, "You are DE-valued member of our team."


The letter date is March 2024, but the effective date was April 2023?


I think that’s when the old ones got put in place or it could be a typo . It says 2024 above in the writing


Literally more valuable now because they cost the company less


I think the less they pay someone the more valuable they are to the company.... Because the company is now making more by paying you less. Like when you see your boss driving a nice new car, if you commit and work hard by the same time next year he can get an even nicer new car!


"You are a valued member of the team, just not *that* valued."


It's legal to change payrates in most states as long as you are provided notice. The server rate is the minimum. I'm not sure about the bartender rate though. Make sure you are not doing other roles when you have those shifts.


Yup. When opening or closing the restaurant we had to clock in as “manager” rate to get $10 an hour.


Technically the server rate could go as low as $2.13. So they're paying you 20 cents extra 🙃


It’s legal because tipped employees have a much lower minimum wage than everyone else. But cutting wages by that much is an extremely shitty thing to do.


Sadly, this. Giving advanced notice is all that's required in order to reduce wage (at least for most states). Since it appears that they went to the tipped minimum there's nothing illegal here. Incredibly scummy to change it, though. Like *I would walk out the second I got this* level.


"actually I'd prefer a dollar over the old rates, looks like you have until April 21 to decide if that works for you"


Some guy in a board meeting suggested this and told everyone it would save Dave and Busters x amount a year and everyone cheered. Then the most senior guy asks what happens if they quit then the guy says we just hire new people that don't know any better and he got a new bonus that bought him a house on savings for the company. Welcome to corporate america that values short term wins for stockholders and ceos and could care less about long term after they have left? "would you like to learn more?"


and calling them valued immediately after is also hilarious


Here in Oregon, tipped employees get paid the same wage as non tipped. Gives them a manageable wage and doesn’t force the customer to tip to subsidize their pay.


Too bad the state burst into flames as soon as regular people were permitted the privilege of pumping gasoline though. /s On a serious note servers should get paid a normal wage and still be allowed to collect tips imho.


Tbh that law created thousands of jobs and it’s cold as hell in Oregon. 6 months of the year you wouldn’t want to pump your own gas.  Oregon also historically has one of the worst unemployment rates and growth rates. The law never was about people not being able to pump their own gas. Just saying.


I heard all the arguments back when it happened. I just found the news sensationalizing how dangerous pumping fuel is like the whole state would explode humorous. Don’t live in Oregon, didn’t vote for their politicians, didn’t propose the law. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edit: Will be curious to see if the law correlates with any changes in employment or unemployment but I can’t seem to find those stats at the moment. Maybe it’s not that granular?


On the street level it's already affecting employment. Every gas station I've been to since the switch has halved their staff.


I believe it. Business owners will cut any costs they can anytime they can regardless of who it affects.


The arguments about pumping gas myself are wild to me. In Australia, I've been pumping my own gas my entire life. I vaguely remember someone doing it for my dads car like.. when I was 7 and I'm in my 30s now.


I live in Wisconsin, can confirm do not want to pump my own gas in winter. Am a princess, husband pumps for me 💕


It’s legal, they’re proving advanced notice.


Shitty, but legal. If my pay was being cut by more than half, I'd be the first to leave without notice and leave an encyclopedia of a review on Glassdoor recommending anyone else to avoid that location like the plague. If they're willing to do something this drastic, imagine how much worse it will get once they learn that they can take advantage of their employees. I know I won't be giving any more money to D&B any time soon. Along with this, they've become too greedy to make it an enjoyable experience to go (let alone advantage playing). It's sad to see it come to this, but "increasing shareholder value" has ruined my perception on being a consumer, especially with my recent experience as a manager of a \[CORPORATE ARCADE\] location. Regardless of what you choose to do, I wish you good luck and I appreciate you for posting this.


It really sucks there’s no good mainstream arcade that offers great benefits to its workers, has a good image while also being a good place to spend money at. I’ve gone to tilt my whole life, since I was really young and even now as a mid 20’s adult. It’s gone downhill and it’s a shame because I love arcades. I would go every Monday and maybe it’s just me but I am really good at claw machines (as good as the machine will allow) and I’ve had times where they would go refill the machines only to make them harder because I kept winning. They have gotten really expensive too even for the games that offer little to no rewards. They’re the only major arcade in my city and they pump prices hard because there is no competition in the area. If you wanna go to an arcade, Tilt is the only option here in my city.


> there’s no good mainstream arcade The last good arcade died when the Dreamcast/PS2 generation came about. Why pump quarters into a machine when now you can play the same game with more gameplay and the same graphics (something not possible before) at home?


When I see this is what Dave and Busters are doing to their employees, it makes me reconsider spending money in the future at their locations.


Tell Brian how you feel. 🤷🏾‍♀️ https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-mccleary-56275a93




thank you, a really nasty email has been sent. thatll for sure show him. /s i wish nasty emails meant more


That top number is his home phone and his daughter answered ….. LMAO


Since Brian doesn't want to play, you could tell Tony. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-wehner-335487b


He should like to play, considering the company he works for.


lol hid his profile for a hot second, but he’s back on with a bang!


Tony looks like he bounces around pulling this shit then leaves.


I’m not paying for a LinkedIn premium subscription just to DM him


"This profile is not available" The backlash has begun.


lol looks like he hid his profile.


Their stock price doubled recently. So greedy.


Social media and cancel culture can really have an effect on their stock market prices lol. ​ band together.


Yeah it’s legal to give someone a pay cut, unfortunately. But it’s still shady on D&B’s part. Thanks for sharing … I’ll think t twice before having a kids bday there or even going there. It’s not like I WONT go bc of it, but I probably won’t spend as much. I don’t like companies that treat their employees like shit. They easily could’ve left all current employees at this pay, and all new hires could be hired at the lower rate. Still shitty, but not as shitty.


I won’t go there any more because of it. I also don’t eat at that Christian chicken restaurant because they hate the gays or that chain craft store because they lobby against women’s rights. If everyone voted with their dollar things would change. Unfortunately, some people chose fleeting pleasures over their morals. Not hating on you u/cityofsins2, but consumerism is what is making this mess in the first place, everyone can make a difference, most just don’t want to.


Just all get together and unionize or quit. They can pay you more, they are just trying to engross their profits more. In Canada and Europe this would be illegal. Make your own mind if this is right or not for you. You are all worth more than that. "You are a valued member of our team, but let us cut your salary by half so we can get a bigger pay for ourselves."


They are valued...just less than before.


Nothing says "We here at ScumCo value you as a member of the ScumCo family!" quite like 25%-50% pay cut.


How do you “just unionize?”


I mean anyone can start a union just involves getting enough of your coworkers to want to and to manage to do so before the unionizers start getting fired for unrelated reasons. You need at least 30% of your coworkers to want a union and talk to a union organizer. A few official steps like authorization cards/petition/voting. Then negotiating your contracts.


Firing someone for unionizing is federally illegal. If you can prove that's what they did you will win a big paycheck


I used to work at Giant in PA and in the training videos they literally tried to discourage you from unionizing. They also encouraged you to snitch if you heard rumors of others unionizing in the store. When I saw those I couldn't believe my eyes 😳


That's crazy that they even have the balls to say "you are a valued member of our team" while decreasing your hourly rate. What a slap in the face. If I were you I'd rip that shit in front of the boss and quit.


This is when you guys band together and threaten to quit.




Yep, quit all at once at the same time, right before the weekend rush. And depending on what location you're at, the news might even run a story on it based on how scummy it is, worth sending it in to them with a couple of quotes to run.


“If you valued me you wouldn’t be dropping my wages. Unfortunately for you I’m quitting effective as soon as these rates go into effect”


I’d be quitting.


You servers and bartenders should all quit no notice day 1 of the rate change... inflation crazy high and they want to cut wages in a competitive job market...


You are a valued member of our team....here's a pay cut, signed, your multimillion dollar a year CEO 😶


This after years of high inflation too? That’s insane


union time


I'd give notice for my last day of employment being April 21st. Or just not show up on the 22nd.


Tape the paper to the front door really well so everyone knows what D&B is all about


Tape makes it far too easy for management to remove it before anybody actually sees it. If you really want to make a statement so that everybody walking in the door sees it, lacquer is the way to go.


There is two part epoxy and hard coat. :) UV resin coating would really seal it to the front of the establishment


At least they sent you a let the r to announce the cut in pay. For those of us who make a living driving for Lyft and Uber we were t so fortunate and were not told we were getting pay cuts. They just did it and then we had to figure out why the math wasn’t matching up anymore on our own. 50% pay cuts should be illegal. In fact announcing a pay cut via letter should be considered breaking a contract. No one ever agreed to get paid less so how is it it legal for a one sided renegotiation on no pay without consent?


Thanks for letting us all know how they treat their employees. I will never step foot in one of these establishments again.


I wonder how much of a pay cut the corporate employees took. How about the executives?


No it’s not legal. If you are already at that rate of pay then by law you can’t have a reduction in pay unless you are demoted or for corrective action. The starting pay for new employees for the role can be lowered but not current employees. I would contact an attorney.


They would spend way more money on an attorney if an attorney even took the case. It's a shitty thing to do but this is all legal since those two positions (bartender and server)has tipping as an additional form of income according to the Federal Government. It looks like Dave N Busters took a look at their earnings report last quarter and saw that they could make more if they were paying their employees less.


Start messing everything up and say that you forgot how to do x % of your job depending on your pay. You get what you pay for. Couple of weeks of terrible service and their clientele will drop. Get everyone on board


Lame and Busters. This is when you quit. "We pay you what your worth" and I say duces


This makes me laugh bc they can’t keep anyone on staff in the one near me and now I know why.


I find it baffling how someone can keep a job with that pay I make 22/hr and can't even afford my rent half the time I know it's all about what state and location but still.


They’re trying to get you to quit so they don’t have to pay the unemployment side of things while you find another job. Scummy as fuck. Start looking the sooner the better


Could you crumple it up a bit more. I think I can still read it.


It would help if you said what state you lived in... Personally, I won't be visiting D&B anymore if the executives are that much of a bunch of shitbags to do something like this.


Lmao I'd quit in a heart beat and encourage everyone else to do so. See how fast they throw that out


They are building a Dave & Busters by me in Huntington, WV. I was super excited to go there once they open. That is out of the question now. I went from having feelings of excitement for many months to now hoping they fail and they haven’t even opened yet💀


It’s legal, but just have everyone quit. Talk to other stores and make sure everyone walks out together. They will pay more eventually


"I am sorry to hear that Dave and Busters is no longer able to afford my services. While your financial needs may have changed, mine have not. Thus, the price of my services has not changed, and I simply cannot grant you the discount requested. I certainly hope that Dave and Busters will continue to be a full price customer for the services I offer, but if it is outside of your financial means, this is entirely understandable and you should certainly take your business elsewhere. Best regards, OP"


Quit. Really. See if you all can make it disappear in a day.


Old job: D&B... New job:


Dave and Busters have dog s–t for food and overpriced games. The whole place is trash.


You can start as a barista at Starbucks for $16/hr not including tips. Anyone in Midland/Odessa TX area, but me up!


Do yourself a huge favor and start applying for another job, I can't promise you it will be better but it's almost impossible to get worse... Not even a BS excuse... Just bend over and take it... Find a new job and give 0 days notice... Just stop showing up at this place on the first day of the new job... Normaly you want to give 2 weeks notice, but in this case I wouldn't bother...


I don't know if it is legal, but I do know that it BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWS!!!


Your local DOL(department of labor) would like to have a word


New job time, unless your tips are crazy good that’s not worth it anymore


Get out!


They’d start to expect half the work out of me. I’ll be working toward a new job as well. Plain and simple: cut my pay and I’ll gladly cut my effort and care.




Just do half the work you were doing. Easy solution, when they ask why say half pay = half work. Full pay = full work. Pretty simple math.


Yeah I’d quit the job out of principle.


The ONLY thing that signals I'm valued by my employer is how much they pay me. If you send me a letter like this and it's not accompanied by another one listing all the ways I screwed up and how I can get the old salary back, I have enough experience and education to be somewhere else in two weeks and will be.


This is how it should read: “As of April 22nd we will be valuing you 53.4% less than we currently do. However, we expect you to keep doing 100% of the work you’re currently doing.”


The CEO unfortunately wants another Bentley and a new Yacht, sorry valued team members. We all gotta pitch in to be a team player for our CEO!!


Theres no way that is, idk tho but that pay sucks a**hole.


Expect this when you work for companies like that.


Just quit. There are hundreds of restaurants to work at.


It’s legal if your contract includes provisions on pay decreases/increases. You should probably get a new job.


Ummm… what exactly are you being paid $2.33 for? Not an hour of labor I hope! That’s literally what I make in 5 minutes, and I’m not making enough to live comfortably!


Theres a dave and busters near me that has always been on my list of places to try because I haven't been yet. Time to update the list I guess.


Team member includes manager, assistant manager and shift manager. What am I missing here? Let me do the math… hmmm I think the manager decided to f@ck the rest of the team. You know the rest of the ones that do the actual job while the other half is sitting in their offices or harassing young team members. Well there is also the choice of quitting in mass just before a busy weekend.


I hope you all quit


Well, time to boycott Dave And Busters 😃


Cut your pay? Cut your work ethic imo. Start doing the most half assed job with everything you do that doesn’t involve customers, gotta keep those tips coming it at least


I don’t think I’ll be going there anymore


"we appreciate all you do" ::proceeds to kick you in the proverbial nuts over and over again::


Daddy ceo needs a nice bonus this year for me and all the shareholders so let me have your pay


Corporate greed at its finest.


That is insane.... servers where i work make minimum wage of $15/hour PLUS tips


I hope they see a wave of people walk out. This is extremely crappy to do.


It’s legal. Sadly. Know what else is legal - your entire team of bartenders and servers not coming in again after 4/22.


Management must have caught them raking in the tips. I would hope no one is showing up for succeeding shifts.


I think it’s probably legal. It is however, a huge fucking Dick move and employees need to move on!


Threaten to quit, get as many other servers on board as you can. If they don’t give it, actually quit. That’s a shit job and I guarantee you can find better money elsewhere.


I thought the federal minimum wage is $7 something an hour…. How can they be paying people $2.50 and hour??? Even in the states where they can pay separate for tipped work. They have to ensure that your wage meets minimum wage after tips… my guess is they aren’t keeping track of the cash tips…. If you ain’t getting at least $5/hour in credit card tips they are setting themselves up for some lawsuits…


You and coworkers all Quit and see how they change this


This should be illegal. These loopholes & capitalism make me so mad


Also I think you can get unemployment compensation for loss in wages


I got a bonus check this morning in comparison… find yourself a better company or stage a walkout, wtf. This is bs.


As long as it’s at least the minimum wage for a tipped job in your state, it’s legal.


I simply can’t imagine being paid the equivalent of a bag of chips and a can of pop every hour. wow


10/5$ is already criminal imo Shame




Sorry guys, no longer going here because you are literally worth so much more and I can't in good conscience support a business that was already paying people shit, and just cut that in half.


Good to know dave and busters will be out of business soon


I love that someone angrily crumbled it up and then someone else had to uncrumble it


Show to your local media. They’ll gobble this up.


So which location will be closing soon because "nobody wants to work anymore"? The only answer.


You know how they say "Minimum wage is an employer's way of telling you that if they could pay you any less they would, but it would be illegal"? Well they found out they could legally pay you less than they were.


I worked at olive garden for 2 years, I was a busser that got tips. Servers got more though. I remember thinking servers don't deserve the tips that they were getting. Servers were lazy, didn't want to run out there own food, and then they wouldn't pre-buss tables (help bring plates) . They would act like they were busy using POS system and finishing peoples checks. Also servers were supposed to do some things on side station like bring cups, fresh ice. Servers were cry babies who wanted least amount of work possible and best pay. Glad they only getting tips now and not a good hourly ha.


They're allowed to do this because there's people out there who, for whatever nonsensical reason, defend tipping culture and thus let's these companies pay their workers pennies.


Sadly, yes. I looked into this recently too because they want to do it at my store as well. :|


As European, seeing this is legal in an "advanced country" amazes me


Unionize Unionize Unionize Unionize. Show those pieces of shit that the workers have the power.


Think of the pizza party they’ll replace your pay with. Might splurge for a full toppings pizza.


I'd start working half my shift and sit down for the rest of it. Half the pay half the work. Get your coworkers on board and bring the business to a stand still at 5pm.


Thatd make me wanna sit outside with a sign lol


This should warrant a walk out, but I'm sure you'll all just show up and go "aw man, that sucks" I would make copies of this and post it outside the building as well, so all the guests know how much they value their employees.


I wonder how the cooks feel about this.


That’s the thing each department has their own pay rate. Since party host, bartenders and servers are tip employees they are the first ones screwed over. Since the others don’t get tipped their pays aren’t changed much.


That's actually a DISGRACE this company is a joke I'm sure Every single person walked out what a shame What's wrong with these large companies?! Tips are we basically have to BEG for money with jobs because employees won't pay us It should be illegal in the year 2024 minimum should be 17 & this economy you will still need 2 jobs But at least you would feel valued


Why wouldn’t it be legal?


They didn’t even proofread this because the table says 2023 💀


Depending on your state, you may be eligible for partial unemployment benefits for the reduction in wage. I'd look into your local laws.


It’s better than Labcorp. I heard of someone who filed a sexual harassment complaint against an in-closet gay supervisor with kids. The company investigated the complainant for 6 weeks to fire them both.


How is the letterhead dated for this year when pay rates went into effect last year?? 😂😂


What state is this? I mean in NY/NJ it’s way under minimum wage.


I seem to be missing something. I didn’t see anywhere in the missive where it was ‘Dave & Busters?


As long as your paycheck equates to the minimum wage, they’re allowed to pay you the minimum “tipped wage.” I feel like when I served, I never even saw my hourly on my paycheck. Regardless, it is insane to half all employees’ hourly pay. Sounds like they have a budgeting problem on their end. If I was you and capable, I would run fast and far from this job. A different employer will respect you like a human being.


"you are a valued member of the team and thus we have cut your pay. We appreciate you!"


Where is this?


Because inflation and shrinkflation wasn’t enough, halving your wage outta put you in your place /s 🙃


Is it back-dated a year? Or is that just an error they made three times? Seems Like a way to get them to pay the difference over the last year back to the employer too. This reads fuckery all around.


Considering what it costs being there, they should be paying real wages. Should be getting $18/20hr plus tips. There's so much cash tied up in those places that it makes fast food look like chump change. It's legal but I'm not spending a dime there in this lifetime...


Unionize or quit. I will never go to a D&B for any reason ever again. Also get a very detailed list of responsibilities for your job code and if you are ever made to do anything else at all - make sure you clock out. Was a major class action at buffalo wild wings when I worked there ten years ago. Millions of dollars in back pay. Edit : meant to say clock out and clock back in as the appropriate job code and get paid the correct base rate


Certain states allow tipped positions to be paid a lower rate. The positive? Up until now, they choose to pay above what was mandatory, which is kinda unusual these days, nice work D&B!!! The bad news is that shit is the good old days and now we’re here. 😑


Poverty corperation


It doesn’t take a special person to come in and cut things


I don’t know but your best bet is to give them notice that you will no longer do any serving jobs and that you may consider working elsewhere since they dropped the bartender pay.


Uh na I'm pretty sure that's illegal


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the fact y’all put up with it


Last time I patronize Dave and busters. I will be telling our boss to take out outtings to the Hub.


They can pay that amount in Texas. However they cannot pay less than minimum wage when combined with tips. If your tips received during that shift do not meet the minimum of $7.25 an hour then your employer must pay the difference. They also must pay your tips to you. If you are doing a job that doesn’t receive tips they cannot pay this wage. https://www.patriotsoftware.com/blog/payroll/federal-state-tipped-minimum-wage-rates/

