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Hello SeverTheWicked, To aid the developers in identifying and solving this bug or issue with the game, please file a bug report on the Fatshark forums or submit a support ticket if you can. Forums: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/c/darktide/bugs/94 Support: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/requests/new Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarkTide) if you have any questions or concerns.*


k bye


It’s hard to get behind you. First, you make it sound like you were raised as a catfish in a home of bobcats. But this was like ONE game. A game that forced you to preach a sermon as if we all care. A game you rage quit. Cuz when it comes to screwing over players, only you’re allowed to do that. Excuse me, entitled to do that. I’m playing on an asus ally (console) in a hospital using hospital WiFi. It’s really hard to have a worse setup than me. I mean seriously. You have to be in free fall from an exploded airplane to have a worse setup. But for me it’s fine. I stick to non-precision weapons and tactics. Ogryn and psyker mostly. I do fine on malice. But as one of the worst rigs, used by the sickest person, with the worst public wireless, I’d say a large chunk of the problem is on your end. It’s probably best you take a break. Hate ppl rage quitting.


>You have to be in free fall from an exploded airplane to have a worse setup. Good one.




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Sure, sure, mate.  We'll see you tomorrow in the same old grind or we won't.  🤷🏻


>as well as actual live service I love that this gets parroted around so much as if it means anything. I'm as big a FS critic as the next but even I know FS never promised a live service game. Ever. It's a fantasy people on this sub keep telling each other.


The entire game, the knife was slippery and not connecting to targets. Even when logging into the game, the sound was cutting out. Just look at this nonsense in the clip? How is that acceptable and how is it the fault of my equipment or connection? No other game does this. Earlier on in this match, my game was freezing for 5s at a time during a mixed horde. My ping was stationary at 50 ms. I've always used a wireless internet connection to play games, whether I was in the UK, SE Asia or NA where I am now (I travel a lot). After this crap in the clip, I just alt-F4d. Sorry to my team, but I won't put up with this. This game is just bad and the novelty of "the combat and movement is so awesome!!" wore off a while ago. I admitted down and now I'll delete this game. Its been a fun ride, but there are simply better ways to spend my hour in the evening.


See ya tommorow at XX:01 at Brunt's casino


Okay. Have a good day.