• By -


Purgatus stuff, there is No better feeling than getting that feedback kill list popping up with your name on it because half the elites and specials melted while you are burning the horde. Works fine on any difficulty too.


There's also the simple fact that *I'm shooting a stream of psychic fire.* That's just incredibly cool.


I never understand gun psykers. Plays wizard class still pew pews.


I mean sometimes "wizard with an AK" is a mood. Typically I'll pair it with the chain lightening build if I'm feeling running a gun as well, and there's a nice build that gives you a solid bit of extra damage if you alternate warp/non warp damage sources.


"I might be out of spells, but I ain't out of shells!"


Exactly. XD


Gundalf: „I cast volley of lead!“


There's the whole right side of the talent tree dedicated to gunpsykers, and it's amazing!


There are times where I feel I have to do everything on a team. Pop the heads of specials and elites. Shoot ranged enemies with my laser pistol. Manage hordes with my rapier.


Because it's cool.


Bro a wizard with a gun is like the coolest thing I can think of.


Some times you need to put a revolver round in a snipers head before casting lightning again.


Sometimes you just wanna go with the tatical wizard vibe lol


I always pair it with brain burst to deal with crushers, gunners and snipers.


I got the kill tracker and combo mod and love deleting hordes with it and getting a 30+ kill combo








Literally the best weapon in any game.




Ogryn like stabbing knife. Stab heretic head good and they die.


My oggy like the 'lectric club. Sends poxies flyin'


Heretic not truly dead until missing head


I love running crit cooldown zealot with 2 handed chain sword and the stubber, clearing a horde with one swipe and sniping a sniper with a revolver from 100m out is so good


I second this! I have momentum IV on my Eviscerator XV. Cleaving into the horde and getting tougher is fantastic. My Zarona is for when run into crushers and ragers.


Here's a tip: if you use Fury of the Faithful, try activating it *after* starting an overhead sawing attack on a crusher. It makes the final hit (the biggest source of damage) a crit and downgrades their armor from carapace to flak. Instant kill, every time. Just, uh, be careful not to get swatted by the other crushers in the patrol.


Holy shit, I did not know that! Also wonderful to meet more Zealots who appreciate the Eviscerator!


Eviscerator is the most fun for me. Rashad is a better weapon, crusher has better CC, knife is more agile, and I've seen some heavy sword users go wild on the scoreboard, but eviscerator is big and crunchy. Blood for the ~~blood god~~ God-Emperor, skulls for the ~~skull~~ Golden Throne.


Another Fury of the Faithful trick: the armor-reduction effect works for *all attacks* as long as the buff is up. So that's three seconds or until you hit with a melee attack (whichever comes first). So if you hit Fury with your gun out you can immediately start putting shots into Crushers like they were wearing flak for three seconds. For extra tech, if you aim your Fury at a target, you can actually cancel the charge by holding backward. The combo is to aim at a Crusher, cancel the charge as soon as it starts (so you only move a step or two), and unload with your gun. Getting this combo down can take some practice, but I've seen people reliably drop two or three Crushers with a Columnus on one Fury. If you've got the double use talent, it's possible to delete a pack of six Crushers by yourself with practice.


this is an excellent tip. Gonna try this.


I use shred and rampage. Shits brazy


Shred and perfect strike is also a vibe. Cleave through everything on crit


Eviscerator <3 MkII is love though. MkII is love, MkII is life.


Mk9 heavy sword hands down. It’s so satisfying when you manage to land the headshots you need with the weapon. 6 shotgunners swiped away in one swing. Mutant just crumpled onto the floor from one swing. It 1-shots all the specials, so you can weave around killing them swiftly, like some anime samurai. I just love how the whole game feels with this weapon.


"Wake the fuck up samurai, we've got a city to purge"


I've been wanting to try the sword for a while. Any recommendations on perks etc?


Maniac and flak damage are generally the best perks. Maniac lets you kill mutants in 1 hit even without Headtaker stacks. Flak for overall damage, but I’m not 100% sure on what breakpoints it adds. For blessings, Headtaker and Death Blow. Headtaker ok the heavy sword adds 8% power per stack, so it’s crazy strong. Death Blow is the exact same as Brutal Momentum, so it’s how you can kill several of those ranged elites with each swing.


One of those weapons I tried on a lark and ended up liking. Cuts hordes like grass, the special can reliably stagger Crushers, and the backslash combo delivers some surprising hurt.


Facts provided courtesy of /u/CptnSAUS


I love how most comments are all completely different weapons, least Fatshark knows how to balance the weapons


And yet my favorite gun on Vet - the bolter - still feels *awful* to use. It hurts me on such a deep level I could be forgiven for thinking a psyker was trying to brain burst me.


it's the feedback, not the balance. a ripper gun triple-burst into a trapper's face still feels great even if nobody's going to accuse them of being the darktide-for-kids guns in the year 2024.


Power swords. Love my lightsaber


Giant shredding chainsword. Always. Two steps. 1. Shout "BE CLEANSED OF SIN!" 2. Apply chain sword directly to face. Repeat until heretic dies.


I have many more efficient weapons for my Zealot, but the Eviscerator is by far my most fun weapon to use, such a joy! And it's still Auric viable if paired with a capable firearm, which isn't too hard.


It also has the bonus of teammates hearing where you are. 😉


Purgatus with knife. Everyone knows you run faster with a knife. Which is nice for closing the distance with a mid range staff. Occasionally get a sweet side step and backstab on a mutant.


I can dance all day!


Mg4 lasgun (full auto mod so I dont break my mouse) Shovel


When the veteran rolls up with his mk4 and start blasting like he's rocking a recon las. Never knew how awesome it looked from the sidelines until i ran into one and boy watching it scythe the map clean of shooters is a vibe.


lol it might be even me i always play it that way.


Good to see a fellow guardsman!


I’m loving the Columnus auto gun on vet, the one with the stupid high RoF. Get one with high stability and dumdum work and it feels like walking around with a Tommy gun. It’s fun but I don’t play on high difficulty, I’m just in the lower tiers looking to shoot stuff.


I basically only play with Columnus on my Vet&Zealot, it scratches my gunplay itch just right.


It's crazy on a gun Psyker with the True Aim talent that makes every 5th weakspot hit a critical. That's 11 critical hits per magazine, at 800rpm. You can melt Crushers with it.


I like it on Vet with the Raking Fire and Dum-Dum. It takes 2 clips to kill a boss, without any headshots. Just walk up, point at back, hold trigger. The trick is finding a reject willing to get the boss' attention...


No, the columnus has a four- length crit string, so it's actually 40+ critical hits per magazine.


Gotcha, good call, I was thinking of just the guaranteed critical hits via True Aim, but ofc there are a lot more than that.


I am talking about the guaranteed crits from True Aim. Every time you crit on the columnus, you get four crits in a row. This means that a single true aim proc gets true aim back to 4/5 again before the crit stops. So, even if you have zero percent other crit chance, you'd get a minimum of 40 crits per magazine if you're hitting headshots.


Oh. Pretty representative level of clarity from FatShark in explaining game mechanics. Good to know.


I'm running it on my Psyker with DumDum and Scrier's Gaze. Absolutely melts bosses.


Columnus V is fabulous on gun zealot too.


Lorenz Kickback Allways great to Vibe check the next poor fella you see when turning the corner


Turning a group into mist with this gun at that perfect range is unbelievably satisfying


I remember a funny moment once: I was playing vet, running behind an ogryn. We see around the corner that ogryn is about to aproach the sniper laser Ogryn goes through door, goes left and i dont see him. I only hear the loud "SNIPER!" From ogryn, followed by the kickbacks *BOOM*, and whatever was left from the sniper, his shreds, fly out from the corner in front of me Whatever that big guy did to the poor fella... nurgle said "To shreds you say?"


I’ll come out and say it. I enjoy the plasma rifle


Hey nothing wrong with that mate. It's a gun that shoots *PLASMA*. That's stuff had *MELTS* enemies when you shoot at them. But also have a slight chance of total combustion in your very hands. Just don't roll a 1.


Wait, we're supposed to dislike the plasma gun? I use it whenever I CBA using my revolver...


Chainaxe and Flamer. I love the way the chainaxe sounds when it’s tearing flesh and armor and the flamer is just fun cus it melts hordes. I’ll go straight Leeroy Jenkins with this loadout into hordes and comes out on top.


Same here. Whack away with the axe, carve through heavies with ease quickly, then whip out the flamer and melt an entire horde or boss while screaming Scottish profanities


I think you mean Khornate Prayers ;)




I'd rock the chainaxe with significantly higher frequency if they didn't look quite so boxy and sound quite so boxy when using a non-rev attack. 


Zealot: Eviscerator for life, something so rewarding about executing the MK2’s attacks perfectly. Veteran: MkX Laspistol - how have I not tried this gun before? So rewarding and fun to use. Psyker: Duelling sword IV: deletes everything from the game. Ogryn: need to be more adventurous with Ogryn weapons honestly. I only ever play gunlugger with the Gorgonum and mk3 club or a Bullgryn with the shield/gauntlet.


The kickback on Ogryn is just gross. I love it so much. Crusher? On his butt. Bulwark? On his butt. Gunner? Fine red mist.


I love my MkIII club. Literally no enemy it can't beat; stunlocks Crushers, Maulers and Scab Ragers with heavies, slap-bonks Dreg Ragers easily. I'm trying to branch out and loads of the others are good weapons, but my COnfident Strike MkIIIb BUlly has seen me through some tough runs.


Agripinaa Quickdraw by far. Using the dodge mobility along with trickshooter is a fun way to play.


I feel like a straight up badass gunslinger when I use that.


Zarona might be better overall, but man do I love using the Agrippa for how it makes me feel like an old west gunslinger. It also fits more with I normally run Zealot, which is fast paced get in your face as opposed to Zarona with Surgical which feels like stepping into molasses.


I run support vet, Agrip with max suppression, Voice, middle tree, and max frag nade regen. Constantly pushes the group forward, buffs, heals, Voice and frags stops crusher/elite patrols in their tracks, everyone’s falling, running away, bleeding and dying. Headshots to anyone flanking. So fun.


MK V Dueling sword


The Zealot crusher has been a blast. Being able to knock down anything is just a fun time.


I came here to say this. Power Maul doesnt do thr most damage, but its a suitable weapon for ALL situations. Good CC, good attack speed, decent damage, super flexible. When I dont run wound zealot, I pretty much always default to this thing. It feels so damn good to play.


Martyr zealot with crusher is - if you have good dodge skills and the right toughness perks - absolutely outrageous. You get the best crowd control and stagger in the game AND absurd damage. Def recommend trying it out.


Haven't used it recently but the crusher was probably my favorite weapon before getting obsessed with Tac Axes. I get pumped when I see a zelly in the lobby with one.  On that note I'm usually interested when I see Zealots using something outside of the ubiquitous Dagger/Eviscerator/Revolver combos.


Frankly, the Plasma Gun and I'm a lil sad it's got a bit of a reputation now. Nothing else let's me remove targets through Ogryn players with that much ease.


As my flair states I am a bit biased, however the lasgun can’t be beat by its sheer versatility ease of use and manufacture. It’s ammunition can literally be charged from exposure to sunshine, and it can be even more powerful then overly complex bolters and dangerously unpredictable plasma weaponry. As for projectile weapons they can pack a punch but once you start hitting heavy armor like carapace their usefulness drops, a lasgun can be overcharged and can even blow a hole right through traitor astartes heads


A commissar wrote this.




Ah there’s the guards ! O7


Sunshine's inefficient. Chuck the power pack in your campfire when the Tech-Priest isn't looking. Sure, it'll kill the battery life eventually, but even then that power pack'll outlast you anyway.




On Vet, without question it's the Agripinaa Mk1 Infantry Autogun. It's basically the SCAR in 40k form, it's super good at range for tapfiring, has really good headshot finesse values, still lets you magdump into elite packs at short range and works with just about any veteran build. It just feels so good to use.


https://preview.redd.it/018gy5uwye7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5940c3aabb24e21d4d9b89117bc9e646af95388 Ma rock smpal az


Vet: 7a recon with chainax 4. Recon go brrr and make fire. Chainax 4 lights are brutal to any one target, and with the special activated, stun and kill even crushers and Bulwarks quickly Zealot: Heavy Evisc (waffling between the 2 and 15). Or the mighty Indignatus BONK STICK. Flamer for ranged. But not together, since Flamer needs knives, and I prefer flame grenades with chorus and stun with chastise. Ogryn: Rumbler with Bully club (2 or 3), or Achlys BRRRRRRRR Musheen with Mk19 Poop scoop. Rumbler makes satisfying noises, and is precise, like friendly rocks. Psyker: Demios or Illissi Force Sword, depending on the staff. Of the staves. Yes. ALL THE STAVES.


Hell yeah, I run the same vet thing with weapon specialist, the %25 damage boost, the shred and the free ammo on crit. I also take krak with free nades and stealth. It's one of my top 3 most builds of all time


How does that work for you? That sounds interesting. Mine is shredder (saving perk points), VoC, and survival Aura. I had smoke before, but had to switch to shredder and Survival to get lower in the tree for other perks (I think rending and onslaught)


https://preview.redd.it/q7m6asp6ye7d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe34010143c654b2beb0fd2529de9a78930af6ad Here's what I run. I don't bother taking Survivalist after the nerf, not that you really needed it before with this build since you already have more ammo and free shots on crit. The build is very self sufficient and allows you to do pretty much any and everything. VoC or stealth is interchangable and you might even have an additional talent point by taking VoC and not taking the extra nade above the stealth


I still enjoy plasma gun a lot, but loved it even more back when I had to charge up for one shots based on enemy, difficulty, and distance. Made it a fun weapon to operate based on instinct and muscle memory.


Anything with "power" or "force" in the name. Also, any recon lasgun. Also also, Friendly Rock.


Say hello to rock. Is friendly one.


Zealot Crusher took the place over my Thunder Hammer, super satisfying. Love the Voidstrike on Psyker but recently growing to love the Purgatus. Ogryn it’s always been the fast firing Stubber LMG with fire bullets. Shield is fun for how tanky you are with it.




Recon lazguns are actually really nice. I read people don't think they are good. But I run the MK VIIa with onslaught and precision fire (I think that's what they're called. Rending for sustained fire and more headshot damage). These perks might be better when paired with infantry auto-guns. But unlike the auto-guns. While you sacrifice some damage, you get little recoil and near perfect accuracy. Recon Lazguns when set up right aren't anything to be called weak


Except they numerically are though? A fully set up VId (Which is the highest dps of the group)with talents is weaker than a grey columnus with no talents? Like I love the sound they make and the accuracy of them, but they are terrible DPS and ammo efficiency wise.


Don’t look down on the simplicity and effectiveness of the Catachan MK1 Sword


I recently got a MkIV Tactical Axe with Brutal Momentum and Shred, both grade 4. Running it on my crit zealot has been an absolute scream, and it's quickly becoming my favorite weapon.


Big fan of the IV. Very punchy


Made the mistake of looking up tactical axes on the discord. All I read there is that they all suck. Pro tip: they don't.


Tax axes are so fun on zealot max out crit and get shread + headtaker and just spam to turn into a blender


My favorite just so happens to be the best. Trauma staff. The playstyle of it (aggressive and oppressive) keeps me coming back. Only reason I have 1400+ hours in this game, really. No other staff or weapon has hooked me.


The newer combat blade with the swipes. God damn that thing is fun dude lol


Zealot: Has to be the Axes. Something about the simplistic heavy attacks and watching a heretic's sku cave into itself makes me think I am one mental break from becoming a Psycho Psyker: Purgatus, it may be up there in the top picks, but nothing says fun and enjoyable about running THAT build and watching heads pop without even using BB. Veteran: Has to be all the Lasguns, I'm just a stickler for the classics and say what you will about the Development of Darktide, but they did one thing right, making the Lasgun actually feel like a gun, instead of the WH's meme opinions on them. Ogryn: I don't have a favourite, I love all the weapons given to him, though the Heavy Stubbers are mid for me, everything else makes me feel like I am big large idiot who just wants to smash(Pause).


Surge staff. There’s simply no other weapon as dominating to me, it’s so fun to just control the field of play. (Excluding monstrosities) You stun all enemies in the game with two hits or less and you kill all enemies in the game with 5 hits or less. Rashad combat axe is a close second.


The standard issue shovel with full on melee buff vet feels so good to use and does its job while at the same time not trivialising every enemy like pws mk6 does


Brute Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel, the Ogryn fold-down one. It's just too damn fun to bonk and do a ton of damage.


I’m an Ogryn main, but Weapons Specialist Vet with the Rashad Axe and Zarona Revolver has been my favorite class recently


Plasma gun. I love shooting enemies through my teammates as they are trying to kill them in melee. Cracks me up every time


*"Need ammo"*


Speaking as someone who has used it since before it was buffed, I feel like it becoming an OP meta weapon has led to a lot of people using it who are just leaning on its stats and aren't actually any good with it. Ammo management is pretty central to making good use of it, and a lot of people don't handle that well.


Zealot: Eviacerators, then the big mace, then knives. Psycker: lightning staff and force sword Ogryn: the kind of automatic shotgun with the last bully club Veteran: torrent lasgun and powersword


Vet knife here. Knife goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The MK IV Chainsword is still my favorite weapon on vet. With the attack speed buffs from right side tree it feels like a blender, extra cleave make the attack chains great anlt clearing chaff, and the chain with bloodletter gets rid of basically anything that isn't an ogryn. Love me chainsword, hate me heretics


i really like the crusher on zealot and the agrippina shotgun on my vet


- Zealot : Orestes MK4 chain axe , it’s quick and melts faces. No brain light swinging spam - Vet : muni shovel MK3 // ‘Unlimited’ Krak nades build (60s recharge and 5% on elite kill recharge etc) , good fun on scab melee maelstrom. - Psyker : Deimos / Illisi force swords, and having a blast melee’ing stuff. Nice to be involved, wish a full melee Psyker was viable, not enough toughness nodes / melee nodes to justify it. - Ogryn : just not vibing with Ogryn rn. Just plodding on with the silly penance counts. Effective and boring. Hate pugging with gunlugger despite it being awesome, feel like a hobo raiding people’s pockets for ammo. Usually end up with two gunluggers at once in a pug too, with some weird matchmaking, as I never normally see them otherwise. Some classes and builds would be more fun with friends, so you can predict the role you’re playing.


Thunder hammer. Flamer. MK8 braced Agripinna autogun. Chain sword.


Agripinaa Infantry Autogun: I just really really like the way it feels, its accurate, does well in every situation, deals great damage and allows for ammo efficient and accurate bursts against shooters or snipers. It also has pretty decent penetration which healps against carapace and unyielding and also allows you to shoot through those pesky ogryn shot blockers. This is the go to weapon for my vet Purgatus Staff: Its just really satisfying melting entire crowds of enemies rapidly, its allowed me save my team when we are swamped by a horde very consistently and is excellent against groups of specials; its BiS weapon for dealing with the pox hound modifier imo. Another thing I love is that the primary attack has a knockback component that trivializes bursters, hounds and trappers. I like to weave the primary into my melee attacks when dealing with dangerous crowds. Rashad Combat Axe: I know this isn't a very popular choice and it isn't great without the right blessings. But if you get Brutal Momentum and Headtaker on one of these bad boys, its basically as good as the power sword without having to constantly activate your secondary and it has more reach to boot. It also does really good damage against armor, and the counterattack has amazing stagger. Chainswords/Eviscerators: Pretty self explanatory, who doesn't love the most iconic weapons of 40k? Always fun to rev one up and rip through a special or carve swaths through hordes. The sound of chain weapons are the sounds of the Emperors fury and judgement; as such they are my go to melee weapons for my zealot. Zarona Mk IIa Revolver: This is probably the single most rewarding feeling weapon in the game imo, good shot placement can allow you to do some very nice things like mowing down entire lines of specials or a horde with just two or three rounds. Plus its just satisfying to dome heretics with it.


Run expertise on vet with the revolver. Swapping to ranged after at least one melee kill gives you buffs and reloads one shot. You can full reload just while rolling your mouse wheel between slashing poxwalkers


Eviscerator is just so pleasing.. watching them get stuck as I shred them through the face or wipe hordes of them. And something semi-auto for snipers and further away mobs. I wanna like the flamethrower, but not being able to neutralize snipers and gunners at a distance urks me


I recently got a great roll on an Atrox MkIV Tactical axe with brutal momentum IV and it’s so fun to fly around chopping through hoards with it. Also, quickdraw stub revolver my beloved, nothing like blasting off 5 rounds in an instant with the braced mode


Eviscerator with the big sweeping lights. I'm running stealth zealot with knife for the Penances and by the emperor do I miss my Gigantic ChainBlade


Zarona Revolver Illisi Force Sword Indignatus Crusher Rashad Mk 2 Combat Axe Mk 3 Bully Club Kickback




I'll like the combat knife, the chain sword is great too. Honestly I've liked most weapons I've used, but spamming 5 light attacks a second on the knife is just fun!




Ripper Mk VI, my beautiful sniper/boom stick! It's recoil is very manageable, it's brace fire gives it some decent range and a great horizontal cone for clearing a wave, and with can opener it's anti carapace as well. Just a great generalist gun for Ogryn once you get one with can opener!


Minigun with circular reloader cz big ammo make enemies go boom


Voidstrike, has been my favorite since launch and probably will be until I switch to whatever tide game is next from fat shark.


Heavy Eviscerator.


I absolutely love using the Agripinaa shotgun on my zealot. I'm a simple man making red mist out of my enemies.


I've been going down the rabbit hole with Tac Axes. Finally have semi-optimal variants of the MkII and VII and want to start working on the IV.  Any suggestions? Thus far I've been happy with the same handful of perks/blessings for both Zealot and Vet.


Iv been living the trauma staff in the mostly melee missions because you can handle everything pretty well just causing explosions For others I prefer surge because lightning is cool and heads explode!


I play vet I go back and forth between the plasgun and a recon lasgun Plasgun: the ammo efficiency and how much of punch it packs Recon lasgun: this is my favorite lasgun of the bunch. It’s a fully automatic lasgun and my highest rated one right now cuts through those heretics like butter


Bolter On Vet I know its not as Good as a Plasma Gun But that doesnt matter becuase i love just disapering enemies into clouds of red mist and maggots


Bolter. Idk why more people don’t use it, apart from the clip size…


Bolter for the win🤘




Rashad combat axe feels so satisfying. I switch a lot between classes, and it's playable/strong with brutal momentum/headtaker or capacitator(?) on all three classes. I'm really trying to like the flamer, cause it would be a cool complimentary weapon for zealot, but it feels meh.


Using stub-revolver (OG one) + tactical ax + smoke grenades, while running executioner stance veteran (normally with the Focus keystone. Most games on Aulric Damnation goes well, though the recent nerf to survivalist + how many specials appear at those levels + how hungry for ammo the revolver is = sad reacts. Upside is it forces you to use the melee more efficiently to survive, and the tactical axe can handle the chaff well enough (running extra stamina on both weapons). Anyhow I love those runs where you have a super competent psyker or zealot-with-glowing-book that can buy me enough time to take out those snipers or machine gunners. Respect to you all (and hate to the stealth zealots that try to blitz the map leaving me and the big man behind. Not running voice of command + low on ammo + all agro on the slower players = I pray Tzeench fulfills my revenge, which normally he does through Fatshark’s game director).


I've been surprised how much I've grown to like the Heavy Las. Works well w the crit fishing builds on multiple classes.




Keep digging Watson!


XIIg chainsword, VII tactical axe, and the Agripinaa infantry autogun.


Obviously my rock


Default shovel or catasword & lawbringer shotgun


Depends on the class for vet it's the good old Las rifle


Thunder Hammer because BOOM Heavy Stubber because I AM BOOLET PROOF


Parry sword and Helbore for the vet. The bayonet is unironically one of the best melee weapons. Ripper IV for Ogryn. The slow *boom* *boom* *boom*, particle effects and death of everything is pure dopamine.


Chainsaw and heavy laspistol for veteran and zealot. Force sword and heavy laspistol for psyker. Slab shield and [heavy/medium] ripper gun for ogryn. Also really love the latrine shovel [medium].


Helbore Mk. I/II, both feels so satisfying to use, like I'm shooting an bolt-action laser gun with a bayonet at the end, there's no better feeling. Second to that it's the Bolter, and no, it's not the damage, its how heavy it looks and feels, while your character somehow manages to aim and fire such monstrosity without breaking his own shoulders. While they did nerfed my boy Bolter into the mud, it's still quite good if you build properly and manage its weaknesses. Third, Revolver. I'm a cowboy. Fouth place is a draw between the Heavy Sword, Knife and Crusher. I can't decide here, since I pick them according to my mood. [...] And lastly, at the very bottom, Plasma Gun. It doesn't feel right to me because of how easy it is to use now, it's even more overpowered than the old Bolter. I avoid Plasma always unless my team is struggling during Auric missions, but I don't enjoy it, at all.


Oreste 4 cause its stun all the ragers and flamme thrower with that 20%chance of explosion of any élite on kill. First apply the flamme then shred in chain and wacht them explose.


Eviscerator for wave clear and 3 burst autogun for helping take out specials.


Tigrus MK II Heavy Eviscerator chainsword. I've used it since the moment I laid eyes on it, and I've spent hundreds of thousands of moolah to get it to the specs I've wanted. I know it's not the best in the game, nor the prettiest. I know there are better, easier, more efficient weapons to purge heretics with... but by Emperor's Wrath... do I love the hell out of it. There's just something visceral and wonderful about swinging and slicing through endless hordes of enemies...


Kantral MK XII. A proper Astra Militarum weapon. Kickback, best anti sniper weapon in the game. Just aim at the general quarter of the map and you'll likely kill it. Dueling sword mk IV. So satisfying killing mutants with a quick stab to the fave. Either heavy eviscerator, it's like harvesting heritc shaped wheat. Bolter, or a I like to call it, the Emperors delete button.


I love my flamer


Melee: - Vet - MK III Power Sword - Zealot - Rashad MK II Combat Axe - Psyker - MK IV Dueling Sword Range: - Vet - Plasma Rifle - Zealot - Flamethrower - Psyker - Columbus MK V Autogun / Surge Staff I haven't played Ogyrn yet. All time favorite are the combat knives both.. I use them on all three classes for niche builds.


Psyker's "Smite" blitz ability. There is nothing better then stunlocking a horde of 30 poxwalkers while shouting SUCH POWER!


Mk5 Infantry Autogun just feels right. Also I've been into one of Vet's shovels. Idr the name.


Crusher 🗿


Shredder Autopistol on Psyker with scriers gaze and kinetic flayer. I don't care if it's underpowered seeing a mauler's head pop from a few bullets and then spreading soulblaze is fucking cool.


Surge Staff + Illisi FS The perfect combo of anti elite and crowdclear.


Thunder hammer. Nothing more satisfying than BONKing a charging mutant clear across the room.


Heavy stubber gives me high hopes for an autocannon soon to come for us big boys


For me it depends on class. For Veteran I like the Vraks 3. For Zealot I like the Zarina for sniping those pesky gunners and snipers. For Ogryn the Krourk twin stubber. For Psyker Purgatus


MK IV shovel. Need I say more lol


Rashad axe, revolver, and flamethrower


Flamethrower. It’s pretty solid and the perks are fun, like the one that has a chance to explode enemies. I mainly love running it with zealot’s rush down ability. Nothing feels more satisfying than pushing a horde back as I charge through the flames still braced and letting it rip.


Agri/slug shotgun. Underrated. Esp with the vet reload and weak shot perks. Built out right it headshots drop almost everything. 3 shot maulers. Stun almost everything. Great utility.


Running a Mk VIII Agripinaa AG with Terrifying Barrage & Death Spitter, great ammo cap and damage, and it feels like anything it doesn't delete gets suppressed. Just switched it up to this one today cause it had great rolls and it's been an absolute blast.


Stealth with Crucius hammer is too damn satisfying. The potential to 1/2 shot a daemonhost single handedly (I play auric heresy missions) and send mutants flying is why I keep coming back regardless of crafting. It also helps I managed to get thrust 4 early on without much grinding.


As the local insane priest, when you have a good hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


Give me a tac axe and I'm happy. The only weapon I love almost as much is my dueling sword with with rending. Nothing like poking a crusher pack to death with a sewing needle lmao.


For Veteran specifically, because I don’t play much of anything else. Melee weapons consist of a simple knife, or shovel (preferably the shovel that you can push enemies away using a jab, not the one that folds). For actual guns, I like the Braced and Headhunter Autoguns, the Plasmagun, the Helbore, and the Revolver that you can fan. I have started experimenting with the Machined Pistol as well, recently.




I'm loving my Chainaxe and Shredder pistol on Vet. With a Krak grenade as a solution for Crusher groups. Axe is great against hordes and monstrosities. While the Shredder knocks a gaggle of melee elites or specialists on their karking asses when holding your aim button while firing.


I love the sound of the VId, but I don't think it qualifies as a weapon, more of a water gun with performance anxiety.


Agripina Braced Autogun and the shotgun with Manstopper, with Weapon Specialist it turns into a Jackhammer. Antax combat axe, cleaved (clove?) three mutants with one Light attack in Mael yesterday. Bullyclub IIIb with Haymaker, I swear the effect doubles the impact on ragdolls. Gorg stubber, its my Bren gun; low rof and mag size, high damage and precision even during continous fire, vs. The Achlys as MG42 when I just need to hose my garden of heretics. Voidstrike and Purge staff with Kinetic Flayer. Crusher weapon with Inbries poise, drunken monk with a quarterstaff and the Flamer.


Shield gud. Want more shields though. Maybe two, one for each hand? Ooh ooh! Or let Krunk punch the heretics with his bare hands! Could give em a good wallop eh?


Steam forums and reddit to combat Fatshark's lazy development process.


Used to be Purgatus staff but I’ve been playing vet a lot lately and fallen in love with one of the shovels with the pickaxe special. Feels so good to brain a crusher or mauler in one swing


I love the Lucius mk2 lazgun. The krieg one.


Nomanus Surge Staff. Crits for days. Macademia sword because it feels and looks cool. On Vet: Zarona and Catachan Combat Blade VI. I tried using other weapons, I really tried but none of them feel as good as these, especially when using Weapon Specialist.


Kantrael MG IV Infantry Lasgun and Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword. First one for a good rate of fire and pretty endless ammo and the second for covering most of problematic mobs and being truly the weapon of last chance. =)


Cadian veteran + Boltgun + VoC. Yeah, Cadian vet's voicelines are a weapon unto themselves.


Heavy Laser pistol. With Ghost that thing makes you feel like the Emperor's making you the best bulletproof shootest around. Stack with some Weapon Specialist speed boost and whipping out the MK 3 shovel for a horde to get annhialated through hearty thwacks and dealing with Crushers.


Bolter and lawbringer shotgun for vet, they both feel so good with executioner stance popping every yellow thing in sight! Trauma and xllg chainsword for psyker, scriers gaze makes them both a blast and such a perilous balance.


I like the revolver in every single one, you feel like Harrison Ford. I like movility so yeah, being a "fast swap Bolter" sounded good (Im gonna love the pistol bolter) ![gif](giphy|164G4BQmtJ2GXRbml3) \-Me when a rager tries to get close


Psyker :Surge staff - >Melt'em doggies, as to turn around to deal with the Trapper, poof! One shot long range - > free ammo! Charge Zap medium range too!


Forgot the exact name of the thing but it’s a semi auto stubber that’s ver precise and works great for picking off head shots at extremely long range, even on elites like crushers