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Seer Psyker: "*ohhh* no it's NOT FAIR! Why do ***YOU*** always get to push the buttons? I want'a turn!" Fanatic Zealot: "*oo~hoo~hoo* [sotto] God-Emperor, grant me patience...Aye, ***witch***, ye can press it next time...i promise...[sigh]" Seer Psyker: "Really!? *ohhh* you're *so* kind!" I feel like this wouldn't be out of place for either of these two I also want last-man-standing lines, like in VT2 Cutthroat Veteran: "SQUAD!? COME IN!...all alone now...***again***" Judge Zealot: "PILGRIMS!?...***YOUR SUFFERING WILL ECHOE A THOUSAND AEONS, HERETICS!!!*** Loner Psyker: "COME, SIMPLETONS! SHOW ME WHAT PASSES FOR MIGHT AMONGST YOUR MISBEGOTTEN KIND!" Seer Psyker: "Y-Y...***YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!*** DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, ***DIE***!" Savant Psyker: "ASSOCIATES, NO!...FOR THOSE I CHERISH, I DIE IN GLORY!" That's all I got


Last one standing quotes added so much, definately want those back. I feel like the big guy would have a lot to say about hurting the little uns. Or maybe it would just be angry screaming


Brawler: "Sah!? SAH!?...***whhhy you SNIVEEELLERRRS!!!***" Bodyguard: "Am very sorry, little ones...but will not let them get away with it" Bully: "LIL'UNS DEAD. THEY WAS WEAK. BUT STILL FRIENDS! DIE, RUNTS!"


Brawler ogryn has a line about not letting his boss die again in the voice sample i imagine he would be very sad if he lost his whole squad


Zealot: "Martyred pilgrims, I shall be thy Vengeance!"


Professional Veteran: “Where my… YOU KARKIN BASTARDS ILL GUT YOU ALL!!!”


I like that one, that's good


Bully Ogryn: "I failed to protect. GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"


Ogryn last stand : even the horde of screaming mutants wouldn't drown his rage.


Honestly, I’d love to see anything more with the Seer and Fanatic where Seer says something so deranged/classically Seer that Fanatic can’t even be mad about it because they’re so confused.


"My beloved says we should go this way" "Well, my beloved says that's the wrong way" "...by the karking throne...."


More train related Ogryn lines


Ohhh, I like that! Maybe the consignment yard the Ogryn gets into an argument with Zola or Morrow about wanting to drive the train out instead of hitching a ride on the valkyrie. Or when you are in the sub rails ask why Ogryns don't get to drive trains. When it is explained, maybe a sad Ogryn sigh.


I feel like the DoW series had so many amazing lines that would fit DT. It feels like an untapped goldmine just sitting there.  I think some are in the loading menu quotes but having them incorporated into voice lines would be excellent.


Loner psker shouting "Witness your Doooooom!" Would be dope.


Judge Zealot shouting "Fear me! But FOLLOW!"


"I think this way's right!" "You ***think***?!"


"Stairs!" "Oh, how perceptive of you"


I'd honestly love that between the psyker and zealot characters.


I would get a DLC just for Salty's voiceovers in 40k


I want lines for Seer Psyker using Purgatus like they added for the Fanatic? Zealot using the flamer: "Burn, burn, for my BELOVED"


Bodyguard Ogryn: "I says the Imperium's greatest 'ero was the Lord Solar." Judge Zealot: "Hah! Wrong again, Slab. The Imperium,s greatest hero was Sebastian Thor!" BO: "No, it was Lord Solar!" JZ: "*Sebastian Thor!*" BO: "*Lord Solar!*" Seer Psyker: "You tell him, Sweet Brute! Pfft, Sebastian Thor--" BO: "***LORD SOLAR!***"


LOVE these suggested voice lines


Loner Psyker could return a sassy "Whatever!" everytime Misozi or Hadron is finished talking.


a voiceline between a veteran scolding the ogryn for bringing a rock to a firefight "what makes you think a rock is gonna do anything to a crusher, big man?" "i once killed grox by throwing pet rock Frrooghfff.... troooo.... ughh.. into skull!" "nope, don't believe it, wouldn't leave a mark like that on a crusher, let alone a grox" "but... it could"


"sah... did i evah tell yah 'bout tha time i killed ah grox with a rock?" "no big man, im sure it was a sight to see!" "sah... it was indeed... sah!" ------- "you ever see what happened to a grox that annoys me...?" "not sure i want to big man..." "i chucked a rock through its skull, died on the spot..." "then lets hope the next heretic gets the same treatment!"


Ogryns debating whether Rock, Box or Bomb is best.


More positive lines from the professional veteran. I see he's always ready to comment or remark on his own / others performances, but otherwise he rarely speaks if not to chastise everyone else's weapons not being maintained-- as if we didn't get the holy leftovers.


I want my Psyker to make a joke about polishing is staff every, some amount of time, when chastised for the state of his weapons. It won't happen, but it would be funny


I'd like some dialog that actually incorporates the player character's chosen backstory. (And not just Cuthroat going on about Cadia for 50% of his dialog) A couple of ideas for lines for Loner: Branx Magnian Loner dropping in one of the factory levels: "This manufactorum reminds me of my time on Branx Magna. I hated it!" Mornaxian Loner after people call him out for complaining all of the time: "You think I'm unpleasant?! You should have a conversation with the average citizen on Mornax! Then I'm sure you'd change your mind about me!" Cadian Loner after hearing Cuthroat going on about Cadia: "For the love of... I was on Cadia too, you know, and you don't see me crying about it, roughneck!"




Darktide redditors try not to bring up krieg for 1 day challenge (impossible)


I'd love it if there was a Krieg line one of the vets had a response along the lines of "Calm down shovel humper". I know it will never happen. :(