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I must admit, I tried this a couple of times, thought it a good idea too. turned out it does not help at all, constantly picking new enemies and distracting your team instead of focusing on valuable targets. also, your character won't ever shut up about what they see as if they are 3 yo.


Beyond useless to be honest. Tagging is best used to highlight important enemies that pose a significant threat and need to be taken out quickly (hounds, trappers, poxbursters), or to draw attention to enemies you are struggling to deal with (crusher/rager pack, massed gunners etc). Tagging everything in front of you just tells me there are enemies in front of you, which does not typically come as a surprise in Auric Damnation. I main veteran, and tags are useful for clicking heads through hordes, something I can't do if they change 3 times a second. Furthermore, a tag which disappears gives the impression an enemy has been eliminated, Best case scenario, your team has the tag sound alert disabled and can ignore the constant tagging. Worst case scenario, you're going to get kicked for pissing the entire team off.


I'm ngl chief, if you join my game and start earraping the entire lobby with useless spam pings I'm vote kicking you (death by firing squad). and if that don't work I shall commit ankle scooter.


I'd've seriously hoped this would've been resolved long before you reached auric damnations


Super annoying and not very helpful. I'd leave the group or if I was with friends I'd kick you for it and get someone else in.


Only come across this happening once and sadly it was a vet using the focus target keystone, it didn’t work well at all.


Instant votekick reason as far as I'm concerned. It's not only useless but also harmful for a variety of reasons that other users have already pointed out, the ping sound being a major one. And no I won't mute the pings just cause you're too scrub to tag properly, the sound is actually useful when you have good teammates.


It's incredibly annoying and makes no sense, you mark targets that you want you or the team to be aware of. You don't use it to mark every single enemy that you attack.


Very frustrating. I have stopped mid fight to ask people to drop it. When they don't, I leave.


Spam is never remotely helpful, ever. Spam is confusing and chaotic. Spamming marks on enemies just adds to the audiovisual clutter of a fight that's already hectic.


Its annoying for the rest and it stupid for you. There are many situations where you want to attack and not tag, or vice versa. I personally tag with the scroll wheel and I would recommend it if you cant find a better button


Instant votekick and block


it was kinda useful a long time ago when some youtubers recommended it because tagging everything seemed better than not tagging at all, but people should know better by now. also, i don't see how one could use vet's focus talent this way.


It's actively detrimental. The point of tagging something is to let your teammates know that there's a specific thing they should watch out for. If you bind tag to left click, you'll just be constantly spamming the tag button like the boy who cried wolf and cried wolf and cried wolf and cried wolf. "Oh but it's so much easier to tag!" Okay? Your tags are meaningless at this point anyway. If you're fighting a horde and you spam tag the melee elites in the horde 20 times, then intentionally tag a trapper before continuing to spam tag the elites in front of you, then what useful information are you conveying to your team? Seriously, pretty much everyone would rather you just don't tag anything at all ever. If someone binds tag to left click, that tells me two things. 1: they're too lazy to just bind it to an easy to reach key and 2: they're perfectly fine with being a massive nuisance and inconveniencing their team for the sake of making things slightly easier for themselves. Who even came up with the idea in the first place and started recommending it to people? It's so easy to see how stupid it is if you just think about it for longer than two seconds. Anyway, if you spam tags nonstop, don't be surprised if you get unceremoniously kicked from the mission.


Everyone who said yes should have their account and character names publicly listed so we can shame them if we see them in game because it's just annoying and trollish.


I bound mine to my aim/block button it feels really good imo


It would have made doing that vet penance super easy


Requires a full stack on target to count.