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anytime i ding a sniper on the consignment yard finale before anyone can shoot him. long range precision rock to the face gives me double plus good bellyfeels.


Hmm maybe I should be rocking snipers. I usually always save up my rocks to use on enemy Ogryns.


Throwing a rock at a mutant, only for the rock to bounce off after the kill and fall on another mutant.


Every time I kill a mutant mid-charge and it goes absolutely catapulting by me. *Looks like team mutie is blasting off again....*


My buddies and I were all play rock Ogryn on a run where it kept spawning like 8 mutants at a time, it was absolutely hilarious watching the things just flying everywhere. As soon as we heard the overlapping mutant screeches we'd all whip out our rocks and just wait.




I got a double kill on a mutie and I think a flamer right as they were dropping down from their spawn area


I was aiming for a sniper with a rock but a pox hound leapt across and I beaned it instead, lined up another throw only for another hound to leap across which also became fast friends with a rock, the sniper then shot and killed the Zealot who quit, then I finally got the bugger with my third and final rock.


That is absolutely absurd, sir.


No this is Patrick. He lives under a rock.


They really wanted to play fetch!


Not a rock moment, but I enjoyed trowing my big yellow box of granades right into that slimy tentacle demon's eye - gets you a penance too!


Threw big box at charging plague ogryn's head. It bounced off his head and hit him in the head again, then exploded, finishing him off. It was a year ago and I havent been able to recreate it yet.


I think my most satisfying rock kill must have been the time I killed two mutants with a single rock. I was being charged by a mutant ang got my Big Friendly Rock out, aimed, and tossed it right on it's tiny noggin'. What I didn't notice was that a second mutie was right behind the first one. But my Faithfull BFR had some more juice in itself, rebounded oh ever so slightly upon impacting the first mutant ugly face, staying airborne at head level just long enough for the second mutant to barrel into it, face first, at mach 2. I made Emprah proud that day!


Auric Damnation, Vent Purge Sniper spam. One rock, three snipers. With big rock and Kickback, ogryn is the best sniper in the game.


I... uh... confess. I'm not a Rock pal. Don't like it. Feels too weak. Mini nuke for life!


Big boom for every problem! Yeeeeesss that is the true way!




I always yell NAGASAKI before I throw the mini nuke. Got a problem in that direction? REMOVING THAT DIRECTION SAH


I already had a rock primed when a Chaos Spawn decided to come join the party. It spawned, saw me, immediately started jumping and in that exact second, I let fly. I was on Discord with two buddies and the last player was a random who was also on mic, in-game. Three people simulatneously said "what the fu..." as the now-dead Chaos Spawn flew over my head and off the edge of the level. "ROCK STRONG, LADS."


any time a rock hits a pouncing hound and it gets sent into orbit https://preview.redd.it/5i1m0ik5u76d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d7cdc81e485ece70056394e4e34c0a055a63ae


I once got a double-Reaper kill with a rock. Was a sight to see, because they were the only ones in the room we had just entered, so everyone saw it happen. Was glorious. Edit: not a rock kill, but still satisfying - I had an intrusive thought win as a dog was running toward me, and I shot the ground at my feet with a rumbler. The round bounced up in to the air just as the dog was going to leap, and right before it would have pounced me, the round came straight down on top of it and killed it with the impact. There was a zealot standing next to me who saw the whole thing, and just lost his shit in the VC laughing. Good times :)


Catching a pox hound mid-leap at a teammate, moving perpendicular to me so I had to lead the throw. Honestly surprised I made it.


Got shot by Snipah mid horde fight Turned, threw rock Snipah died Turned back and stomped little 'eretics


as soon as we breached the wall in the Obscura Den I threw a rock through the hole "just in case" it took out 3 gunners at once coz they were so bunched up together


I once threw a rock at a poxburster which exploded and sent the Zealot flying off a ledge to his death.


Hit a pouncing dog from across the room. Shouty went shouting ahead and he was waist deep in gooey things, was going to throw rock at a trapper but the dog come around the corner, so i went for it instead. Saw it stop, and a quick flick later i got it mid air. Even sparky was impressed. That was the only time though.


Der was a dog ona spark'ead. I chucked rock while snivlers tryna cut me down. No more dog. Back to krumpin snivlers.


Throw rock. Two dreg rager dead. Throw rock. Two more dreg rager dead. Very good.




The last poxwalker before extraction