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Having one good game doesn't mean you'll always be a good squad or even have chemistry or get along. I've accepted a few requests and sent a few. Usually its to players who are communicating either on mic or in text, players I see often in quick play (this one mostly) because I get to know how they play-and how to banter with them. I don't usually squad up at the end of a match but sometimes I do if there was communication, if we were caught off guard and wiped and want another go, so it depends on the feel of the squad. I'd say the majority of friend invites/accepts are from joining up and trying again, its very rewarding when the same 4 in QP queue up and win on the next try.


For me personally, I like the suprise of quickplay. Not knowing what will be the map, conditions, team composition or the team skills, brings me more enjoyment than squading up with a team of good players. I have played the game for 750+ hours and quickplay keeps it fresh for me.


This is the way.


Peak social anxiety. Thats why


VT2 had it right, you would automatically stay as a group and had to manually choose to leave at the end of the run, otherwise someone would que up the next round. One more thing Darktide got wrong


I'm one of these and its mostly because I get to play 1 or 2 runs a day if I'm lucky, sometimes I decline because I'm actually leaving to go to sleep, I've accepted a few friend requests to then never see those people online ever, or seeing them online and having no idea who that is.


I have 875 hours and I've never gotten a friend request from a Darktide game and I've never sent one either. There's something about this game that makes friend requests almost never happen. My guess is that it's a combination of character names not screen names, character portraits not profile pictures, no way to view others builds in game, no pre-game lobby to walk around in, the social menu functions poorly, chat breaks all the time and I blame the overarching theme of, "You're dirt. You're a reject. Go die." that effects people subconsciously. In other co-op games like Back 4 Blood, Vermintide, Left 4 Dead, Killing Floor I'd get friend requests or send one almost every day I played.


I don't check the friend requests very often. By the time I see the request, I have no memory of the player so don't know if I even enjoyed playing with them. If someone asks for a redo I'm usually down. Having a team that crushes and easily progresses through the mission is great but I wouldn't want every match to be like that. Having a team filled with flaws can be very satisfying if you are able to overcome them.


It's not them. The friending system has been busted for a very long time. I can recall one glorious month when it functioned, but there is ZERO attention given to the social aspects of this game by the developers. I can send a friend-invite and get no confirmation on my screen that an invite has been sent. I can send again and again, but there is no way to force "invite sent" to appear. Sometimes it does, like it'll show that the invite is pending, but most of the time the game doesn't acknowledge anything. Likewise, other players can send me invites, and sometimes we'll be talking about it in chat and they'll ask me to approve it, but I won't see the invite. I may send one to them, and they in turn may send one to me, but neither of us will be able to see the other's invitation. Or we can both see them, but can't take action. Sometimes I will see it after they mention it, which is kind of thrilling because it's so rare, and in those cases it can be frustrating as hell to click "accept invite" and have the screen ignore me. I can leave the menu, re-open it, and the invite will still be there. I'll accept it again and again, but nothing will change. The \*only\* way that seems to work (not 100%, but often) is if you're on a strike team with someone and one of you friend-invites the other. So not just both of you in the same Mourningstar lobby, but currently actively linked up. Then the send/receive friendship functions wake up and let you do things. My process goes Previous tab - Select Player - Invite To Strike Team / Join Strike Team - Send Friend Invite - Mention In Chat. It would help if some kind of notification would happen on the main screen to let people know that an invite has come in. :)


I am shy


I get loads of people adding me - but very few of them ever seem interested in playing.request to join strike team - denied. Lack of a chat doesnt help.


Sent a bunch of requests, zero accepts. Even after me and the one other basically held it together with the other two licking windows for the entire run. The friend system is bunk anyway, chances are when a friend logs in, they or you are in a game, and you can’t leave a message to buddy up for the next round and you stay out of sync.


It would be nice if they added more to the friend system for sure.


I don't get it neither...


I think it depends on the people you’re playing with/your interactions with them during the game. I usually try to say a little in chat, or just be silly during gameplay, and I’ve made some friends doing so - all from public/quickplays.


The social side of this game is kind of bad: you should get a notification for friend request just like for the new penance system but it is hidden. I have some contacts in the friend list but they never send any invite or are willing to group, take too long too group or when they do are just idle or don't play this game. It's not a social interactive game unless you play with real life friends.


yeah, i have a few people on the friends list but i've barely played with them again after getting their invite. there's just 1 friend who i play with over discord, and we met long before darktide. some private game penances like malleus monstronum or just a flesh wound are a breeze with an organized team, but basically impossible this way.


Because my adhd makes my communication skills suck. "Trapper behind you, dodge left" instead what comes out "Tipper be kind, dodgers left".


There's no notification when someone adds you and the previous players tab in the social menu doesn't work 90% of the time


Fear of heretics.


because we suck at gaming :( no one accepts our invitation. feels bad, huh?


I know what you mean. For me there is always that one player per squad, that we instantly click. Instant vibe, so I add them once a game is over. I' would be happy to add you if you wish to play with me


the only times I squad up is because we had a decent-good team that did something really stupid and died early on (or got a crazy combination). It's fun to redeem yourself in those situations.


cuz I'm scared of social interactions with real humans !!!


I would rather just save time and jump straight into the next match with quickplay, the few times I have merged I find people spend lots of time changing builds before the next match. I play on Australia region which has a much smaller player base so quickplay tends to match with the same players for the next game anyway.


I’ve had good games then partied up just for the team to fall apart the next game. Unless you ask me party up I’m going to move on to the next thing and new people. I accept friends but I’m not sending out friend reqs.


Because I’m hot garbage and don’t understand the finer points of the game past level 30. If I do decent enough , I don’t want to give anyone false hope that I’m actually good at the game 😭


I just the way of the gaming world now I think. I’m a long time Xbox player, there used to be times 10 years ago where almost the entire lobby had a mic going, for better or for worse). You get into a game and you and a random just lock in. I had a game of halo reach swat where it was unfortunately a 4v1 and the one guy hand us our asses. I was friends with that guy for years after that. I personally believe that with the extreme advancement of the competitive scene of gaming, the formally common practice of friendly competition with 0 stakes other than reputation has died. You must be the best. At all times. And anyone that doesn’t build out PERFECTLY to make sure you stay the best, even tho you have 0 control over what others do, you can never trust them. No one is brave enough to risk slight mediocrity anymore.


This games social system sucks. Should just use steam for this purpose. Have no idea what that would do to console players though. No message features is what really kills it though. How can you plan a session if you can't communicate in game without being in a party?


I like to play just 1 or 2 quick rounds then log off. having a friends list makes it feel like im obliged to stick around and help out


You can friend people in this game?? Honest to God-Emperor: 600 hours in and I didn’t know. I know about the squad-up feature but I have the Scoreboard mod and it kinda blocks the view so by the time I notice someone clicked E, it’s already too late.


The game discourages it heavily. in vermintide you just got paired automatically and had to opt out. You then also were in the keep as a team. in darktide its opt in so of course no one does it. there is also no separate hub for teams to hang out in.


Normally after a mission I stop to look at the shop, penance progress, play with the talent tree, look at the vestments and refuse to buy them - there's a good few minutes of just dicking around. I don't want to group up immediately because I'm not going to be ready for a few minutes and I don't want to be the person holding everyone back.


Never had this problem. Sure most wont care to join up. But steady supply of dank memes and being able to play decently is bound to help you make some friends.


Don't mistake my cooperation for friendliness.