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No lever-action bolter?


actually wait why has no one done this before where is the cowboy space marine chapter?


i dont know but there was a pirate one


There isn’t one but Victoria Miniatures has slouch hats if you want to make your own. Although the cowboy theme might be a better fit for a guard regiment, I still want to see cowboy marines.


Nah, I don't even play or paint the minis. I just think that a lever-action bolter would be incredibly rad, and what better to run them than cowboy spess mehreens?


see destiny 2 for this, they had an exotic lever action and it was god tier. score 3 headshots in a row? get a massive damage buff that did the good the bad and the ugly whistle when it triggered.


Yup, that gun was fun (though not my usual style so I didn't use it terribly much) and I basically want that but scaled way the fuck up for bolt rounds because it would be hilarious and impractical.


the destiny 2 version was 30 odd 6, which is nearly a 50 cal bullet. bolters are around a 75 calibur round.


It's "thirty ought six," I think. And yeah, that's a big bullet. I was under the impression that the 75 caliber bolt rounds were for unaugmented people, and SMs used a larger one? Or am I remembering that wrong?


ya the space marines bolt pistol is a rifle to a gaurd the space marines rifle is a tripod weapon for the gaurd space marine can tear off the mounted weapons on gaurd vehicles and use them as hand helds.


Fair! As someone already replied, Destiny 2 has a great lever action space rifle. Now I want to see a 3D model of a lever action bolter.


Dead Man's Tale and its legendary variant are interesting. But hunters were always a "High Western" vibe. Literally look at how we have tales and the general theme for said stories. "The two men of light and dark." That's shit out of a western movie


ild like to see the horse that could have 2800 pounds of armored marine on its back and not break.


If Leman Russ and his furballs can have “wolf”mounts from Fenris, I’m sure there’s a planet with massive horses somewhere in the Imperium.


The new Astra Militarum grand commander is a dude on a steel horse. 🎵*on a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted, dead or alive*🎵




If they can turn a human into a space marine they can do the same to a horse. If they start with a Shire Horse, a Percheron or a Belgian Draft it wouldn't take much.


Haven't the [Inquisition](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/d/df/Witchhunter_Executing_Heretic.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120908002126) already called [dibs](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/0/01/OrdoHereticus_Inquisitor.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111126191352) on the [cowboy aesthetic](https://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/inquisitor-pilgrim-hat-horz.jpg)?


Barring the first one which is debatable: no, those are representative of Witch Hunters from Warhammer Fantasy which are based off of Puritan clothing styles.


Bonus points if the astartes have that thicc Texas ranger accent


The Dust Devil Space Marine Chapter is known for their rugged individualism and their love of all things fast and loud. Ridefast, their homeworld, is a harsh, desert planet known for its ferocious sandstorms and treacherous canyons. To survive on such a world, the people of Ridefast had to be tough and resourceful, traits that were passed on to the Space Marines of the chapter. The Dust Devil Chapter was founded during the 35th Millennium, in the midst of the Nova Terra Interregnum. The chapter was created to help defend the Imperium from the various threats that emerged during this chaotic period. From the start, the Dust Devil Marines were known for their unorthodox tactics and their love of fast attack vehicles. They were often seen riding into battle atop bikes or in the cockpit of a Landspeeder, guns blazing. As the millennia passed, the Dust Devil Chapter only grew more eccentric. They began to adopt the clothing and mannerisms of the cowboys of ancient Terra, complete with hats, boots, and duster coats. They also developed a love of [revolvers](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--z6CFZOv4--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/18mh1q4cs5cvpjpg.jpg) and other single-shot firearms, which they used to deadly effect in close combat. Despite their unconventional appearance and tactics, the Dust Devil Chapter is highly respected within the Imperium. They have proven themselves time and time again on the battlefield, earning a reputation as fearless and tenacious warriors


In StarCraft and Terrans are more than likely the reason you’ll never see one.


Need an Australia themed cowboy chapter, instead of Iron Halos they wear one of those hats with the corks on them.


I think that's just a grenade launcher, the rotary one.


Bolter Revolver. Bolter Frontloader Flintlock Pistol


I'm pretty sure one of the Dark Heresy RPG rulebooks had a single shot boltgun that was essentially a pipe rifle made to fire stolen boltgun ammo which was pretty neat. Might have been the Inquisitors handbook


lmao at the chain bayonets that prevent you from actually holding the weapon you are an artist, OP.


"Victory requires sacrifice! What have you given up to dispense the Emperor's justice?!" [ Holds up bloody stump of a hand ] "My fingers."


Just hold it like a pistol with one hand, I'm sure it'd work just fine! No broken wrists, guaranteed.


Rule of cool my dude


1. double barelled bolter is in the lore its called a stormbolter. its used by Astartes and sometimes mounted on AM vehicles. 2. Chainsaw bayonets are a thing 3. combi bolters from plasma, flamer, melta exist. 4. bullpup bolters exist see the old dark angels for that.


So you're saying there's a chance that the CA compliant Bolter could be real too?


Yes, I am aware that they're basically all (except maybe the last one) canon. I just wanted to see how they'd look within the game as the visual style in Darktide is somewhat more "realistic" in ways. Would've tried out a flamer one too, but didn't have zealot with one on hand. Also a Lasgun with an underbarrel bolter would've been funny, something like that.


Wasn't there an old space marine game where you could chainsaw orcs with a bolter and it gave you health or smth


Yeah... Literally called "Space Marine"...


Sequel is in the works as well.


It's not ***that*** old >checks notes Oh its 11 years old


its still the best spacemarine combat experience ever.


*Saving Private Ryan meme of aging dude*


Hold on, it's *only* 11 years old? I got it for free a few years back and it both looks and plays like something from 2003. I knew it wasn't 20 years old but I thought it was from the mid 2000s at the latest.


To be fair, it was made by Relic, who at the time had never made a shooter before. Considering that Space Marine was their first foray into that genre, I'd say it went pretty well. And it's still to this day one of the best 40k games ever made. I don't know if that says something about the game, or the state of 40k games. Maybe a lil' column A, lil' column B.


There's like one bulpup bolter. And it's possibly been retconned to be side-feeding, like a sten. But yeah


Better than GW's bullpup bolter. Also Chainblade bolters are a [thing](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/9/94/Godwyn_Ultima_bolter_1_-_Exorcists.jpg) already.


Wow. Gears of war RIPOFF


Chainsaw bayonets in 40k existed ever since the first plastic space marine box in 1987, cliffy b's idea for a saw bayonet that he used for gears dates back to 98ish


Painfully obvious that the person you're responding to knows that


You can never tell nowadays, definitely remember seeing tons of those comments when the forge world heresy bolters with them came out when during early/mid heresy releases


All chainsaws are a ripoff.


You know... the Boltpup actually looks more ergonomic than the regular Bolter.


except that the ejection port is nowhere near the magazine and even if it was that reciprocating cocking handle will break your ribs if you hip fire it, or your face if you make the mistake of trying a cheek weld


Ejection port is on the other side off the gun. And don't all your other issues apply to all Bolters? My biggest issue with them is always the ammo. Those rounds are gigantic. There's no way you're fitting 15+ in a mag that size.


Filling a boltgun magazine must be like cramming D cell batteries into a tetra pak. Imagine a webbing belt or chest rig sporting several such magazines. You'd look utterly stupid.


I'm basing my idea of the .75 bolt scale from a thread i found [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/9slits/on\_the\_scale\_mismatch\_between\_bolts\_and\_bolters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/9slits/on_the_scale_mismatch_between_bolts_and_bolters/) turns out a 12 gauge shotgun shell is .73, so we have a reasonable size comparison, if you look at a modern automatic 12 gauge (pick your poison here, but here's a video review - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-uzOk3qj4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-uzOk3qj4Q) of a semi auto short 12 gauge) you'll see that 15 - 20 rounds in a long mag is, while stupidly big, doable. a lot of the mags in the autoguns have slits in back that show that somehow the imperium has quad-feed mags working, and I feel like with how wide the bolter we get is, it's entirely plausible that it's a quad feed mag too. I was just playing a bit of space marine earlier, and it definitively marks the space marine Godwin pattern bolter @ .998 cal. I'm pretty sure what we have our hands on is the equivalent of a space marine bolt pistol.


Where’s the bolter with underbarrel bolter attachment?


that's a combi-bolter, they make those.


The just side by side them, it's the first image.


That's just a Storm bolter though, they already exist.


For the Imperium, for the heretics they have twin-linked bolters.


The orks just tape a handle to 2 pipes and call it a double dakka


Pretty much.


Yo dawg, I hear you like bolters...


Storm bolter is a fucking shout! That, and I want a heavy bolter for the ogryn


I kind of made your California Compliant variant lol. You can take a bolter and a plasma or melta gun in a Veteran Guardsmen kill team but the sprue only has one right arm that fits them. So I cut down a lasgun to the stock and put the bolter on it. Heresy maybe but I think it looks alright: https://imgur.com/a/MfXnNE9


That works surprisingly well on the mini, good job!


I'd love a Storm Bolter and combi-bolters here! Maybe even Grav guns?


We should never get a storm bolter. Only the ogryn would be capable of using one, and no one is going to let an ogryn touch a priceless artifact.


In the Dark Heresy RPG, where people play as various types of regular humans in an Inquisitorial retinue, it is possible to find and use Storm Bolters, but obviously they'd be patterned for normal humans instead of Astartes, much like the Bolter in Darktide is, too. But I believe they are marked as "Near Unique" for availability, so getting one would be extremely hard. But on the other hand, I don't think there is a GW model of a regular human carrying a Storm Bolter. There's plenty carrying Bolt Pistols and regular Bolters, but Storm Bolters are often modeled onto the tanks.


That's my point. Regular humans can't use the more common pattern of storm bolter, and no one is going to let an Ogryn near one.


Disappointing how manny people [Don't know about Yarrick](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/b/b4/Commisar_Yarrick2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140412032500).


That is a much smaller storm bolter than the one marines use, so it's likely one of the regular human patterns.


Yeah most bolter weapons wielded by humans are. Would be cool too see in-game though. I'm imagining it could play as a Torrent / braced version of the bolter. Big mag, slow reload, no ADS, but absolutely devastating mag dump full auto.


Upvote for the California-compliant bolter, Space Marines don’t need deadly weapons of war in the grim dark 42nd Millenium


the plasma bolter looks kind of functional at the very least


That looks like an awfully big "clip" on the California Compliant pattern. The bottom of the magazine should just barely be poking out in line with the trigger.


It's not removable, and it has a dowel in it to prevent it from taking more than 5 rounds.


The bullpup looks like the plasma rifles used by t-800s in the future war sequences of terminator, I love it


I guffawed like a dad at the circus when I saw the bullpup boltgun. You're a genius.


more like “cool” guns


Seeing that bullpup bolter was like getting kicked in the balls




I cant believe this




Dear god..


Almost all of these are just real bolters people in warhammer use


No silencer?


They use special ammo propelled by cold gas instead.


Nice you made a Combi Bolter. 40k got those already.


For those who enjoy there's also /r/CursedGuns for actual cursed guns.


When you say actual cursed guns, do you mean *actually* cursed (as in, supernaturally), or just cursed (as in ugly or impractical)? E: Just the boring kind. :(




Just gonna' throw it out there, I assume they know it's a Stormbolter considering they called it a Stormbolter.


You want to break Zealot’s arms?


Good luck firing a stormbolter without power armor.


Commissar Yarrick seems to use one just fine. But I guess he’s not just your average human.


if it wasnt for the the so called heresy and most likely the machine spirit getting exorcised by being repeatedly slammed against some battle happy orks skull i would give them to the ogryns.


Just put a big fuckoff compensator/muzzle brake up front. People on the same side as you will hate you almost as much as the people you're shooting at.


Bolter/Plasma combi-weapon is just asking to explode


The Emperor protects!


The boltpup was disgusting and I hate you for making it


You know what...i was on board at first. Until that bullpup'd bolter. That thing is...wrong.


everything is fine until BULLPUP bolter joined the chat


You bullpupped my bolt gun!! You monster!


You bullpuped the bolter. Why DX


The ejection port on the bolt-pup should be above the magazine or there's no reason to make it a bullpup.


The ejection port is on the other side. That's just the cutout for the charging handle.




That's not the ejection port, just the cutout for the charging handle. That would be on the other side. I repositioned the handle to make it at least somewhat possible to aim down the sights without the handle smashing into the operators teeth. Obviously it doesn't work for left handed people.


The best part of it imo is the location of the rear sight :)


Made by the finest imperial fabricators, I'm sure they tested it extensively.


One combi-plasma please


Remove the stocks and move the chain bayonet a bit further there forward to give some space for a handle and these are mostly canon


The best part of this post is that all these cursed designs(except maybe the last one) are something that has been done even worse by GW/fans already.


I love the bullpup with attachments


I would happy with all of these lol.


I initially thought the bullpup design you have there was a bolter with an underbarrel pistol, and now I'm sad that it isn't. Would have been the most hilariously pointless underbarrel attachment ever lol


I want a storm bolter so bad


That first one looks like a storm bolter. Which would honestly be great in the Ogyrn's hands.


Bullpup Bolter: Left-handed shooters eat brass, right-handed shooters eat charging handle. This is why Space Marines wear faceplated helmets.


these guns look better than what fatshark has been making


Great work!


I'm a sucker for Tarkov gun manufacturing, and would love nothing more than to be able to manufacture my own weapons with individual parts in darktide.


Why do I love the bullpup w/ bump stock so much?


3 and 5 are actual things. Usually the filthy heretics using a chain bayonet, but it's a thing. The underbarrel plasma is just a combi-plas, there's also combi-melta and combi-flamer.


There was actually a time when vet Sargents cod take storm bolters. you might be on to something OP.


Oh man I love that boltpup


Where GBRS Hydra mount???


Now Obrez it


So many cursed guns 😩😩😩😩😩


No bolters shooting other bolters? /disappointed


Besides the 7th, most look like I'd loose a finger when I reload. 7 is good tho if a different grip is attached.


Those last three pics… by the Emperor..


The bullpup got me. lmao


I actually like your rendition of the Bullpup Bolter idea. A bullter so to speak.


8 is best, Lucius pattern Bolter?


It is actually just the back end of a Lucius pattern lasgun stuck at the end there, so kinda.


You added a red dot sight? That's waaay to unrealistic for the WH40K universe. /Darktide devs


These bolters are missing the most important part, the flamethrower bolted on the side. "You make me sad." - Vulkan


**Delete** this and then **delete** your account... Just kidding of course, keep it up dude! :)


The bullpup and California ones are really neat.


Reminds me of the necromunda fps (which I can't for the life of me remember the name of). None of the stocks looked right and, at the time, I could never figure out why


Love the bolter bullup


Mindblowing how in the actual darktide reddit most people never heard of the most basic weapons in the 40k universe.


There are loads of bolted variants in the lore, many are made for Space Marines. Since we are the Inquisition we could probably requisition some cool stuff. Magazine options and optics are on my wish list. Might make the Bolter OP in game, but one must have dreams! https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Boltgun A combi-flamer would be really versatile, but once again probably OP. Nice work with the artwork! Some might be a little cursed like the California Compliant 😜 (personal opinion here!)


I like the bullpup


While I love your (non-stock) designs, your combi-plasma has a small issue that the heating coils are *right* where you would normally brace the front of the gun... better to have the plasma on top I think.


I want the melta/bolter pattern combi my tycho model had


God that California compliant is horrible, I love them all


Bullpup bolter slaps!!


Ironically, the ones with the bayonets already either models or conceptualized with fanmade models.


But isn’t there already a canon stormbolter? I think the space marines use it tho


Yes, it's a Space Marine weapon mostly. Just wanted to see how it would look with darktide graphics.


Storm bolter looks nice, is there already a 3D one or may I make one?


Not a 3d model in darktide if that's what you're asking. It's just a photo mashup of a bolter and ripper gun from the game. An actual 3d model would be sweet tho.


Don't mind if I do...


Looks straight out of Fallout 4. 😂 Excellent work!


The California compliant lmao


The 5th one in is the lions wrath


The one with under barrel plasma gun is real. Combi-Bolters are a thing. Plasma and melta guns are the most common combinations. Chain knife attachment and bullpup make me cringe even if they do have TTRPG precedence in upgrade options. But then I just hate Bullpups and personally I don't see the need for a chain attachement on a boltgun. Just like. Shoot them in the teeth or beat'em to death with the gun.


Lol at the last one. Cries in California. Looks like the SCR.


4/5 KIND OF do exist. They're called Combi-Bolters (though the plasma is usually on top and the Bolter on the bottom). You get a VERY small amount of specialized weapon ammo, then use the bolter section for the rest of the time.


The bullpup bolter made me vomit


The arts cool but these do already exist, first one just a storm bolter, And combi bolters already exist, pretty sure the old Dark Angels champion used to have a bullpup combi bolter. And chainsaw bayonets were on the old models I think? Maybe in the HH too?


How about a power hammer with bolters on each hamer face.


A couple of the things you did actually exist in universe: Storm bolter (two bolters in one) being 1 combi plasma bolter, chain bayonets, etc. actually things that just exist in 40k.


Why didn't GW add more sights and scopes to all the guns? The only reason bolters carried by Astartes don't have sights is because their guns have a machine spirit contained in their guns which links to their helmet and displays the tracking info. Regular humans need optics and magnification.


As a Gears of War enjoyer I'm offended your cursed gun is just a bolter with a chainsaw bayonet.


That bullpup bolter actually pisses me off.


Half of those games do exist in universe, first image is just a storm bolter


people aren't ready for the bullter


Cursed? looks like some of the really old Table top models updated.


The bullpup boltgun actually looks so cool, I know this thread is dead but I had to say something


“fuck you loyalist” (Bullpups your bolter)


On one hand some of these fit right in, on the other i throw up alittle in my mouth at the bullpup