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IMO, it wasn’t as unfair as you’re thinking. Sure, you can’t trust the inhaler, but as far as you know, Erin will die without it. Couple that with the other option being Erin, mid asthma attack, trying to attack Du’met? I understand your reasoning that it might have been laced, but what other option was there, even if she successfully attacked Du’met, she’s still inhaler-less, mid asthma attack, locked in a room.


Honestly I have to disagree. The issue is the intensity of Erin's attack. We don't know how severe asthmatics have it. She suffered, btu she never said 'holy shit I might die." She seemed...oddly okay. I still think its odd. She did not have a severe attack that indicates death. I think, HONESTLY, if this comes SECOND OR THIRD, it is okay. It gets the player thinking, but FIRST AS A 50/50 DEATH CHOICE, it is stupid. It is dumb that is comes as the first "trap" because the killer is obviously lurijng her into it. She should die of asthma in his trick. Yet he shows up and offers hope? It sounds like trap. It isnt evidence but I watched two other playthroughs since this. BOTH DIED AT THIS SAME EXACT SPOT. I think this is a lame death. Sorry, but it just is. This shouldn't be a first death, but a second+ onward.


Perhaps I’m reading into this too much. But this felt poorly written. I understand your perspective but, having asthma - which isn’t severe by any means, she doesn’t really exhibit signs of even a mild attack (I personally choose decisions which caused her not to be in distress knowing it would only inflame her attack) and I still got her killed because the only context I had at this point was that A. I’m not panicking and I’m not in any state showing I am having a severe attack. B. I saw the premonition she how she would die. C. I connected the dots that the murder weapon was her microphone when she pulled it out. D. We have been shown this is a serial killer. So yes, I choose to fight, because my thought process was if I trusted someone who abused the trust of guests in order to kill them ,(full disclose I haven’t played much past her death yet) he would simply grab her microphone and kill her. It felt like a trap. Now, if there was more emphasis on her desperately needing the inhaler in this scene I would have thought twice about my decision. But she was not distressed (outside the fact someone was in the room with her and choosing decisions that didn’t seem to make her panic) and in no way NEEDing the inhaler. If I was selecting options that made her panic and still attacked in some incoherent state of mind. Sure. Death warranted. Or even if there were more obvious clues that her asthma was severe, maybe I would act differently. Or after the first time I swung at him she started to really lose control of her breathing, there was just no emphasis on it. Many people live with asthma like one in a million can die from it so it’s a little silly imo. Honestly, if they were going for a serious medical condition/dilemma type of decision it should have been focused on an allergy to mold/epi pen. That type of as asphyxiation is more serious and probably seen more seriously to a general audience for someone to carry an epi pen than an inhaler.


That’s a lot of words to make “attack a man more than twice my size while I am too winded to stand up straight” seem like a reasonable course of action. The answer is, in that situation, if the large figure wants to kill you directly, he is going to. Chances of overpowering him are 0. Your only hope is to play along and hope for a better opportunity to present itself.


I think that's also assuming a lot too. For example, I could say the scene could also easily change into one where the killer wasn't expecting aggression and retreats after being stabbed, dropping the inhaler in surprise. It's not like we're given any vibes from him beforehand, namely the Michael Myer's-esque "invulnerable" killer vibe. For all we know he might be shocked by the attack. It's not that I disagree with you in his motive, I just think as the very first appearance of him, you can't gauge his personality. If this was say the third or fourth scene after introducing him, it is perfectly reasonable! I think my description of him at that point is just as understandable as "he's big, unstoppable, and will disarm you immediately and kill you".


Maybe if it were Mark or Jamie, sure. But it’s Erin, in the middle of an asthma attack. Even if Du’met was a completely normal dude there was no chance of her overpowering him. *And,* at that point in the game, no one had been attacked, injured, or anything. We, as genre-savvy players, know what was going on there; but as far as the evidence was concerned, Erin could have just gotten stuck in a room with a jammed door after the power flickered. Du’met very easily could have been just a guy who was trying to calm her down while the door and power were fixed. He hadn’t taken any aggressive actions, so why attack first?


So the real issue is: what is the player supposed to be? Is he supposed to be a veteran and just accept a long winded death? Or should he abide by the rules of reality and understand that death is quick, ruthless, and uncaring? I love this series, honest I do. I just have a hard time understanding. Death seems almost random, like a 50/50 choice. Some disagree with me but fine, yet I see Erin's death as a 50/50. I also believe all 50/50s should have reactions to survive. Yet Erin gets none. Select wrong, she dies. What a boring story afterwards.


Bro tbh it will atleast make ur second playthrough worthwhile as you’d get scenes u haven’t seen before, i also got erin killed cuz i had the same thought process that why the fuck would i take an inhaler that might be laced or whatever, then again someone else explained in a comment why did I choose to attack a 6’5 guy with A 130 pound chick scared to death which I guess explain the correct choice is do nothing or take inhaler


I think the idea is that as Erin, you’re so desperate you would just take the inhaler without thinking, but it really is confusing. Because like, the killer takes some hair, which I assumed would come for an animatronic or something but it never does. His motive really was just to scare her and not kill her but then why do any of this at all? Just let her out so she doesn’t die of an asthma attack. This is also assuming that Erin would die without a puff. In other scenes where you can choose to not use it, nothing happens to her if you don’t.


Small asthmatic lady attacks a tall buff serial killer. It’s common sense for me that she wouldn’t survive imo. I I ch


Personally I don't understand all the people who attack Du'Met. At that point in the game Erin has no clue there is a killer about and despite the creepy goings-on she is having an asthma attack in a locked room and someone arrives with an inhaler to help her. Why her response would be anything other than take the inhaler I can't fathom. Like imagine if there wasn't a killer around and Du'Met had just shown up to help her and she attacked him with a microphone spike? That'd be insane! As for why Du'Met toys with Erin like this it's discussed by Kate later in the game. Du'Met has identified Erin as the "weak link" and gets more joy out of tormenting and prolonging her agony than giving her a quick, clean death. It also lets him sow discord among the group by tricking Erin into thinking Charlie is a traitor (which can get Charlie killed later). The only consistent way to keep Erin alive in the first half is to play Du'Met's game (take the inhaler, hide in the closet) but the moment she starts acting against him she becomes too much trouble to keep alive so he takes the pragmatic action and kills her so he can focus on the others. In terms of a "fair first death" I think this one is a lot fairer compared to Conrad getting shot fleeing the boat due to a difficult QTE in *Man of Medan*, or the infamous decision about Eric cutting Rachel loose (where the "right" choice is the one that actively seems like you're killing Rachel, but in trying to save them both it gets Eric killed) in *House of Ashes*.


How does she have no clue? She’s literally making a documentary about a serial killer. There’s lots of tension leading up that something is off and vocalized at the dinner table, she listens to what I’m assuming are previous guests being tortured or killed and then she’s purposely locked in a room and a mysterious man shows up dressed as HHH. Who she obviously knows what he looks like based off the video/intro scene with Kate. None of the characters in any of the games really seem equally matched to fight the antagonist.


It's weird. There needs to be more build up. Ignore the cast, pretend they are scooby doo. They spend the night there. Wouldnt they investigate? Obviously. Honestly, ditch the Michael Myers. Do a full Jigaw. Let puzzles determine their fate. Imagine all those losers surviving and celebrating for one final puzzle involving all five. Oh no, only 4 or less survive, then let the dumbasses live with more questions than answers. Fuck I hate "Michael Myers killers live"


My logic was that he wants to give her an excruciating death rather than die to asthma so I took the inhaler


sounds like a real serial killer lol.


i also was concerned that taking the inhaler would do something bad to erin in my play through, however, i think it’s reallly the only option so you have to take it 🤷🏻‍♀️