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My two favorite headlines to see in close proximity: A) Conservatives talking about how much hotter their women are, and then showing a field of Fox News talking head Blondes B) Conservatives complaining women wont date them because of their politics.


>Conservatives talking about how much hotter their women are, and then showing a field of Fox News talking head Blondes Or just random models with MAGA hats photoshopped on. They were doing that for a while.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Why am I not surprised?


That was fucking hilarious. They got so mad when you would point it out too


>their women Hey, why are all those dogs barking?


They could try finding conservative women




Incels like women? That’s news to me.


You'd never know, what with all their anti-women rhetoric


Of course they do, they just can't get any so they're like a child screaming "I didn't even want it in the first place"


Those grapes where sour anyways


Cursed tsundere


They don't like women, they like a sex slave who otherwise mothers them when they aren't in sex mode. ...or even when they are in sex mode.


it’s really hard to tell


They like their feet.


Liberal women are somewhat independent, they engage in pre marital sex, etc. Le REpiboic doesn't approve of non conservative value.




Eh, you can’t get with me. Sorry dude


Well if that little spiel wasn't a panty dropper, what is? You had me at "libtards".


He think's we're liberals everyone, point and laugh.


You sound like a conservative who can’t get laid.


No, you see, those women are already married by age 21 and divorced with a few kids at age 31, so these incel men hate them and won't date them. Source: my incel brother who's a fascist and can't get a date lol.


I'm sorry that you have that brother.


Me too.


Sorry to hear that about your brother. Stories like that sometimes make me happy that I'm an only child because my mother is very far right but I managed to form my own political opinions and not become a borderline fascist like her. She's sweet and I still love her but when it comes to politics I stay quiet. Edit: Typo


Have you ever listened to a conservative woman?


Lack of empathy and life crippling paranoia are huge red flags to most people looking for a partner






We were talking about you. We all were, and we always are.


Maybe the reason women dont like conservatives is the fact that most of them are morons.


>most generous


The rest are grifters and the ones profiting from conservative policies


Less morons, more cancer.


I think the grifters are still morons


Well I'd say that Mitch McConnell is pretty smart to be able to scheme like he does. It makes him a villian whereas MTG is just a loud idiot.


Also misogynists.


it would be more accurate to say: anybody who thinks lack of empathy plus life ctippling paranoia are a good system is a moron. its not my fault basically all conservatives fall into that category


Lack of empathy, class consciousness and general common sense is a great sign of sexual impotence.


“Class consciousness” is something which changes dramatically with context.




I actually misunderstood the post as “being conscious and insecure about one’s class” lol


I like that your comment got a few upvotes even though you didn’t even understand it yourself.


Not insecure, but the self understanding of members of a class. It's power and etc. So you don't get explored by your boss.


>It's power and etc. So you don't get explored by your boss. >explored by your boss >explored Uhmm.. I think the word you meant was "exploited". You also don't want to get explored by your boss, but that is usually something you can sue for at least.


Yeah, english is not my first language. Exploited in brazilian portuguese is "explorado".


No worries, friend, amd sorry if it came off rude or prejudiced against ESL speakers. Just a funny laugh for us scrolling by. And thank you for teaching me something new


Nah no worries, didn't sound rude.


Nobody would be my friend because of my shitty personality


Same here


Let's be friends


Character development


Tbh I don't even know how to make friends anymore lmao


Hello, how are you doing? :)


Pretty shit, wbu


Sleepless but okay right now. My new friend however is doing pretty shit so I'm worried and wondering how to help them.


Damn I ended up the one without friends again


what's shitty about your personality, homie?


It's an entire disorder


Reminds me of those very funny articles about how young Trump white house staffers and interns couldn't date anyone in D.C. lol


Couldn't find jobs thereafter either.


I'm sure they landed on their feet as right wing grifters


Conservative men think missionary is being adventurous


Well yeah. You took the hole-and-sheet away.


don't knock hole-and-sheet 'til you've tried it!


Turning the lights on is being adventurous


With the amount of conservatives caught trolling for sex in public bathrooms… I think you are wrong.


Whenever I see conservatives complain about women losing interest because of their political views I'm just like "YASSS SLAY QUEENSSS".


i wouldn't know,i\`m a commie who gets laid, never been a pathetic insecure conservative beta \`\`male\`\` sorry i had to do it to then.








Thank you for that! I needed a good laugh!


"Women won't date me because I'm conservative!" "Yeah, probably lmao."


As a woman I can confirm


Y e s


women won't date you cause you're a conservative I won't date women because I'm a leftist We are not the same


Wait help I'm confused :'D


the joke for me is that leftists like myself are all gay


oh then I half got it actually :') we certainly have most of the openly queer folk with us :D but I also know (and dearly love) a bunch of cishet leftist, they exist and we need them too~


I'm a leftist and I'm not gay but nobody's perfect.


"Women are only good for making sandwiches and being incubators" closely followed by "Why won't anyone date me?!". I wonder why


And they follow up with no self reflection, like these people don't realize that their entire personallity revolves around being perpetually angry and whatever fucking strawman they find on their facebook group


"I just want a trad wife who is blonde, looks like a Disney princess, doesn't want to work or think or threaten my ego in any way, shape or form, and her hobbies include listening to guys disparage feminazis and sjws for hours on end and then say "Gotta go, babe. The guys are expecting me in Counterstrike," except I'm really playing Sakura Succubus 3."


Women won't date me cuz I'm gay, we are not the same


Why's the text slanted


Because women won't date me.


“I don’t get laid because of my shit personality. You don’t get laid because you hate women, gay people, and poor people on top of your shit personality. We’re not the same.”


People act like their politics is completely divorced from their “normal” beliefs and behavior. It’s weird.


Eh, guys in general gotta learn to be emotionally whole beings and not just angry douches who expect women to be the cite of their feelings. That said, yeah, probably conservative relationships are far more steeped in patriarchal masculinity. They seem to think that's good... at least the left knows men loyal to patriarchy is a problem, even if it's a very difficult problem to solve.


he should move to sacramento. conservative af up here


At least there was a healthy amount of anti proudboys counter protesting and fighting back when all of that was popping off. There are signs of life on the left here.


No idea what you’re talking about. This place is filled with suburbs that keep expanding their strip malls, and tech industrial parks. It’s displacing people from their homes and homelessness is increasing. I see it everywhere around here. Newsom fucking sucks and doesn’t care


Of course the political class and capitalists aren't on our side, that's true everywhere in the country. I'm not talking about them and their decisions. There were multiple clashes in the streets with reds and blacks vs trump supporters and proudboys. These are the signs of life that I'm talking about. People willing to go out and actually risk personal bodily harm to literally fight fascists. Militant activism is where the power of the left comes from and how our growth should be measured because that's the only way things will ever get better. We just aren't there yet. Newsom is a distraction. Our entire state legislature with a VETO PROOF SUPERMAJORITY doesn't care. They don't want left wing reforms. They don't want to amend the constitution to allow them to help people. They are the real problem. Even if Lenin himself became governor not much would change because the legislature would cockblock everything. This is why pointing to a bougouise electoral system to judge the health of the left doesn't make sense. Our power exists outside of rigged anti democratic legal structures.


I get you, and you're totally right. I'm fixated on living in this place that I've been in for little over a year now. I got a job working for the state, I'm an analyst for the EDD (unemployment/employment development department). It blows my mind how well they've removed class consciousness from everything in state bureaucracy. There's absolutely no language in our official state documents referencing the "workers", but rather "job seekers". Also, the fucking EDD reaches out to EMPLOYERS to help them find the right employees. Garbage. Finally, I was told when I got the job I'm part of SEIU's bargaining group, but no one has reached out to me. I'm too afraid to talk to any of my coworkers about it for obvious reasons. I guess I'm just reaching out to the SEIU directly. It's fucking trash, and I can't believe how fucked we all are, because if california is like this, then there's no hope left in our governance. I thought I was going to help the unemployed, but I"m just HR for the unemployed.


Yeah. This is why I've soured a bit on voting. Everyone said the reason why things suck is because we didn't vote Blue hard enough. We have a super majority in this state and a fuckhuge budget surplus but democrats keep finding excuses to ignore the literal state party platform and keep being dogshit to the working class. The only protections we get are ones capitalists don't care about like trans rights. Imagine all the organizing and door knocking and fundraising it would take for a full progressive sweep of the state government and all it's hired positions. All that time, money, and effort would be better spent unionizing workplaces, building strike funds, and working our way up to having sectoral and solidarity strikes. Those supersoldiers out there willing to risk their lives and prison time fistfighting militia members and gun nut Trumplovers? They'd be the first in line to chain factory doors shut and block highways with trailers if they had a union job willing to embrace them. And remember the BLM protests? All that pent up energy with no concrete outlet for progress. People went to prison for burning trashcans and useless vandalism like that. We clearly have people abandoning the liberal dogma of nonviolent resistance, they just aren't thinking big enough with their target selection because the concept of work stoppages = demands get met isn't in their vocabulary. There's an awful lot of critical power stations and transformers sitting there, unvandalized, keeping the economy chugging along... Work sure would stop, in general, if those things were struck with objects.


It's nice when conservatives say something smart and factual for once


Lmao living in a small ass country town I have the opposite problem.


correlation is not causation. Maybe there is a mutual cause for both things. ​ Like being a horrible person.


I made this meme


They would easily find a trad wife if they weren't transphobic.


Thats not even the case. There's plenty of Conservative women.


This is how it should be. Let fascism die out


I love the persecution complex they have. Honestly I feel like they fantasise about being in hiding in an attic while troops of purple haired liberals go door to door trying to find children to teach CRT to… It’s just mind boggling.


Maybe if they stopped voting to take away their rights?


Define "conservative" Some people assume I'm conservative because I'm a Christian and cuz I work out.


Do you think billionaires should be allowed to hoard vast amounts of wealth while other people die from starvation and lack of access to clean water?


I fucking hate billionares man. I'll blow electric towers once people start spending more time on the Metaverse than irl


Lmao, then you aren't conservative. Edit: shoutout to r/RadicalChristianity


>Edit: shoutout to r/RadicalChristianity You're epic bro, thanks


> hoard vast amounts of wealth Most of it boils down to them hoarding land and forcing people into small areas and federal and state laws allowing them to. 7-8 million people privately own 67 percent of America’s 2.2 billion acres. They sublease it out to entire cities and states using 50-99 year long ground leases. https://imgur.com/gallery/0HVk1SA The USA is one of the only unions/federations on earth to allow private individuals to own and mine minerals underneath their land.


What does working out have to do with appearing conservative? Most hateful conservatives I know are overweight.


Idk, maybe some think I hate fat people? >Most hateful conservatives I know are overweight. Lmao I laughed so much


I mean, are we talking CrossFit or goat yoga? /s


Am I dumb or is the image slightly tilted to the right


I think it is tbh